Adrian Peterson

Dec 2, 2008
The best runningback in the NFL today, as well as one of the (rare) outstanding citizens who has not let the limelight change him, this guy is more of what we need in the NFL. Of course, him being from Texas helps (
), but if all of the "thugs" in the NFL were replaced by Adrians, I think the NFL game would be a much more watchable game.

Now, this post really didn't have anything to do with his race, as he is obviously black, but it's just nice to see some players who are still "good guys" and defy the "thug" stereotype of the NFL.
Sure, let's praise a black guy for not being a thug. In other words, he gets high praise for being NORMAL.

If the rest of the running backs were like Peterson, they'd have to install handles on the football, 'cause he can't hang on to the ball to save his life.

So let's hear it for non-thug black running backs who fumble a lot! w00t
White Shogun said:
Sure, let's praise a black guy for not being a thug. In other words, he gets high praise for being NORMAL.

If the rest of the running backs were like Peterson, they'd have to install handles on the football, 'cause he can't hang on to the ball to save his life.

So let's hear it for non-thug black running backs who fumble a lot! w00t
He does fumble alot, I'll give you that, but even compared to other white players in the league, Peterson is a genuinely "good guy" that is a rarity in pro sports.

I mean, I'm first and foremost a Vikings fan, so I will inevitably cheer for the various players that are on the team, so I really don't have a bias or preference for one player over another due to skin color but rather performance on the field. But in hearing about players off the field, Peterson is one that I keep hearing great things about in his help in the community and just as remaining humble. This guy is one of the best in the NFL and yet he is not like a T.O. or even Jared Allen talk-alot type of player, and I like that about him.

But yeah, he needs to cut down on the fumbling, especially if we are going to beat the Eagles!
Like I said, he's a normal person. For this he deserves extra praise because he is black?

Agree to disagree.
"But yeah, he needs to cut down on the fumbling, especially if we are going to beat the Eagles!"

"We?" This is drunk white fan mantra to the core. Dude, I really don't think this site is for you.

We're not here to "cheer" like typical girlies for Adrian Peterson. The media and your fellow fans do enough of that already.

He's a great runningback, for sure, but his "nice behavior" on and off the field is no better than 95% of white players.

As others here have stated, I refuse to sing the praises of a kind, giving person, well-behaved NFL player simply because he happens to have that magical skin color. Once again, the media and intoxicated morons at NFL games will sniff Peterson's jock all the live-long day. I assure you that none of the enlightened few who post here will be partaking in this boring caste worship.

If this forum is an attempt to "change our way of thinking," you must be crazier than your posts indicate. At least you have the aptitude to realize the NFL is not colorblind, or else you wouldnt be here. Thank god for that.Edited by: Thrashen
The CF forum certainly rags on players the likes of TO and Pacman as examples of what is wrong with the league in terms of letting race exempt players from despicable behavior. I think the intention of the original post was merely to state that there are black athletes that deserve to be on the field due to their performance, and back their inclusion in the league with responsibility and a high moral code. Maybe the point did not need to be made since that is the expectation of all players, but if the participants in these forums truly believe that there is a fundamental problem across many black players with regard to their behavior, then it makes sense to point out those that do exhibit model behavior.
SoberWF said:
..if the participants in these forums truly believe that there is a fundamental problem across many black players with regard to their behavior, then it makes sense to point out those that do exhibit model behavior.

No it doesn't. This isn't a site dedicated to supporting black athletes who aren't thugs. Everybody here knows that not every black athlete in the NFL is a thug. What's the point of coming to a site dedicated to the support of white athletes to laud a black athlete for acting like a normal human being? I can go to ESPN, Yahoo Sports,, and any number of sites dedicated to black athletes if I want to hear about how great some black athlete is because he is civil towards his fellow human beings and donates from his vast wealth to good causes.

We don't even dedicate entire threads and posts to WHITE athletes for being good citizens, so why should we do that for blacks? It is EXPECTED of white people, and if they fail to act like a normal human being, they're denigrated for it. I'm not about to heap praise on somebody or act like they're doing us all a favor just because they've decided not to sell drugs or beat their girl friends.
Great post Shogun and I agree!
It's like the old Chris Rock routine, where a black guy brags about supporting his family, and Rock says, "That's wtf you're supposed to do, what do you want, an f'in medal?"

We already had our Tiki Barber tribute thread here a couple of years ago. It went over like a lead balloon. A black athlete who isn't firing guns orbeating his girlfriend isn't worthy of praise for not being a criminal. Besides, the number of black athletes glorified because of their character who later were arrested for one serious crime or another is long and ever growing.
Shogun, thank you for the reply. I keep re-reading the original post, and I think not too much was meant to be made, other than merely pointing out that Adrian is good guy on and off the field. Just a nice comment coming from a Viking fan. But like you state, this is not the forum for regular fandom, which is why I stated above that the point probably did not need to be made in the first place. In short, I agree with you. Thanks.
Thanks for the comment, Sober. I much prefer agreement over discord, but this is the Internets after all.
wow, hes a good citizen. So are most the people I know. Thats how life should be. The ones that are shouldnt be praised for being some type of Mother Teresa, the ones who aren't shouldnt even be talked about or in the league.

