

Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America


Aug 6, 2006
Glad to see this thread started devans,we will see as it expands,the same situations are already taking place here in the U.S.,Mr. Wassall has posted here and at ANU News the essay,"A Warning From South Africa",by Gemma Myer,a South African journalist,a search on this article will bring info.on where we are headed,one of the most important things to look for is name changes of American landmarks,bridges,streets,schools,ball parks,buildings African names.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Here is a small piece of good news from Africa for a change.
Since 2003 Maize output in Zambia has been increasing steadily year on year. It has more or less quadrupled in the last 8 years.

LUSAKA (Reuters) - Zimbabwe, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and Namibia plan to import maize from Zambia, which has recorded a bumper harvest from the 2009/10 season, the head of Zambia's state-run Food Reserve Agency (FRA) said.

The government has allowed farmers and traders to export a maize surplus of 1.1 million tonnes, mainly to other countries in southern Africa, after Zambia produced 2.7 million tonnes. "Already we have been approached by Namibia, DRC and Zimbabwe, which are interested in purchasing our excess stock," FRA Executive Director Anthony Mwanaumo said in a statement on Monday.
How has this been possible?
The president of the Zambian Farmers Union, Guy Robinson (The name is a clue) says, "Zambia is Africa's success story"

Zambia's President Levy Mwanawasa has paid tribute to resettled Zimbabwe farmers for transforming Zambia from being handout dependent to a food-exporting nation. "We can now feed ourselves and we have started exporting maize," he told the South African Broadcasting Corporation during a visit to South Africa.

An old article fromder spiegel,1518,334756,00.htmlexplains...

While white farmers are branded as racists and colonialists in Zimbabwe and, to some extent, in Namibia, other African countries have welcomed them with open arms. Leaders across Africa, from Nigerian President Olusegun Obasanjo to the heads of state of Mozambique and Malawi, are more than happy to have them settle in their countries. Even Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni is courting Mugabe's outcasts.

"Africa Welcomes Zimbabwe's Whites," read the cover story of African Business, a monthly magazine, citing the "warm welcome" being extended to white farmers in many African countries and the widely held view that "Zimbabweans have the capacity to revitalize the agricultural sector in these countries."

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<DIV style="PADDING-BOTTOM: 6px; WIDTH: 587px; HEIGHT: 119px; : #f5f5f5">
<DIV =spCredit align=right>REUTERS

Zimbabwean farmer Paul Retzhoff looks out of the broken windows of his farm office and storeroom at his homestead on Lonely Park farm 30 Km's east of Harare. War veterans who attacked the homestead and smashed windows and broke into the house stealing food and alcohol were chased away by farm labourers from Retzhoff's and neighboring farms.


Dec 1, 2006
Did any african ever create anything worth mentioning in the last 3000 years? Serious question here. I find it ridiculous how a people can be so unproductive like africans can be ignored by the media.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Mike Campbell is dead.

Daring to challenge the regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe is a dangerous business, but Mike Campbell became the figurehead of the plight affecting white farmers in the country. When the Zimbabwean president began encouraging the illegal seizure of white-owned farms, Campbell's property was occupied by a group of so-called "war veterans". Instead of capitulating, Campbell took his case to the region's highest court, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Tribunal which condemned the seizures as "racist" and theft on a grand scale. It ruled that the redistribution programme was discriminatory and was not being implemented according to the rule of law. However, two days before the ruling, Mr Campbell, his wife and his son-in-law were kidnapped by militants and savagely tortured. He never fully recovered from the beatings. Eventually a member of the Mugabe government led an invasion of the farm, destroyed the buildings and evicted the local workers. Campbell's story was made into an award-winning documentary, Mugabe and the White African, which was shot secretly and succeeded in highlighting the effects of Mugabe's policy on the country's once prosperous agricultural industry.

Details about the documentary can be found here
Jul 14, 2007
devans said:
I have called this thread "Africa" so other news from this continent can be added if people want to.
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<div>I found this article about white south african poverty interesting. </div>
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<div>"there are around 430,000 whites who live in squatter camps. Around the capital Pretoria alone there are 80 squatter settlements"</div>
<div> </div>
<div> </div>

I see no reason why these white's can't start an economy and build up their lives. They need to spend the time they have reading to learn new skills and get the gears of progress moving again. It's so sad to see their lives wasting away like that!


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Yes I agree with you in principle. But white people like all other races have people with a range of abilities and talent.Those at the bottom of this range have traditionally depended on low skilled or unskilled employment - or lower paid jobs in the public sector. Not everyone can retrain in I.T. or start up a small business.
In South Africa the public sector is being purged of white people to try to reach a
theoretical and wholly inappropriatequota based on the proportions of the ethnic groups in the population as a whole. The same is increasingly true in the private sector. This is being done under the guise of correcting injustices of the past, but really is just denyingmore qualified and able people (who may end up in a white squatter camp) jobs to be taken by less able people who just happen to be the right colour. The whole situation is made worse by black immigration from the rest of Africa, often from as far away as Nigeria, attracted by the remnants of the prosperous western style economy built by the white people, meaning more competition, a smaller white population and a smaller quota.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
More bad news from S.A.

