Alexander Povetkin

Povetkin needs a statement victory. I am confident he will get by a late TKO over a tough but limited Stiveren.
Now just hearing that Povetkin failed a drug test. If true, his viable career is over. F**K!!!
Looks like Stiveren headed back home. What a disgrace. Potetkin F*cked -up. He will never recover.
Wait hold on here. Stiverne who flunked a test for a PED claims inadvertent usage yet Povetkin who flunks one is a drug cheat? Talk about the kettle calling the pot black. They should have the fight and sort out the politics after the fight. Of course neither camp would be happy with political outcome but this is a financial nightmare for Povetkin's promoter.

Ps. I didn't realize the WBC withdrew sanctioning for the fight. I guess the withdrawal of Stiverne is more logical now. I swear Wilder has more lives than a cat as he will probably have a much easier rematch against the sluggish punching bag at some point in the spring.
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How did it finish so fast? I just turned it on! Anyway compare what Duhaupas did against Wilder with this. Povetkin is the real heavyweight champ now.
Another set-up. This is cultural warfare against Russia. Stiverne, like Wilder, was likely in on it too.

If this is true and both Wilder & Stiverne were in on a plan to destroy Povetkin, that is lower than even I thought boxing could go. Stiverne actually traveled to Russia and took part in pressers and a weigh in when he knew he was going to pull out? Pretty low.
If this is true and both Wilder & Stiverne were in on a plan to destroy Povetkin, that is lower than even I thought boxing could go. Stiverne actually traveled to Russia and took part in pressers and a weigh in when he knew he was going to pull out? Pretty low.

Wilder did all of that too. WBC took Povetkin's belts away under allegations of doping, he was cleared, then compensated by making him the number 1 to contend to be the number 1 contender, then withdrew sanctioning for this bout with Stiverne over more allegations. There are no world wide boxing organizations recognized from Eastern Europe. The fighters need to be much better managed and promoted (Duva didn't do such a good job negotiating for Sergei did she?).
Has Doc Goodman's Las Vegas Mafia drug testing outfit ever found a US or British boxer that was using drugs? Or is it only Russians and an Australian guy that they try to pin their phony drug raps on?

Funny how Las Vegas only can find drugs in Russians, and then they even admit their own selves that they are full of it, as in the last phony charges against Povetkin or the phony Russian olympic team charges. Some of them, like Briggs and Joshua, you can look at them and pretty much tell they are juiced. Povetkin doesn't present such an appearance at all. His body looks very normal.

They have completely politicized and corrupted the drug testing business.
they kill more than one bird with a stone. The American/Israel proxy army got whipped in Syria, so it's time to go after Russia. The controllers know how important sports are to the dumbed down American masses, so it's great way to vilify Russians. Added to that, they have to try and blame Hitlery's election loss on the Russians in order to cover up all the heinous things that came out on her from the leaked emails. "Oh yeah, the Russians hacked our elections, evil evil Russians."

The American guys juice more than the Russians, but they are the politically correct color, so they get a free pass.
they kill more than one bird with a stone. The American/Israel proxy army got whipped in Syria, so it's time to go after Russia. The controllers know how important sports are to the dumbed down American masses, so it's great way to vilify Russians. Added to that, they have to try and blame Hitlery's election loss on the Russians in order to cover up all the heinous things that came out on her from the leaked emails. "Oh yeah, the Russians hacked our elections, evil evil Russians."

The American guys juice more than the Russians, but they are the politically correct color, so they get a free pass.

Hopefully all that will change next month.
Kalan said:
VADA is not professional... Andre Ward refused to use them because "They're mixed up with Victor Conte" who is a known criminal and PED pushing jailbird. The only thing Conte is interested in is money and running the best scams on people, and yukking it up. He's got the WBC making the "voluntary" testing mandatory. I would quit Boxing before I took a VADA test. Rios, Browne, Bute, and Povetkin all swore they were clean when they were tested dirty. If Povetkin was dirty why was he allowed to fight Duhaupas after Stiverne pulled out of the fight???

Victor Conte, speaking of the Olympics...and what goes for the Olympics goes times one million for boxing:

“(This) goes all the way beyond the athletes and the coaches,” Conte told The Japan Times. “I believe it goes all the way to the top, meaning beyond Nike to television networks that broadcast these events all the way to the Olympic Games to the International Olympic Committee, WADA itself and the IAAF itself. I believe they are corrupt from top to bottom."

The corruption goes way way higher than that too, but that's another story...
WBC doesn't like their belt in the hands of Russians, for political reasons likely, but also they don't have as much control of their champions and have to play by their own rules. Obviously, Wilder gets preferred over Povetkin in this regard. As for Stiverne, he's managed by Don King, who is good pals with everyone at the WBC, and didn't want to see his Stiverne eaten by the lion Povetkin. It's all a charade really. There never was an intention to let Povetkin fight for this belt the worth of which is only "leverage" not pride, not prestige, not intrinsic value.

I have said this for a very long time now that fighters and their managers with the promoters need to re-think this business model out better. Too much authority is given to these self-authorized boxing organizations who really bring near nothing to sport. In so many ways these organizations are not needed and do more harm than the tiny bit of good they may toss in once in a while. None know and understand this better than Tyson Fury. Yet, so few, seem to know or do know this.
Wow some shady stuff going on
"Precise Presenter's" presentation on the boxing drug testing racket. I think it is most excellent tho I disagreed with him about the wording he uses on the face page.

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