You know how when a White player is good and they can't deny hes athletic they might say "he might have some black in him somewhere down the line in his heritage." Well every time a black player acts like a decent being we should say "he must be part White"

I literally saw this segment on this black fsu football player 19 different times in one day. and about 12 times more between other days. Talking about he had gone through college so fast and was going to med school and how he was so smart and such a great citizen. They literally compared him to Mother Teresa, saying something like if you had Deon Sanders, Mother Teresa and i forget the other one, probably Einstein, and you'd have this kid.

You know, i think its great thats hes doing so well, but i dont want to hear about it over and over, and comparing him to Mother Teresa is very offensive and a bunch of crap.Edited by: dwid
I don't think blacks who DO beat their girlfriends and sell drugs and kill people are bad people either. Why do I think that? because after a black guy does something like that there is a parade of people telling me how "nice" they are, how "wonderful" they have been to their fellow human beings, etc.

Here in my area there was an incident, a white cop stopped a black 16 year old kid for a traffic violation, the kid did not have a license, the cop took him to his apartment complex to get an "adult" that was responsible for him. There was a scuffle. End result, white cop dead, young widow with fatherless white baby. Typical. But every newscast I see about this incident has a bunch of people telling me that this kid was a "good kid" a "church going" kid, a kid that was going to get an education so he could help people.

So a 16 year old that shoots a cop for virtually no reason is really a "good" kid. I don't think so. When someone tells me that some black athlete is a "good" guy--I'm skeptical.
I was the one who did that "Toast to Tiki" being a big Giants fan and because he has stood up for white athletes as being athletic before in the media and is a charitable guy. I think the point can definitely be made that Adrian Peterson definitely deserves to "start" in the NFL. He is not starting because of his skin color like many black RBs; he's freakishly good. But we want to mainly talk about white athletes accomplishments here to bring balance to the biased media.

I hear great things about Warrick Dunn for his great amount of charity work or great things about Myron Rolle being like Deion Sanders, Einstein and Mother Teresea all rolled into one every day on ESPN. But what about a guy like Wes Welker? The guy has a great charity foundation and had to overcome skeptics who said he was too small/ not fast enough/ the wrong color etc. He is now a legit Pro-bowl receiver.

The point is is that Yahoo or ESPN will talk about the high character black athletes till the cows come home, but won't mention Wes Welker and his foundation or other charitable whites that overcome so much. It is not balanced and this site tries to bring up the accomplishments of white athletes as much as we can.
SoberWF said:
But like you state, this is not the forum for regular fandom, which is why I stated above that the point probably did not need to be made in the first place. In short, I agree with you. Thanks.

I would like to seemore "regular fandom" on CF but the Isn't He a Wonderful Negro stuff isa staple of the anti-white MSM. Yes, congratulations Adrian Peterson for not being arrested to this point of your career, and yes, thank you Warrick Dunn for being a generous guy and all, but that kind of pandering issymptomatic of our cultural sickness, not a way to support white athletes.
ToughJ. said:
But what about a guy like Wes Welker? The guy has a great charity foundation and had to overcome skeptics who said he was too small/ not fast enough/ the wrong color etc. He is now a legit Pro-bowl receiver.

Thank you! This is exactly what I'm talking about. And the rest of your post is spot on as well.
theres tons of White players that reach out for the community that is rarely spoken of. I hope Jon Stinchcomb wins the 2008 NFL Walter Payton Man of the Year.

He is one of 32 finalist.

A sixth-year veteran, Stinchcomb has annually taken a lead role as Saints players branch out weekly into local hospitals. His efforts have centered around lengthy stays in the pediatric and chemotherapy wards at Children's Hospital of New Orleans and Ochsner Hospital.

He also spearheaded the creation of the "OL 4 NO" - Offensive Line For New Orleans - Youth Football Camp in the offseason. Free of charge, the camp was run by the entire offensive line for children from the New Orleans area. The group has also purchased 225 bicycles for Christmas and will distribute them to underprivileged children.

When not visiting hospitals, Stinchcomb can be found in local schools on Tuesdays. He is particularly dedicated to educational causes - his mother was a school teacher, he graduated from Georgia with a degree in microbiology. His wife, Allison, is a teacher in a local high school.

As part of the First Bank and Trust Character Now Program, he visits local high schools - stressing the importance of education, integrity, and building a good character - and as part of the Domino's Literacy Program he reads to children and drives home the importance of education at local elementary and middle schools.

"Jon has concentrated on making his adopted hometown of New Orleans a better place," said Executive Vice President/General Manager Mickey Loomis. "Tuesdays are his day off, but it's rare when he isn't out in the community. His character and sense of purpose make him a role model for young people. This is a responsibility he takes seriously, and this award is well deserved."

