Hall of Famer
Last night I was in Vegas visiting friends. We watched the entire Rams game. When the wives stepped outside to get their drink I on, I announced: "since when is every commercial broadcasted has to have a cool black guy, a doofus white dude, and the cool black guy making inroads with the hot white or Latina chick?" They all said I was drinking too much! LOL, Then as the 2nd quarter lead into the 2nd half, and the end of the game, they realized I was not drunk and what I pointed was the truth. Later we discussed the reasons why. One said, "because the demo was mostly black since the teams are 75% black." I informed him, the majority of the NFL viewership are DWFs. And blacks made up only 13% of the population. Why the constant superior figures of blacks in these commercials? All scratched their heads looking for an answer. Thankfully a friend states out loud "f*cking ((tribe media)) pushing an agenda!" I have hope for us. LOL. BTW, the commercials containing superior and cool blacks is around 90%! UNREAL.
That's the correct answer. Due to the personal networking that goes on with the people who make those ads, the nerdy "white" actor in the ad will be a (((fellow white))), but most people won't know the difference.
Posts like these here at CF help me not give up hope, even if it takes a few drinks to get folks to speak the truth...and I've been totally clean and sober from all alcohol and all substances for over 31 years. People still inherently know the truth no matter how much they suppress it. Good days may (or may not) be ahead. I'll choose to be positive. Even the whole "camera panning to the White Defender every time" is something even casual DWFs know who blew coverage on a particular play. We are only as defeated as we choose to be at any given moment.