2019 Winter Meetings Deals

Well said. Baseball was far and away my favorite sport when I was young, but it became hollowed out to me a long time ago. Same with all sports to varying degrees; the more the Caste System can be foisted upon a sport, the more corrupt it becomes but everything in society has been methodically tainted and ruined from the top-down, a major part of the process of which enables and encourages the bottom-up assault, with good old Whitey always caught and squeezed out in the middle, oblivious to how and why it's happening -- and when properly trained often eagerly cheering on his own demise.

Baseball was my favorite sport as a kid - played all the way through high school. It's sad to see what it has become, I am right there with you Don. I am personally enjoying the fallout with all of the outspoken players attacking the Astros and the dolt commissioner.

Great post, as usual, Freethinker. This absolutely holds true for the serious steroid abuse that is still rampant in baseball, despite the bull$hit put forth by the mainstream, Jewish media that baseball is almost completely steroid free. Only a fool would believe diminutive Golems like Jose Altuve, Ozzie Albies and Jose Ramirez could hit the amount HR's at their sizes. Currently at 5' 7", 160 pound, Ozzie Albies, for example, got a 35 power rating (lowest possible) from scouts when he signed as a 16 year old from Curacao. Expectation was he'd be a career slap hitter/base stealer, in the mold of Rafael Furcal? Yet by the age of 22 he had hit a total of 54 HR's (basically two seasons)and has no problem hitting 400 (plus) HR's to the opposite field. How does that happen?

I just saw "Boston Legend" David Ortiz has joined Pedro Martinez in claiming ex-Astros pitcher Mike Fiers is a "snitch" (not a "whistle-blower") for ratting his ex-team (Houston Astros) in the cheating scam. As you noted, in their culture, cheating, stealing and over criminality must be okay? I guess anything to make millions of Shekels from the stupid Goyim that root for them, knowing full well they are cheaters?

By the way, even recently demoted ESPN analyst Jessica Mendoza, a tall, lighter skinned American-born Latin woman, who is very articulate and comes of as being intelligent, agreed that Fiers is a "snitch". That took me by surprise, you'd figure she'd have a different attitude, but in the end she seems no better than your average MS-13 hood-rat, gang banger in her native Mexifornia? Her opinion probably cost her a cushy consulting job with the Mets, as she effectively condoned cheating in baseball.

I'm sure Shadowlight will hate this idea, as much as Trevor Bauer does. In this recent rant against Rob Manfred, Bauer brought up something I had forgotten about: In order to cut down on strikeouts, Manfred has proposed moving the pitching mound back to 62 feet. It's been 60 feet, 6 inches for well over 100 years, I suppose? Only a total money hungry jackal, disguised as Commissioner who loves his sport, would ever put forth something so silly and radical. As Tim Kurkjian of ESPN said, once they stop "juicing the ball", the majority of hitters in the league (I say 90% of the Latin players?) will adjust their swings and stop trying to launch the ball into the air once they realize their best, hardest swing will only reach the "warning track". Therefore, instead of trying to hit opposite field HR's every at bat, they'll choke up a bit, simply trying to make contact. Being tougher against steroid use will also help keep strikeouts down for similar reasons. This will also speed up the game, as every 5'6" to 5'10", 160 to 175 pound Latin player won't intentionally foul off a million pitches, fully expecting to get the "right pitch", which they can drive 430 feet out of the park.

Spot on as usual Truthteller! I couldn't believe the audacity of David Ortiz to attack Mike Fiers when Ortiz was guilty of juicing and somehow was able to eradicate the taint of being a cheat himself.
Great post, as usual, Freethinker. This absolutely, also, holds true for the serious steroid abuse that is still rampant in baseball, despite the bull$hit put forth by the mainstream, Jewish media that baseball is almost completely steroid free. Only a fool would believe diminutive Golems like Jose Altuve, Ozzie Albies and Jose Ramirez could hit the amount HR's at their sizes. Currently at 5' 7", 160 pound, Ozzie Albies, for example, got a 35 power rating (lowest possible) from scouts when he signed as a 16 year old from Curacao. Expectation was he'd be a career slap hitter/base stealer, in the mold of Rafael Furcal? Yet by the age of 22 he had hit a total of 54 HR's (basically two seasons)and has no problem hitting 400 (plus) HR's to the opposite field. How does that happen?

