"Average American" is Dying Off

Its seems that they write about the declining white population and birthrates with glee. I'm going to do my part to see that it doesn't happen the way they want it to.
Typical cultural Marxist leaning propaganda...glorifying every ethnic group & race...except for Whites.
Western civilization is under duress by design...Whites need to marry and bear children, or we'll be the minority alot sooner than later.
Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Guys, this is absolutely getting old. I've been seeing this sort of stuff since the mid 90's, and I can tell it's a deliberate effort time 'n time again to glorify multiculturalism.

When wonderful white folks like the Osmond family and the Duggar Family (who are proudly displaying their 19 children), I think there is an unseen number of white families who actually have many children. Even the backstabbing Kennedy family has many white children.

Oh, I forget, there is another big white family called the Cherneko family that has 17 children. So... articles like this are extremely obvious anti-white propagandas by the crazy left-wingers. Even old-school liberal white folks are actually proud of their white heritage.Edited by: j41181
Some former White NBA players with many white children:

John Stockton - 6
Shawn Bradley - 6
Danny Ainge - 6
Keith Van Horn - 4
Jeff Hornacek - 3
Jack Skima - 3
Kevin McHale - 5
Bill Walton - 4
That article celebrates the coming displacement of whites and what makes it even more sickenning is the just realization of what will be lost.So its to be celebrated that the average American in 50 years will be browner,less intelligent,physically smaller, and aesthetically and physically less attractive.If theirs still a vibrant entertainment culture in 70 years they will have to employ all their actresses and models from Europe similar to what they do in Mexico which the population of small mostly overweight brown skinned people wont object too in any way as they too would rather watch tall attractive blue eyed ivory skinned people on screen.Women that are not as beautiful,seductive ,sensuous or classy as their European counterparts is one symtom but an even more serious issue is the quality of life in the New America as these,the exploding demographics anyway dont have the same capacity for civilisation.I doubt it matters to them anyway.Its all about eradicating all vestiges of whiteness both culturally and physically which a poorer less cohesive and civilised nation takes a back seat too.
I don't buy into alot of this stuff. Whites might be on the decline in some European countries but in the US the white population is actually rising slightly.
wa33, are you trying to say that the white birthrate is increasing over what it was? I doubt it is, and there is really no other way to look at the white population and see an increase. With more and more unmarried couples/childless couples, not to mention single childless people, we cannot expect less than one quarter of the white population of the U.S. to have enough children to cause the overall birthrate goes up.
I am saying it is declining in many European countries, Russia especially. In some European countries the birth rate is keeping the population at about the same. In the US I read that the white population is increasing however only slighltly. The white population overall may be declining slightly but that doesn't mean white people will be extinct, at least not anytime soon. We have to look at other factors such as China, India, and other countries that have exploding populations. This is why whites are only 8 percent of the total world population today.
Thanks for the clarification. I've been distracted by no small amount of bad news today, so I'm not thinking as well as usual. I haven't looked at the numbers recently myself, but I know that the overall percentage of whites as part of the whole U.S. population continues to shrink. Our numbers could very well be increasing, but when compared to non-whites in the U.S., we're falling behind. Hence the predictions of a non-white U.S. majority by roughly 2045.
Brothers, i plan on having as many kids as possible. At the very least, if only us Caste Football guys carry this out with discipline, we will be making a difference. We will raise our kids not to hate their race and teach them that they too should have many children.
The impact will be tiny, but if it means there are 5 white kids in a school instead of just 1, it will be worthwhile.
lost said:
haveing more white kids? that not what's worng! white's not fighting back! "thats" whats worng!

Lost...milquetoast, castrated Whites not standing up for themselves/their race is indeed a huge problem. However, this blase attitude on marriage (for life) & having children is also a problem. Both of these issues are fostered by the Globalist Elite & their cultural Marxist & eugenics minded (ie - population reduction) agenda. We are inundated with propaganda bashing the traditional family...from envirofascist BS (ie - kids are "bad" for the environment) to Hollyweird's showing family life as mundane, boring, etc. It's all a means to neuter and control the populace!
Colonel I agree with you that the percentage of whites in the US is shrinking. Correct me If I am wrong but I think I remember reading that 50 years ago or so the US was 90 percent white. Massive immigration and astronomical birth rates by hispanics have changed that percentage to about a 66 percent white population in the US today. The white population of the world is supposedly 8 percent today from a high of 33 percent years ago. Like I said before the reasons for that are China's and India's population boom. They are developing countries so that is expected.

