Arizona Illegal-Immigrant Law

Another poignant article as relates to illegal immigration and how it's a planned activity of the PTB:

Kurt Nimmo

May 3, 2010

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If you cross the North Korean border illegally, you get 12 years hard labor.
If you cross the Iranian border illegally, you are detained indefinitely.
If you cross the Afghan border illegally, you get shot.
If you cross the Saudi Arabian border illegally, you will be jailed.
If you cross the Chinese border illegally, you may never be heard from again.
If you cross the Venezuelan border illegally, you will be branded a spy and your fate will be sealed.
If you cross the Mexican border illegally, you will be thrown into a political prison to rot.
If you cross the U.S. border illegally, you get:

1. and the right to carry your country's flag while you protest that you don't get enough respect.
2. A job,
3. a drivers license,
4. a social security card,
5. welfare,
6. food stamps,
7. credit cards,
8. subsidized rent or a loan to buy a house,
9. free education,
10. free health care,
11. a lobbyist in Washington,
12. billions of dollars worth of public documents printed in your language,</BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE>

Of course, North Korea, China, and the others are dictatorships, but the fact remains that our immigration policy is destructive. It encourages illegal immigration and the bankruptcy of the states. It creates social and racial tensions.

Once upon a time, legal immigrants flocked to America to escape authoritarian government and persecution. The huddled masses cited on the Statue of Liberty were in search of liberty, independence, and prosperity.

Most illegal immigrants are not in search of liberty. They are looking for economic opportunity and in many instances the social freebies handed out by the state at the expense of the producers. Mexico is a third world cesspool lorded over by a small financial and hereditary elite that has held the people of Mexico in poverty and slavery for hundreds of years. It is human nature to escape this sort of brutality.

However, no nation can survive with an unchecked and unrestrained tidal wave of poverty-stricken foreigners flowing over its borders.

Once upon a time, immigration policies ensured that immigrants arriving on our shores were not only free of disease, but had marketable skills and would not impose an economic burden on the country. Immigrants were expected to accept American culture and speak the language.

Now the exact opposite is the case.

"An autopsy of history would show that all great nations commit suicide," wrote the famed British historian Arnold Toynbee. America â€" through its immigration and economic policies â€" is well on its way to committing suicide.

This is no mistake. It was planned that way.

In order to destroy the United States and establish world government, the elite plan to not only take America to her knees economically, but splinter the nation into a half dozen or more antagonistic pieces (a process known as Balkanization). The British did this as they set about conquering the world (as a glance at a map of the Middle East reveals). It is also called divide and conquer.

"The histories of bilingual and bi-cultural societies that do not assimilate are histories of turmoil, tension, and tragedy,"Â writes historical scholar Seymour Lipset.

Canada, Belgium, Malaysia, Lebanon have all faced crises of national existence as minorities have pushed for autonomy and independence. Pakistan and Cyprus have divided. France confronts recurring problems with Basques, Bretons, Corsicans, and most recently a growing Muslim minority that has resulted in violence.

Globalism is the religion of the New World order. In order for it to work, borders and nation sovereignty must be eradicated. "Globalization is defined by cross-border connectivity, including porous borders, which serve to expedite flows of goods while at the same time increase the level of immigration â€" both legal and illegal," explains Paul A. Harris, Assistant Professor of Public Administration, International Studies and Philosophy at Augusta State University.

Former Colorado Governor Richard D. Lamm explains how the process of destroying America works. "Turn America into a bilingual or multi-lingual and bicultural country,"Â he says. "History shows that no nation can survive the tension, conflict, and antagonism of two or more competing languages and cultures. It is a blessing for an individual to be bilingual; however, it is a curse for a society to be bilingual."Â

The most effective weapon in this process of destruction, Lamm explains, is multiculturalism â€" the demand that all arriving people retain their culture at the expense of the prevailing culture. "Without the dominance that once dictated ethnocentrically and what it meant to be an American, we are left with only tolerance and pluralism to hold us together," writes Benjamin Schwarz.

