Still I was glad to see the guy, and meet his family. We ate and reminisced awile, and then he puts a Lebron documentary on his giant tv. At this point I started making minor little comments about how I think Lebron is slightly over rated. His face showed he didnt like that. As the documentary went on he just kept praising him to the point of worship. Eventually he made the comment, and Ill never forget this "Id let Lebron knock my wife up if we got to raise the kid as our own".
At that point I laughed out loud, shook his hand, told him it was good to see him thanks for the hospitality, and left that house and havent contacted that cuckold since.
It’s revolting enough that this chemically-imbalanced reject would even conceive such a vile brainwave…let alone express it aloud to anyone, especially an old friend he hadn’t seen in years. I contend that if some “great human soul audit” were to ever occur on this planet, the white race would need to purge 70-80% of its ranks.
I recently visited a friend from college because he just had his first child (a boy). The boy’s room was painted a combination of black and gold. The walls were equipped with about 6 or 7 large posters of former and current non-white Pittsburgh Steeler players (Jerome Bettis, Greg Lloyd, Casey Hampton, James Harrison, Troy Polamalu, Ryan Clark, James Farrior, etc), Steeler pennants, bed sheets, blankets, lamps, baby clothes that read
“future Steeler fan,” etc. In a pathetic shrine above the baby’s crib was, of all things, a framed Kordell Stewart jersey.
I immediately went into “Caste Football Mode” and asked him if he has any posters of Bill Cohwer kissing Kordell or Joey Porter. Naturally, he’d never heard the widespread rumors that Kordell and Cohwer were homosexual lovers, and he’d never seen Cohwer kissing any players...
I also kept poking fun at Casey Hampton and Jerome Bettis’ respective weight problems, Troy Polamalu’s comical frailty, and Grey Lloyd’s supremely-racist
“Real Men Are Black” t-shirt. In an effort to further humiliate him, I also kept referencing the 2011-2012 Steeler roster, which set an all-time NFL record for lowest number of white players (fluctuating from 7 to 8), how the Rooneys are militant liberals and anti-white Marxists, and Kevin Colbert and Mike Tomlin discriminate against white players. He just accepted my abuse of his favorite corporation and wouldn’t respond...probably because all of those unpleasant little facts were previously unknown to him. Hey, at least he wasn’t as racially-obtuse as this inert-souled supporter of “Zulu Nation”…