2022 Running Backs

:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:LOG IN Problems ....Log in Problems ...WHY??? Does not recognize me! Happened SAME TIME last year in Summer! Does not recognize me as TwentyTwo...Twenty (space?) Two???? Is it a damn GLITCH???
I am done here at CF for a while.....Will continue to enjoy reading ...keep up great work

JUST HAD POSTED 9 RB's ALL with the pics ...Shipley ; Roberts ; Gregg ; Steele ; Pare ; Lavine ; McDaniel ; Magyar ; McChesney
Just wasted over an hour for no reason....POST is GONE! TOO MUCH WORK just to be DELETED!!!!
I'm beyond frustrated ...some things just are not meant to be...No other site does this !
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How did you finally get logged in?

I had an issue yesterday when I was trying to post an article about Alec Pierce. I copied and pasted a tweet as part of the article and the software apparently didn't like the tweet as a 403 error message flashed. I kept trying to post it anyway and ended up not being able to access the site. According to the tech working on it, the site ended up blocking my IP, so if you see a 403 error message while working on a post, don't try to post. In your case, maybe having 9 different pictures on the same post triggered something, just a guess. Sorry it happened to you but unfortunately I'm not a techie.

Something I try to do when working on lengthy posts, articles, etc., is copy and paste what I've written on Notepad or Word, so that I have a backup if something goes haywire.
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:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:LOG IN Problems ....Log in Problems ...WHY??? Does not recognize me! Happened SAME TIME last year in Summer! Does not recognize me as TwentyTwo...Twenty (space?) Two???? Is it a damn GLITCH???
I am done here at CF for a while.....Will continue to enjoy reading ...keep up great work

JUST HAD POSTED 9 RB's ALL with the pics ...Shipley ; Roberts ; Gregg ; Steele ; Pare ; Lavine ; McDaniel ; Magyar ; McChesney
Just wasted over an hour for no reason....POST is GONE! TOO MUCH WORK just to be DELETED!!!!
I'm beyond frustrated ...some things just are not meant to be...No other site does this !

I really hope you don't give up on this site. Amercia and the whole world including the internet is under constant attack by the globalist commie scum of the earth. There has been alot more trouble recetnly here but we will survive. Everything seems
to be working ok today but it's like this site is in slow motion. We will get through this and you mean so much to this site. I really hope you don't leave my friend. If you do thankyou but I hope you change your mind. Remember that sites that are not
p.c. with the propagandd are attacked more often and they really want to erase us. We will not comply. This site has been here almost 2 decades and it will go on. We will win this fight in sports and in all aspects of life. Everything is like a pendulum
swing. Well it can only go so long in the evil direction. Goodnesss, honesty and truth shall prevail. Never Give Up Hope to all my fellow members and friends here! WE WILL WIN in the END! :)
I’ve experienced issues over the past few weeks since the site issues. Stating that cookies needed to be enabled for the site and when I check browser settings everything is correct. I’ve experienced this on two different browsers - brave and opera. It’s only been an issue for me over the past couple of weeks but @TwentyTwo has had reported issues in the past. Not sure if it’s a security setting on the back end or something the site admins can look at.
Thanks for the input leonardfan. I use firefox and have no problems for the most part. Something to maybe consider.
TwentyTwo, I really enjoy your posts so I hope you don't stop posting. I know the frustration when I first started posting it would take me forever to post a simple post. I don't have to tell most of ya'll that I am a 9th- grade dropout and I struggle to write what I want to say. You have a talent for posting so I hope you reconsider.
"Conservatives" rely on this delusion that their "liberal friends" can be educated and usually this is a complete waste of ones life and will drive you crazy in the mean time all for the "liberals'" entertainment. They were psychologically broken for the most part then reformed psychologically, basic cult stuff as a short description and the conservatives are the outsiders with no moral authority to them per the cult.

