2020 Election

Who did/do you plan on voting for president?

  • Total voters
They don't even bother to feign realism in their fakery!

Look at the stock market soaring! The capitalists were fully supporting the communist takeover. Like The Great One said in Germany, capitalism and communism, two sides of the same coin.

Exactly. And exactly why I did not transfer my hefty 401K into a stable market. I knew and read that movers and shakers of Wall St were all in on corrupt and demented Biden. Praying Trump wins in the end with SCOTUS help.
But wait, according to ZIO-Newsmax, anti-Semitic Biden will destroy the Jews (Iran deal, the Squad, Schumer and Schiff will help) and blacks will be rounded up and sent to abortion clinics, because that how we roll in the kwa! No mention of the insane black gluttony and sloth, consuming 7000 and 8000+ calories each and every day, and then big pharma comes in as the pseudo-cure. Last time I checked, black folk generally don't run the big pharma and yet, in a state of poor health, will generally trust The Man. From being the labrats for crack cocaine 'til now, most haven't learned. Woe is me I'm black, the endless vexing. Many blacks HATE when the other races are steadfastly ethno-centric, think about this.
I didn’t account for this latest vote dump.
As far as odds, Was able to buy trump at 2.67 a week ago and bought biden at 3.48 yesterday for a net of 50.8% ROI regardless of the outcome, unless a 269-269 tie, which won’t happen.
As far as the final outcome I think it will be 274-264 trump. Trump gets NC/GA/ALK. Trump wins PENN and NEV with no more fraud.
The controlled media and Google et al is mocking President Trump for questioning the honesty of the Demonratic Party! Personally I'd prefer that he declared the totally corrupted election null and void and sent in the Marines to shoot all the terrorists in "Black Lives Matter Plaza" and CNN, Wash. Post, NY Times, congress, etc.
People should be afraid now with Biden in power. His party doesn't care about the riots, crime, assaults on White people, burning, and looting that's been going on this year.

At least with Trump the common people knew there was someone who might defend them if possible, but now they have no defense. When the police are defunded, crime rates will increase and the US may descend into chaos.

If they take away peoples' guns, then without a means to defend themselves, many white Americans will suffer and die.
They won’t take away my guns... I’ve been stocking up on ammo because I fear this country will devolve into chaos. My focus is squarely on protecting my family first and my country second.

If the Marxists want a war they will have one. Millions of like-minded Patriots around the country are at the tipping point.
Trump may still win, but even if he doesn't the GOP is likely to still control the Senate and they've increased their numbers in the House. If Biden gets in it'll be two years of gridlock, which is far preferable to the Dems controlling all three branches, but as always it's merely buying a little more time. Maybe Trump will decide to be a "shadow president," dogging Sleepy Joe every step of the way and better organizing his base politically.
The election is in the process of being stolen (this doesn't for sure guarantee a win for democrats, however). If they win Trump must declare the result illegitimate.
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Trump WINS election; Democrats now working overtime to STEAL it by fabricating hundreds of thousands of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin

(Natural News) Trump won the election last night, taking Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina, among anchor states like Florida and Texas.

As TGP reports:
In Pennsylvania Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes.
In Michigan Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes.
In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes.
But in the middle of the night Democrats went to work stealing the election by fabricating fake voting numbers in Michigan and Wisconsin.
To carry out the fraud, the Dems shut down vote reporting until 3:30 am, and then magically out of nowhere, Biden jumped up 200,000 votes without a single vote for Trump. This is the rigging under way:


Trump WINS election; Democrats now working overtime to STEAL it by fabricating hundreds of thousands of votes in Michigan and Wisconsin

(Natural News) Trump won the election last night, taking Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin and North Carolina, among anchor states like Florida and Texas.

As TGP reports:
In Pennsylvania Trump was ahead by nearly 700,000 votes.
In Michigan Trump was ahead by over 300,000 votes.
In Wisconsin Trump was ahead by 120,000 votes.
But in the middle of the night Democrats went to work stealing the election by fabricating fake voting numbers in Michigan and Wisconsin.
To carry out the fraud, the Dems shut down vote reporting until 3:30 am, and then magically out of nowhere, Biden jumped up 200,000 votes without a single vote for Trump. This is the rigging under way:



Reports of dead voters in Michigan voting democrat. The brazenness of the cheating and how they are doing it in front of everyone is hopefully riling people up. The number of votes cast will be higher than the number of registered voters. 139,000 votes for Biden in PA and not one for Trump...really? People in Arizona given sharpies to vote and then had ballots thrown out because they used them - it's all being documented and the truth is seeping through the cracks of the ever crumbling MSM apparatus.

