Are blacks innately inferior to whites?


Jun 18, 2012
I just told you that I am a self loathing black man ala Michael Jackson and you continue accusing me for being a biased white man.................Sir are you the racist after all?
How dare you to deny me the chance to be a self loathing black man? Is it maybe because you are used to all the militant, openly racist against other races, with the criminal "swagger", violent, "proud pro black" men from the ghetto and you can't picture "us" as self loathing little Michael Jacksons?


Why do you think that being an obese, insecure, self hating, self loathing, emasculated male is only your personal privilege, oopppss I mean today's white man's privillege? I, as a black man, want to be as self loathing and self hating just like you, can't I? :madgrin:

Obama for the change, OH YES WE CAN :dance:
Your posts are the greatest amalgamations of logical fallacies I have ever read in my life.

Have you seen the nurture experiments? There are still gaps regardless of the environment, the gap isn't as big when in the same environment raised in the same house etc, but it is still there.

The only thing they can throw out there is excuses, race related anxiety during testing, saying they feel too much pressure to do well because they are black affecting performance. Then there is the theory that they don't want to do well because it means they are "acting White" so they give up on academics. There are Whites with a lower than average iq, just a smaller ratio. When they don't understand something and have problems understanding, they act out and give up. They don't get to use excuses.

I love this one:

Jeff Howard and Ray Hammond added another important strand to this argument when they suggested that academic competence developed partly through competition, and that "rumors of inferiority" made blacks reluctant to compete academically. More recently, Claude Steele has argued that people of all races avoid situations in which they expect others to have negative stereotypes about them, even when they know that the stereotype does not apply.

Seems to be totally different in athletics.
Right, but any genetic differences we can deduce from these experiments are at best minimal and at worst totally inconclusive.

So whites are responsible for the atrocious environments of blacks in Africa?
Partially responsible, but not wholly responsible. They're also partially responsible for environments in the US.

Blacks who live around "racist" whites enjoy the highest standards of living of any blacks in the world. How is that possible bright boy
No, blacks who live around nonracist whites enjoy the highest standards of living.

Get back to marching with Al Sharpton and the NAACP you self-loathing white pig!
"I disagree with you"="You're automatically wrong+ad hom" lol

I'm self-loathing because I don't think everyone who's different from me is inherently worse than me?

are you aware who conducts these experiments and studies? These guys get money to make stuff up sometimes. I had a Sociology professor who got a huge sum of money to publish studies in his book that show that the reason for more black violent crime is not related to genetics and was because of environment, nurture etc. They didn't care what he put in the book as long as it sounded legit and it supported what the conclusion they wanted. 300 pages of pure garbage.

Too much time, effort and money has been put into these studies to show that we are the same. We should just accept the fact that we are different. It doesn't make someone inferior to be different.
I am very aware of this, and try to account for all biases.

It doesn't make someone inferior to be different, but there is an obvious implication on this site that blacks are inferior. And we can't just accept the fact that we're different and be done with it; assuming one race has substantially lower intelligence, for example, has serious policy and social implications.

How funny, you are constantly asking "source?" yet here is your reply: "wrong." It isn't wrong, and that isn't theory because it isn't supported by hard evidence. It is politically based. According to 1930s German intellectual thought you are completely wrong. See how easy that is?
I'm not basing my views on an antiquated, unequivocally false source. It's a bit harder than that.
Here is a sources though: (summarizes multiple sources, talks a bit about race and inherited intelligence)

This is probably my last post here. Nearly every single person who replied was extremely hostile (dwiw the exception). My views change every day. I would wager yours haven't in thirty years. That's what happens when you get all of your information from people who already agree with you.

I'll leave you with a question, though: Why do Asians and Jews have considerably higher IQs than Christian Caucasians? If you're going to cite IQ levels as evidence against blacks, and then say whites are the smartest race, how can you have it both ways?

