2020 Election

Who did/do you plan on voting for president?

  • Total voters
Huge turnout in Cesspool, D.C. today in support of Trump:


Pretty sure Parler is an app that requires you to provide your phone number to register. I can't find any way around that. It can only be installed on apple and android devices so it's all linked to your smart phone.

You can also just go to www.parler.com and create an account that way. You don't need to use the app. I have not been able to find a Parler app to install on my Android device (Kindle Fire) or Dell desktop computer. Google Play does have the app.
I just recently joined Parler. Nice to see a lot of conservative content.

At this point I could care less who knows I am a full-throated conservative. I believe we are past that point of keeping our politics to ourselves. Hell, the reason we are in the mess in this country anyways is because the Right has been all-to-willing to stay silent out of fear of losing a job, losing a friend, losing social standing etc.

Again, we are well beyond that now.
Dominion Engineer Told Antifa He'd 'Made Sure' Trump Wouldn't Win, Report Says


Pretty interesting that Dominion was funded with Communist$$ in Venezuela to keep their shithead puppet in charge of things. Somehow makes its way to a "free" country's election.

Also ((Feinstein)) and Pelosi both have husband's with stock in the company. I'm sure that's all a Cohencidence though.

Digging even deeper it has ties to Clinton Foundation and Soros puppet nonprofits.
Pretty interesting that Dominion was funded with Communist$$ in Venezuela to keep their shithead puppet in charge of things. Somehow makes its way to a "free" country's election.

Also ((Feinstein)) and Pelosi both have husband's with stock in the company. I'm sure that's all a Cohencidence though.

Digging even deeper it has ties to Clinton Foundation and Soros puppet nonprofits.
Dominion Engineer Told Antifa He'd 'Made Sure' Trump Wouldn't Win, Report Says


just another negro worshipping cuck
There will be a massive false flag event within the next six months.
"White Supremacist Trump Supporters" will kill many at a very public venue, likely with video footage (but not too much).

They require this to justify criminalizing the entire white race as a matter of law.

Alleged mass shooting being reported in Wisconsin today.
The Globalist are desperate to get their power back by any means necessary! America First/ Populism is a mere blip on the radar for them.
This election is all about the Great Re Set in Davos in January of 21 @ the World Economic Forum. 26 years of progress from the cabal is not about to be thwarted by Trump.
Never Let a Good Crisis Go to Waste

This means Trump actually has 80 million & Biden less than 70....though some say it's even lower than that
I ran across this video. I'm not sure what Turley is talking about.

The election will now be up to those state legislators to choose Trump or their obviously corrupted elections. I suspect none will have the courage to defy corruption. If that fails, we as a nation have to hope those two in GA win their Senator seats. Else the slide down the sh*tter accelerates.
What are everyone's thoughts on what took place today? I did not think I would ever witness what I did - pretty amazing show of force with no weapons. Just sheer numbers. It was "mostly peaceful" as in the patriots who participated made performed no collateral damage - no looting, burning, beating, killing. However the police did kill a white woman who stormed the Capitol building. The sheer hypocrist of the left and blacks is summed up in this tweet I came across on twitter. It sums it up pretty well. Leftist propaganda news outlets are labeling the patriots as terrorists - they did not say a word during the summer protests which caused innocent lives to be lost and billions in property damage along with many people losing their livelihoods.




Police fatally shot a protestor in the neck and every shitlib on Twitter is out here with their "imagine if the protesters were black" takes.
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"Imagine if the protests were black"

The media would portray it positively?

The other side loves to unleash a torrent of bile on us but when a fraction of it is directed towards them, they completely freak. Shame about the girl, imagine if she was black.
Pence also totally defected, this is wild. After years not hearing from Pence aside from the campaign and very beginning of the Trump presidency he comes out and does this.
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Antifa thugs were the ones causing problems inside the building, so they have a pretext to hunt down Trump supporters and blame Trump. The MSM was completely sickening to listen to. It's just completely communist propaganda how they spin it. Trump supporters have legitimate grievances and their right to due process was copmletely denied by John Roberts, the MSM, and most of Congress. No recourse for their legitimate grievances. Just think if all these protestors had been armed, awful to think. But they were peaceful except for the few antifa scum storming into the building. Trump has been silent this evening, and I have no doubt they are going to invoke the 25th , and probably arrest him, to stop him from declassifying or doing anything else in his last couple weeks.
The Trumpster has now been kicked off of twitter for 12 hours. Twitter must think they are Don or something?

Anyways the fake Fox news is treating this like we just had Pearl Harbor on steroids. Im expecting emotional support animals and grievance counselors for our brave congress non-binary gender fluid peoples.

Also, it goes without saying that this did not happen organically and was quite the theatrical performance complete with more photo op than a SI Swimsuit Issue.
Antifa thugs were the ones causing problems inside the building, so they have a pretext to hunt down Trump supporters and blame Trump. The MSM was completely sickening to listen to. It's just completely communist propaganda how they spin it. Trump supporters have legitimate grievances and their right to due process was copmletely denied by John Roberts, the MSM, and most of Congress. No recourse for their legitimate grievances. Just think if all these protestors had been armed, awful to think. But they were peaceful except for the few antifa scum storming into the building. Trump has been silent this evening, and I have no doubt they are going to invoke the 25th , and probably arrest him, to stop him from declassifying or doing anything else in his last couple weeks.

This is probably as close as we will get to any sort of revolution. I do hope Trump burns the house down on the way out and declassify everything he possible can while pardoning whistleblowers who have exposed the truth. I also feel this is the end of the Republican party which is fine by me.
Surprisingly many people I know are all fired up about this attempt to overthrow our “democracy”. All these people that didn’t blink when thugs burned down police stations are now suddenly interested in our wonderful racist, homophobic, white privileged, government defending itself with maximum force.
American Freedom News