Athlete Crime Thread

This is rich. Former crawford and affelet Donte Stallworth, who killed a man while DUI in 2009, got 24 days instead of the 15 you or me would have gotten was hired by the **** and dykes at Huffington Post as their.....get this "national security advisor/fellow"! The world is truly inside down with this buffoonery and AA hire.
This is rich. Former crawford and affelet Donte Stallworth, who killed a man while DUI in 2009, got 24 days instead of the 15 you or me would have gotten was hired by the **** and dykes at Huffington Post as their.....get this "national security advisor/fellow"! The world is truly inside down with this buffoonery and AA hire.

Well, of course Westside. This negro is a big supporter of homosexual marriage and homos in the NFL, so he had no problem getting hired at Puffington Post. Don't be surprised when he eventually comes out himself.
A couple of years ago they took down Joe Paternos statue due to his assist couch molesting boys. Last week the Raven erected a statue of Ray Lewis! An affelet who got away with murder by becoming a snitch on his cohorts in the crime. Now this video comes out with Rice playing the knocking out game with current wife. In CA, what he did was a felony. Spousal abuse that carries a 50,000.00 bail. What city was this? Why did the police not arrest? Why no trial?. Oh, my bad, he is an oppressed affelet making major dollar. Another day in Amerika, the slow slide continues.
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A couple of years ago they took down Joe Paternos statue due to his assist couch molesting boys. Last week the Raven erected a statue of Ray Lewis! An affelet who got away with murder by becoming a snitch on his cohorts in the crime. Now this video comes out with Rice playing the knocking out game with current wife. In CA, what he did was a felony. Spousal abuse that carries a 50,000.00 bail. What city was this? Why did the police not arrest? Why no trial?. Oh, my bad, he is an oppressed affelet making major dollar. Another day in Amerika, the slow slide continues.
I guess the Ravens felt the heat from normal fans and have now cut Rice. They knew erecting that statue to a murderer and keeping a felonious domestic violence suspect on the team was even too much for DWF nation to tolerate. Hence Rice was told to pack up his **** and vacate the premises.
Dwid he used a switch to whip him. Messed up considering he's a big man a simple firm spanking would be suffice.
This could become a big story, yet another black "hero" disgraced. Post about this in the existing Peterson thread, which details some of his past transgressions (but not the nightclub brawl he was in last year) that failed to knock him off the pedestal the system has placed him on:
It depends on the type of injuries he left on his son. If there is severe swelling, welts or broken skin, Peterson is toast.
It looks like the victim was knocked down and the five kicked him in the head while he was on the ground. This is a black custom.

No doubt 5 on 1s are nothing new to them.
Everyone's favorite black quarterback is back in the news today. "Jameez" Winston is under investigation for tanking the first half of the Louisville game in order to help an old HS teammate win a bet. Here is one account:

New reports have surfaced alleging Florida State quarterback Jameis Winston was involved in a point shaving scheme to help an old high school teammate win a $5,000 bet.

According to the report, Winston tanked the 1st half of the FSU vs. Louisville game on October 30th ... after his buddy Chris Rabb allegedly placed a bet for Louisville to be winning at halftime.

Winston's play in the 1st half was atrocious ... and FSU was down 21-7.

FSU eventually came back and won the game -- but according to the report, the final score had no bearing on Rabb's bet.

FYI -- point shaving is illegal and punishable by up to 5 years in prison.

So far, it's unclear if law enforcement is investigating -- but we're working to find out if that's the case.

7:55 AM PT -- We spoke with a rep for the FBI who tells us, "We are the agency that would investigate these claims."

However, when we asked if there was an active investigation into Jameis ... the FBI told us, "I can neither confirm nor deny that we are investigating allegations of point shaving."
If this is true, the guy is rotten to the core. And an idiot to boot. Maybe his electrifying stupidity will help him revolutionize the award by being the first winner to have it taken back from him.
Even if it isn't true it just goes to show that this guy's reputation precedes him.
If this is true, the guy is rotten to the core. And an idiot to boot. Maybe his electrifying stupidity will help him revolutionize the award by being the first winner to have it taken back from him.

Winston would be the second Heisman winner to have it taken back. Reggie Bush was the first.
Winston has become toxic. The Tom Iron theory proves itself to be true one again.
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