I just saw "Boston Legend" David Ortiz has joined Pedro Martinez in claiming ex-Astros pitcher Mike Fiers is a "snitch" (not a "whistle-blower") for ratting his ex-team (Houston Astros) in the cheating scam. As you noted, in their culture, cheating, stealing and over criminality must be okay? I guess anything to make millions of Shekels from the stupid Goyim that root for them, knowing full well they are cheaters?

By the way, even recently demoted ESPN analyst Jessica Mendoza, a tall, lighter skinned American-born Latin woman, who is very articulate and comes of as being intelligent, agreed that Fiers is a "snitch". That took me by surprise, you'd figure she'd have a different attitude, but in the end she seems no better than your average MS-13 hood-rat, gang banger in her native Mexifornia? Her opinion probably cost her a cushy consulting job with the Mets, as she effectively condoned cheating in baseball.

I'm sure Shadowlight will hate this idea, as much as Trevor Bauer does. In this recent rant against Rob Manfred, Bauer brought up something I had forgotten about: In order to cut down on strikeouts, Manfred has proposed moving the pitching mound back to 62 feet. It's been 60 feet, 6 inches for well over 100 years, I suppose? Only a total money hungry jackal, disguised as Commissioner who loves his sport, would ever put forth something so silly and radical. As Tim Kurkjian of ESPN said, once they stop "juicing the ball", the majority of hitters in the league (I say 90% of the Latin players?) will adjust their swings and stop trying to launch the ball into the air once they realize their best, hardest swing will only reach the "warning track". Therefore, instead of trying to hit opposite field HR's every at bat, they'll choke up a bit, simply trying to make contact. Being tougher against steroid use will also help keep strikeouts down for similar reasons. This will also speed up the game, as every 5'6" to 5'10", 160 to 175 pound Latin player won't intentionally foul off a million pitches, fully expecting to get the "right pitch", which they can drive 430 feet out of the park.

Yes indeed that moving the pitcher's mound back which was pitched last year takes the cake.

One of the reasons Manfred is being protected is that MLB revenues rose for the 17th straight year to 10.7 billion. That is why he allows such sinister creep owners like the Wilpons to continue their mishaps unabated.

Conversely though attendance has dropped by 5.2 million, or 2,151 a game from 2015-2019. I attribute these figures on two reasons. The first is ticket prices are out of range for too many fans. There was a time baseball was the everyman sport where even street beggars could afford a cheap seat ticket. Those days are long gone. Granted these modern day ball parks are palaces ( one of the few advances we have seen in the game) but since baseball is the perfect "take the family" type of sport it costs a small fortune for a family of four to attend games.

I also think the drop in attendance is related to the tsunami like appearance of non white Latinos to the rosters leaving the overwhelming white fan base somewhat alienated.

I couldn't believe the audacity of David Ortiz to attack Mike Fiers when Ortiz was guilty of juicing and somehow was able to eradicate the taint of being a cheat himself.

The other bottom line theme of this Astros mess where Altuve is the face of the franchise is the larger story revolving around the widespread cheating by Latino non white players whether it be clever ways of beating drug testing or overall dishonesty regarding the game. And the obvious juiced ball is just another gimmick that has enhanced (good point in above post) Latino players by giving them a "new" power dimension. And Manfred is their best ally as he continues to coddle and cuddle up to them in various ways like not reducing the Astros international budget as part of their so called punishment. This prick is on the war path where his every move is geared towards bolstering the Latino players and curbing white players. Not to mention the grisly mantra we have to suffer through every stinking year regarding the "unsatisfying level" of black American players.

Manfred could have defused 90% of this cheating problem and the attendant outrage by vacating the Astros WS title and one wonders if say the white Dodgers were the culprits would he have come to the same conclusion?

But as long as the motley set of owners, most who don't give a rat's ass about the purity of the game, have Manfred's back, he will continue to screw things up beyond recognition. He belongs in jail if you ask me.
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Regarding what Ortiz said. That bolsters the point I made the other day that non-Whites do not believe in honor and fairplay. It’s literally whatever you can get away with, more power to you. The fact that Ortiz sees Fiers as the villain for exposing the cheaters rather than the other way around is all you need to know. As pointed out earlier by our excellent posters, he’s hardly alone amongst his co-ethnics with this point of view.

