2020 Election

Who did/do you plan on voting for president?

  • Total voters

Just one day, and it's only to protest the banning of fracking? It won't have any effect on anything. Anyway, truckers aren't as right wing as they used to be, just like police departments and the military. They're a lot more "diverse" these days.

All it would take is for the military to come down very hard on some group of Trump supporters trying to foment "civil war" and that would be the end of that. Remember what happened in Waco? Hoping for a crash or societal collapse is for dreamers. That's been the cry of armchair warriors for half a century. Worse is better is not better, it's only worse. No one will want to live in that scenario should it actually happen. The vast majority of White people are too dumbed down, too out of shape, too old, and too ill to become some version of the 1860s Confederate army and attempt to fight the weaponry and technology of the establishment.

Kaptain is right, we have to try to better ourselves, the ones we care about when they're open to it, and also our communities and maybe the state we live in. And maybe virtual communities like this one can help establish networks to help each other out. Everything else is a bonus. And quietly migrating to the red states would be a very good, practical strategy to help ensure our side and our values have a chance to endure over the long haul.
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Just one day, and it's only to protest the banning of fracking? It won't have any effect on anything. Anyway, truckers aren't as right wing as they used to be, just like police departments and the military. They're a lot more "diverse" these days.

All it would take is for the military to come down very hard on some group of Trump supporters trying to foment "civil war" and that would be the end of that. Remember what happened in Waco? Hoping for a crash or societal collapse is for dreamers. That's been the cry of armchair warriors for half a century. Worse is better is not better, it's only worse. No one will want to live in that scenario should it actually happen. The vast majority of White people are too dumbed down, too out of shape, too old, and too ill to become some version of the 1860s Confederate army and attempt to fight the weaponry and technology of the establishment.

Kaptain is right, we have to try to better ourselves, the ones we care about when they're open to it, and also our communities and maybe the state we live in. And maybe virtual communities like this one can help establish networks to help each other out. Everything else is a bonus. And quietly migrating to the red states would be a very good, practical strategy to help ensure our side and our values have a chance to endure over the long haul.

Yeah, too true. Clutching at straws. And worse wasn't better in 1917 in Russia, from where, by the way, the few of my ancestors who could escaped. Most didn't make it.

All you need to read is two words in the controlled media - "Trump Concedes" - and then what?
If they do force Trump out maybe he could topple the whole rotten corrupt thing on the way out and let loose all the beyond top secret classified material they have stashed away there - didn't Trump Jr say something about this? - tell the suckers who really did 911 - he said he'd do that in the past! - and spill the beans about all their phony false flag crisis actor shows, Sandy Hoax and Las Vegas and all the rest, and then he and his wife and Baron can disappear into time - they're time travellers aren't they!?
The first trucker strike is one day and the second one is for four days. Make sure you guys get some extra food and water incase it goes longer than expected. Always good to be prepared year round anyways.

Here is another video. From the plandemic to the planned election. This one is about the plans for the outcomes of the elections made back in 2018.

Ah yes, the "worse is better" crowd. Give your opposition ground in hopes in emboldens your side, because of a frog in slow boiling water doesn't notice but one in fast boiling water should?
It's risky since people have not shown a limit to what they are willing to take being put on them.

It's called accelerationism, it's a meme and probably only has significant support because it sounds like a panacea to all problems, a silver bullet, but it has a very small chance of actually working.
You see some people on the right even voting Biden for this reason. We are not on the brink of an eminent collapse in the foreseeable future either.

It seems to be bipartisan, but I wouldn't be surprised if its promoted by agitators. One form of "accelerationism" I can support is if those with anti-white views
become more vocal in voicing them in a non-sugarcoated way, that may give whites something to think about with no real consequences.
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HUGE: Trump fires deep state Defense Secretary Mark Esper, indicating a likely plan for military involvement in a declaration of insurrection

