2018 Season news

Xie is coached by Rana Reider. A well known coach from the US. It's a shame Lemaitre never got hooked up with someone like Reider. Whatever they are doing with Xie is working....he pulled that field hard.
Tortu and Bingtin Su both ran 10.04 in the qualifying semis at today's meet in Madrid.
Finals are later today.
Hortelano 44.69 400m PB Madrid 2nd. Maslak needs to move up to the 800m his 45's are not getting any faster.
Xie is coached by Rana Reider. A well known coach from the US. It's a shame Lemaitre never got hooked up with someone like Reider. Whatever they are doing with Xie is working....he pulled that field hard.
No! There is no one better than Master Carraz! You know nothing of sprint! :D
Woohoo....We have another white sprinter going sub 10! Congrats to F. Tortu. He did this at 19 years of age. What
also impresses me is how consistant he is. The kid has gone sub 10.10 4 times this season and now sub 10 and it's
only June. The strength, the stamina, the athleticism, the mental & physical toughness is amazing at such a young
age! Wow am I impressed. I can't wait to see some video. Simply incredible.

Happy for Su with yet another all time Asian Record.

Jon Entine can take his book and shove it up his ass. Whites and Asians can be just as fast as Blacks. Stereotypes
do not equal reality. So happy right now.
Wow!! What great news. There are now 3 whites and 3 Asians who have broken 10.00. The times are changing!! Does anyone have a list of how the other runners placed?

And yes, it is only June!
I've never seen a race where they held the sprinters for that long without any false starts. I wonder
what was the reason? Anyways, it makes it even more impressive what Tortu accomplished!

A new Italian 100 Meters Record and a sub 10. Tortu stands all alone with his fine 9.99!

Congrats to this young Italian stallion. His form is incredible and he will only get better in the future.
What we have here is the makings of a new superstar!
Tortu`s first 4 strides out of the blocks are slow, once he gets that start down he is gonna fly even faster. I can see him going sub 9.90 in the near future.
Very fast time by Jenna Prandini. Happy to see that. Hope she get on the medal stand in the finals. That
would be epic. She is so beautiful and as talented as they come. I am love with her and Cunliffe.

On a side note. I felt bad for Jan Volko today. he was stuck in lane 1 were you rarely see a fast time
or p.b. come from. I know we saw Xie do it a few day ago but that is very uncommon. He seems to be stuck in the 10.20 range for some reason. Hope he can get it worked out a fix a few mechanical things. I would love to see him go sub 10.10 this summer or approach 10 seconds. I don't think he is anywhere near having sub 10 potential yet. I do say yet because he is only 22 so he might need a little more time. There are very few Tortu types out there. Good luck to Volko the rest of the summer.
Prandini 3rd 10.98 0.6w 1st was 10.91, 2nd was 10.96, Prandini is showing excellent form and conditioning, good luck to her in the 200m tomorrow.
USATF should change their 800m qualification rules to first 2 in each heat and next four fastest times, more than a few guys and gals got screwed by the present format today.
Saw the race on youtube. Prandini was last out of the blocks.
If she can improve her start she can win these races.
But regardless, she looked good.
the list of non African descent sprinters to break 10 seconds in now 8 (and will be 10 soon I predict).
Su Bingtian (China) 9.91, Lemaitre (France) 9.92, Patrick Johnson (Australia) 9.93, Guliyev (Turkey) 9.97, Gemili (Britain) 9.97, Xie Zhenye 9.97, Yoshi Kiryu 9.98, Filippo Tortu (Italy) 9.99 and a slew of legit 10.00s from a few others such as American John Teeters and Japanese Yamagata ran it with a (+0.2) in September.
Sub 10 will now be less uncommon amongst non African descendants because it is now seen as do-able
I think we forgot to mention Hortelanos name in the list of Non Negros going sub 10`he just ran 44.69 400m and has run fast 100 already this season. His 200 and 100 times will both go below the 20 and 10 second barriers this season in my opinion. Here is his 400m race it is spanish and has stupid music but well worth watching.

Interesting how slow the Jamaican trials 100s were.

Women's places 11.01, 11.09, 11.13 (+0.4)
Men's places were 10.07, 10.24, 10.31 - virtually still wind.

Nothing much to see here to frighten Su Bingtian.
Hey Mastermulti. Are any of the aussie sprinters running at all in Europe this summer? I feel like
a lot of these young guys like Hale & Browning could get some good experience there.
Hortelano's 10.06, 20.12 and 44.69 has to put him pretty high up on the list for 100, 200, 400 combined times. Any of you track guys know? I'll be he is ahead of Kevin Little now.
Yeah, Hortelano is just better than Little (for 100/200/400 combined), and Hortelano has an incredible upside. I see him obliterating his current 200 PB.

Hortelano 10.06+20.12+44.69=74.87

Little 10.13+20.10+44.77=75.00

Bolt 9.58+19.19+45.28=74.05

M Johnson 10.09+19.32+43.18=72.59

And speaking of 200 PBs, with Tortu's top speed, I see a new 200 PB for him first time he tries.
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