Anti-white ’G’ Gatorade commercial

Jul 14, 2007

There is a new commercial airing that I saw during the Sugar Bowl, and it was so disgusting I thought it deserved it's own thread. The commercial shows mostly black men, some black women, a few white women, and NO white men. They even had the audacity to have two of the men display the racist black power fist!

I hope everyone will look at this video, rate it low, and post very negative comments about it. Please forward this to all friends and forums where people might take interest in it. This is a truly dark day if this commercial goes by without any controversy. This is a very upsetting thing, but I think we can make some noise about it.
This is what I posted:

"I think you meant to say no white male athletes. That is very common on American YV from the one American Channel I see out here in Australia. One would think with dominant Olyimpic runners like Wariner for the States who is white, or the many baseball players (I like baseball and watch it whenever it is on out here)who are white they would be able to find one white male athlete. I suppose American TV promotes Blacks and women alot more for whatever reason. Same with music in the States."

Ya know, it seems to me that nearly everything produced by the U.S now is really really sh*tty. That is probably a common theme in regards to all civilizations shortly before they collapse.
You would have thought at least Peyton Manning would have been included, since he has been highly active in commercial endorsements. White females are often used to "cover" the conciliatory white athlete in multi-cultural featured ads.

I guess this phase of historical guilt will take some time to run its course before we feel it will be OK to feature white males without regard to past power or prejudice. Like white athletes on the field, white males from all walks of life need to keep working hard, be productive, voice derision with constructive fairness, and be there strong as ever when that day comes- when the world will realize that's it OK to acknowledge and respect that white males are worth praising.
Great post Sober, and good comment on the youtube aussie. It amazes me that so many refuse to believe that white males where excluded from that commercial, and that it's not a racist thing to show the black power salute. This is a great way to show the hypocricy where pro-black things are good, and pro-white things are bad.

It's just like the HBO documentary I recently watched about "integrating" college football in the South. One guy even said "when I say eleven African-Americans on defense, and and black quarterback on office, it makes me feel good in my heart." I was astounded by this statement, when the documentary was decrying the fact that teams would only play white players, so now the complete opposite is okay

I think now with Obama as president is a good time to call out black racism, because it will be more ever-present and less subtle in commercials like this one. Please keep forwarding this and posting negative comments and give negative ratings to this commercial. We have to be as savvy as the other side when it comes to reacting to things online and in real life.Edited by: Electric Slide
The more I think about it ; I would rather watch white people play. I didn't care in the past if a player was black or white. But now it's getting so ludicrous; I can't stand it. I assume most people on this site don't watch soccer, I started watching Euro soccer a few years ago and thought I would be watching white players, but there seems to be more and more black players, especially England and France.It's still better than watchingthe NBA and no talents like Shaq. Do people think Shaq is a great athlete?He is just a big clod.
SoberWF said:
  Like white athletes on the field, white males from all walks of life need to keep working hard, be productive, voice derision with constructive fairness, and be there strong as ever when that day comes- when the world will realize that's it OK to acknowledge and respect that white males are worth praising.

You've got to be kidding me. You don't honestly think that day will come, do you? The people orchestrating this humiliation of the White man know how unfair and racist their agenda is and how damaging it is...that's why they're doing it. Your outline is a sure fire way to ensure total subjugation. The only hope of affecting real change is for White men to have enough balls to take back their dignity by force and demand fair treatment. Start filing law suits for defamation and discrimination based on race and sex. Boycott and protest anti-White companies.

Waiting for Cultural Marxists to change their stripes won't accomplish a thing.     Edited by: Latspread
I have been saying all along that one must boycott products from these companies that discriminate against white men. That includes the NFL. Most here still watch it. Why? And, yes, one needs to send letters, phonecalls, e-mails, etc. to these offending organizations just like black organizations still do.
Maple Leaf said:
I have been saying all along that one must boycott products from these companies that discriminate against white men. That includes the NFL. Most here still watch it. Why?
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We watch so that we can document the Caste System in football, in order that it can be exposed and ended. Football is the linchpin of the Caste System. The Big Lie of black athletic supremacy is based on a sport in which not just the "speed" positions but the ones involving strength, burst, stamina, hand-eye coordination and just about all other attributes of athleticism save throwing and kicking, are monopolized by blacks. Would you prefer that this site be shut down instead as part of your boycott?
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-->Edited by: Don Wassall
I do boycott product associated with the NFL and I've been boycotting gatoraid since they put Tiger on most of their products. I don't watch the NFL (it is nice that some of us still do), I reduced my cable service, and only to watch ESPN to reaffirm what we all know to be true.
Don Wassal wrote (the quote option at top right included a page full of garbled data??):

"We watch so that we can document the Caste System in football, in order that it can be exposed and ended. Football is the linchpin of the Caste System. The Big Lie of black athletic supremacy is based on a sport in which not just the "speed" positions but the ones involving strength, burst, stamina, hand-eye coordination and just about all other attributes of athleticism save throwing and kicking, are monopolized by blacks. Would you prefer that this site be shut down instead as part of your boycott?"

Football can be documented without sitting down and watching hours of games which is what I am talking about. I find out facts about the NFL through indirect sources as I simply refuse to give them one second of ratings. There are tons of was to keep an eye on it. I don't know what you mean when you asked if I prefer the site be shut down. This site does not discriminate against white athletes so why would I boycott it?
The unofficial rule here is that everyone follows what sports they want and cheers for whatever athletes they want.

