"Average American" is Dying Off

Bronk said:
Whites are suffering from their own affluence. They'd rather spend their money on goods than children. Children are messy, noisy and expensive. There is a real anti-family/anti-children attitude out there among many whites, which I find selfish and anti-human. You also can't discount abortion as a factor in the decline of the white population, either.

I never meet a young woman that wants to have kids. Never. Bring it up to them and they talk about it like it was a death sentence. When I was young if you asked girls what they want to do when they grew up 9 out of 10 of them would've said: get married and have kids. What the hell happened? Cultural marxism is what happened.

I talk to young woman at work, they hate their jobs and don't know what to do, so I tell them marry your damn boyfriend and have kids and hang around the house for a while. You would think I told them to commit suicide.

To me woman are just plain stupid. If I could walk away from my job and play with kids all day instead of dealing with the never ending bullsh*t of the work world I would do it in a minute.

But the tribe has done it's job well, they have convinced our women through constant propaganda that acting like a human female and reproducing is wrong, boring and bad. Thanks guys. Don't be surprised if it comes back around to you.
Jaxvid, I'm surprised you haven't met a young woman that wants kids eventually. It must be coinidence since I have met them before. Usually what I hear is that don't want to have kids too soon, but eventually they would. Actually, I think it's rare for women to say they don't want kids at all, but I have heard that before. Actually, I think in Sweden it's popular for women to say they never want kids, I saw that on discovery channel. They were pointing out the irony of human making a conscious choice to weed its genes out of existence, contrary to everything we are programmed at the DNA level to do.

I don't think all hope is lost with whites in America. Yes abortion has surely offed millions of white kids, but remember that it has disproportionately affected blacks. They have more kids on average, which is about 2.1 for blacks and 1.86 for whites (below replacement level) this is depending on what source you read. Either way support for and numbers of abortions peaked years ago and is slowly fading away.

The fertility rate fluctuates and I'm hoping it will increase for whites. Every normal person wants to survive first and foremost, and reproduce to contribute their legacy to future generations. Even someone like Angelina Jolie, a hot yet misguided white woman, said she didn't want any kids of her own, because that would be unfair to all the orphan kids in the world. So she adopted several non-white kids. But, ultimately she ended up having three kids with Brad Pitt. With all the white Hollywood celbrity women having kids, 90% of them with white men, it has made having kids seem "cool" again. I think it's possible for that to influence the birthrate in some way.

While I am very careful not to produce a kid before I'm married and ready for one, sometimes I feel like I should just go knock a few girls up to contribute to the population. But then I realize that could cause more harm than good, since those kids could become resentful of me and become whiggers, and ending up reproducing with blacks themselves. If all things go according to plan, I am opting for DixieDestroyer's method, except I will give a little on the personality side if the looks are incredible, but ideally I'll get both!
Yeah, I think women in these times want children in their late 20 or perferably in their early to mid thirties. I have met many of them. A here is a surprise most don't want anything to with blacks or affelets.!
My wife told me she wanted children soon after we started talking and I was glad to hear it. Of course we are waiting till our situation is a bit more stable, plus we've only been married a little over a year, so we've got time yet. Plus, she's almost 5 years younger than me.
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