Influential South African ANC youth leader Julius Malema called for a mass seizure of land and nationalisation of major industries, challenging the ruling party's line and a move likely to alarm investors. Malema, head of the African National Congress's Youth League, is one of the best-known politicians in the country with ANC leaders using the populist firebrand to whip up support for the party among millions of unemployed youth.

"We should transfer the ownership of the land over to the state," Malema told a news conference on Thursday.

Malema has seen his popularity â€" and therefore his influence in the ruling party â€" surge after his appearance at a trial where he was accused of hate speech for singing in public the apartheid struggle song "Shoot the Boer (Farmer)". A polished and confident Malema easily brushed off questions from the prosecution and then spoke to hundreds of supporters waiting outside the Johannesburg court.

"We cannot sit back," Malema said. "This generation does not require anyone's permission.


Sep 16, 2010
Albinos in Tanzania murdered or raped as AIDS 'cure'A widespread African superstition claims that albinos' blood contains magical powers and their body parts are talismans.

By Fumbuka Ng'wanakilala, Reuters


FEARFUL: Selina and her friend Mwanaidi play in a classroom in Tanzania. The 10-year-old girl belongs to a minority of approximately 150,000 albinos in Tanzania and only feels safe at school. (Photo: Johan Baevman/ZUMA Press)

DAR ES SALAAM - Hundreds of albinos are thought to have been killed for black magic purposes in Tanzania and albino girls are being raped because of a belief they offer a cure for AIDS, a Canadian rights group said on Thursday.
At least 63 albinos, including children, are known to have been killed, mostly in the remote northwest of the country.
"We believe there are hundreds and hundreds of killings in Tanzania, but only a small number are being reported to the police," Peter Ash, founder and director of Under The Same Sun, told Reuters.
"There is belief that if you have relations with a girl with albinism, you will cure AIDS. So there are many girls with albinism who are being raped in this country because of this belief, which is a false belief."
Around 1.4 million Tanzanians among a population of 40.7 million have the HIV virus that leads to AIDS.
Albino hunters kill their victims and harvest their blood, hair, genitals and other body parts for potions that witchdoctors say bring luck in love, life and business.
"(It is believed) a person with albinism is a curse. They are from the devil, they are not human, they do not die, they simply disappear," said Ash.
Ernest Kimaya, head of the Tanzania Albino society and a sufferer of the pigment disorder, said social stigma prevented many girls from reporting rape, making it difficult to say how many albinos had been sexually abused.
"These things are taking place underground. Even the albino killings started quietly, before the atrocities were finally exposed in public," Kimaya told Reuters.
Activists last week reported three murders of teenage albino boys from the same family in northern Tanzania, who were poisoned and their bones later robbed from their graves.
The Tanzanian government says it is determined to halt the macabre killings, but has been widely criticized for inaction.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
they don't just rape albinos, they rape everybody. The myth is not that albinos have magical powers, the myth is that someone without aids, if you have sex with them, you give it to them and lose it yourself. Its messed up and stupid, so I could see why they would leave the real belief out because it also shows they don't even care about their own kind. They started raping young teen virgins, but now there are less teen virgins so they went younger, like 12,There are less 11 and 12 year old virgins, now they are raping 1-9 year olds, even babies, this is all throughout Africa where the Aids epidemic is high. This is also probably a factor on why they rape whites, knowing full well they don't have hiv/aids, hoping to spread it to them while losing it themselves. Most are so ignorant they don't realize they are just spreading it further and not losing the disease. The ignorance is hard to believe but Aborigines in Australia weren't even aware that sex led to babies, their IQ is slightly lower than black Africans. The blacks we see in America are not 100 percent black.

This information about africans raping babies and aborigines is from a liberal professor I had a few years back who spent years studying "third world" cultures, or however he put it, "people who have not been heavily influenced by outside forces". Somehow, this is implying that this would be the natural state of man without civilization, implying all races. There are remote villages in Ireland with little outside influence, I believe, where messed up stuff like this does not happen. His theory did not make any sense. Look at who built civilization.
Edited by: dwid


Hall of Famer
Jul 24, 2007
wow that's disturbing


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina

Wanjiru had a history of domestic problems. Last December, he was charged with wounding his security guard with a rifle and threatening to kill his wife, Triza Njeri, and maid. The runner denied all charges and was released on bail.

"That was another issue," said Rosa, adding that Wanjiru had been attacked more than once at his home and threatened with kidnapping and had the weapon for preventive reasons only.

On Valentine's Day, the couple announced on TV that they working on their differences and Njeri dropped the charges against her husband.

The article title says dies "in fall" - which sounds dubious. Wifey locked the door and his poor-impulse control led him to think that jumping off the balcony was a swell idea, even with his brittle "ET-like" East African body.

He must have thought, "well, it's only 2 stories." It ended up being 2 stories too many. Does this sound about right?