It really doesn't matter what you think about the NFL because none of us "like" it; the idea here is for people to understand what's going on and help educate others and that's best done by observing first-hand what's going on.I don't appreciate someone criticizing me because I watch NFL games and then share my perceptions about them. I'm the editor of a newspaper and publish a lot of news that I don't like or agree with. But I can't share that news, and the solutions to theproblems they reflect, without engaging myself directly and objectively and finding out as much about those problemsas possible. In other words, I want to see and understand that with which I disagree so that I can better inform and persuade others that there is a better way and do so with as much credibility as possible.

Racially aware white people tend to suffer from demoralization and drop out as it is; encouraging the contributors hereto "boycott" the NFL is pointless until our numbers are huge, and is detrimental to the site. Do you really think the board would be anything but a dead zone if everyone "followed" sports only through "indirect" sources? You follow the NFL "indirectly" and it shows because you don't contribute much to the football forums andhave the fanciful notion that theCaste System in football exists solely so that owners can pay black players less than white ones. We need more informed posters rather than scolding the ones we already have.
I couldn't agree more with Don.
I won't boycott the NFL because I actually enjoy watching the white guys who get a chance do real well. It's fun for me, as I am sure most people here. To boycott would be to take a certain amount of pleasure out of my life.

Now when Arizona plays, say Jacksonville, there isn't much there for me to watch, so I won't.If enough people do THAT, then maybe the NFL which is a business after all, will realize they're destroying their franchise and will bring back a product that has more appeal. If they don't, I fully expect them to be in the same dire situation as the mainstream media today, about to be bankrupt. You can only piss your audience off for so long.

Now with Gatorade, after this commercial I won't drink it, not that I ever really did anyway. And I will protest via my mouth, telling people how racist Gatorade is.

This commercial was so blatantly racist that any self respecting white person with white boys as children should be angered. Our society, is restricting the ability of our children to succeed due to nothing else than their skin color. It is time to get pissed and speak out.
They played that racist gatorade commercial a lot yesterday, I couldn't agree more with you guys. I refuse to drink that racist crap anymore.

On a side note, anybody ever see that NBA commercial where the white rookie is forced to ride with the luggage in the side of the bus? That commercial made me despise ESPN even more than I already did.
Jack Lambert said:
On a side note, anybody ever see that NBA commercial where the white rookie is forced to ride with the luggage in the side of the bus? That commercial made me despise ESPN even more than I already did.

Man do I hate that commercial. This only makes me long for the commercials from the '70s-mid '80s you would see during sports telecasts: cars, trucks and wuss/poseur/ho-free beer commercials.
Jack Lambert said:
They played that racist gatorade commercial a lot yesterday, I couldn't agree more with you guys. I refuse to drink that racist crap anymore.

On a side note, anybody ever see that NBA commercial where the white rookie is forced to ride with the luggage in the side of the bus? That commercial made me despise ESPN even more than I already did.

Yeah Jack, we talked about that in another thread a few weeks ago. It is sickening stuff. You know, talking about Gatorade, the stuff tastes different than it used to back in the 80s. I don't know what they changed, but I don't like the new stuff at all. Water works great!
What is "G"??....Godless garbage come quickly to mind.
Dixie, Old Boy, Reb, Lambert et al:

You know guys, that "G" piece of propaganda was made specifically for NFL games and mostly with the intention of selling that swill to black people and their few worshipers. I don't think they are trying to sell that stuff to us anyway as whites know it is nothing but coloured sugar water and do not buy it much.Edited by: Maple Leaf
I have to admit that Gatorade was more of a thirst-stimulator than a thirst-quencher. I can remember when Gatorade came in two flavors: lime and orange and even came in powdered form. It even tasted different, so yes that is true indeed.
The people I see drinking Gatorade the most are really fat young people who don't play sports, usually minorities.

It's just a sugar drink, no better than Coke or Pepsi, but the makers want to make you think like it makes you some sort of an athlete if you drink it.

Just like coffee shops want to make you think you're some kind of a friggin intellectual if you hold a Starbucks cup, or some kind of an art connoisseur if you have a mass-produced copy of a Van Gogh painting.

It never ceases to amaze me how feminine and stupid a lot of men have become in our country. A guy who works 9 to 5 with his hands or brain is considered some kind of a rube, while some sissy who spends an hour doing his hair and filing his nails is supposed to be the new sort of man we all need to aspire to be.
That commercial is so illogical. Muhammed Ali and Bill Russel, the two "old" black affletes featured, never even used Gatoraide in any way.

Giving the "black power sign" during a nationally aired TV commercial isnt even taboo. Also, supremely untalented,wanna-begansta rapper,"Lil Wayne" is thegeneus narrorating thishilarious commerical.

Obviously, featuring zero white male atheletes (not even the universal standard, Michael Phelps) was the racial tipping point.

This"ad-campaign" certainly failed to shock me, because nothing really does anymore. What else would you guys expect from a heartless coperation like Gatoraide?As if this couldnt get anymore stupid of senseless, they failed to mention thePRODUCT they're attempting to sell to the piggies.

After his royal highness, Tiger Woods, was featured on every single bottle of Gatoraide, I have since boycotted for life. It tasts like watered-down cool-aid anyway.Edited by: Thrashen
Thrashen said:
That commercial is so illogical.  Muhammed Ali and Bill Russel, the two "old" black affletes featured, never even used Gatoraide in any way.  

Good call, maybe that has something to do with the director. None other than Spike Lee is reported to have directed the spot. Enough said.
I agree Gatorade used to taste different back in the day. Now, it's sugar-water swill. I stick to good ol' H2O for my "thirst quincher". If I indulge in a "sports drink", it'll be PowerAid (light?)...the sugar free stuff. My biggest drink vice is sweet tea.