"In modern times multiculturalism is instituted from the top down as an elitist ruling class tool used to play one or more racial or ethnic groups against another," writes Louis Beam. "The ensuing cultural melee serves the political designs, economic goals and power needs of elitist rulers and their sponsors. This technique was developed by Marxist ideologues who used multiculturalism in Russia to divide and conquer resistance to the institution of a communist state"¦. The same internationalist cabals who sponsored Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin as the multicultural leaders of the Soviet state from their banking houses in New York, similarly sponsor the multicultural leaders of the United States, Canada, and Europe today."Â

Beam explains how an interlocking network of foundations such as Ford and Carnegie, international banking empires such as Rockefeller and Rothschild, and government agencies firmly in their control work in tandem with corporate media outlets such as the New York Times, CBS, and Hollywood, to promote, foster, and institute multiculturalism.

La Raza â€" Spanish for "The Race" Ã¢â‚¬" an organization at the forefront of the effort to flood America with illegal immigrants and institute "amnesty," is a creature of the Ford Foundation. La Raza is lavishly funded by the bankers at Citigroup and multinational corporations such as Wal-Mart. To date, the Ford Foundation has showered $12.9 million on the National Council of La Raza.

It is not coincidental the immigration issue has reached a breaking point at the same time as much of the world is wracked by economic crisis. In response to this manufactured crisis, the elite through their appointed minions have called for "global governance"Â (world government) and a "unified global approach"Â to economic and social issues. Immigration is part of the effort to merge nations into a union designed by the bankers.

In the streets of Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and elsewhere, thousands of pro-illegal immigration demonstrators last weekend called for "amnesty" and demanded the tidal wave of illegal immigrants continue it destructive course. Arizona's attempt to control its border â€" in lieu of the federal government refusing to do so â€" is the lightning rod that has catapulted to the point of violence (that remains largely unreported by the globalist controlled corporate media).

This is the beginning of national suicide, as Toynbee has suggested. It will eventually result in the dissolution of the United States if not addressed in the near future.
We need to show support to the people who are fighting against the Illegals. Send a card or letter to the following address:
Sherrif Joe Arpaio
100 West Washington Street
Suite 1900
Phoenix, Arizona
Thank him for stopping the Illegals. Remember each he stops means one less american will become a victim of violent crime.
Linda Ronstadt was at the May Day rally in Tucson. She sensibly avoided sun overexposure by wearing loose clothes and a large sun hat. She is really pale. When did Ms. Ronstadt become Mexican? Her paternal great grandfather immigrated from Germany to northern Mexico in the 1840s and married a Mexican citizen (of wholly Spanish ancestry). Her mother is English, Dutch and German. While she recorded an entire album in Spanish I don't think she knows Spanish fluently and does not speak Spanish in public. The May Day rally would have been a perfect time to do so.

Ms. Ronstadt gave concerts in South Africa during apartheid. The Spanish word for hypocrisy is 'hipocresia'.

About two dozen counter-protesters were at the May Day rally in Tucson. About half were Mexican-American. One said to a local TV station reporter, 'I have no problem with proving my citizenship. You want to see how easy it is? Here's my Arizona driver's license. Arizona baby!'

A fun factoid about Robert Sarver, Phoenix Suns owner:

"...In Tucson, the Sarvers were members of and financial contributors to the Reform, Conservative and Orthodox congregations - Temple Emanu-El, Congregation Anshei Israel and Young Israel respectively - but "we spent most of my upbringing at Temple Emanu-El," Sarver recalls. "I went to Sunday school; I got bar mitzvahed there..."

A Tucson police officer filed a Federal suit claiming SB 1070 was a violation of his civil rights. Patrol officer Martin H. Escobar was born in Sonora, Mexico.

The thing that's so useful about SB 1070 is it gives the police the right to detain criminals who otherwise can skate. The police know who's dealing drugs or breaking into houses. But they can't make an arrest without evidence. Now with SB 1070 they can detain a suspect, check for legal status, and if the suspect is illegal they can send him back over the border.

In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if gang task force officers are going over the gang books (which are notebooks for each known gang with member's photos and bios) and making a list of people to check for immigration status. Edited by: Charlie
j41181 said:
When Los Angeles Cardinal Roger Mahony heard about Arizona's new immigration-enforcement law, the Catholic leader reacted with some good old-fashioned righteous anger. Taking to his blog, Mahony blasted the measure as the country's most retrogressive, mean-spirited and useless anti-immigration law, comparing it to German Nazi and Russian communist techniques that forced individuals to turn one another in.

Ahh, the primitive, universal cliché of instantly judging something perceived as "tyrannical"Â￾ to Nazi Germany. How original.

