A question for Don Wassall

Personally I enjoy this site more during football season. The posts always pick up and Backrow and others do a great job with the stats for all the white players. I also post a lot in the boxing section but right now is a slow period for white fighters. There just are very few significant fights for the summer. Things will pick up in the fall.
I found this site by google searching "white running back" in 2006, but nowadays if i google that phrase, i never find caste football. Is google hiding this site?
chris371 said:
I found this site by google searching "white running back" in 2006, but nowadays if i google that phrase, i never find caste football. Is google hiding this site?

I'm not sure about that. I found this site in 2007 by typing "white wide receiver." I immediately read numerous articles that were on the homepage and was completely sold on what is taking place in American sports.

We had a thread on this subject a few years back. It seemed as if google was trying to keep this site on "the down low."
Google briefly censored (or had a glitch) direct links from CF a year or so ago but it was only for a few weeks.

I just googled "white running backs" and CF was the 33rd result: http://www.google.com/search?q=white+running+backs&hl=en&rlz=1T4DKUS_enUS218US218&prmd=iv&ei=9zxHTMa3J5SosQPB1rG4Ag&start=30&sa=N

It depends on the search phrase. "White running back" was in the news a lot recently because of Toby Gerhart so the bigger sites that ran something about it will get mentioned before CF, though I am far from an expert on how Google finds and arranges results. But 33rd out of 465,000 results isn't too shabby.
Yeah, that's exactly how I found CF. I googled white RBs, and found it. Glad I did.
A lot of times instead of using castefootball's search feature or digging through threads,I type in the athletes name on google followed by caste football. Most of the time it will take you to the direct link on caste football.
Yeah, I typed in "Luke Shaffer football" on google, and the Caste Football thread for him is the 2nd link on the search results!
Spread the word to any/all White folks that have the mental aptitude & receptiveness to possibly be interested & join. You can usually tell if someone's a potential person to check-out CF (w/ an open mind)...vs. sheeplized DWFs & limp-wristed lefties.
I found caste football way back when Dustin Fox was entering the NFL draft. I think i Googled something to the effect of: "dustin fox white cornerback" and here I am still today!

My favorite part of the website is the college football teams/players threads. I love college football all the way and caste football really helps me identify what teams to root for or watch during the course of a season.
I found this site while trying to find potential players to create for for my Madden team. I guess the fact that I ended up here indicates the sort of player I was looking for. I lurked for at least a year or so before actually joining. I don't remember my first post, but I know it probably wasn't an introduction as I have a bad habit of not bothering with introductions.
My first post here caused a bit of a stir. I upset a long time poster though I don't remember who. I then cursed at him and was warned by the moderators.
celticdb15 said:
A lot of times instead of using castefootball's search feature or digging through threads, I type in the athletes name on google followed by caste football. Most of the time it will take you to the direct link on caste football.

I can't tell from your post if you're already doing this, but if not, here's a general tip on searches.
You can do a site-specific search (obtain results only from a chosen site) by including "site:" in your search text.
For example, in the Google search bar if you typed

You would get back links for pages that included every cached instance of the string "Tom Brady" and they would only be links to Caste Football. Now that's a specific enough example that your way would give you what you wanted, anyway. But this search tool can be helpful if you're trying to find something you're less sure of and you don't want to dig through dozens of pages of search results.
Example: If you suspected Microsoft had some information somewhere on their website about the NFL (for whatever reason) and you just entered "NFL, Microsoft" in the Google search bar, you'd end up with a million links to news outlets that just happened to have those two things on the same page, and another million links to video game websites where they're talking about the Madden NFL game for the Xbox. But using "NFL site:www.microsoft.com" in the search bar would ignore all results except for those that come from Microsoft's website. It seems like a small thing, but it can make searching a lot easier (when coupled with other advanced search methods).
Again, you may have already known this, but if somebody else on the forum can be helped by the information, then they have it now, too.

[It also works in Bing, btw.]Edited by: Riddlewire
Don Wassall said:
Google briefly censored (or had a glitch) direct links from CF a year or so ago but it was only for a few weeks.
<div>I just googled "white running backs" and CF was the 33rd result: http://www.google.com/search?q=white+running+backs&amp;hl=en&amp;rlz=1T4DKUS_enUS218US218&amp;prmd=iv&amp;ei=9zxHTMa3J5SosQPB1rG4Ag&amp;start=30&amp;sa=N</div>
<div>It depends on the search phrase. "White running back" was in the news a lot recently because of Toby Gerhart so the bigger sites that ran something about it will get mentioned before CF, though I am far from an expert on how Google finds and arranges results. But 33rd out of 465,000 results isn't too shabby.</div>

I was curious to see how many times the term "white running backs"Â￾ is searched for during a month. Googles' keyword tool let's you find the search volume for a keyword and related terms. Advertisers on Google use it to research the market for this or that keyword. First, I ran through the term "white running backs"Â￾ in the tool using broad matching. It return results for various phrases that are related (check below). I think the results are skewed and inflated because of some crossover or something when using broad matching. So the phrases from the results were put through the tool using the exact match option. This is supposed to give the number of searches (based on what has occurred in the previous months) expected in a month's time for each phrase exactly as typed into the search box. It does give an insight of what people are looking for.

