2016 NFL Week 7

Tonight's game isn't exactly must see tv but I hope Seattle loses. They should already have 2 more losses than they do - the week 1 drop by the Miami BLM activist and last week's missed PI call when they played Atlanta.
Yes, it's black quarterback vs honorary black quarterback in tonight's SNF, but ultimately as a whole Seattle is arguably the most loathsome team in the NFL led by wigger Pete and such odious characters as Sherman, Bennett, Baldwin, and others, so hopefully they'll lose. As I've said before, they are the most dangerous team in the NFC, so anything to slow down their momentum will be good.
I watched Nelson on a lot of plays and he was barely trying to get open. Either he wasn't one hundred percent, or he was being used as a decoy so that Rodgers could better dink and dunk to his three black amigos. The fact of Nelson not being used not even being mentioned during the broadcast I found to be quite curious. Then again Alshon Jeffrey also had a dud game and it wasn't mentioned either.

Jordy had 5 TDs in the first 4 games. Then nothing the last two games. There is still plenty of time left in the season for him to turn it around. It really is frustrating though with the potential that there is with this receiving corps. Looks like some of the "real" receivers will have to get injured for Janis and Abbrederis to get a chance.
Cassius Marsh is not white, he's some sort of half-bred negro or other mystery meat. That's probably why he was allowed into Pete's plantation.
Kevin Hogan with a 28 yd run for TD!

that 28-yard touchdown was the longest touchdown run by a quarterback in Browns history. his 104 yards rushing was only 4 off the record set by Johnny Manziel's franchise mark for quarterbacks. all in all, a pretty "deceptive" and "blue collar" effort for the "overachieving" "gym rat."
Cassius Marsh is not white, he's some sort of half-bred negro or other mystery meat. That's probably why he was allowed into Pete's plantation.
Dude definitely looks White, unless we're applying the one-drop rule here.
Cassius Marsh is not white, he's some sort of half-bred negro or other mystery meat. That's probably why he was allowed into Pete's plantation.

You sure about that? Looks pretty white to me.
That's Blake Griffin, just slightly lighter. The "multiracial everyman" that is heavily promoted by the usual suspects.
I think he is totally White from the photos I have seen of his father who had a cup of coffee in the NFL he looks totally White. His half brother is clearly Mulatto and has a Black mother. Maybe I am wrong but I have seen photos of his father.
The whole Marsh thing is strange. Cassius looks White and I always thought his father Curtis Marsh (Sr.) was White as he was totally screwed over by the NFL just as White receivers so often are. Curtis Marsh had a great college career and was big and fast and productive in the pre-season but was kicked around the margins of the NFL for several years before disappearing. But Cassius Marsh's half-brother (Curtis Marsh Jr.) is very black looking. It's possible Curtis Marsh Sr. and Cassius Marsh are White and Curtis Marsh Jr. somehow turned out very black looking thanks to a black mother, but who knows. Cassius is all tatted up and my guess is that he either has some black blood or might as well as he seems very wiggerish in looks and mannerisms.
Curtis Marsh's NFL stats: 9 catches over three seasons with two teams, Jax and Pitt. Fits the profile of many white receivers. I followed him, especially when he was with the Steelers because I thought he was White. At Utah he was second in the country in '94 with 11 TDs, also had 61 receptions for 859 yards that year. He was 6'2" and fast. Could well be an octaroon looking at the pic Leonardfan posted, but the stats on that card are different than what I just found. It's amazing how tough it can be to find info on college players pre-internet and early internet. At least it's more interesting than following the sleep inducing "entertainment" being provided by Arizona and Seattle.
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Ive met 2 dudes in my life that I always suspected of having a ****** in the woodpile somewhere lol. Looked White, acted White, but you knew something was off.
Just saw some fat dope calling for the Jaguars to move on from Bortles. He even said that Bortles is the reason the running game can't get going - this stuff is truly unreal. I hope Bortles bounces back on Thursday night.
Such incompetence by AZ, a missed FG earlier and then Palmer fumbles at the end and lost opportunity to attempt another FG.

You let Pete's Africans hang around and there's always some sort of 4th quarter magic waiting to happen for an improbable win.
Must have been an octoroon father knocking up an extremely nordic chick. Normally Id call out the (((troll))) who hypes up this no sense but this could be a genuine mistake.

He's probably got that Klay Thompson shuck and jive muh dik dance that gives it away. The NFL has nearly jumped the proverbial mudshark. If it wasnt for gambling i could care less.
Cameraman focuses in on David Johnson's ugly mudshark wife in the crowd, disgusting.
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