Athlete Crime Thread

Some of these mud whores have no self respect. Which again leads me to believe money is the motive.
If it was money, they'd find a rich White guy. They want attention. They want to feel self-righteous and anti-racist (which are basically the same thing). And most of all they want to "get back" at their White fathers.
No white man wants a constant reminder of a coal burners past.
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If it was money, they'd find a rich White guy. They want attention. They want to feel self-righteous and anti-racist (which are basically the same thing). And most of all they want to "get back" at their White fathers.
PamelaOC, you make points with you first 2 sentences, however, I could never understand the 3 point you state. I have heard this from both White men and women and just never understood the logic behind it. The White girl is raised by a racists/bad father. She becomes an adult and thinks, "Ok father, I will show you, I will date, hose or marry Tyrone. Score settled". Still have a hard time buying that. If you could elaborate further on it I would find it interesting.
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PamelaOC, you make points with you first 2 sentences, however, I could never understand the 3 point you state. I have heard this from both White men and women and just never understood the logic behind it. The White girl is raised by a racists/bad father. She becomes an adult and thinks, "Ok father, I will show you, I will date, hose or marry Tyrone. Score settled". Still have a hard time buying that. If you could elaborate further on it I would find it interesting.

I never said it was logical. :lol: It's extremely irrational. But that's the way they are. They want to hurt their fathers and they think that's the best way to do it.
If it was money, they'd find a rich White guy. They want attention. They want to feel self-righteous and anti-racist (which are basically the same thing). And most of all they want to "get back" at their White fathers.

It's some strange way it's probably a combination of a lot of things. Money, fame, attention, anti-racist, etc., but what I find most interesting at least where I from is the number of white guys who accept white girls back after they've either been in relationships with black guys or even married and then divorced from a black guy.

Every white woman I know who was in a relationship with a black man or was married to a black man is now married or dating white men. I know one white guy who has been divorced 2 times from women outside his race and is now on his 3rd marriage with another black woman, he's one of the exceptions! A lot of black women also want to find white men, at least those I come into contact with and they're aggressive about it too.

I believe black men are also very aggressive in their approach to white women, because they prefer them over their own race.

Most white guys are probably not as aggressive, because they feel theirs plenty of women to choose from and time to find the right woman. Whereas black men know most white women will have nothing to do with them, so they become more aggressive until they find the white girl who didn't get enough of their daddy's attention or who are seeking fame, money, feel guilty, whatever, name it.

It's difficult enough maintaining relationships period, much less dating or marrying outside one's race. The best advice I can give anyone, is to stay within your race.
University Of Oregon Allowed 3 Basketball Players Accused Of Gang Rape To Play March Madness


University of Oregon Gang Rape University of Oregon Rape Dominic Artis Uo Gang Rape Uo Rape University of Oregon Sexual Assault Breaking the Silence Brandon Austin University of Oregon Damyean Dotson

The University of Oregon allowed three players on its men's basketball team to play in the NCAA tournament in March despite allegations that they gang-raped a fellow student.
Dominic Artis, Damyean Dotson and Brandon Austin were named in a police report alleging they raped a female student on March 9 in multiple locations. The local prosecutor didn't charge any of the men with a crime and the allegations in the police report didn't receive widespread attention until this week, when the Eugene Police Department released its report.

Following the police report disclosure, the university said it learned of the alleged assault on March 9. The first Pac-12 tournament game was on March 12.

Oregon head coach Dana Altman knew of the investigation prior to the NCAA tournament, but allowed the players to play anyway, after getting approval by the university, according to the Oregonian.

The three men were dismissed from the university men's basketball team this week, the school announced Friday.

During a press conference on Friday, University of Oregon President Michael R. Gottfredson blamed the police for the university's failure to suspend the players or alert the community to the gang rape report.

"The Eugene Police Department requested we not do anything that might hinder their criminal investigation -- including suspending players or not playing them in a game," Gottfredson said. "We complied fully with that request, and appropriately so."

According to a redacted copy of the police report, published by the Oregonian, the rape victim didn't file a formal police report until March 13, a day after the Oregon Ducks defeated Oregon State University's team to advance in the Pac-12 tournament.

