As the death squads prepare for their white slaughter in the Ryan Nall thread La France Blanche brought up the term collusion.
In my opinion CF has made inroads into the way most games are covered now. No longer is it open season on white players whether it be making fun of them or constantly downgrading their athleticism. It still exists but in general has been curbed as far as I can tell and I think this site is mainly responsible for it.
I've been reading about our bombs that might be able to penetrate deep into North Korean underground missile sights etc. and it occurs to me there are areas that this site has been unable to puncture. And they both play into the hands of caste think where superb white athletes are cast aside. I bring up players like Scott Miller, Andy Isabella, Troy Apke and Chris Johnson because they are the poison to the caste system. Capable of running faster than their black counterparts they could "embarrass" black players on a widely viewed national level. This I suspect does not sit well at all with black led locker rooms and perhaps beyond where the black supremacy narrative must be protected at all costs.
The two hiding places that have protected the caste ways at the NFL level are the locker rooms and the local team reporters. To what extent do hyper white athletes make mostly black led locker rooms nervous? Are the black brothers in cahoots to bar these type of players from excelling? And it seems to me most coaches and management are down with whatever the blacks in the locker room desire and usually that is to dispose of the white "poison." Most coaches and owners don't want to rock the boat with their mainly black rosters.
As for running backs the ongoing pattern I notice is the reluctance of teams to integrate white RBs into the system most likely because for starters the black led locker rooms don't dig it. And secondarily running backs require an entire offense to sacrifice themselves for the good of the running back. How willing are the black led locker rooms to accept a white running back when so many teammates have to be on the same page to make it work?
As for these local media reporters and on the spot team twitter reporters their hatred for white players, especially those in skill positions like WR and DB, is palpable. Why? Are they just trying to appease the black led locker room by touting their "company line." I think that plays a role. They want to be "accepted" by the locker room for access so they play along with the popular caste theme.
Either way these deviant areas have been immune to this site's out reach and get to do their things unfettered.
There are still sports talking head creeps ( ESPN etc.) who fill the airways but they don't directly influence things on the ground which is why the caste slanted local media reporters and the black led locker rooms are our most substantial enemies when it comes to the NFL roster spots.
At least that is the feeling I get.