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Soshanguve High School (Soshanguve is an abbreviation for Sotho, Shangaan, Nguni, Venda, the languages spoken in the town)
"Trouble at the school began last week when two girls discovered that they were both dating the principal. When they got into a fight, other girls revealed that they too were having sexual relations with him."
Full story here by: devans

Quiet Speed

Dec 19, 2004
Mike Campbell is dead.

Daring to challenge the regime of Robert Mugabe in Zimbabwe is a dangerous business, but Mike Campbell became the figurehead of the plight affecting white farmers in the country. When the Zimbabwean president began encouraging the illegal seizure of white-owned farms, Campbell's property was occupied by a group of so-called "war veterans". Instead of capitulating, Campbell took his case to the region's highest court, the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Tribunal which condemned the seizures as "racist" and theft on a grand scale. It ruled that the redistribution programme was discriminatory and was not being implemented according to the rule of law. However, two days before the ruling, Mr Campbell, his wife and his son-in-law were kidnapped by militants and savagely tortured. He never fully recovered from the beatings. Eventually a member of the Mugabe government led an invasion of the farm, destroyed the buildings and evicted the local workers. Campbell's story was made into an award-winning documentary, Mugabe and the White African, which was shot secretly and succeeded in highlighting the effects of Mugabe's policy on the country's once prosperous agricultural industry.

Details about the documentary can be found here

The program will make its U.S. debut Tuesday (July 26, 2011) on PBS.




Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
The white exodus from South Africa has benefited some. The England Cricket team for example is flying high at the moment, having taken over the number one spot from India today. It may be fairer however to call this team a combined England / South Africa team because no less than six South African born players have played for England in the last 12 months. Namely…

Andrew Strauss, captain, batsman. Born, Johannesburg
Matthew Prior, wicketkeeper, batsman, born Johannesburg
Kevin Petersen, batsman, spin bowler, born Pietermaritzburg.
Jade Dernbach, fast bowler, born Johannesburg
Craig Kieswetter wicketkeeper, batsman, born Johannesburg
Jonathan Trott, batsman, born Cape Town.

A 7th player also in called up into the squad but not yet played…
Michael Lumb. Batsman and medium pace bowler. Born, Johannesburg



Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Amazing facts about who is supporting Gadaffi

From a relaible source...

"In Zimbabwe, during a parliamentary session, Defense Minister Emmerson Mnangagwa was asked for clarifications on allegations that Zimbabwe National Army members were part of the mercenaries hired by Gaddafi. The hearing came after reports that a group of specially trained Zimbabwean soldiers were shooting down Libyan civilians.
In response, Mnangagwa said "That there are mercenaries who are African and are in Libya – I have no mandate in my duty as Minister of Defense to investigate activities happening in another African country."

"Several hundred serving and retired Zimbabwean soldiers and a handful of air force pilots flew from Harare to Libya on a chartered flight to join Gaddafi's fight. There are also reports that Zimbabwean state intelligence sources have said that some of the troops were from the commando regiment, whereas others were from the Fifth Brigade, once trained by North Korea. Media reports say that a Zimbabwean force was sent in a secret arrangement made between Gaddafi, Mugabe and General Constantine Chiwenga, the chief of the armed forces and a staunch Mugabe loyalist. The online newspaper, Zimbabwe Mail, reports rumors of a chartered Russian aircraft that flew into the Zimbabwe's capital, Harare, and left for Libya carrying troops from the Zimbabwe's crack Commando Unit.
Gaddafi, one of Robert Mugabe's most vocal political allies, contributed millions of dollars to finance Mugabe's re-election campaigns. In 2001, there were reports that Gaddafi had sent troops to Zimbabwe to help Mugabe crack down on his political opponents and on the white farmers.
Gaddafi's son, Saadi, was also granted a concession by Zimbabwe to mine for diamonds in the Marange diamond field, one of the richest in the world."

And in South Africa...

"President Zuma is considered an ally of Gaddafi. In 2005, after Zuma had been charged with rape, he undertook a five-day trip to Tripoli where he met Gaddafi; media sources report that the South African President flew to Libya at Gaddafi's invitation. According to news items, Gaddafi allegedly gave around US $2 million to help Zuma."

South Africa is currently blocking the release of frozen Libyan assets to the new tranitional government.

More here

and here


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
Warewolf the videos you post are strickingly similar.
They should serve as a warning to anyone who lives in a western style big city.
There is a tipping point - and both of these cities have reached it if you know what I mean.


Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America
[h=3]Zimbabwe has threatened to deport Libya's ambassador to Harare after he recognised the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) fighting Muammar Gaddafi's regime, reports state media.The "NTC is not accredited to Harare," the state-run Herald newspaper quoted foreign ministry spokesman Joey Bimha as saying.
"If they say they now recognise the NTC, it means they are no longer representing the interests of the Libyan government in Zimbabwe."



Jul 7, 2005
Outside North America

This just shows what a clown Mugabe is. He has actually expelled the Libyan ambassador for recognising the obvious - that the NTC now govern Libya. Is there anyone else in the world who thinks Gadafi either is, or should be, governing that country!
It would be laughable if he were not such a disaster for that country.