The women reported she was forcibly raped in the early hours of March 9 by Artis, Dotson and Austin. (Warning: police report is graphic.) The woman reported she was sexually assaulted in multiple locations by the men, and was placed in a chokehold and bitten.

Lane County District Attorney Alex Gardner decided against prosecuting, saying he determined there was insufficient evidence to "prove the allegations beyond a reasonable doubt."

In a lengthy statement this week, Gardner repeatedly blamed the victim for not taking action to stop the assault. The prosecutor raised the victim's sexual history as a reason for his decision not to prosecute. He noted that the "alleged victim had the opportunity to leave the party, or at least ask for help," that "there’s no evidence she was ever unconscious during the sex acts," and that her friends "describe her as friendly and flirtations." Gardner said the woman and the three alleged assailants agreed she began to cry during intercourse, which he said was "the first point at which suspects claim they realized she wasn’t 'in to it.'"

One of the players -- Austin, a sophomore from Philadelphia -- was accused in November of sexually assaulting a student at Providence College in Rhode Island. Austin, then a player for the Providence College basketball team, was alleged to have assaulted the student with a fellow team member. Both were suspended from the squad, and Austin transferred to Oregon. Rhode Island authorities continue investigating the assault, according to the Providence Journal.

University of Oregon students have held multiple rallies on campus this week, protesting the lack of information around the case and calling for more support for sexual assault victims.
Well today the media is in full scramble mood to save the career of Ray Rice who was caught on video knocking out his girlfriend, now wife, and dragging her limp body like you would drag a dead animal. In typical black afflete non-apology style Rice cries about "the situation" that he and his wife are in (note: no apology of his actions). Then, in classic style he has his wife publicly apologize for her actions with an begrudging angry look on her face - classic TV! Reminded me of Warren Moon trotting his wife out to the media to apologize for taking a beating from him. Only affletes can get away with this!
Notice how Rice never apologizes to his angry faced wife. LOL
Could you imagine if a white player were caught on video hitting a woman twice, knocking her out, and then dragging her in that fashion. That undoubtedly would be the end of their career. But thank God he didn't have a beer while playing golf. That would be inexcusable.

I'm posting this in this section to show the bias. Philip Nelson, white QB for the Minnesota Gophers and recent transfer to Rutgers, was arrested for assaulting a former black Mankato State Linebacker. The Mankato State linebacker is in critical condition. This made national news. Meanwhile in Rochester Minnesota a college football player was brutally jumped and assaulted by a group of black football college football players. I have a nursing relative that said he is severely brain-damaged, can't speak, and has no bowel control among other things. The black criminals got time-served. No national news at all and race was never mentioned.

What's of note in the Nelson case that they finally mention at the end of the abc news propaganda is that the fight started because Nelson was sitting in a chair and sucker-punched from behind in true negro fighting style.

Notice how Rice never apologizes to his angry faced wife. LOL
Could you imagine if a white player were caught on video hitting a woman twice, knocking her out, and then dragging her in that fashion. That undoubtedly would be the end of their career. But thank God he didn't have a beer while playing golf. That would be inexcusable.


Classic. After knocking out his girlfriend, he uses this analogy about himself: "failure is not getting knocked down, it's not getting up." I'm proud of you Ray, just dust yourself off and try again, buddy.|9NP~e9YiL2v8

(translated from the original article which was in French)

Adonis Stevenson

1998, 12th of September, Anjou.

Tension is high on the run down streets of Judith-Jasmines. The two young prostitutes Roxanna and Isabelle (fictitious names) plotted to assassinate Adonis and Fox according to legal documents consulted by La Presse.

Adonis, 21 years old and Fox 23 were always inseparable. Together, they founded the Obsession escorting agency with another one of their gang members, Pascal Almonacy. A fourth man would later join their ranks.

The girls, between 17 and 25 years of age, would work 24/7. They have no right to leave the building without authorisation. Every one of them in love with a member of the gang.

Adonis pimps out two young ladies. Isabelle had already been an erotic dancer before they met. “I want someone like that,” she said as she saw him. Adonis would later recruit Véronique, the second girl, at la Ronde, where she worked. At the end of one of her shifts, Adonis invites her to a party. She was ready “to do anything for him” as she would later testify.