To Trump's credit he has not conceded and is being aggressive on the legal front. He has the energy and mental fortitude to fight this to the end. He's not Romney, McCain or Bush who would of conceded "for the good of the country". Courts stacked with Soros backed judges could pose an obstacle. It amazes me how the left - especially the white, "educated, coastal elite cannot see what is going, are willfully ignorant or are embracing it fully. Educated my ass...more like indoctrinated.
Keep an eye on Arizona tonight and tomorrow. Flipping those 11 votes is critical.


BTW, in Maricopa before election day, Republicans had 50k more mail-in ballots and early votes. On election day they added another +30k. Yet Trump is -85k at the moment there. Either many Republicans there voted Pedo Joe, or something is very fishy.

BTW, in Maricopa before election day, Republicans had 50k more mail-in ballots and early votes. On election day they added another +30k. Yet Trump is -85k at the moment there. Either many Republicans there voted Pedo Joe, or something is very fishy.

Maricopa County (Phoenix) is always Republican.
I hate to say it but this is our last stand as a country. Biden is bought and paid for. He and his family sold out America for years now along with alot of other long time politicians on both sides of the voting aisle. Yes especially the left side but we all know there
are so many neocons. Look at guys like John McCain and Mitt Romney to name just a few. If they get away with this robbery, we are done. We will become part of the N.W.O. before his term is finished. Please let me be wrong. This country has always stood
above the rest. That's what made America great and made people want to move here from around the world. I'm glad for the legal challenges but hoping for a clean sweep tommorow and we won't need them.
There is no mechanism to stop double voting and the Democrats knew this and took advantage. They openly organized to get Democratic voters to request a mail in ballot. They encouraged everyone to do late mail-in ballots and then go to the polls and vote. That is why they panicked when Trump suggested his supporters do a mail in and then go to the polls in one speech he gave at a rally. They know it works. I know some Democrats that did exactly that - they admitted to me that was there plan. Polling places don't keep track of who requested mail in ballots and much less don't know if you already cast a ballot. Once the ballot is seperated from the envelope there is no way to know even whos ballot it is. Right now they are opening the mail in ballots and they immediately separate them from the envelope. Very simple. This is why we have areas in the country where we have more than 100% voter participation. It was set up for fraud and the Dems organized immediately to do just that.
There is no mechanism to stop double voting and the Democrats knew this and took advantage. They openly organized to get Democratic voters to request a mail in ballot. They encouraged everyone to do late mail-in ballots and then go to the polls and vote. That is why they panicked when Trump suggested his supporters do a mail in and then go to the polls in one speech he gave at a rally. They know it works. I know some Democrats that did exactly that - they admitted to me that was there plan. Polling places don't keep track of who requested mail in ballots and much less don't know if you already cast a ballot. Once the ballot is seperated from the envelope there is no way to know even whos ballot it is. Right now they are opening the mail in ballots and they immediately separate them from the envelope. Very simple. This is why we have areas in the country where we have more than 100% voter participation. It was set up for fraud and the Dems organized immediately to do just that.

So if there is more than 100% voter representation than any votes for Biden that go over that 100% should be thrown out. Amazing that they think they are going to pull this off. It’s fraud pure and simple - yahoo was trying to make Bernie Sanders look like some sort of prophet when he said what was going to happen when in fact he was in on it from the beginning. This is why the dems are against voter ids - they are corrupt as hell. I hope Trump fights this to the end.
Maybe places like the Congo or Uganda might come close to running an election like this. The CIA has been messing with other countries elections. I know the one in France was crooked when LePen's ballots were messed with; the one for Scottish independence too. All the elections in the so-called free world. It's the phony "democracy" confidence game in action.
It's clear the satanic Democrats are trying to steal the election. They f*cked with the wrong White Man in Trump. These lawsuits and subsequent recounts will show the utter crimes in fixing and dumping massive amounts of bogus ballots. There is a report yesterday that a 28K ballot dump in GA. And yes all Biden. The Democrat criminality is only surpassed by their stupidity in policy and committing crimes. Hunter Biden is a good example.
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