I always wonder why China's infamous Chairman Mao, the most murderous leader in human history, is never so much as mentioned? No, wait, he was made into a pretty x-mas ornament and placed on the White House x-mas tree back in December. Edited by: Thrashen
Charlie, to quote Hank Williams III cover of Kris Kristofferson's "If You Don't Like Hank Williams"...

"(I love) everything the Eagles did, F_CK that Ronstadt!

All these anti-sovereignty protesters need to haul their sorry @$$es down to God forsaken "Meckyco" if they love the mexcrement invaders so much!

Edited by: DixieDestroyer
Here's a great article defending Arizona and why you shouldn'tboycott thier teams!

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<ABBR ="published updated">5/03/2010 3:47 PM ET By David Whitley</ABBR>
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It used to be easy to spot a racist. They wore white hoods with eyeholes cut out.

Now they wear Arizona Diamondbacks caps.

At least that's the message from opponents of Arizona's new immigration law. They are calling for fans to picket Diamondbacks games. They want the 2011 All-Star Game moved from Phoenix. They want teams to move their spring training sites out of Arizona.

Boycott Fever -- Catch It!

Sorry, I can't. And I hope you'll think twice before making a picket sign.

That would be once more than the boycott crowd. It looked at the bill and quickly distilled Arizona's motives by using standard reactionary math:

New Law + Immigrants = Racism.

If anything, a boycott should be aimed at the Nationals. Washington's spineless politicians forced Arizona to take the law into its own hands before the state turned into one big O.K. Corral.

Critics can't be bothered with such complexities. They are saying Hanley Ramirez will be treated like Rodney King the next time he gets to Phoenix.

The Major League Baseball players' union has come out against the law. It is shocked that a player "must be ready to prove, at any time, his identity and legality of his being in Arizona."

The horror is apparently catching on. Adrian Gonzalez told FanHouse he'd boycott next year's All-Star Game "because it's a discriminating law."

Yes, just as theft laws discriminate against thieves, illegal immigration laws discriminate against illegal immigrants. Or as MSNBC breathlessly flashed in headline:

"Law Makes It A Crime To Be Illegal Immigrant."

Terms like Brownshirts, vigilantes, apartheid and Republican are being thrown around. Al Sharpton has landed. The celeb crowd has taken its standard morally superior stance.

Shakira weighed in, saying "Some of the darkest moments in human history -- persecution of Jewish people, segregation in the American South and ethnic cleansing around the world -- began just like this."

Today, they're rounding up shortstops in Phoenix. Tomorrow, they're putting you in a cattle car for having a Spanish accent.

People are so busy demagoguing you wonder if they've actually read the law. It's 16 pages that grant police broader powers to identify and arrest illegal aliens.

"Now they're going to go after everybody, not just people behind the wall. Now they're going to come out on the street," Baltimore Orioles shortstop Cesar Izturis said. "What if you're walking down the street with your family and kids. They're going to go after you."

It's no surprise a player is misinformed and easily manipulated. You expect more out of The New York Times. Or maybe you don't.

"The statute requires police officers to stop and question anyone who looks like an illegal immigrant," The Times reported.


Police must have "reasonable suspicion" to determine a person's immigration status. The law specifically states that race cannot be a factor in determining reasonable suspicion.

Critics automatically presuppose Arizona lawmen have been dying for an excuse to racially profile and deport 30 percent of the state's population. But before anyone can be even be suspected, they have to be part of a "lawful stop, detention or arrest."

In other words, a cop can't just stop a car full of law-abiding Mexicans or a Marlins shortstop walking down the street.

Ramirez would have had to violate some law. And you know what police would do if they suspected he's an illegal immigrant?

Ask for his papers!

(Please add evil voiceover for dramatic effect).

"It harkens back to apartheid where all black people in South Africa were required to carry documents in order to move from one part of town to another," Cynthia Tucker said on ABC's This Week.

Actually, it harkens back to 1940 when Congress passed the Alien Registration Act. Non-citizens have been required to carry a visa or green card or some form of identification for the past 60 years.

What seems like common sense is now controversial. Constitutional lawyers say Arizona's law may not stand up because states can't enforce federal laws.

That legality isn't what has boycotters threatening everything Arizona. They see xenophobia as deep as the Grand Canyon.

Never mind that every civilized country in the world has laws against anybody just wandering in. In politically correct America, merely asking someone for proof of citizenship is grounds for Klan induction.

Polls show 51 percent of Americans favor Arizona's law, while 39 percent oppose it. In Arizona, polls show 70 percent of residents support the law.

Are they all bigots?