Anyway if you don't view it as some psychological game or you are not cold enough to inflict some psychological pain I advise don't participate, but conservatives being who they are and how they are trained by "their leaders" seem to always fall for the temptation that they thru their superior knowledge, virtue and principles can "educate" the "liberals."

Besides the "liberals" really don't believe any of their own nonsense, they really don't, but they never have to prove any of it they simply taunt us and that is enough for them.
Good points here. NormieCons need to get a clue and realize there is no cure for willful ignorance and that is 99% of "liberals".
People are social rationalizing animals not intellectuals ready to dip into obscure subjects to find the "truth."
It’s been said that my facts don’t care about your feelings, but when it comes to dealing w liberals the reality is their feelings not only don’t care about, but hate your facts.

Appeals to make liberals see the light on many topics are a complete waste of energy.

helping Normies to see what is going on is another matter and probably a bit more achievable
I've got about 55 of our guys getting a chance to run the pigskin this year. If I miss any feel free to add on.

Clemson: Will Shipley soph. Good rb. Very fast but is not elusive as one of us would hope. Does cut to his right very well.

NC State; Bennet Gallaway true fresh. Very quick and elusive. Should get some starts in a few years as he is BURIED on the returning depth chart.

SMU: Tyler Lavine and TJ McDaniel . Senior and soph. respectively. Lavine is a big back with cutting ability but is not a speedster. McDaniel is a jack of all trades coming back from a serious leg injury. I hope both these guys enter the portal because a transfer from Alabama is going to be carrying this team along with mighty mite Tre SIggers.

Virginia Tech: Bryce Duke. True fresh. Really good rb but will never see the field as deep as V. Tech is. Transfer kid, now.

Wake Forest: Tate Carney. True fresh: Brothr of Cade Carney. I just don't like this kid. Very unimpressive. Smaller and quicker than Cade but lacks explosivness.

Illinois: Aidan Laughery and Nick Fendazo. Fresh. and soph. Laughery is going to be great. Fast and elusive. I would not be surprised if he wins the starting kick return duties in 2022. Fendanzo is a scholarship rb but will never see the field. He just isint all that impressive.

Indiana: Charlie Spegal. soph. Big back but looks like another Cade Carney clone.

Kansas State: Jax Dineen and Jordan Shcippers. Dineen is a bruiser probably going to be used to run the clock in close games. Schippers is quick and big but looks to be third team at best.

Minnesota: Derek Lecaptain soph. Usually a linebacker this kid is big and elusive. If Purdue's Horvath can get drafted this kid needs another longer chance at rb.

Nebraska: Cooper Jewett and Brody Bolt. Jewett is never going to see the field but he is explosive and can be shifty. Bolt is normally a wr but got some backup carries and is petty elusive for his short stature. Came into the backfield after Neb. had some rb injuries accumulate.

West Virginia: Owen Chafin. He will never get the ball. Just not good.

Oklahoma State: Zach Middleton. Redshirt freshman that got into some games last year. 4.4 speed and should get some kickoff duties this year.

Wisconsin: Brady Schippers and Cade Yacamelli. Shcippers is a jack of all rades that will see his time reduced with the unreal brusing Braelon Edwars. Yacameli though coming in as a rb/ath will probably move to wr and punt returner.

Rice: Dean Connors. I love this kid. NFL written all over him. Heisman finalist I swear it. Fast elusive. Very very shifty. Great balance. Named Rice's spring 2022 player MVP. He is second string but that won't last long I promise.

UMASS: Carter Scudo This kid is really good. Can no longer find him on a depth chart but will probably wind more up at wr then rb on a very crappy team.

BYU: Jordan McChesney Fast, some ability to make people miss and he does not fumble. Had that 200 yard game at UMASS a few years ago but that was and is UMASS.

Washington U. : WHoever posted qb/rn Andrew Sirmon was rb 1 after spring is on crack. I can't find anything on him but if he gets playing time good for us.