Globlal Monthly Searches Local Monthly Searches
[white running back]
140 110
[white running backs] 260 210
[best white running back] 36 28
[white running backs in college] 22 16
[white running back michigan] 16 12
[white running backs in the nfl] 320 260
[white running backs in nfl] 28 22
[last white running back] 12 12
[stanford white running back] 12 5
[greatest white running back] 0 0
[white running back nfl] 12 5
[white nfl running backs] 140 110
[white nfl running back] 12 5
[white running backs nfl] 22 16
[nfl white running backs] 36 28
[best white running backs] 12 12
[nfl white running back] 0 0

Global monthly searches total 1080 and local searches total 851. I believe local searches represent North America. Zero results represents less than 10. Being conservative, if there are 30 people a day searching on the topic of White running backs, that is a fair amount of potential traffic for Caste Football. Over time Caste Football may move up in the search results for these phrases. I read somewhere the top three listings in google get the majority of clicks, maybe it was the top five. Caste Football is in the third position for "white cornerback"Â￾.

When I get time I'll look at the phrase "white wide receivers"Â￾.
Quiet Speed said:
Web Search Interest: white running backWorldwide, Last 12 monthsCategories: Sports (10-25%)Big, big spike in April according to Google Insights for Search.

I was a "white cornerback" guy myself on that infamous google search years back that led me to caste football. i guess my user name says it all. lol
Quiet Speed said:
Don Wassall said:
Google briefly censored (or had a glitch) direct links from CF a year or so ago but it was only for a few weeks.
<div>I just googled "white running backs" and CF was the 33rd result: http://www.google.com/search?q=white+running+backs&amp;hl=en&amp;rlz=1T4DKUS_enUS218US218&amp;prmd=iv&amp;ei=9zxHTMa3J5SosQPB1rG4Ag&amp;start=30&amp;sa=N</div>
<div>It depends on the search phrase. "White running back" was in the news a lot recently because of Toby Gerhart so the bigger sites that ran something about it will get mentioned before CF, though I am far from an expert on how Google finds and arranges results. But 33rd out of 465,000 results isn't too shabby.</div>

I was curious to see how many times the term "white running backs"Â￾ is searched for during a month. Googles' keyword tool let's you find the search volume for a keyword and related terms. Advertisers on Google use it to research the market for this or that keyword. First, I ran through the term "white running backs"Â￾ in the tool using broad matching. It return results for various phrases that are related (check below). I think the results are skewed and inflated because of some crossover or something when using broad matching. So the phrases from the results were put through the tool using the exact match option. This is supposed to give the number of searches (based on what has occurred in the previous months) expected in a month's time for each phrase exactly as typed into the search box. It does give an insight of what people are looking for.

Globlal Monthly Searches Local Monthly Searches
[white running back]
140 110
[white running backs] 260 210
[best white running back] 36 28
[white running backs in college] 22 16
[white running back michigan] 16 12
[white running backs in the nfl] 320 260
[white running backs in nfl] 28 22
[last white running back] 12 12
[stanford white running back] 12 5
[greatest white running back] 0 0
[white running back nfl] 12 5
[white nfl running backs] 140 110
[white nfl running back] 12 5
[white running backs nfl] 22 16
[nfl white running backs] 36 28
[best white running backs] 12 12
[nfl white running back] 0 0

Global monthly searches total 1080 and local searches total 851. I believe local searches represent North America. Zero results represents less than 10. Being conservative, if there are 30 people a day searching on the topic of White running backs, that is a fair amount of potential traffic for Caste Football. Over time Caste Football may move up in the search results for these phrases. I read somewhere the top three listings in google get the majority of clicks, maybe it was the top five. Caste Football is in the third position for "white cornerback"Â￾.

When I get time I'll look at the phrase "white wide receivers"Â￾.

Finally looked at some numbers for "white wide receivers"Â￾ and related keywords in regards to how many times people are searching google for the phrases. I used the same method as when looking at "white running backs"Â￾. There is not the same level of interest for White receivers as White running backs.

Keyword Global Monthly Searches Local Monthly Searches
[white receivers] 12 12
[white nfl wide receivers] 16 12
[white nfl receivers] 28 28
[white receivers in the nfl] 22 22
[nfl white wide receivers] 0 0
[white wide receivers] 73 58
[white wide receivers in the nfl] 58 58
[white wide receiver] 16 12
[best white wide receivers] 16 12

A total of about 241 people have been searching a month on a global scale and 214 for local searches. These people are eventually going to find Caste Football.
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