Most illegal aliens don't come to America to deal drugs and join gangs. But according to the Department of Justice, Phoenix is the country's kidnapping capital, with 566 abductions the past two years. Attacks on Border Patrol agents increased 46 percent to 1,097 in 2008. Federal officials reported the victims usually have connections to either immigrant smuggling groups or drug traffickers.

A recent University of Arizona study found illegal immigration cost the state $1.4 billion a year. The state treasurer said the true cost is closer to $2 billion. can probably find a study to support whatever position you favor. Either way, it's easy to be sanctimonious when you're sitting in New York City. It's not so simple when you live in Arizona.

The state is essentially attempting to enforce federal laws on illegal immigration. Given that, shouldn't the boycott be nationwide?

Let's picket every baseball team everywhere and demand that every All-Star Game be moved to ... Mexico!

No wait, Mexico's immigration laws make Arizona look like San Francisco. You can get two years in jail just for entering the country illegally.

Or in terms even MSNBC might understand, "Law Makes It An Illegal Crime To Be Illegal Criminal Immigrant In Mexico."

Such discrimination cannot stand.

I fully expect Gonzalez, Shakira and the MLB players union to call a press conference and demand we boycott Mexico.Edited by: celticdb15
Arizona senator Russell Pearce has written a response to the Arizona illegal alien enforcement law that he wrote. i'll post it here.

<A id=LETTER.BLOCK5 name=LETTER.BLOCK5><B style="mso-bidi-font-weight: normal">A message from Senator Russell Pearce[/B]</A>

America's Choice: Arizona or San Francisco.

I am State Senator Russell Pearce the author or SB1070 which was signed by Governor Jan Brewer. Fear mongering and mis-information is the tool of the left against this common sense legislation.

Illegal is not a race, it is a crime. SB1070 simply codifies federal law into state law and removes excuses and concerns about states inherent authority to enforce these laws and removes all illegal "sanctuary" policies.

When do we stand up for Americans and the rule of law, if not now, when? We are a nation of laws, a Constitutional Republic.

Arizona did not make illegal, illegal. Illegal was already illegal. It is a crime to enter or remain in the U.S. in violation of federal law. States have had inherent authority to enforce immigration laws and has failed or refused to do so. Sanctuary policies are illegal under federal law (8 USC 1644 &amp; 1373) yet we have them all over the United States.

Paul Kantner of the 1960s rock band Jefferson Airplane once remarked, "San Francisco is 49 square miles surrounded by reality." When I first heard that San Francisco was planning to boycott Arizona over the SB 1070 legislation that I introduced, this description seemed fitting.

However, when neighboring Oakland's city council voted 7-0 to boycott Arizona last Tuesday, and President Pro Tem of the California State Senate
Derrell Steinberg announced a campaign in the legislature to boycott us, it became clear that San Francisco is merely ahead of the California crazy curve.

Why did I propose SB 1070? I saw the enormous fiscal and social costs that illegal immigration was imposing on my state. I saw Americans out of work, hospitals and schools overflowed, and budgets strained. Most disturbingly, I saw my fellow citizens victimized by illegal alien criminals. The murder of
Robert Krentz-whose family had been ranching in Arizona since 1907-by illegal alien drug dealers was the final straw for many Arizonans. But there are dozens and dozens of other citizens of our state who had been murdered by illegal aliens. Currently 95 illegal aliens in Maricopa County jail for murder.

Most of the hysterical critics of the bill do not even know what is in it. All SB 1070 does is allow Arizona law enforcement officials to detain illegal aliens under state law. The law does not allow police to stop suspected illegal aliens unless they have already come across them through normal "lawful conduct" such as a traffic stop, and explicitly prohibits racial profiling.

Aside from the unfounded accusation of racial profiling, the chief complaint about the bill is that it infringes on federal jurisdiction by enforcing laws. However, there is a long legal precedent going back to 1976 that allows states to pass legislation to discourage illegal immigration so long as it does not conflict with federal law. SB 1070 was specifically designed to mirror federal immigration law to avoid such a conflict.

For all their newfound respect for the authority of federal immigration law, the open borders advocates who oppose SB 1070 have no problems with "sanctuary cities" such as San Francisco that explicitly obstruct federal immigration authorities to protect illegal aliens. In 2008, San Francisco began a campaign to encourage illegal aliens to take advantage of the city's public services.

