dbwave said:This will probably go over like a fart in church (no pun intended) but why can't you be proud of two countries? I love America and I am an American. I proud of the white culture and proud of being Jewish. I am proud of one of our strongest Allies Isreal as I am of England who supported us through the Iraq war. I am not a fan of France and Germany who did not.
It is a shame you are not a fan of Israel, for you sound like a intelligent and articulate person.
You can be proud of two countries. Practically every one of your posts is the same -- "I'm a Jew, I love Israel," blah blah blah. Who cares? Just because you're Jewish do you think that's going to change anyone's mind about anything, or cause anyone to "pull their punches"? The issues concern the elites, those at the top of the power structure, not the "man in the street."
The rest of us are talking about these issues as Americans (or Canadians or whatever), not as Christians or Jews or as a specific ethnic group or race other than White. There have always been individual Jews who don't fit into stereotypes of what Jews act and think like. And we do root for Jewish athletes here, if for no reason other than because the Caste System regards them as white; it's the Jews themselves who like to categorize themselves as a distinct group or sub-race, which is why so many white gentiles are (finally) beginning to regard them that way as well.
And if Jews did mainly regard themselves as "just" White then they long ago would have been submerged into the U.S. just as all the European immigrant groups have. The Jews' ancient desire for distinctnessis an importantpart of what they are and how they define themselves, and non-Jews should be able to discuss these and other"stereotypes" of Jews without having themeaningless term "anti-semitic" and others thrown at them, the purpose of which is to intimidate and shut down free speech. (If being "anti-semitic" is such a terrible thing, why then does no one ever call himself "pro-semitic"? The term "pro-semite" doesn't even exist, an anomaly if ever there was one.)
If Zionistsrecognized and respected that White "gentiles" have the same rights to preserve their distinct race and culture as the Jews claim for themselves, there could be a genuine alliance between Israel and the U.S., not a contrived one based on bully politics and smear-mongering of opponents. Those of us who defend the Palestinians and the Arabs do so not because we are "pro-Arab" but because we feel sympathy for them the same way we would for the local grade school football team if it was playing the New England Patriots and the Patriots were playing their startersthe entire game and winning 450 to 0 because that's about how tilted it is against the Palestinians.
Virtually everything in the U.S. and the world now seems in one way or another to revolve around Israel and its wishes and problems. It never stops, it only intensifies and worsens all the time even as the stakes grow ever higher. It's disgusting to see any country so beholden to another,doubly so when it's one's own, one that used to be trulyindependentand sovereign. The double standards and hypocrisy between what Jewish elitesclaim and want for themselves versus what they have decided everyone else is "entitled" to is the centralproblem in the world today.
Edited by: Don Wassall