I agree with that and much of the above. Again, it's about approach. When you wrote to Peter King, did you refer to all Black QBs as "black quarterbacks" along with their derogatory nicknames? I didn't think so. And that's my point, or at least part of it. If Peter King decided to follow up and visit this site and look at your posts, do you think he would be convinced? He would be appalled is what he would be.To be honest I don't care whether or not I am "dehumanzing" a multimillion dollar athlete that may or may not be in his current position due to his ability. There are worse things going on in the world - Whites are dehumanized in much worse ways throughout society - Being murdered, raped, robbed, having jobs stolen from them, having their ancestral societies robbed from them by globalists. I don't really think calling black QBs by nicknames (You did refer to Murray as a "manlet" a few weeks ago btw) or labeling them as black quarterbacks is going to cause anyone not to join the site. I will stop with the name calling out of respect for you and this site moving forward.
That is great that you have been writing about black QBs years before I found the site, I appreciate that. I came to my own conclusions about black qbs before finding this site. Do you follow college football or recruiting currently? Do you write about this now? I would love to read some new material from you on your take. It's not my perspective to celebrate black QBs, I am here as a critic of black QBs, black skill position players, black OL (there is a SUMO watch thread), black defensive players along with doing my best to support White athletes. The rules of the game have been adjusted and tweaked to try and get as many black QBs in the game as possible, I will stand by that. It's not a conspiracy of any sort. You can also look at the successful black QBs in college or the NFL. They step into much more advantageous situations than White QBs along with unquestioned support, a higher level of hype which protects them, surrounded by better players/offensive minds.
What about the fathers of White athletes who are wondering if their sons are being discriminated against? What about the sons themselves and their friends? If they come here with an open mind many will find lots of eye-opening material. But not when it comes to Black QBs, or at least your approach. I can't think of a better way to turn off curious people than to refer to all Black QBs as black quarterbacks and black quarterbacks, and to never admit that any of them have any talent. I might as well unblock the "n-word" and let all Black QBs be called *******.
Again, I'm not worried about you hurting the feelings of Black QBs, I'm concerned with those that come here with an open mind and what I believe our approach and mission is, which primarily is to support White athletes and point out how they're discriminated against in various ways.
Your zealotry on the Black QB issue is actually quite counter-productive, but I realize you can't see it no matter how many different ways I try to explain it so I won't say anymore for now, other than to say that there have been several trends on this site over the years that I've patiently and politely opposed -- the most prominent being the promotion by a former poster that all sports events are fixed, and the same poster waking up one day and deciding Carson Palmer should be leading a crusade against the Caste System, which led to a lot of unnecessary dumping on White QBs in general for a long time (and which still happens occasionally). And there has been no shortage of posters who have come here mostly or solely because of their dislike of Blacks, Jews, what have you, rather than supporting White athletes. To me, the ritual dumping on all Black QBs all the time is a violation of the posting guidelines and is far more extreme than the corporate media's bias against White QBs and White athletes and is a turnoff to far more people than the few who love to see Blacks ripped on. Our approach is supposed to be citing direct and indirect evidence and anecdotes supporting our positions, not being the mirror image of Black hate sites, so I'm not going away on this. Make your case on the issue with logic and data, not ritual negative emotions and name calling.