Bernie Sanders: "White People Don't Know What it's Like to be Poor"


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
More of the ridiculous delusion of the left - all white people apparently are not nor have never been poor, had any sort of difficulty in life or oppressed. This all out assault on the white race is disgusting and totally sanctioned by the pigs in the media and the idiots in the power. Playing up the mythical white privilege card to appease to the minorities and dumb self-hating white liberal trash. I want to punch that old commie SOB in the face.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
A majority of the poor people in the U.S. are White. At least that was long the case; it may not be now given the rapid decline in the White population engineered by Democrats and Republicans.

No one cares about poor Whites. White liberals despise "flyover country," especially poor and "backward" Whites. Remember: Under cultural communism Whites can only have negative characteristics and deserve everything that's coming to them, they can never be shown any sympathy or empathy.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
No one cares about poor whites indeed. Wealthier city whites often refer to poor whites as "white trash" "trailer trash" "rednecks" , etc. Money is what keeps upper class whites United, most don't give a Damn about their race . Screw Bernie he's a liberal Jew that lives in Lilly white NH. He knows nothing of working class white people.


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
Too bad the Jewsa won't let poor whites from S. Africa and Eastern Europe immigrate here. Only Brown's and blacks allowed apparently. Muslims are welcomed with open arms while whites in S. Africa live in squatter camps with no water,living in constant fear of being attacked by Africans hell bent on destroying them. The lunacy.

* Also plenty of poor Americans essentially in the rust belt , Appalachia, down south, all over. Middle class shrinks as does white population.
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Feb 23, 2013
New York
This little old swindler Bernie has never done any physical work and probably not done much of any work his entire life and he dares scold whites about not knowing what it is like to be poor? What a weak little weasel. I grew up in an isolated rural farming area most would not even know existed where my family lived directly out of a vegetable garden for six months of the year. I do not know if any social assistance was available to be had back then but my parents would have had none of it anyway. Until I was old enough to make my own money I was poor and without and I knew it. We caught bass, perch, pike, and, when lucky enough whitefish which we smoked. For meat we shot rabbits and partridge. We did not give a damn about licenses and hardly knew they existed. Sometimes a neighbor who worked a beef farm would give my father a big beef roast in exchange for something and would we dine. My brothers and I would collect beer and pop bottles which we found in the ditches by the roads tossed out of the windows of cars; we would return them to an outfitters' general store for coins to buy cookies for breakfast and marshmallows to burn on outdoor fires. We had two pairs of shoes a year; one hard-soled for school and a really cheap pair of court shoes for play. In the summer months we would walk about as much we could bare foot to save our shoes because there was no money to buy us another. We did not have running water during the hottest months one year so my brothers and a sister hitchhiked six miles down a gravel road to go swimming to wash ourselves because my father was working and no one else would drive us; when there were no cars we walked it with deer flies constantly getting into our hair while we walked in the sun and mosquitoes nagging us in the shade. I remember my older brother, who was very rough on his shoes, would wear his out so badly he was bare foot far all of August one year until he returned to school in September. He would hobble along the gravel road into town on his calloused bare feet far behind us. He looked so brown from being in the sun all day and so dirty sometimes drivers would not stop to give him a ride.

We did not steal because stealing was bad and wrong. Now I have plenty and all of it I have worked for and worked hard for. I have made a pledge to myself to never collect a government pension. I will take care of myself, no thanks, I do not want the benefit. And this dirty little old leach, this vermin, thinks Whites owe a debt to society for being privileged?


Hall of Famer
Oct 30, 2004
United States
Bernie the Bolshevik is wilfully ignorant of people like you and the old America that had people like you and your family. He has to ignore it. It doesn't his agenda, nor those who want his handouts. Cheers to you bro.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
A majority of the poor people in the U.S. are White. At least that was long the case; it may not be now given the rapid decline in the White population engineered by Democrats and Republicans.

No one cares about poor Whites. White liberals despise "flyover country," especially poor and "backward" Whites. Remember: Under cultural communism Whites can only have negative characteristics and deserve everything that's coming to them, they can never be shown any sympathy or empathy.

As usual, Don’s right, and here are the numbers…

There are approximately 232 million white people in the US, with approximately 10% that live below the poverty line. That means that about 23 million whites that are considered “poor.”

There are approximately 42 million black people in the US, with approximately 26% that live below the poverty line. That means that about 11 million blacks that are considered “poor.”

