Antiwhiteism - Discussion


Sep 11, 2021
White people have to make a decent wage in order to not be forced to live in high-crime neighborhoods overrun with blacks.

I don't know what the answer is, but some sort of fraternal order for whites to help one another seems like it would be helpful.

I just can't understand why the mass of whites are so intent on racial suicide. Why do they have no respect for their ancestors? I just always have and can't understand why there is no racial pride. It's a complete lack of brotherhood. Perhaps the capitalistic 'everyone for themselves' philosophy espoused in America and 'rugged individualism' have played a part in divesting whites of their birthright and sense of brotherhood. It does seem like everyone in America is out for themselves and screw everyone else. I suppose that is just human nature. But there is little common bond bringing people together.

It would be nice if there was a land where whites could go and just be around other whites and get a break from the psychological warfare they are constantly bombarded with.
The thing is, there are still plenty of intra-white issues. Italians and Irish historically haven’t gotten on very well, and even now with lots of intermarriage are pretty distinct cultures.

Frankly lots of Italian Americans have regional rivalries that still haven’t gone away.

I married a woman of Irish descent and the culture shock was literally like night and day. Many years later we have adopted each others cultures a bit more but the point is that it’s tough to be “white”. Honestly, I find a lot of the Irish to be annoying and arrogant wanna be Kennedys.

These are limited examples but it does illustrate I think, why it’s tough to find common ground in the “melting pot”.


Jan 16, 2022
^^^It's a good point as when I read that Europe needs more diversity, it's clear how absurd that is. Europe is full of diversity even within nations. Spain as an example has numerous dialects, cultures, cuisines and architecture ..And that's a just one mid sized nation within Europe.


Jun 4, 2020
White people have to make a decent wage in order to not be forced to live in high-crime neighborhoods overrun with blacks.

I don't know what the answer is, but some sort of fraternal order for whites to help one another seems like it would be helpful.

I just can't understand why the mass of whites are so intent on racial suicide. Why do they have no respect for their ancestors? I just always have and can't understand why there is no racial pride. It's a complete lack of brotherhood. Perhaps the capitalistic 'everyone for themselves' philosophy espoused in America and 'rugged individualism' have played a part in divesting whites of their birthright and sense of brotherhood. It does seem like everyone in America is out for themselves and screw everyone else. I suppose that is just human nature. But there is little common bond bringing people together.

It would be nice if there was a land where whites could go and just be around other whites and get a break from the psychological warfare they are constantly bombarded with.
There is common bonding in rural areas. 100%.

The issue stems from the school systems pushing antiwhiteism.

As conservatives we were asleep at the wheel and generations lost due to it.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Fed up Whites riot in Southport, England after an Arabic looking perp went on a wild knifing attack, murdering three young White girls.

Awful story. The native Brits rioting are being labeled "far right" on social media. The communists/marxists never seek to overplay their hand and expose who they really are.


Jan 16, 2022
Fed up Whites riot in Southport, England after an Arabic looking perp went on a wild knifing attack, murdering three young White girls.

Perp is not an Arab but a teenage African who the media are calling a local Welsh lad and much like Saints trayvon or Michael Brown are showing an old picture of him when he was in his school uniform as an 8 year old..

The UK govt will come down hard on the indigenous English to kill this 'uprising'. As bad as our government is , the UK is far and way the leader in anti White Marxism..

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The U.S. may be the only "Western" country in the world where White people never take to the streets no matter the outrage. Here's a good montage of what's taking place in Britain, including Irish and English patriots standing shoulder to shoulder in some places.



Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
The U.S. may be the only "Western" country in the world where White people never take to the streets no matter the outrage. Here's a good montage of what's taking place in Britain, including Irish and English patriots standing shoulder to shoulder in some places.

The UK and French elections were both rigged to keep the left in power. At least now more and more Europeans are waking up to the replacement occurring. Ireland really seems to be in the target of the marxists, it's disgusting seeing indians, muslims, africans getting dumped on the Emerald Isle and then the leftists in control trying to redefine what it means to be Irish. Sinn Fein certainly sold out on the Irish people.


Hall of Famer
Jan 15, 2023
Fed up Whites riot in Southport, England after an Arabic looking perp went on a wild knifing attack, murdering three young White girls.

Turns out it was an African refugee that was 17 years old that did this. Apparently they are trying to arrest Tommy Robinson as he initially claimed it was an Arab. When are whites going to wake up? Whites apparently burned a mosque.


Jun 4, 2020
Nice to see whites finally have had enough.
Imagine what we could accomplish if we grew a set of balls and worked together!


Jan 16, 2022
Lots of respect for the English and Irish standing up and letting their voices be heard but, I suspect it won't end well for them.
About a decade ago in Corsica, nationalists reacted to the savage beatings of teenagers by Muslims by rioting and taking it to Arab neighborhoods. The state stepped in hard to crush them. This was not the BLM bend the knee reaction from the authorities..additionally I heard from a French guy that the police allowed and encouraged armed Muslim gangs to attack the Corsicans without legal consequences.
I fear same will happen in the UK.


Hall of Famer
Jul 30, 2006
Lots of respect for the English and Irish standing up and letting their voices be heard but, I suspect it won't end well for them.
About a decade ago in Corsica, nationalists reacted to the savage beatings of teenagers by Muslims by rioting and taking it to Arab neighborhoods. The state stepped in hard to crush them. This was not the BLM bend the knee reaction from the authorities..additionally I heard from a French guy that the police allowed and encouraged armed Muslim gangs to attack the Corsicans without legal consequences.
I fear same will happen in the UK.

It seems like this is indeed happening. Muslims and police are patrolling together to attack the native British fed up with replacement and ongoing genocide of the true British.

Gator Dad

Feb 14, 2023
This is why the police are not our friends and we on the right need to stop chanting "blue lives matter."

The police take orders from their masters, end of story. And their masters do not have our interests at heart.


Sep 11, 2021
This is why the police are not our friends and we on the right need to stop chanting "blue lives matter."

The police take orders from their masters, end of story. And their masters do not have our interests at heart.
That is true. they are usually pretty dumb and the type of people who like to abuse their authority. Sure they aren’t all like that but enough are that I avoid them like they were part of the vibrancy.


Jun 4, 2020
Not sure if anyone is aware, but Matt Walsh has a new documentary coming out called. Am I racist? that centers on the anti-whiteism running rampant in the country.

Kudos to Walsh were shining a big spotlight on this issue.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Not sure if anyone is aware, but Matt Walsh has a new documentary coming out called. Am I racist? that centers on the anti-whiteism running rampant in the country.

Kudos to Walsh were shining a big spotlight on this issue.

Haven't seen this yet but I want to check it out. He also showed up in disguise at the Democratic National Convention.