Mayor Gavin Newsom stated, "We have worked with the Board of Supervisors, Department of Public Health, labor and immigrant rights groups to create a city government-wide public awareness campaign so that immigrants know the city won't target them for using city services." The results were tragic. A few months after the campaign,
Edwin Ramos, an illegal alien and member of the MS 13 gang, murdered San Francisco resident Tony Bologna and his two sons who he mistook for rival gang members. Ramos had a lengthy criminal record including a felony assault on a pregnant woman. He was arrested on gang and weapons charges and promptly released just three months before the murder. Not once did San Francisco report him to immigration authorities.

One month after the murder of Bologna, illegal alien Alexander Izaguirre stole Amanda Keifer's purse and then intentionally ran her over with an SUV, laughing as she hit the pavement and fractured her skull. Four months earlier, Alexander Izaguirre had been arrested for felony dealing of crack cocaine. Not only did San Francisco refuse to turn him over to immigration authorities, they expunged his record and helped get him a job, which is criminal in and of itself.

Keifer asked the obvious question, "If they've committed crimes and they're not citizens, then why are they here? Why haven't they been deported?"
The answer is that politicians like Gavin Newsom put the interests of illegal aliens before the safety of American citizens, not unlike Mayor Gordon and others.

Our law is already working. One can just scan the newspapers and see dozens of headlines like "Illegal Immigrants Leaving Arizona Over New Law: Tough, Controversial New Legislation Scares Many in Underground Workforce Out of State,"
In contrast, American citizens are leaving California. For the last four years, more Americans have left the state than have moved in.

In criticizing the SB 1070, Barack Obama said, "Our failure to act responsibly at the federal level will only open the door to irresponsibility by others." There is nothing irresponsible about enforcing our law, but President Obama is right in that this is only necessary because the federal government does not do its job.

But the solution is not "comprehensive immigration reform," a euphemism for amnesty. This will only encourage more illegal immigration. And making illegal aliens legal does nothing to change the social and fiscal costs they impose on Arizona or the nation as a whole. In fact the Heritage Foundation's research puts the cost of Amnesty at over $2.5 Trillion dollars.

The federal government simply needs to enforce its immigration laws by cracking down on employers of illegal aliens, securing our borders, and deporting illegal alien criminals. Attrition by enforcement.

If states understand states rights and our Constitutional duty and responsibility to our citizens this legislation in Arizona will be a model for states across the nation and the federal government, it will end illegal immigration to America, but President Obama is looking towards San Francisco instead.
He speaks the truth and nothing but the truth. The problem is that alot of people and especially politicians can't handle the truth.

This is going to get really interesting as the date of enforcement comes closer.

You have to give Pearce, and Brewer alot of credit for having the courage to draft and vote this bill into law. The big question is can it stand up to multiple lawsuits?
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Arizona senator Russell Pearce has written a response to the Arizona illegal alien enforcement lawthat he wrote. i'll post it here.

(snip)One month after the murder of Bologna, illegal alien Alexander Izaguirre stole Amanda Keifer's purse and then intentionally ran her over with an SUV, laughing as she hit the pavement and fractured her skull. Four months earlier, Alexander Izaguirre had been arrested for felony dealing of crack cocaine. Not only did San Francisco refuse to turn him over to immigration authorities, they expunged his record and helped get him a job, which is criminal in and of itself. (snip)

This lunacy has to stop! We must support this Senator.
Bart said:
Jimmy Chitwood said:
Arizona senator Russell Pearce has written a response to the Arizona illegal alien enforcement lawthat he wrote. i'll post it here.

(snip)One month after the murder of Bologna, illegal alien Alexander Izaguirre stole Amanda Keifer's purse and then intentionally ran her over with an SUV, laughing as she hit the pavement and fractured her skull. Four months earlier, Alexander Izaguirre had been arrested for felony dealing of crack cocaine. Not only did San Francisco refuse to turn him over to immigration authorities, they expunged his record and helped get him a job, which is criminal in and of itself. (snip)

This lunacy has to stop! We must support this Senator.

Do they help the law abiding Americans get jobs. No. I have said it before. The people running this country are idiots. Legal immigration is bad enough at this point. I wish we had the Japanese leaders in this country. I couldn't imagine them getting a job for an illegal immigrant who has just committed a crime.

It's bad in England too. I just read a story that a 19 year Polish guy was killed by a black guy in London during a fight. The black guy was most likely on drugs. If both of these people would have stayed in their country ,this would not have happened. Maybe the black guy's parents were the immigrants, but they should not have been allowed to immigrate.
Pretty solid article, actually on the front page of Saw it on the way to check on my fantasy baseball team. It has a Diamondbacks/sports related spin to it, but the author, Gregg Doyel, makes some good points in it. The introduction to the story:

People are being kidnapped in Phoenix, and not every now and then. Every day. Phoenix, one of the biggest and brightest cities in this country, has been blighted by roughly one kidnapping per day over the past four years. Who's doing the kidnapping? Who's being kidnapped? Mostly illegal immigrants and drug dealers. They are the victims, yes, but they are the violators too. They are both.

Phoenix was once the fastest-growing big city in America. It was a place to go. Now it's a place to leave.

But you're not hearing that part of the story. You're not hearing about the creeping third-world kudzu spreading into Phoenix and throughout Arizona. Nope. You're hearing about the nerve -- the nerve -- of lawmakers and law-enforcers in Arizona who want to get a handle on their state before it spins out of control.
'Viva Los 1070' t-shirt rankles Suns security staff. the link has pic of the White man sporting the shirt.

A Phoenix business executive wore a pro-immigration law T-shirt to Game 2 of Los Suns against the Spurs on Wednesday night. The executive was hassled over the shirt by Suns security but was later allowed to return to his seats behind the San Antonio bench, and he was allowed to still wear the shirt.
Jim Clark, CEO of Republic Monetary Exchange in Phoenix, got two seats to Game 2 and decided to don an orange shirt that read ‘Viva los 1070' for the game. Clark said a friend who has a professional security background also wore the shirt. It was in response to the Suns' opposition to Arizona's immigration law (Senate Bill 1070).

The Suns wore "Los Suns"Â jerseys for Game 2 in protest of the immigration bill. Clark supports the immigration bill and does not like the Suns' public stance against the measure

Clark said he and his friend were approached by security guards early in the game at US Airways Center and asked to take the shirts off or turn them inside out.

"I said, ‘No, I'm not going to do that,'" said Clark. Republic, based in Phoenix, deals in precious metals and offers investments in gold and silver.

Clark said the security guards then removed him and his friends from their seats, but they were later allowed to return after discussing the matter with the Suns' security director.

They were allowed to keep their pro-1070 shirts on right-side out. Clark said he later received a call from Suns president Rick Welts, who apologized for the incident and is giving Clark four seats to the next 10 Suns games. Clark said Welts still defended the Suns' stance against the immigration bill.

The Suns did not comment on the episode. Clark said he plans on wearing the pro-1070 again, and he might print up some more shirts to sell.
Pelosi spews more of her garbage: We can't tell 12 million illegals to go back to where ever you come from or go to jail.

she even uses the Bible to "validate" her message. see video here.
i think i've just seen the biggest flip-flop ad of all time ... Juan McAmnesty says, "Build the danged fence."
i HATE that piece of sh*t.

Yeah John is now on the bandwagon. No doubt he feels JD Hayworth breathing down his back . I think things are coming to a head and most people have had enough of demos tomfoolery.
"enforcers in Arizona who want to get a handle on their state before it spins out of control."

Before it spins out of control? It's been out of controal for 40 years.
Westside said:
Yeah John is now on the bandwagon. No doubt he feels JD Hayworth breathing down his back . I think things are coming to a head and most people have had enough of demos tomfoolery.

I just hope he doesn't fool enough people in the GOP Primary with his psuedo conversion that he gets six more years as Senator. I think Hayworth has a solid chance but it will be a nailbiter.
Anyone with half a brain can see that it is all about politics/power with these people. Whatever position is politically advantageous is good for the moment, even if you have no plans on sticking to it after the election. I hope McAmnesty is gone for good.
Notice how McAmnesty has taken out all of the stops and has relentlessly attacked his opponent, Hayworth. Always nice to destroy a conservative, rather than say a single bad word about your opponent in the Presidential election........
FootballDad said:
Notice how McAmnesty has taken out all of the stops and has relentlessly attacked his opponent, Hayworth.  Always nice to destroy a conservative, rather than say a single bad word about your opponent in the Presidential election........