Tom Iron

Oct 25, 2006
New Jersey
Inferior or not, blacks have one big advantage over any other group. They have no real ability to think long term. Thus, they live their entire lives for the moment. It doesn't matter how short or long their life. They have no goals and they see no reason to live one second longer if they upsets them. So, when dealing with a black, always remember, they're hair trigger. One second they could be fine the next, they're crazy and you can never know what it is that will set them off. They build no life and if they exit their life, that's fine with them. So any idea of bravery that we may think of doesn't apply to them. With blacks, it's all impulse. Very much like an animal. Look at the doctor who just killed his girlfriend lately and then himself. You'd think he had a life. But no, he just flipped out and that was it. He threw everything away like it was nothing.

Just my opinion after watching them for quite a few years.

Tom Iron...

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
It's not quite accurate to say negroes are "inferior", but they are probably a less-evolved, more primitive sub-species of human.

Recent DNA analysis indicates a sub-Saharan African admixture with a now extinct archaic population, probably homo erectus.

They are undeniable different. Full-blooded adult negroes are usually childlike. They have far less sexual restraint than other humans and so are much more promiscious. STDs such as AIDS are more common among negroes than other races. While a few white men are unfaithful to their wives, most negro men not only cheat but eventually abandon their families.

Negroes on average have proportionately longer arms and legs, perhaps they evolved that way so they could run and take to the trees when being pursued by dangerous animals like rhinos and water buffalos.

Although most of them lack psychological restraint and the ability to solve complex problems, in some other ways they are not stupid. Negroes can be very sneaky and crafty, like mischievious children. Some can be quick-minded, I imagine they would have needed to evolve the ability to think quickly on their feet and avoid poisonous snakes like mambas. But then again, if they were smart, why didn't they ever figure out how to make leather boots for snake protection?

Sub-Saharan Africa was very thinly populated when the white explorers arrived. The promiscuity of negroes may have been an evolutionary adaptation to their high mortality rate.

Negroes were living in the stone age until they came into contact with other humans.

They never built any cities or even a two-story building in Sub-Saharan Africa. There are a few places built by OTHER people to trade with the negroes, for example Timbuktu, which was originally a slave trading post built by Berbers and is in the Sahara anyway. In Zimbabwe, Yemeni Jews build a stone walled village for protection when they were trading with the local tribesmen (negroes hadn't arrived in Zimbabwe from equatorial Africa by that time, a race similar to South Africa's Hottentots were living in that area).

The slave trade brought them to places like the US and Haiti. Although most whites in the US have no negro DNA, a large percentage of African-Americans have some white ancestry.

Most of the Negro leaders in the USA, such as Malcolm X, were more intelligent than the average negro because they had some white ancesty.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
Darwin said:
I have literally zero incentive or hidden agenda, so stop accusing me of that. I try to be as absolutely impartial as possible. The amount of groupthink resulting from the squelching of competing ideas on this site creates a pretty insurmountable bias on your guys' part, in my opinion.

Hard to imagine such allegations, right? A person registers at a pro-white website and creates a thread (with their maiden post, quite naturally) featuring an “inquiry” for which there is no all-inclusive “answer.” The new poster then receives a varying range of answers, anecdotes, and comments penned from a pro-white prospective, then subsequently retorts by staunchly disagreeing and attempts to impart their personal ideals (which, coincidentally, wholly mirror mainstream dogmas) upon the website’s existing members. Also, if you “have no hidden agenda” or vested interest in the topic, then why did you pose the question, let alone reply so fervently to our responses?

Darwin said:
No one, myself included, would have anyone believe there is no difference between races. There are clearly significant differences; the question, though, is whether they are social or hereditary. Research points predominately to social. That was the question I was posing.

Why are you assuming that the actions of all human beings are exclusively the creation of either “nature” or “nurture?” Every human being, regardless of race, is affected differently by both of these variables (among millions of others).

Darwin said:
Have you done separate research I am unaware of?

I find it highly ironic that you’d produce such a wise-ass remark…given the fact that you’ve posted no “research” whatsoever concerning this topic.

Darwin said:
Your posts are the greatest amalgamations of logical fallacies I have ever read in my life.

No, his fallacies are illogical. But keep in mind that he's from Europe and English is his second (or third) language.