Monday, November 09, 2020 by: Mike Adams
Tags: America, deep state, election fraud, Fourteenth Amendment, insurrection, mark esper, military, national security, President Trump, revolt, rigged, uprising
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(Natural News) Multiple media outlets are reporting today that President Trump has just fired Mark Esper, the Defense Secretary and a known deep stater who opposes Trump’s authority. He is being replaced by Christopher Miller, Director of the National Counterterrorism Center.
Understand that the election theft was conducted in real time on Nov. 3rd, using the Dominion software, created by a corporation partially owned by Nancy Pelosi. During the election, the real-time data were shunted offshore, where calculations were run to produce action lists for stealing the votes in swing states like Wisconsin and Michigan, and then Hammer and Scorecard (created by the CIA) were used to alter the votes in real time, in the voting machines.
Deep source insiders have been telling me for days that an “epic counter attack” against the deep state is about to be launched by Trump. We don’t know the details about this counter attack, but we do know that Trump has two options which involve deploying the military to save the Republic:

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Here's a question that I posed to 2 liberals and 2 Trumps supporters yesterday:

If they found that Philadephia county or any other largely Democrat party destroyed all the mail-in ballot envelopes, meaning there is no way to verify if massive amounts of these mail-in were fraudulent, then do you A) discount the mail-in ballots and give Trump the win B) Redo the voting statewide or C) doesn't matter mail-in count stands as is and Biden wins. The two liberals immediately chose C, and somewhat surprisingly to the 2 people who voted Trump after some himhawing also choose C. The Trump voters agreed that if the situation was reversed all Democrats would call for a turnover of the results. I told them this is why we will always lose. Because when it is time too many people on our side will stand down and their side never does. In a similar scenario I said they kept the envelopes and found that a large enough number of them were fradulent (fake information, dead voters etc) their response was pretty much the same. We are doomed. Our side if full flag wavers who will immediately stand down just to get along for "the good of the country."
Re above: I'll be more confident, though, when the loyal military units actually start doing something, as opposed to internet rumors about epic counter attacks, impending mass arrests, sting operations, and 4-D chess.
On a positive note in my neck of the woods four city council seats, all held by liberals, were up for a vote and all four "progressive" (whose polices had lead to an exploding transient population and turned this once charming college town into a cesspool of fear and loathing with lots of needles on the ground and broken car windows) were tossed out on their asses. We now have a super majority on the council. Whether that will make a difference in the spiraled out of control transient problem or not remains to be seen. But at least some realists will have a shot at the problem.

I agree with Don Wassall (a really good poster by the way) about the societal collapse scenario. Who the hell wants that? I'm too old for that shite.

A scenario: The results stand. Something happens like Biden shitting himself at a news conference and he gets led away back to his basement. Kabala takes his place. First thing she does is establish a Department of Social Justice and Reparations. With existing agencies not reliable in her mind, she creates a new enforcement agency fanatically loyal to the agenda and willing to do whatever it takes to bring social malefactors to heel. Then cuts them loose on us.

Then things get interesting.

Anyone know about this or have an opinion on it?

Free Speech Platform Parler Adds 4.5 MILLION New Users as Conservatives Flee Big Tech Authoritarianism and Censorship

The CEO of free speech social media platform Parler announced that almost five million people have signed up for his service in the aftermath of the disputed US presidential election, representing a tidal wave of conservatives, right-wingers, and nationalists sick and tired of Twitter’s overbearing and constant left-wing censorship tactics.

People from all walks of life, fed up with opaque, biased content curation, inconsistent agenda-driven fact checking, and manipulative algorithms built on data mining, are joining Parler to speak free. Since Friday, over 4.5 million new people have created accounts, and engagement has surged. Over 5 million individuals were active on Parler yesterday, an 8-fold increase from daily activity just a week ago. Our session activity has increased by well over 20 times during the same period,” Parler CEO John Matze said in a statement.

Anyone know about this or have an opinion on it?

Free Speech Platform Parler Adds 4.5 MILLION New Users as Conservatives Flee Big Tech Authoritarianism and Censorship

The CEO of free speech social media platform Parler announced that almost five million people have signed up for his service in the aftermath of the disputed US presidential election, representing a tidal wave of conservatives, right-wingers, and nationalists sick and tired of Twitter’s overbearing and constant left-wing censorship tactics.

People from all walks of life, fed up with opaque, biased content curation, inconsistent agenda-driven fact checking, and manipulative algorithms built on data mining, are joining Parler to speak free. Since Friday, over 4.5 million new people have created accounts, and engagement has surged. Over 5 million individuals were active on Parler yesterday, an 8-fold increase from daily activity just a week ago. Our session activity has increased by well over 20 times during the same period,” Parler CEO John Matze said in a statement.