Spends his days off helping the community. Hes been doing this for years and no one has mentioned squat until now and I don't think he cares if it ever got mentioned. People like him do things out of the kindness of their heart, not because they want to look like they are good people to the public. Even though he wouldnt care if he got the award or not, id like to see him get it.
After reading around this site, it's clear that most (if not all) here are anti-black and pro-white.

Me? I'm here because this site has some good content about white players not getting a fair chance at playing football in many positions, which I agree with wholeheartedly. And yet when I make one post supporting a black athlete there is unbelievable backlash. You guys are very quick to suggest that white athletes are just as good off-the-field as some black athletes and that there is no reason to praise Adrian Peterson for his endeavors off the gridiron. It's rather disturbing, to say the least.

I would love to see more white players get a fair shot but are you people blind to the fact that most of your posts are clearly showing a bias? I swear by some of the posts here that people are hoping every black football player fails and that every white football player succeeds simply because of their skin color. It's truly amazing that it has come to this.

I'm sure most people think I'm spouting off liberal rhetoric or something but I'm just saying it like I see it on here. From now on I will refrain from every mentioning anything good about the evil black football players.
ManifestDestiny said:
You guys are very quick to suggest that white athletes are just as good off-the-field as some black athletes and that there is no reason to praise Adrian Peterson for his endeavors off the gridiron. It's rather disturbing, to say the least.

Are you suggesting that white athletes aren't better behaved off the field than black ones? Is there anyone even in this massively propagandized country that doesn't know that?

Again, this is a pro-white site. Of course there are black athletes that do good things off the field. To start a thread about one on a pro-white site is not only out of place, but also shows your own, kneejerkpandering when it comes to race. Your whole message is: Look, here's a black that isn't getting arrested off the field. Let's salute him for being a good guy. It's the same gooey sentimentality that makes so many whites want to pat blacks on the head and hug them when they're nice to them.

Why haven't you started some threads praising white athletes for their off the field activities? First, because that is the norm among white athletes not the exception; and second, because you share the anti-white mindset of most Whites.Examineyour own biases before you condemn race realists.Edited by: Don Wassall
ManifestDestiny said:
..there is no reason to praise Adrian Peterson for his endeavors off the gridiron.

There isn't.
"I swear by some of the posts here that people are hoping every black football player fails and that every white football player succeeds simply because of their skin color. It's truly amazing that it has come to this."

What's so"amazing" aboutsupporting your race athletically? Every single otherrace is allowed to do this, and with great enthusiam from the caste overlords. All without ever beingreferred to asthe sacred little buzz word you so blatantlysuggested for the members of this site: "racist."

You can discover the "reason it came to this" by reading through the vast database of caste-related atrocities featured on this site, of which you yourself admit are absolutely true.

It's even more simple, actually, if you don't like certain aspects of the site, then either don't read them...or feel free to leave.

Personally, I'm not sure how anyone could call the members of this site "racists," when we're the ones fighting for racial equality. The caste powers-that-be are ones undeniably obsessed with the race-related aspects of sports....we'rejust challenging their ubiquitous 30 years ofhate.Edited by: Thrashen
ManifestDestiny said:
You guys are very quick to suggest that white athletes are just as good off-the-field as some black athletes and that there is no reason to praise Adrian Peterson for his endeavors off the gridiron. It's rather disturbing, to say the least.

wow. you're applauding Adrian Peterson for not committing crimes. i guess if you set the achievement bar low enough, anyone will qualify for accolades.
and you seriously think the majority of white players behave just as badly off the field as most black players? really?

if you were really interested in applauding a black player this year, why didn't you mention Brian Dawkins of the Eagles? he's up for the Walter Payton NFL Man of the Year, arguably the league's most prestigious award, which is given out to the player who best exhibits both on-the-field and off-the-field (community service) excellence.

of course, the other two finalists for NFL Man of the Year are both white: Arizona's Kurt Warner and Minnesota's Matt Birk. but that disproportionately high percentage of whites vying for the award is purely coincidental. also of course.

Another area of interest is that when these players are finished with their "careers" many of them become broke in very short order and move onto criminal activity. I remember years ago, Newsday ( a Long Island, N.Y. rag) tried to do a where are they now piece on former NFL players and gave up quickly because so many of them were in prison (black mans welfare because they can't be pregnant). It's a very interesting topic, how inept these blacks are. When I say inept, I mean it in it the fullest extent of the word inept. Many of these men couldn't change a lightbulb, can't pay a gas bill, can't get up early by themselves, everything it takes to function in this society. They're completely lost. It's hard to imagine people walking around like this, but I assure you, they're like this.

Tom Iron...
I'd agree that Peterson is the best RB in the NFL currently. However, Peyton Hillis could be a top 5 NFL RB if he gets 300 carries this year in Denver. The Denver blocking is tailor made to his talents; and he is a great receiver out of the backfield as well.
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