A Football Life

America's churches are filled with earnest Judeo-Christians like McCartney. McCartney used to speak at the "Promise Keepers" events that filled stadiums around the country with well-meaning but clueless White men.

I know, Carolina Speed, you're not one of them, but far too many are. But fortunately "mainstream" churches continue to lose influence because they have gone so far astray from the laws of nature, which Christianity traditionally used to recognize and obey for the most part. Mainline churches more and more are becoming the province of aging women. Most men that participate are emasculated or otherwise cucked.
This guy is so deranged that I can't even laugh at the fact that his daughter got knocked up by a black. It was probably the happiest day of his life

Technically, Sal Aunese wasn't black, he was a Samoan that looked black and had some Negro-like features...


If you look on YouTube, Bill McCuckney has numerous long rants about "white privilege" that are enraging beyond belief, yet fascinating. ESPN produced a disgusting "30 for 30" film about his thug-laden teams, the numerous crimes they committed in all-white Colorado communities, his extreme far left anti-white rants, him praising blacks as superior athletes, his daughter's pregnancy (she didn't have an abortion because of...Jesus), and his poisonous Zionist-Christian views.
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America's churches are filled with earnest Judeo-Christians like McCartney. McCartney used to speak at the "Promise Keepers" events that filled stadiums around the country with well-meaning but clueless White men.

I know, Carolina Speed, you're not one of them, but far too many are. But fortunately "mainstream" churches continue to lose influence because they have gone so far astray from the laws of nature, which Christianity traditionally used to recognize and obey for the most part. Mainline churches more and more are becoming the province of aging women. Most men that participate are emasculated or otherwise cucked.

"Jesus answered, I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me." John, 14:6.

Yes Don, I agree for the most part. It's a real problem for Christians and non-Christians alike. We're all sinners. The Bible says so."There is no difference, for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God." Romans, 3:23.
I disagree with what McCartney said in the video, but again we're all sinners and we've all said and done dumb things. I know I have. Have you? If I missed it, I apologize, but I haven't seen many here criticizing Donald Trump for his stance on same sex partnerships. He seems to pander to the LGBT folks and has said he doesn't have an issue with it. Sin is sin, but making racial comments is far less concerning to me than same sex partnerships/marriage.
Back to the real problem for Christians and non-Christians. Christians get into trouble when they get their eyes off Jesus and non-Christians look at Christians who are imperfect people, instead of looking to the only perfect person to walk the face of the earth, Jesus. "He committed no sin, and no deceit was found in his mouth. I Peter,2:22.
"But you know that he appeared so that he may take away our sins. And in him is no sin." I John 3:5.

I attend and am a member of a church, however, I don't worship the church. Jesus is my savior not the church. With that said, no one would be allowed to make racial comments at the church I attend and we would not allow same sex marriages to take place in our church. It's sad when people look at some churches and think that's what Christianity is. Everyone that attends church is not a Christian. "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord' will enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew, 7:21. The Apostle John criticized the church of Thyatira in the Book of Revelation,"By her teaching she misleads my servants into sexual immorality...Revelation, 2-20.

Don, you've been gracious in allowing me to express my faith here at CF and I appreciate it. I hope the CF members here will truly examine the Bible and look to Jesus, not people, for hope. "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door. I will come in and eat with, and he with me. Revelation, 3:20.
The Right never contests the Moral Level of conflict instead they play intellectual within the bounds set by the Left and that is why they lose. The tougher the conservative talks the bigger cuck he or she is to the Left, basic psychology. And these tough talking church goers don't really have Jesus as Lord, he's their buddy, what they fear are the usual lefty rhetorical devices that end in "ist", "ism" or "phobia."

Go ahead ask them.
The Right never contests the Moral Level of conflict instead they play intellectual within the bounds set by the Left and that is why they lose. The tougher the conservative talks the bigger cuck he or she is to the Left, basic psychology. And these tough talking church goers don't really have Jesus as Lord, he's their buddy, what they fear are the usual lefty rhetorical devices that end in "ist", "ism" or "phobia."

Go ahead ask them.
That's not always true. Former NC Governor Pat McCrory stood up to the LGBT community, but unfortunately was voted out of office last year. But Donald Trump seemed to pander to LGBT and won NC.
American Freedom News