One more thing we have to ask when we look at these statistics is who was actually considered white when they figured 8 percent of the world's population is white.
Yep, the strictly white population in 1960 was 90%. In 1970, the U.S. was 87% white. In 1980 it was around 83%. In 1990 it was roughly 80%. By 2000 it was less than 75%.
I do know that in the US the white population is increasing but only slightly. While that isn't really positive news I guess it is better than nothing. The hispanic population continues to explode and as a result whites become a smaller and smaller portion of the US.
DixieDestroyer said:
lost said:
haveing more white kids? that not what's worng! white's not fighting back! "thats" whats worng!

Lost...milquetoast, castrated Whites not standing up for themselves/their race is indeed a huge problem. However, this blase attitude on marriage (for life) & having children is also a problem. Both of these issues are fostered by the Globalist Elite & their cultural Marxist & eugenics minded (ie - population reduction) agenda. We are inundated with propaganda bashing the traditional family...from envirofascist BS (ie - kids are "bad" for the environment) to Hollyweird's showing family life as mundane, boring, etc. It's all a means to neuter and control the populace!
Edited by: lost
Lost, you're welcome partner. I'm of the old-school mindset of marriage for life & big families ("Go Ye Forth and Multiply"). It's always challenging finding the right woman. From my perspective, it's good to envision yourself (& the gal) 10-15-25 years down the road. Consider how things would be with kids, (potential) financial hard times, struggles,etc...and evaluate if you think it would last. My (humble) advise is to put looks/lust further down on the priority list & bump up qualities like integrity/honesty, good sense, solid values, intelligence, compassion, work ethic and class. These are the factors that "should" remain as age sets in & the looks/(young) lust fades. Just my half-cent worth hombre!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
Lost, you're welcome partner. I'm of the old-school mindset of marriage for life & big families ("Go Ye Forth and Multiply"). It's always challenging finding the right woman. From my perspective, it's good to envision yourself (& the gal) 10-15-25 years down the road. Consider how things would be with kids, (potential) financial hard times, struggles,etc...and evaluate if you think it would last. My (humble) advise is to put looks/lust further down on the priority list & bump up qualities like integrity/honesty, good sense, solid values, intelligence, compassion, work ethic and class. These are the factors that "should" remain as age sets in & the looks/(young) lust fades. Just my half-cent worth hombre!

That's really awesome advice, man. I feel the same way...but I think my wife has it all! You're obviously a really smart guy, and I appreciate your posts. Keep up the great work, especially your constant funny "altering" of people's names, haha!
Whites are suffering from their own affluence. They'd rather spend their money on goods than children. Children are messy, noisy and expensive. There is a real anti-family/anti-children attitude out there among many whites, which I find selfish and anti-human. You also can't discount abortion as a factor in the decline of the white population, either.
Thanks Thrashen...I enjoy your passionate commentary as well partner!

Bronk, you're right on the money regarding the selfish, me-first, vanity-minded attitudes of far too many Whites. I find that mindset more prevalent amongst "lefties" & "cosmopolitans". The more blue-collar/down-to-earth, the less there is of that (racially determental attitude).

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
DixieDestroyer said:
I find that mindset more prevalent amongst "lefties" & "cosmopolitans".

I agree. You see it more often among them. They'd rather take trips to Rio De Janeiro and buy poorly constructed new homes in gated communities than even think about vacationing at grandma's and playing ball in the backyard.

But, selfishly speaking, what will their legacy be? Nothing. No one will remember them or their capuccino machines. All their fancy stuff will end up on the trash heap and their bodies will lie beneath cold gravestones unadorned with flowers.
Bronk said:
DixieDestroyer said:
I find that mindset more prevalent amongst "lefties" & "cosmopolitans".

I agree. You see it more often among them. They'd rather take trips to Rio De Janeiro and buy poorly constructed new homes in gated communities than even think about vacationing at grandma's and playing ball in the backyard.

But, selfishly speaking, what will their legacy be? Nothing. No one will remember them or their capuccino machines. All their fancy stuff will end up on the trash heap and their bodies will lie beneath cold gravestones unadorned with flowers.

Awesome post, Bronk!
American Freedom News