He promises them fiancés. To get there, a lot of money was needed. Prostitution is only “temporary”, just a quick way to get to their main objective.The gang members would even get money from the girls’ purses. They would leave them 10-20$ to let them eat at Mcdonalds. 120$ per hour for sex. Isabelle figures that in a few months, she’ll be able to get 40,000$ for Adonis.

Vengeance in the Lounge

In the coming months, the situation worsens. The girls get beaten when not enough cash is brought in. Fox rapes when he pleases.

One day, Isabelle confides in Roxanne that she wants to kill Adonis. He’s been beating her more often as of recent. One day, he brandishes his knife and asks her to choose: either she gets it up at the ass or he sodomizes her.

Roxanne convinces Isabelle that it’d be best to go straight for the head, Fox, instead. She’s got a client who can take care of it.

Before anything is set in stone, Isabelle reveals everything to Fox. He is furious. That night, the gang punishes Roxanne while Isabelle is forced to watch.

Fox starts things off and literally jumps Roxanne, seated on the divan in the lounge. Adonis and Pascal join in. Blood begins to flow. Fox pulls a knife on the young girl. He continuously places the blade only millimeters away from her skin. “Everyone beat me. You get punches on the head, in the ribs, in the face.”, Roxanna later testified.

From a broken nose to a fractured jaw, every single member made her suffer. The next day, she was beat once again. Exhausted, she denounces Isabelle who is “stealing” the gang by keeping the “extra” money given from clients.

Now, it was Isabelle’s turn. Adonis hits her once in the face.

“After that, he took the knife and put it against my fingers upside-down, but I still felt it’s pressure.”

Adonis didn’t follow through with the threat and only remarked “Come to bed. You know that you're my woman and that I love you, right?”

Anything Goes

To continue the torture, the guys come up with a new idea. They organize a boxing match between the two “conspirators”.

Adonis lends them a pair of gloves. Anything goes. “If I didn’t knock out Isabelle, it would be Fox who would knock me out.” Explained Roxanne.

Near the end of September, Roxanne finally begged her way to be allowed to go to eat out with her father. She swears she will tell him nothing. She does her best to hide her bruises with excessive makeup. But once in front of her farther, she bursts into tears. She recounts her nightmare. He hides her in a safe place and she would later go to the police.

Roxanne’s disappearance brings about agitation. The gang moves the girls around from one motel to the next. Since the police never came, they would later return to the apartment in Anjou.

In the morn of October 21st, the police enter the establishment. The members are cuffed and the girls are taken away as well. They would reveal everything.

No less than 32 accusations are placed against the four men, prostitution, death threats, assault and battery.

Olympic Dreams

A few days after their first appearance in front of the judge, the accused beg for their liberty.

“My goal is to go to the Olympics. Before the arrest, I was training myself regularly six hours per day. I train in the morning. I run for two hours”, testified Adonis.

The judge refuses to free the gang. Too dangerous.

Earlier this month, we ran into him while he was training for his fight on the 30th of November in Quebec. The boxer allowed us to go back on a few elements of his past. He paid some lip service, regretting what the girls had to endure.

Adonis would later assure that he has “cleaned up” his entourage since then.


At the hearing, the four girls would denounce each of the accused.

None of the accused would attempt to defend themselves. As he would recall, Adonis was ordered not to testify. “Of course there’ll be some repercussions if you talk. In those types of situations, you can’t talk. I respected that.”

La Presse would later find two of the gang’s victims to shed some light on the role Adonis played back in the day.

Despite the amount of time that has passed, the two still tremble to the thought. One no longer despises the boxer. The other has never forgiven him.

“He doesn’t deserve to be admired the way he is after what he’s done. What would you say if that happen to your daughter?” says the one who still despises him. She was fuming when the boxer would appear on the show “Tout le monde en parle (everyone’s talking about it)” last year as they depicted him as the girls’ “bodyguard”. “He was Fox’s right hand man. He was more than just a body guard.”

Even if he refuses to admit it, Adonis beat those girls, confirms the other victim. “I think he was just following orders ; to stop Fox from killing us. It was to protect us from the worst.” Says the one who had forgiven him.

“The other guys were manipulated too, not just the girls.” Adds another. At the time, Adonis was often at the gym “I think it was his escape. He definitely wouldn’t admit it, but I think he was also afraid of the boss.”. Confirms another victim.