Wash. State : They have 2 walk ons in Dylan Payne and the guy thats name eludes me but someone postd here they are expected to get carries. They won't. WSU has 3 very capable black guys that will be doing all the running.

UNLV: Chad Maygar Senior. Don't know much about him but is slated to start though I don't think he will finish the season as it.

Nevada: Wesley Krommer. Junior. Got 4 carries for 7 yards last year. Probably won't play much the rest of his career.

Boise State Tyler Crowe soph. Currently second on depth chart. Not the next coming of Brock Forsey but pretty good player. Ryan Nallesque at his best.

Wyoming: Wyatt Ekeler. He is a strong safety but his high school rb highlights are insane. Wyoming needs to rethink this one soon.

Air Force: Brad Roberts, Kade Frew , Dane Kinnamon and Owen Burks. ROberts is an NFL prospect. Never have I seen a rb in high school cut at full sprinting spped so many times and not go down. Does bot help he is playin to close to the line to utilize his speed. Frew will not se time this year but he is going to be good. Kinnamon is mostly a wr but he played rb a few gmes and is a nice all around athlete. I know nothing about Burks but he is second at the tb position.

New Mexico: Luke Wysong. Normally a wr he should get some rb carries as he got 25 last year. New Mexijco State 100 meter champion in high school.

Eastern Michigan: Samson Evans. Kid is slow and not elusive but he is starting and had 13 tds last year rushing. Who knows?

Georgia: Cash Jones. soph. All the tools even close to SHipley playing for the wrong team. Had a late scholarship to New Mexico state 2 years ago but transferred a s a Walk on. What a waste.

Ball State; Has 3 rbs. Casron Steele is a demon. Slow but elusive but can break tackles against the best. Will Jones is speedy but this is Steeles position to lose. There is a freshmen coming in who is faster than Steele but bigger than Jones. Hayden somebody. Cant find him but he might push Steele next year.

Buffalo: Jackson Paradis. Big back probably will move to lb. Hope not.

Texas State: Lincoln Pare. Ark. State transfer. I saw him 2 years ago against K. State. Really Shifty with high 4.5 speed. Possible late NFL pick. Jack Funnk but not as cat quick.

UCLA: Brian Kowal Big back who might get some major carries if Charbonnet goes down. Don't doubt it with his running style.

Stanford: Casey FIlikins. Dont know much about him but if he gets to be a Gerghart or McCffrey he will be a good one.

California: Ashton Hayes. Good all around rb. NOt elusive but knows how to run to daylight.

Vanderbilt: Cooper Lutz Fast semi-elusive rv should be 2nd string by the end of fall camp.

Feel free to add more guys

2 more I forgot to write about though they were mentioned in another thread I tried to write this one in but I could not get the link going.

Gavin Garcia Kent State true fresh. Will probably redshirt.

Ethan Payne Marshall soph. 5'10" 219 pounds. Not a bad athlete. Got some carries last year in the middle of the season. He was shifting from 2nd to third string as a redshirt frosh so maybe he has potential. We dont have a lot of starters but we have a ton in the two deep, well compared to previous years. I think we
WL if you get a chance could you post Dean Connors youtube game 3 April as I don't have that talent yet. If you can. People will see why I am hyping this kid. 5 or 6 just highlight reel plays in one game.

Also. I did not find him but someone else here a while ago mentioned Anderson Castle of Appalachian State. Big junior that is currently behind 2 seniors. Maybe he can run for 300 and start next year.
This is messed up becasue ourlads has Connors at 4th string. Thats not where he was according to the Rice Athletic website. Just crazy. Maybe Im hyping this guy way to much but he looks like the next McCaffrey without the head shakes.
Wow. I knew of Casey Filikins from this website but never watched his highlights in high school. The kid is amazing. Cuts quick. Has a nice stop and start move. As the " scouts " say he is very " sudden ". Fast kid. I think we may have another Stanford rb in the pros in a few years. I m dead serious. 22, leonard fan , WL , Carolina Speed and Rocky B ,what do you think
2 more . I believe white l. found Cody Schrader who is third string at Missouri as a senior transfer but I don't like his highlights. Ill leave it at that.