Darwin said:
This is probably my last post here. Nearly every single person who replied was extremely hostile (dwiw the exception). My views change every day. I would wager yours haven't in thirty years. That's what happens when you get all of your information from people who already agree with you.

Great. So if you’re not “pro-white” today, perhaps you’ll receive your “wake up call” in the form of black-on-white violence and awake from your fist-induced coma a better man tomorrow. One can only hope.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
It doesn't make someone inferior to be different, but there is an obvious implication on this site that blacks are inferior. And we can't just accept the fact that we're different and be done with it; assuming one race has substantially lower intelligence, for example, has serious policy and social implications.

I'll leave you with a question, though: Why do Asians and Jews have considerably higher IQs than Christian Caucasians? If you're going to cite IQ levels as evidence against blacks, and then say whites are the smartest race, how can you have it both ways?
We are going to have to accept it or figure out something else, because the way things are set up now isn't working .

As far as Asians and Jews, its not considerably higher, and not all Asians, just east Asians have an average IQ of 105. Ashkenazi jews average from 108-115 but their sample size is much smaller than other races and they are not even a race, they are semetic but still have mixed throughout time living in Europe which is why there are many who can pass off for being White. You can take a small sample size from this place in England, I forget the name off the top of my head but their IQ is much higher than average. Granted, I think American jews average around 107. Average range is considered from 85-115. The average American black is at 85, Africans are at 67. I am not having it both ways, it is what it is. The average IQ of Whites varies throughout each country, some up to 110 although the number usually said is 100. I find it odd that reading many websites to find the IQ of jews its always a range "108-115", why not average it out? I found one average and it was 110. Being that there are European countries with the average of 110 I don't find it that odd for a small population.
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Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Very nice beatdown guys. "Darwin's" IP is from New York City. Using our collective 100 average IQ I think we can safey surmise that he's Jewish and a radical anti-White leftist.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007
I'll leave you with a question, though: Why do Asians and Jews have considerably higher IQs than Christian Caucasians? If you're going to cite IQ levels as evidence against blacks, and then say whites are the smartest race, how can you have it both ways?
Not many years ago, whites tested higher on IQ tests than Asians, and still test higher than South and South-East Asians.

East Asian immigrants' lifestyle is a lot like white peoples' used to be, with an emphasis on education and clean, healthy living. They are not being brainwashed by the media into guilt and self-loathing, and in their home countries they are not being subject to numerous distractions.

Although they deeply believe they are a superior or chosen race and despise the rest of us, most Jews are actually white. DNA research has proven Ashkenazi Jews are essentially Germanic and Slavic. The most influential Jews like the Rothchilds have usually been Ashkenazi.,cf.osb&fp=65bb1454fbe759b0&biw=799&bih=476

That being said, Sephardic Jews are not white, they have some DNA sequences identical to the North African Berbers, but Sephardi have lower IQs on average than Ashkenazi Jews.

In the 1920s even the Ashkenazi Jews tested lower on average on IQ tests than other whites.

The success of Ashkenazi Jews in the US is astounding. Virtually all the young billionaires in the USA are Jewish (source: recent Forbes list).

The Jew's success has to do with an emphasis education and the exploitation of the goyim (cattle). And unlike other white people, they co-operate and work together and are very proud of who they are.

White children have been wasting their brain cells on garbage movies, anti-white TV programs and comic books. Like yourself, many whites have been brainwashed by the the media and entertainment industry into hating themselves, and without a healthy pride in who they are, their intellectual and psychological development is impeded and they'll score lower on IQ tests.
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May 18, 2012
In my world
I do not think you are being a troll, actually you are posting a good question (with X motivation and purpose though) in a respectable way and I will answer you with honor and respect as well. This is how I treat people, even people of your inferior kind, with respect, I never attack first, but my defense is stronger than my enemy's offense.

To our subject now........Are whites superior to blacks?