Life in the shadows.

On April 2nd 2000 at the Rivière-des-Prairies prison, Adonis is placed in the “protection” section of the prison alongside another one of the accused. The men are confined to their sells 23 hours a day.

At 5 o’clock, it’s visit time. The detained wait for their doors to open so they can get to the booths. One man lags behind: Adonis. Another inmate, Guy Langlois, impatiently screams “You coming out or what?” in a disrespectful tone.

Adonis respondes “You talking to me like that?” The man replies “yeah” in the same tone. Things do not escalate any further.

At 7:30 pm, a brawl breaks out between about 10 inmates. Cries resonate through the halls, tensions rise. As the guards arrive, Langlois is out on his back in front of a cell. Adonis violently kicks Langlois in the head.

“I dreamt about that for 3 days. I had never seen anything so violent in my 11 years.” Says one of the agents.

Langlois was bleeding from the mouth and was having convulsions. He was later transported to a hospital in which he would later fall into a coma. Despite the double fractures to his skull, he would be hospitalized for 10 days and later survived.

Adonis claims that he was jumped by about 10 men, some armed with make shift shivs. He responded by KOing 5 or 6 of them before the guards arrived.

“They knew I could box. They wanted to test me. That’s what prison is like” says the boxer.

The striking Verdict

One month later, judge Jean-Pierres decisions strikes as painfully as an uppercut (corn ball)

“There is no doubt that the accused have borne the fruits of labour from the prostitution ring. These young girls were severely beaten. They were forced to beat each other. They were forced to commit lesbian-like acts. They were threatened if they even suggested leaving the group.” Fox however, was definitely the head of the group, as was declared by the judge.

Adonis had control over two young girls who would bring him money, stated the judge. He bore witness to the gang’s criminal activities. He was present when the girls would get beaten.

The accused were found guilty. Fox would receive 5 years in prison while Adonis and Pascal are sent to jail for 4 years.

They had already been in preventative holding for 20 months. Back then, that counted as twice the amount of time.

The boxer’s legal troubles did not end there. Another trial would have him testify for the scuffle that took place last time he was imprisoned. He was accused of attempted murder and aggression.

To his delight, the heaviest accusation was dropped. In September, he pleaded guilty to the aggression charges. He received an extra month in prison. Once released in 2001, he would make a pact with himself. Never again would he go back. It’s time to get back to the gym.
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I'm posting this in this section to show the bias. Philip Nelson, white QB for the Minnesota Gophers and recent transfer to Rutgers, was arrested for assaulting a former black Mankato State Linebacker. The Mankato State linebacker is in critical condition. This made national news. Meanwhile in Rochester Minnesota a college football player was brutally jumped and assaulted by a group of black football college football players. I have a nursing relative that said he is severely brain-damaged, can't speak, and has no bowel control among other things. The black criminals got time-served. No national news at all and race was never mentioned.

What's of note in the Nelson case that they finally mention at the end of the abc news propaganda is that the fight started because Nelson was sitting in a chair and sucker-punched from behind in true negro fighting style.

Anyone who watches the video knows Kolstad started the fight by punching Nelson in the back. When Kolstad walked away, Nelson friend ran up to Kolstad and punched him in the face koing him out, with one punch. It is hard to feel bad for Kolstad.
Notice how Rice never apologizes to his angry faced wife. LOL
Could you imagine if a white player were caught on video hitting a woman twice, knocking her out, and then dragging her in that fashion. That undoubtedly would be the end of their career. But thank God he didn't have a beer while playing golf. That would be inexcusable.


Could you explain the beer and golf thing?
It refers to Matt Jones whose career was effectively ended in the NFL because he had a beer while playing golf. Jones and a friend had been found by police in a car (not his) that had cocaine and marijuana residue. Jones was suspended for the final three games of what had been an outstanding year for him and had plead to enter a drug program. Jones was Jacksonville's leading receiver on a horrible team. He had 751 yards receiving while only starting 10 games. That projects to about 1200 yards over 16 games.

In the off season Jones was randomly drug tested. He tested positive for alcohol - a ridiculous condition of his "drug" treatment program. Apparently he had drank beer while golfing - I believe it was even a charity golf event - not sure. For that he was cut by the Jaguars as well as no team willing to sign him. His career was over.