Thinking about the bigger pitcher, you really degrade the level of trust within a society when you add more and more non-Whites. It’s hard to understate the value of living in a high-trust society (having an honest baseball league being the tip of the iceberg) until it’s been lost. Again the parallels between America and its “national pastime” are evident and maybe it’s unavoidable that they will always rise and fall together.
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The call for special attention to be paid whenever an Astros player gets hit is yet another example of down being up and black being white in Soviet Amerika. If an Astro gets hit by a pitch we must all wail and cry but if a player from one of all those other teams that didn't cheat gets hit it's just part of the game.

Clown world
Good points, Shadowlight. One last, quick thing: Notice all the muscle, back, oblique and other odd, non-contact muscle injuries that have decimated the Yankees? I never thought of Aaron Judge as a steroid type, for example. But how can one explain the fact that he could miss 60 games (or more) merely swinging at a pitch that doesn't hit him? Aaron Hicks, a high pick that looked like a total bust for his first 9 years in the pros (minors and MLB), suddenly turns into Willie Mays 2.0 in the first half of 2017. But after that he can't stay healthy due to a rash of muscle and back injuries? Mike Stanton will miss over 40 games fouling off a ball that didn't hit him? Troy Tulowitzki, who is always injured, had a similar non-contact injury (calf). Yoenis Cespedes of the Mets couldn't run 1st to 3rd without popping a hamstring or groin and missing a month?

Did it ever occur to people that these type injuries
(non contact or not hit by the ball) are likely steroid related?

I posted the quote above in early May, 2019. Got an excellent response from Shadowlight and other fine posters. So, why did I bother to bringing back my own quote from almost 10 months ago?

Looks like Mike Stanton did it again: He suffered another non-contact injury and is unlikely to play opening day, meaning it's fairly significant? Reports are pretty vague from the Caste media, but it appears Stanton was merely shagging fly balls? It's pretty much gotten to the point where the Yankees have to fret every time the $350 million bust walks from the dugout to the outfield or stands in the batters box. Will he pop a hamstring going from 1st to 3rd? Will he strain his calf chasing a fly ball? Will he injure his back swinging the bat? Will he sprain his elbow ordering a Big Mac going through the drive up window?

Also, it appears the Yankees other mulatto star, Aaron Judge, could be in for another injury plagued season, as he is already dealing with shoulder and pectoral injuries and can NOT even swing the bat. As I noted before, I never suspected Stanton as a steroid freak. Always figured he was a legit, full-sized slugger, aided by a juiced ball. But given the known link between steroids and injuries, I'm starting to think Stanton might be another Roid creation -- facing a steep, premature decline due to juicing early in his career?

As far as Judge, anyone else remember how awful he was when he came up in 2016? Next season he was a MVP candidate and record breaker? Really, that was a fast turnaround? I always suspected he might be a Roid freak. The fact he can't even hold a bat, without risking injury makes me wonder even more?

On a positive note, these injuries should provide Clint Frazier, Mike Tauchman, Mike Ford and, perhaps, Trey Amburgey a better chance to establish themselves as Major League players? That's if they don't go out and get another possible Steroid creation, Yasiel Puig, who's still an unsigned free agent?
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Will he sprain his elbow ordering a Big Mac going through the drive up window?

Ha. What is it with baseball players? Yankee fans do not like Stanton.

On a positive note, these injuries should provide Clint Frazier, Mike Tauchman, Mike Ford and, perhaps, Trey Amburgey a better chance to establish themselves as Major League players?

Golden oldie Brett Gardner is slotted for CF since Aaron Hicks is shelved again for a while. Yes the Yankees are dealing with more key injuries this season. Gardner is the oldest CF in baseball and he still has magnificent wheels. And frankly preferable to Hicks anyway. He is also their team leader and will be a MLB manager when his playing days are over whenever that is because he had one of his best seasons last year.

Screwy story about him this winter. Apparently some crazed female fan who I believe is Indian has been stalking him at Yankee games claiming he wants to marry her. For the record Gardner is a happily married man. They have kicked or out of the stadium and now a restraining order has been issued. Good God who would have figured the very unsexy bald as a bat Gardner would elicit such deranged behavior from a chick? That broad must be whacked.

LF Mike Trachman displayed very nice athleticism last season before he was shelved with an injury. Would love to see him blossom. And Clint Frazier has a very fast bat and just needs a chance to play.
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