Pretty sure Parler is an app that requires you to provide your phone number to register. I can't find any way around that. It can only be installed on apple and android devices so it's all linked to your smart phone.
Pretty sure Parler is an app that requires you to provide your phone number to register. I can't find any way around that. It can only be installed on apple and android devices so it's all linked to your smart phone.

I'm pretty sure you can set up one Google Voice number for free as a throwaway, unless you have completely shunned Google.
I know Parker, Rumble, bitchute etc are on the rise. GAB has 7million views this week.
Anyone know about this or have an opinion on it?

Parler could very well be controlled opposition. I wouldn't trust them.

Any platform requiring your cellphone number (which is a geolocation tracking device as well) will tie your real identity to every comment you make with them. It does not look like a 'free' speech platform to me. Great way to start the list (for the gulags) AOC was calling for.

Great analysis of how they stole votes from Trump. The demons used an algorithm in republican counties. The more % of the county voted Republican, the less % of the Republican votes went to Trump. This is clearly artificial, it cannot be organic. 100% fraud.
The result is linearly proportional to how much republicans are winning in that same precinct.
The more republican the precinct, the less likely they are to vote trump top ticket, mathematically, according to a perfect linear trend. This did not happen in demoncratic counties. There they had other ways to steal.

Lbry.tv is one of the best streaming video channels out there. It cannot ever be censored. 100% private. It's impossible for anyone to remove the videos because of the way it was built. They also have a sister channel called odysee.com That one
is set up great but not as private but they are owned by the same people. Bitchute is also good and there are other private sites out there too. Uncensored is the only way to go these days.
Paul Joseph Watson teeing off on Matt Drudge on twitter...entertaining to say the least.
"Parler could very well be controlled opposition. I wouldn't trust them.

Any platform requiring your cellphone number (which is a geolocation tracking device as well) will tie your real identity to every comment you make with them. It does not look like a 'free' speech platform to me. Great way to start the list (for the gulags) AOC was calling for."

Exactly. If they want your cellphone number you KNOW what they're up to!
rumble.com, 153news.net, dtube.com, lbry.tv, bitchute.com, brighteon.com, and ugetube.com All of these are excellent. We need to get off all sites that censor. I've said this countless times. Same with search engines and even email addresses.
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Parler could very well be controlled opposition. I wouldn't trust them.

Any platform requiring your cellphone number (which is a geolocation tracking device as well) will tie your real identity to every comment you make with them. It does not look like a 'free' speech platform to me. Great way to start the list (for the gulags) AOC was calling for.

Great analysis of how they stole votes from Trump. The demons used an algorithm in republican counties. The more % of the county voted Republican, the less % of the Republican votes went to Trump. This is clearly artificial, it cannot be organic. 100% fraud.
The result is linearly proportional to how much republicans are winning in that same precinct.
The more republican the precinct, the less likely they are to vote trump top ticket, mathematically, according to a perfect linear trend. This did not happen in demoncratic counties. There they had other ways to steal.

Good, illuminating presentation!
So what’s the deal with this gab site? Never been a fan of social media but I’m seeing a few of you guys saying they are legit and on our side.
CAUGHT! Election data analyzed, producing detailed list of over 500,000 votes SWITCHED from Trump to Biden via voting machine software theft, with heavy fraud focused on swing states

BY HEALTHRANGER // 2020-11-11



And that vote theft and the so-called recounts don't even take into account all the Trump ballots tossed away in dumpsters and elsewhere and burned up! JFK was planning to disband the CIA amongst other things before THEY assassinated him. Attorney General Barr is Deep State, though.
Guys, don’t be too blackpilled. Ignore the fake media, unless it’s to analyze their plan of attack. Alaska and NC were recently called for Trump. The real electoral map is as follows:

Guys, don’t be too blackpilled. Ignore the fake media, unless it’s to analyze their plan of attack. Alaska and NC were recently called for Trump. The real electoral map is as follows:

View attachment 3149

The media is complicit in this fake election by pushing Biden as the president elect when they have no authority to do so. They have misled millions upon millions of sheep to believe the election has been called and is over. If the lawsuits and legal actions taken by the Trump administration do in fact lead to him being re-elected the sheep will be whipped into a frenzy and violence will occurr.
Guys, if you get a chance watch Turley Talks on YouTube (maybe elsewhere too, not sure) as Dr. Turley breaks down a lot of what is happening and paths to victory for the President.

American Freedom News