My political "correct" answer :

1. Whites head to head with blacks (rest races excluded) dominate and win over 90% of sports at the Summer Olympics (major sports such as Tennis, Soccer, Golf etc and minor sports like long distance running for example included) and nearly 100% of the medals in the Winter Olympics. The gap between the two races in Extreme sports, Auto and Motor Sports etc is unmatched as well. All these are facts, now if you want to doubt or deny them to feel better, then go ahead.

2. Scientifically, militarily, technologically, politically, economically and so on, whites have conquered (multiple times) the world, have colonized, have invented pretty much everything we use, have produced the greatest warriors in the battle field, the greatest generals, the greatest empires, went to the space, went to the moon, explored and conquered the oceans, the highest mountains, builds the greatest monuments and buildings, produces the greatest mathematicians, philosophers, explorers, scientists, astronauts, doctors, lawyers, actors, models, singers, music groups, painters, composers and so many more million things.
It's no secret that the western civilization that every subhuman from Africa wants to be part of (by having a position in white societies and a white OBESE woman as a trophy) is a creature of the white man!

3. Looks wise, the white human is by far the most desirable and diverse worldwide, has the biggest variety in hair texture, in colour of the eyes, in colour of the hair, the most beautiful features (that black women ala Tyra Banks, Beyonce etc take nose jobs to have a "white" nose) and so on. The vast majority (95% plus) of models, beauty queens in Universal pageants, sexy symbols even in Jewish dominated fields as Hollywood and so on have been traditionally white .

4. Fashion wise that blacks funnily claim to be imitated from white boys..........Who designed jeans? Pants? Jackets? Hats? What's the race of giants of the field such as Dior, Chanel, Calvin Clein, Armani, Yves Saint Laurent, Valentino and 99% of them pretty much? How dare you to make such claims when your people's fashion has been leaf covers son and all you do systematically is copying our culture, style and fashion?

5. Inventions and contributions to society........Do you really want me to go there now with you? A simple example, white man invented boats, trains, spaceships, sonars, planes, electricity, computers etc while the black man's greatest invention is peanut butter.......You do the math son!

6. Manhood, bravery, ambition etc the white man has no match there too. He has achieved what rest races don't even dare to think and usually out of jealousy and envy say "Look what the crazy white man does" simply because they wish they could do and achieve all the white man has achieved, but they know they can't!
I will go one step further and I am afraid that this claim of mine will be against my ideology and the whole Jewish propaganda of porn, but check even in the porn industry, how 95% of the male performers, award winners etc are white men with great bodies and HUGE "heart" if you know what I mean.........Where are all these "gifted" black men? Again even in that field, you are the slightest minority! John Holmes is considered to this day the "longest and harder" ever........even that myth surrounding your race is ALL FALSE!

My NON political correct answer :

After all I said, you will probably come back either with a verbal insult, or even worse if we spoke face to face, you would try physical violence against me, with fatal result for you ending being emasculated and beat up, healing in a hospital (speaking from personal experience).

Now if you were trying to speak back civilized and say the common nonsense I have been used to hear from people of your inferior kind such as :

" The white man stole this from us, we had the greatest empires named UCHO KUCHO and Zandia Keylia, the white man enslaved us and he's the reason we are in such position today blah blah "

My answer would be simple as that..........Mother nature teaches us that the bigger, smarter, more capable and stronger fish eats the small, dumb, weak, pathetic one. You should know such rule, since you use the name of Darwin, who was one of the men who believed in such theory with a passion.........all I am trying to say is, by crying out loud how white man did this or that to you, how he conquered your land, enslaved you and so on, all you do really is verifying the basic rule of nature:)

Bottom line, the black man was conquered, enslaved and dominated from his white boss for a reason, if the black man could, he would do the same or even worse in my opinion and if you make a historical research you will find out that various African tribes tried plenty of times to conquer and enslave Ancient Greece, Italy, Spain, Malta and more.

To close this, when I see a black man crying for what happened in the past or making questions of the kind you just made, all I see is black men with hidden anger, frustration and extreme jealousy, simply because your ancestors failed to be as dominant as our ancestors..........You can't be all about "peace, diversity and equality" but the vast majority of your inferior kind celebrating openly with joy and pleasure the so called upcoming extinction of the white race .......That proves to me what I already know, that all your kind (and the Jews of course) truly is, is a bunch of cowards who want domination and power, but are not willing to fight and conquer it with glory just like whites usually do and will do again one day.