What bothers me most about politicians like McCain is they never seem to get a sense of their own mortality and the inevitable day of reckoning that comes when you pass on. McCain is in his early 70's and with all the crap he has done to the USA in his more than three decades in Congress I guess I be more concerned with atonement and returning to youthful idealism which I think McCain had in his younger days. These guys live in such a tight bubble that few things get through to them other than possibly losing a election.
The Terminator says he is not going to give a speech in Arizona because of their new law. Who would even invite him to give a speech? You can barely understand the guy and you would think he would be against illegal immigration based on the state of California. He is more evidence of immigration run amok. We should not allow any immigrant to be able to hold any office.
despite the obvious slanting of the article, Arizona governor Jan Brewer once again shows she has more balls than most White men in modern America ...

PHOENIX â€" Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer has signed a bill targeting a school district's ethnic studies program, hours after a report by United Nations human rights experts condemned the measure.
State schools chief Tom Horne, who has pushed the bill for years, said he believes the Tucson school district's Mexican-American studies program teaches Latino students that they are oppressed by white people.
Public schools should not be encouraging students to resent a particular race, he said.
"It's just like the old South, and it's long past time that we prohibited it," Horne said.
Brewer's signature on the bill Tuesday comes less than a month after she signed the nation's toughest crackdown on illegal immigration â€" a move that ignited international backlash amid charges the measure would encourage racial profiling of Hispanics. The governor has said profiling will not be tolerated.
The measure signed Tuesday prohibits classes that advocate ethnic solidarity, that are designed primarily for students of a particular race or that promote resentment toward a certain ethnic group.
The Tucson Unified School District program offers specialized courses in African-American, Mexican-American and Native-American studies that focus on history and literature and include information about the influence of a particular ethnic group.
For example, in the Mexican-American Studies program, an American history course explores the role of Hispanics in the Vietnam War, and a literature course emphasizes Latino authors.
Horne, a Republican running for attorney general, said the program promotes "ethnic chauvinism" and racial resentment toward whites while segregating students by race. He's been trying to restrict it ever since he learned that Hispanic civil rights activist Dolores Huerta told students in 2006 that "Republicans hate Latinos."
District officials said the program doesn't promote resentment, and they believe it would comply with the new law.
The measure doesn't prohibit classes that teach about the history of a particular ethnic group, as long as the course is open to all students and doesn't promote ethnic solidarity or resentment.
About 1,500 students at six high schools are enrolled in the Tucson district's program. Elementary and middle school students also are exposed to the ethnic studies curriculum. The district is 56 percent Hispanic, with nearly 31,000 Latino students.
Sean Arce, director of the district's Mexican-American Studies program, said last month that students perform better in school if they see in the curriculum people who look like them.(emphasis added by JC)
<DIV =yn-story->"It's a highly engaging program that we have, and it's unfortunate that the state Legislature would go so far as to censor these classes," he said.
Six UN human rights experts released a statement earlier Tuesday saying all people have the right to learn about their own cultural and linguistic heritage, they said.
Brewer spokesman Paul Senseman didn't directly address the UN criticism, but said Brewer supports the bill's goal.
"The governor believes ... public school students should be taught to treat and value each other as individuals and not be taught to resent or hate other races or classes of people," Senseman said.
Arce could not immediately be reached after Brewer signed the bill late Tuesday.
<DIV =yn-story->
<DIV =yn-story->the animosity against Governor Brewer's bill is "confusing" if one lives in a world based on fact and logic. she is just wanting a fair playing field for all races. but, "somehow" that is racist to these non-Whites.
<DIV =yn-story->
<DIV =yn-story->isn't it "strange" how every group is allowed to not only feel pride in their own kind, but it is also taught in taxpayer-funded public schools and gov't programs ... that is, except for White people. no, according to the purveyors of these race-based classes and groups, THAT would be racism.
<DIV =yn-story->
<DIV =yn-story->nope, there's nodouble standard here at all, please move along.
I like the description: "Six UN human rights experts". What inthe heck does the UN know about human rights?? An organization populated by some of the most despotic regimes on the planet is going to lecture us on human rights??

And like JC so aptly noticed, where is the "White-American Studies" program?
FootballDad said:
I like the description: "Six UN &lt;SPAN id=lw_1273659850_11 ="yshortcuts"&gt;human rights experts".  What in the heck does the UN know about human rights??  An organization populated by some of the most despotic regimes on the planet is going to lecture us on human rights??
<div> </div>
<div>And like JC so aptly noticed, where is the "White-American Studies" program?</div>&lt;/SPAN&gt;

How true. The rodents that infest the ultra-hypocritical U.N. are about as useful to white Americans as the FBI and CIA.