Of note is that prior to getting caught with cocaine, Jones was an outstanding citizen. In High School he was an honor student and was known for charity work such as blood drives and work with the boys and girls club. He was even awarded Arkansas outstanding student award and was given a key to a city for his work with the boys and girls club. This guy was no pariah.

Jones' measurables were comparable and in many ways superior to Randy Moss' measurables. The NFL is littered with projects who have long criminal records that are excused because they have "upside" and just need to "get a break" after "turning their lives around." Nobody had more upside than the athletic freakishness of Matt Jones. And nobody deserved a second chance more than Matt Jones. Of course, he never got it. Meanwhile, Ray Rice can knock out a woman on camera and drag her carcass across the floor and NFL teams will jump at the chance to sign this washed-up running back whose upside ran out a couple of years ago.
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I never said it was logical. :lol: It's extremely irrational. But that's the way they are. They want to hurt their fathers and they think that's the best way to do it.

I wonder if our culture's constant portrayal of white men as evil racists causes some girls to turn on their fathers for no other reason than they're white men.|9NP~e9YiL2v8

(translated from the original article which was in French)

Adonis Stevenson

1998, 12th of September, Anjou.

Tension is high on the run down streets of Judith-Jasmines. The two young prostitutes Roxanna and Isabelle (fictitious names) plotted to assassinate Adonis and Fox according to legal documents consulted by La Presse.

Adonis, 21 years old and Fox 23 were always inseparable. Together, they founded the Obsession escorting agency with another one of their gang members, Pascal Almonacy. A fourth man would later join their ranks.

The girls, between 17 and 25 years of age, would work 24/7. They have no right to leave the building without authorisation. Every one of them in love with a member of the gang.

Adonis pimps out two young ladies. Isabelle had already been an erotic dancer before they met. “I want someone like that,” she said as she saw him. Adonis would later recruit Véronique, the second girl, at la Ronde, where she worked. At the end of one of her shifts, Adonis invites her to a party. She was ready “to do anything for him” as she would later testify.

He promises them fiancés. To get there, a lot of money was needed. Prostitution is only “temporary”, just a quick way to get to their main objective.The gang members would even get money from the girls’ purses. They would leave them 10-20$ to let them eat at Mcdonalds. 120$ per hour for sex. Isabelle figures that in a few months, she’ll be able to get 40,000$ for Adonis.

Vengeance in the Lounge

In the coming months, the situation worsens. The girls get beaten when not enough cash is brought in. Fox rapes when he pleases.

One day, Isabelle confides in Roxanne that she wants to kill Adonis. He’s been beating her more often as of recent. One day, he brandishes his knife and asks her to choose: either she gets it up at the ass or he sodomizes her.

Roxanne convinces Isabelle that it’d be best to go straight for the head, Fox, instead. She’s got a client who can take care of it.

Before anything is set in stone, Isabelle reveals everything to Fox. He is furious. That night, the gang punishes Roxanne while Isabelle is forced to watch.

Fox starts things off and literally jumps Roxanne, seated on the divan in the lounge. Adonis and Pascal join in. Blood begins to flow. Fox pulls a knife on the young girl. He continuously places the blade only millimeters away from her skin. “Everyone beat me. You get punches on the head, in the ribs, in the face.”, Roxanna later testified.

From a broken nose to a fractured jaw, every single member made her suffer. The next day, she was beat once again. Exhausted, she denounces Isabelle who is “stealing” the gang by keeping the “extra” money given from clients.

Now, it was Isabelle’s turn. Adonis hits her once in the face.

“After that, he took the knife and put it against my fingers upside-down, but I still felt it’s pressure.”

Adonis didn’t follow through with the threat and only remarked “Come to bed. You know that you're my woman and that I love you, right?”

Anything Goes

To continue the torture, the guys come up with a new idea. They organize a boxing match between the two “conspirators”.

Adonis lends them a pair of gloves. Anything goes. “If I didn’t knock out Isabelle, it would be Fox who would knock me out.” Explained Roxanne.

Near the end of September, Roxanne finally begged her way to be allowed to go to eat out with her father. She swears she will tell him nothing. She does her best to hide her bruises with excessive makeup. But once in front of her farther, she bursts into tears. She recounts her nightmare. He hides her in a safe place and she would later go to the police.

Roxanne’s disappearance brings about agitation. The gang moves the girls around from one motel to the next. Since the police never came, they would later return to the apartment in Anjou.

In the morn of October 21st, the police enter the establishment. The members are cuffed and the girls are taken away as well. They would reveal everything.

No less than 32 accusations are placed against the four men, prostitution, death threats, assault and battery.

Olympic Dreams

A few days after their first appearance in front of the judge, the accused beg for their liberty.

“My goal is to go to the Olympics. Before the arrest, I was training myself regularly six hours per day. I train in the morning. I run for two hours”, testified Adonis.

The judge refuses to free the gang. Too dangerous.

Earlier this month, we ran into him while he was training for his fight on the 30th of November in Quebec. The boxer allowed us to go back on a few elements of his past. He paid some lip service, regretting what the girls had to endure.

Adonis would later assure that he has “cleaned up” his entourage since then.


At the hearing, the four girls would denounce each of the accused.

None of the accused would attempt to defend themselves. As he would recall, Adonis was ordered not to testify. “Of course there’ll be some repercussions if you talk. In those types of situations, you can’t talk. I respected that.”

La Presse would later find two of the gang’s victims to shed some light on the role Adonis played back in the day.

Despite the amount of time that has passed, the two still tremble to the thought. One no longer despises the boxer. The other has never forgiven him.

“He doesn’t deserve to be admired the way he is after what he’s done. What would you say if that happen to your daughter?” says the one who still despises him. She was fuming when the boxer would appear on the show “Tout le monde en parle (everyone’s talking about it)” last year as they depicted him as the girls’ “bodyguard”. “He was Fox’s right hand man. He was more than just a body guard.”

Even if he refuses to admit it, Adonis beat those girls, confirms the other victim. “I think he was just following orders ; to stop Fox from killing us. It was to protect us from the worst.” Says the one who had forgiven him.

“The other guys were manipulated too, not just the girls.” Adds another. At the time, Adonis was often at the gym “I think it was his escape. He definitely wouldn’t admit it, but I think he was also afraid of the boss.”. Confirms another victim.

Life in the shadows.

On April 2nd 2000 at the Rivière-des-Prairies prison, Adonis is placed in the “protection” section of the prison alongside another one of the accused. The men are confined to their sells 23 hours a day.

At 5 o’clock, it’s visit time. The detained wait for their doors to open so they can get to the booths. One man lags behind: Adonis. Another inmate, Guy Langlois, impatiently screams “You coming out or what?” in a disrespectful tone.

Adonis respondes “You talking to me like that?” The man replies “yeah” in the same tone. Things do not escalate any further.

At 7:30 pm, a brawl breaks out between about 10 inmates. Cries resonate through the halls, tensions rise. As the guards arrive, Langlois is out on his back in front of a cell. Adonis violently kicks Langlois in the head.

“I dreamt about that for 3 days. I had never seen anything so violent in my 11 years.” Says one of the agents.

Langlois was bleeding from the mouth and was having convulsions. He was later transported to a hospital in which he would later fall into a coma. Despite the double fractures to his skull, he would be hospitalized for 10 days and later survived.

Adonis claims that he was jumped by about 10 men, some armed with make shift shivs. He responded by KOing 5 or 6 of them before the guards arrived.

“They knew I could box. They wanted to test me. That’s what prison is like” says the boxer.

The striking Verdict

One month later, judge Jean-Pierres decisions strikes as painfully as an uppercut (corn ball)

“There is no doubt that the accused have borne the fruits of labour from the prostitution ring. These young girls were severely beaten. They were forced to beat each other. They were forced to commit lesbian-like acts. They were threatened if they even suggested leaving the group.” Fox however, was definitely the head of the group, as was declared by the judge.

Adonis had control over two young girls who would bring him money, stated the judge. He bore witness to the gang’s criminal activities. He was present when the girls would get beaten.

The accused were found guilty. Fox would receive 5 years in prison while Adonis and Pascal are sent to jail for 4 years.

Pimps are convicted of pandering and often only given a few years. Some of these pimps force girls to turn tricks with very many clients, against their will. Yet the pimps aren't charged with causing these girls to get raped, which is what is happening to them.

Pimps should be charged with one count of rape for every time their victim is forced into an act against her will.

I remember a case in which a black pimp kidnapped two underage white girls and forced them into prostitution through violence and threats of violence, for something like 10 months before they were rescued.

He received an 8 year sentence for "pandering." He should have received numerous convictions for rape, for what he caused these girls to go through.

In a just world he would have been executed.

As is usually the case with black on white crime, the mainstream media gave scant coverage to the horrific crimes this black pimp committed against two innocent white girls. What coverage there was was local.
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this entire post is concerning the offseason "mistakes" of the University of Georgia football team. well, one demographic that makes up the team, at any rate.

Top 'Dog: Problems aren't rife
By the Associated Press

ATHENS, Ga. -- A series of arrests. Players kicked off the team. It's been a tumultuous offseason for the Georgia Bulldogs, raising questions about the way Coach Mark Richt runs the program.

Richt insists there are no major issues, just a few bad apples. (emphasis added by JC)

His players, on the other hand, thought the situation was serious enough to meet before the start of preseason practice on Friday.

"We just felt like we needed to get together and hash some things out," linebacker Jordan Jenkins said. "That's the first time we've done that in the three years I've been here."

There was plenty to discuss.

Starting safety Josh Harvey-Clemons was kicked off the team after being suspended twice last season. Four players were arrested on charges of illegal check-cashing, including another starting safety, Tray Matthews, and defensive lineman Jonathan Taylor. Matthews was eventually dismissed from the team and transferred to Auburn. Taylor was soon gone, too, after his second arrest of the offseason, this one for the alleged beating of his girlfriend.

Last weekend, three days after Taylor was sent packing, freshman linebacker Davin Bellamy was arrested in Athens on charges of driving under the influence.
(emphasis added by JC)

"We needed to get everybody together, get the leaders together, and just get it fixed," Jenkins said.

Senior receiver Michael Bennett said it's imperative for everyone to take a stake in the team.

"It does bother me," Bennett said. "It kind of makes me feel like I let them down in a way. We all did a little bit."

But Richt said it's not fair to blame the entire program for the actions of a few.

"The guys that misbehaved have been the problem, and that's why we discipline them," he said. "Some are still here and some aren't. It's part of the consequences of not doing what you're supposed to do, when you're supposed to do it. But the majority of our guys are doing a great job."
A high school afrolete basketball player threw away an 80K free college education for $6 worth of snacks. It's a petty crime but should give everyone a good laugh. It also highlights the mindset of a typical street-negro. Lacking poor impulse control and forward thinking to better his life, he instead satisfies a "in the moment" pleasure and a primal instinct to steal and fight police. TNB at it's finest.
Sheriff's office: Jermain Taylor charged in shooting at home


From ESPN:

by Dan Rafael

Former undisputed middleweight champion Jermain Taylor was arrested at his home in Maumelle, Arkansas, a suburb of Little Rock, on Tuesday night in connection with the shooting of his cousin, according to police.

Taylor was taken into custody and booked into the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility and charged with two felonies, first degree domestic battery and aggravated assault, Lt. Carl Minden, the Pulaski County sheriff's office spokesman, told

The cousin was in serious condition at a hospital after being shot multiple times, Minden said.

Minden said the police responded to a 911 call from Taylor's wife, Erica, at around 6 p.m. CT.
"Mr. Taylor's cousin and another individual came to his residence and there was some sort of altercation," Minden said, adding that the two who showed up at Taylor's home were unarmed.

"At some point Mr. Taylor retrieved a hand gun and fired several rounds. His cousin was struck multiple times. The cousin is alive and in serious condition at an area hospital. He has pretty serious injuries. The other person was not struck, but Mr. Taylor had fired several rounds and missed.

Minden said that when police arrived at Taylor's residence he was "very cooperative with our investigators. He was very calm and there were absolutely no difficulties.

Minden said that police were investigating what led to the shooting. He said Taylor would be arraigned on Wednesday morning.The incident comes just two weeks after Taylor (32-4-1, 20 KOs), 36, finalized a deal for an unexpected shot at world titleholder Sam Soliman of Australia.

The fight is scheduled to headline an ESPN2 boxing special on Oct. 4 at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Taylor, a 2000 U.S. Olympic bronze medalist, was middleweight world champion from 2005 to '07. He won the title by outpointing Bernard Hopkins, ending his record-setting title run at 160 pounds, and then beat him again in an immediate rematch.
Taylor made four successful defenses before getting knocked out by Kelly Pavlik in the seventh round of a dramatic fight.

In 2009, Taylor suffered a small brain bleed as a result of a brutal 12th-round knockout loss to Arthur Abraham in a super middleweight fight that was part of the Super Six World Boxing Classic.

After the injury, Taylor dropped out of the round-robin tournament and took off 26 months. But after going through extensive neurological testing, Taylor secured a boxing license in Nevada.

He returned to the middleweight division, reunited with original trainer Pat Burns, who had led him to the title, and has won four fights in a row, including three by knockout, since launching his comeback in December 2011.

The 40-year-old Soliman (44-11, 18 KOs) won the belt by outpointing Felix Sturm in Germany in May and got a lucrative offer to make his first defense against Taylor.
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Sheriff's office: Jermain Taylor charged in shooting at home


From ESPN:

by Dan Rafael

Former undisputed middleweight champion Jermain Taylor was arrested at his home in Maumelle, Arkansas, a suburb of Little Rock, on Tuesday night in connection with the shooting of his cousin, according to police.

Taylor was taken into custody and booked into the Pulaski County Regional Detention Facility and charged with two felonies, first degree domestic battery and aggravated assault, Lt. Carl Minden, the Pulaski County sheriff's office spokesman, told

The cousin was in serious condition at a hospital after being shot multiple times, Minden said.

Minden said the police responded to a 911 call from Taylor's wife, Erica, at around 6 p.m. CT.
"Mr. Taylor's cousin and another individual came to his residence and there was some sort of altercation," Minden said, adding that the two who showed up at Taylor's home were unarmed.

"At some point Mr. Taylor retrieved a hand gun and fired several rounds. His cousin was struck multiple times. The cousin is alive and in serious condition at an area hospital. He has pretty serious injuries. The other person was not struck, but Mr. Taylor had fired several rounds and missed.

Minden said that when police arrived at Taylor's residence he was "very cooperative with our investigators. He was very calm and there were absolutely no difficulties.

Minden said that police were investigating what led to the shooting. He said Taylor would be arraigned on Wednesday morning.The incident comes just two weeks after Taylor (32-4-1, 20 KOs), 36, finalized a deal for an unexpected shot at world titleholder Sam Soliman of Australia.

The fight is scheduled to headline an ESPN2 boxing special on Oct. 4 at the Beau Rivage Resort & Casino in Biloxi, Mississippi.

Taylor, a 2000 U.S. Olympic bronze medalist, was middleweight world champion from 2005 to '07. He won the title by outpointing Bernard Hopkins, ending his record-setting title run at 160 pounds, and then beat him again in an immediate rematch.
Taylor made four successful defenses before getting knocked out by Kelly Pavlik in the seventh round of a dramatic fight.

In 2009, Taylor suffered a small brain bleed as a result of a brutal 12th-round knockout loss to Arthur Abraham in a super middleweight fight that was part of the Super Six World Boxing Classic.

After the injury, Taylor dropped out of the round-robin tournament and took off 26 months. But after going through extensive neurological testing, Taylor secured a boxing license in Nevada.

He returned to the middleweight division, reunited with original trainer Pat Burns, who had led him to the title, and has won four fights in a row, including three by knockout, since launching his comeback in December 2011.

The 40-year-old Soliman (44-11, 18 KOs) won the belt by outpointing Felix Sturm in Germany in May and got a lucrative offer to make his first defense against Taylor.
Insane, this fool had recently secured a world championship fight against a beatable Sam Soliman. Taylor just blew that out of the water. Days ahead for him will be very dark and lonely. I would not surprise me if he kills himself in prison. Strangely, he came off as a ok affelet. But you know the saying, " you can take a n***a out of the hood, but you can't take the n***a out of the individual."
Just read ESPN's article on the shooting. In the comment section some poster posted, " when keeping it real goes absolutely wrong!" LMFAO!
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