Have a nice rest of the day sir!

Could one analyze to me how my fallacies are illogical or crazy or anything of this nature, when all I do in there is posting (pretty much) accurate historical facts and stats?

Seriously, to this day, almost 32 years of life, they have failed to debate with me on a realistic basis and all they do is talking non sense.

Seriously, could one tell me what's so illogical in this post of mine? I mean seriously!

English is my fourth language, Greek is first, French is second, I am a Greek man with some French blood in me and I have lived in both countries, I have said it tons of times before.
Italian is my third language, because I did my Masters in Law school of Pisa.

I did learn English for 2 and 1/2 years in high school back in the mid-late 90's and whatever practice I have on it now is through movies (with subtitles though) and the internet.........I am sure If I had the IQ of a Negro, I would do a little better in life, but oh well hehehehe. Oh no, I insulted Negroes again, whiteathlete33 must be mad with me now.

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Since the “Out of Africaâ€￾ theory came up in the discussion, here is an interesting scientific study:

Re-Examining the "Out of Africa" Theory and the Origin of Europeoids (Caucasoids) in Light of DNA Genealogy

Full Text

These data, based on the SNPs (Single Nucleotide Polymor- phism), along with the data based on the STRs (Short Tandem Repeats), described in this study, are compatible with each other and undeniably indicate that non-African people, bearers of haplogroups from C to T, did not descend from the "African" haplogroups A or B. Their origin is likely not in Africa.

Charles Martel

Hall of Famer
Mar 14, 2007


Hall of Famer
Oct 15, 2004
He he, a serious beatdown, hopefully he has enough information to finish his term paper on white racism. One thing I find curious in these types of fools is their inability to see their own logical fallacies. For instance he berated us for using the difference in IQ between Whites and blacks as meaning anything because it was all due to "nurture". Yet he ends his posting with:

"I'll leave you with a question, though: Why do Asians and Jews have considerably higher IQs than Christian Caucasians? If you're going to cite IQ levels as evidence against blacks, and then say whites are the smartest race, how can you have it both ways? "

Well obviously the problem there is that Whites don't live amongst the jews and asians so are therefore unable to raise their IQ level up to theirs! Why if only White people were to force themselves into israel and Japan they yes we too would have those cherished high IQ's! See how ridiculous that argument sounds when turned around.

As for sources to rebut his assertions there are many. I guess the PC filter at New York University blocks them but for anyone interested in a good read on the subject here is a link to Steve Sailers article on the subject which includes lots of informative links on the subject (mostly to Richard Lynn-the brilliant author who has fought the PC scourge in academics all of his life)

[h=1]Lynn's Race Differences in Intelligence: PC Won't Make Them Go Away[/h]

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
The black man bes the alpha male. Sheeeeiiiiittt the black man built da Pyimids, and had spaceships and sheeeiiit back in da day son. If evil white devil didnt always be keepin da bruvas down no tellin what da bruvas might be able to do.

How can you white men bees so Racisssssst?


Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
IQ was invented by a jew (stern)
nobody cares about IQ
read homer's oddissey or any other text written by our ancestors, there is no mention of IQ, not even of intelligence

intelligence or, even worse, craftiness (which got jews in the place they are right now) was never a virtue

Traditional Roman values were essential to the mos maiorum.[SUP][citation needed][/SUP] These include:

  • Fides. The Latin word fides encompasses several English value-words such as trust/trustworthiness, good faith/faithfulness, confidence, reliability, and credibility.[SUP][18][/SUP] It was an important concept in Roman law, as verbal contracts were common.[SUP][19][/SUP] The concept of fides was personified by the goddess Fides, whose role in the mos maiorum is indicated by the antiquity of her cult.[SUP][20][/SUP] Her temple is dated from around 254 BCE[SUP][21][/SUP] and was located on the Capitoline Hill in Rome, near the Temple of Jupiter.