So who really “knows what it’s like” to be poor? In terms of wealth per capita by race, whites rank 4th behind Jews, Indians, and Asians. “White privilege,” indeed.

The most ironic and maddening portion of Bolshevik Bernie’s ultra-ignorant, anti-white tirade is when he points to himself every time he says “when you’re white.” Does that mean the little urchin considers himself “white?” This vile little Jew-boy spent his formative years protesting segregation, organizing Socialist/Communist Party events, protesting police brutality, marching with the arch adulterer, “Dr.” King, participating in Sit-Ins, etc. Here's the Homo Heeb being arrested for his Negro-loving ways back in 1963...


Like most whites, I spent my formative years working on my parent's farm, bailing hay, laying blacktop, working in chicken houses, cutting firewood, working on cars, scrapping metal for $, flipping beaters cars for $, working in restaurants and grocery stores, and sleeping in my car in parking lots at Penn State because I couldn’t afford to dorm. I'm almost 30, I'm doing much better financially, but I still do most of this stuff to stay ahead.
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Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
Perhaps the nasty Jewish Supremacist Sanders should have said "Jewish White people like me don't know what it's like to be poor"

I grew up poor. We lived in an economically depressed area far from any sizable city. As a family, we really couldn't move to "greener pastures" for several reasons. My father's injuries in WW II caused permanent disabilities (which became more debilitating when he was in his 40s, and so he wasn't able to work very much and drank more often. He had been a good soldier, winning a lot of medals in the war but suffered chronic back injury, loss of hearing from being near explosions and probably psychological damage). My parents were too proud to accept welfare or any kind of charity. I was already well into my teens when my father finally received a disabled war veterans' pension.

I took whatever work I could find as a boy, helping in the hayfields and collecting bottles and scrap metal.

What I remember most from my childhood is the COLD. We just had a wood stove in our old house, no other heating. I woke up with a severe chill every morning from October until April, and dreaded the coming of winter each year. The winters are long, snowy and frigid in that part of Canada, the Negroes who grew up the big American cities were actually much better off, living in a milder climate and having proper heating in their units (and having more to do and better opportunities in the big cities). We did have electricity for lights and a small TV, but we had no running water - I never had the experience of taking a shower until I was in my late teens, and to this very day, it's always seemed like a luxury to me!

I moved to a more prosperous area as a young adult.
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Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Perhaps the nasty Jewish Supremacist Sanders should have said "Jewish White people like me don't know what it's like to be poor"

I grew up poor. We lived in an economically depressed area far from any sizable city. As a family, we really couldn't move to "greener pastures" for several reasons. My father's injuries in WW II caused permanent disabilities (which became more debilitating when he was in his 40s, and so he wasn't able to work very much and drank more often. He had been a good soldier, winning a lot of medals in the war but suffered chronic back injury, loss of hearing from being near explosions and probably psychological damage). My parents were too proud to accept welfare or any kind of charity. I was already well into my teens when my father finally received a disabled war veterans' pension.

I took whatever work I could find as an older boy, helping in the hayfields and collecting bottles and scrap metal.

What I remember most from my childhood is the COLD. We just had a wood stove in our old house, no other heating. I woke up with a severe chill every morning from October until April, and dreaded the coming of winter each year. The winters are long, snowy and frigid in that part of Canada, the Negroes who grew up the big American cities were actually much better off, living in a milder climate and having proper heating in their units (and having more to do and better opportunities in the big cities). We did have electricity for lights and a small TV, but we had no running water - I never had the experience of taking a shower until I was in my late teens, and to this very day, it's always seemed like a luxury to me!

I moved to a more prosperous area as a young adult.

Interesting story. Sorry to hear about your difficult childhood.

I'd dare that idiot to step foot in the Appalachians in West Virginia and then come back to me and tell me white people aren't poor.


Hall of Famer
Jan 19, 2007
^^ I hope those law dogs laid an @$$ whoopin' on ol' Bolshevik Bernie. ;-)

That rootless cosmopolitan is full of beans. My Dad & his father grew up without much. Dad's Pa was KIA'd in Korea. Dad got his first job at 11 & was on his own at 18 (...before going to Viet Nam). My (paternal) Grandad grew up on a farm...working from "can to can't". With just a 5th grade education, he went on to work 30+ years for Ford. All three of fine men were 10x the (real) men that Bolshevik Bernie & his ilk could ever hope to be!