Danny McFadden is a scholarship rb for Stanford. He is a redshirt frosh. and he is 4th string as of now. He is also a short strider like Shrader but he has some nice change of direction skills and is a smooth runner. Stanford has kicked out many rb's in recent decades as with Wisconsin so it says something that this kid is on the 4 deep. Considering the 3 ahead of
Thanks Ben Sharp Arrow for the solid run down . Wish we could move this new RB thread; to the College Football Stars page with the 2022 WR & DB threads ; for reference; consolidate

Early last week i posted in El Gringo's 2022 RB thread ..... I have a lil' tradition of using Pictures (see 2022 WR & DB threads)....Had 9 RB's ALL with the pics you mentioned above ...Shipley ; Roberts ; Gregg ; Steele ; Pare ; Lavine ; McDaniel ; Magyar ; McChesney but it was DELETED.
...it took at least an hour to post with pics/stats / Heights/Weights/Class etc

......Filikins was ready to go on the next set of RB Pics....maybe i can try again soon

Was sorry to see Illinois RB Mike Epstein had to retire due to several injuries. Thought he had a chance to be at least a late round NFL Draft pick

From now on take Don's advice to COPY/PASTE just in case things go whacko!
WL if you get a chance could you post Dean Connors youtube game 3 April as I don't have that talent yet. If you can. People will see why I am hyping this kid. 5 or 6 just highlight reel plays in one game.

Also. I did not find him but someone else here a while ago mentioned Anderson Castle of Appalachian State. Big junior that is currently behind 2 seniors. Maybe he can run for 300 and start next year.

Sirmon was listed at RB1 for UW during spring because of injuries and other roster issues that resulted in temporary lack of bodies. The comments about Dean Connors… have to look him up now
Thanks for posting this. The kid is unreal. I don't know what his 40 time is but it looks like a high 4.4. He is really fast with the ball in his hands. That move at 2:40 is insane. Just no hesitation. I hope ourlads got it wrong on him being 4th string because I have seen very few rbs black or white run like this kid. Just mind blowing agility and he is pretty strong and has the same weight and height as McCaffrey. I really hope yo catch him live one day.
Wow. I knew of Casey Filikins from this website but never watched his highlights in high school. The kid is amazing. Cuts quick. Has a nice stop and start move. As the " scouts " say he is very " sudden ". Fast kid. I think we may have another Stanford rb in the pros in a few years. I m dead serious. 22, leonard fan , WL , Carolina Speed and Rocky B ,what do you think

I just watched his jr highlights and man can that kid fly! He only has Emmett Smiths son ahead on the depth chart so hopefully he can split touches and maybe surpass him if he can break some long runs. Smith is a tough runner with good vision like his Dad but doesn’t have the break away speed of Filkins. https://www.hudl.com/video/3/6241336/5c14049a23478e0b90a12107
Thanks Ben Sharp Arrow for the solid run down . Wish we could move this new RB thread; to the College Football Stars page with the 2022 WR & DB threads ; for reference; consolidate

Early last week i posted in El Gringo's 2022 RB thread ..... I have a lil' tradition of using Pictures (see 2022 WR & DB threads)....Had 9 RB's ALL with the pics you mentioned above ...Shipley ; Roberts ; Gregg ; Steele ; Pare ; Lavine ; McDaniel ; Magyar ; McChesney but it was DELETED.
...it took at least an hour to post with pics/stats / Heights/Weights/Class etc

......Filikins was ready to go on the next set of RB Pics....maybe i can try again soon

Was sorry to see Illinois RB Mike Epstein had to retire due to several injuries. Thought he had a chance to be at least a late round NFL Draft pick

From now on take Don's advice to COPY/PASTE just in case things go whacko!
Glad you back posting dude!! I always look forward to your pictures and posts.
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