  • Pietas. The Roman attitude of dutiful respect towards the gods, homeland, parents and family was expressed by the word pietas, which required the maintenance of relationships in a moral and dutiful manner.[SUP][22][/SUP] Cicero defined pietas as "justice towards the gods.”[SUP][23][/SUP] It went beyond sacrifice and correct ritual performance to inner devotion and righteousness of the individual, and was the cardinal virtue of the Roman hero Aeneas in Vergil's Aeneid. The use of the adjectival form Pius as a cognomen reflects its importance as an identifying trait. Like Fides, Pietas was cultivated as a goddess, with a temple vowed to her in 191 BCE[SUP][24][/SUP] and dedicated ten years later.

  • Religio and Cultus. Related to the Latin verb religare, “to bind”, religio is the bond between gods and mortals, as carried out in traditional religious practices[SUP][25][/SUP] for preserving the pax deorum (“peace of the gods”). Cultus was the active observance and correct performance of rituals.[SUP][26][/SUP] Religious practice in this sense is to be distinguished from pietas and its inherent morality. See Religion in ancient Rome and Imperial cult (ancient Rome).
  • Disciplina. The military character of Roman society suggests the importance of disciplina as related to education, training, discipline and self-control.

  • Gravitas and Constantia. Gravitas was dignified self-control.[SUP][27][/SUP] Constantia was steadiness or perseverance.[SUP][28][/SUP] In the face of adversity, a “good” Roman was to display an unperturbed façade. Roman myth and history reinforced this value by recounting tales of figures such as Gaius Mucius Scaevola,[SUP][29][/SUP] who in a founding legend of the Republic demonstrated his seriousness and determination to the Etruscan king Lars Porsenna by holding his right hand in a fire.

  • Virtus. Derived from the Latin word vir (“man”), virtus constituted the ideal of the true Roman male.[SUP][30][/SUP] Lucilius discusses virtus in some of his work, saying that it is virtus for a man to know what is good, evil, useless, shameful, or dishonorable.[SUP][31][/SUP]

  • Dignitas and auctoritas. Dignitas and auctoritas were the end result of displaying the values of the ideal Roman and the service of the state in the forms of priesthoods, military positions, and magistracies. Dignitas was reputation for worth, honor and esteem. Thus, a Roman who displayed their gravitas, constantia, fides, pietas and other values becoming a Roman would possess dignitas among their peers. Similarly, through this path, a Roman could earn auctoritas (“prestige and respect”).[SUP][32][/SUP]

the good thing with these IQ studies though is that it shows that races do exist


Hall of Famer
May 6, 2011
IQ was invented by a jew (stern)
nobody cares about IQ
read homer's oddissey or any other text written by our ancestors, there is no mention of IQ...

Well, you wouldn't expect to be reading about "IQ tests" in a book written thousands of years ago, would you? At any rate the reason that IQ tests are no longer routinely used in schools etc. is that in the 60's and 70's they tried to devise "culture free IQ tests" to try to see if they could get Negro IQ scores up to that of whites and asians, but that didn't work, so that's why they did away with them entirely. Negro IQ scores average 15-20% lower than that of the higher races.



Hall of Famer
Jun 22, 2011
Well, you wouldn't expect to be reading about "IQ tests" in a book written thousands of years ago, would you?

yet they created every thing
most of the values i posted above are still there today (sometimes with an altered meaning, like pietas)
they didn't invent IQ tests because it didn't matter to them

At any rate the reason that IQ tests are no longer routinely used in schools etc. is that in the 60's and 70's they tried to devise "culture free IQ tests" to try to see if they could get Negro IQ scores up to that of whites and asians, but that didn't work, so that's why they did away with them entirely. Negro IQ scores average 15-20% lower than that of the higher races.

i agree with that, but while telling that schools are obsessed with equality, we should add (or atleast keep in mind) that IQ tests are not relevant to judge the value of a man
believe me, with the roman values i posted above used as a test, not only would blacks be inferior to whites, but also asians and every non-white

and these virtues weren't invented by a jew, unlike the IQ tests :icon_wink: