2014 World Cup Finals

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And I thought we were told to take this muslim stuff out of this thread and to Happy hour? How about we just look at the pictures and decide individually for ourselves if they are white? And then decide individually if you want to root for them or Nigeria.
And I thought we were told to take this muslim stuff out of this thread and to Happy hour? How about we just look at the pictures and decide individually for ourselves if they are white? And then decide individually if you want to root for them or Nigeria.

algeria will play against germany
i can't accept anybody openly rooting for algeria
the only thing we can say is that one of the african countries to go further at this world cup has been a non-black country
Twinkle Toes said:
Thrashen buddy, not to start a flame war here but how can you root against your home country? Is Tim Howard really that arrogant? Just because the US team is mixed dosen't mean you have to root against them.
Let’s see how many reasons I can list for you, “buddy”…

1) Two of my four grandparents were born in Germany in the late 1940’s. Another was born in northern Switzerland (at the border with Germany/Austria) near Der Bodensee (“Lake Constance”). Another is Pennsylvania Deutsch, who are the descendants of Amish/Mennonites who immigrated from Germany and/or Switzerland during the 1700’s and 1800’s.

2) My last name is an easily-translated word in German. As was my mother’s maiden name. When I was in high school, we did a project where we were tasked with researched our genealogy. Every single man, woman, and child that ever existed in my family had last name that was a German word.

3) Thanks to my grandparents and parents, I speak the language.

4) In the region of PA where I grew up, you’d be hard-pressed to find a non-German last name. Thus, my best friends, neighbors, cousins, schoolmates, and other social contacts are all German. Of course, thanks to the scourge that is Americanization, few of them even realize (or care) about who and what made them what they are, inside and out. All white nationalities are discouraged from researching and taking pride in their pre-American heritage.

5) Aside from Boateng, Ozil, and Khedira (all of whom I’ve expressed great displeasure for over the years), the players that comprise “Die Mannschaft” represent me as a person more than any other national team. Of course, I embrace all white athletes, and therefore I don’t mind seeing a few foreign-born white players such as Lukas Podolski (Polish, born in Poland), Miroslav Klose (German father, Polish mother, born in Upper Silesia, a German-speaking part of Poland), and Shkodran Mustafi, a white Albanian.

6) I dislike Jürgen Klinsmann. He bred with an Asian woman, he was terrible coach for Germany (and much disliked by the German players), he’s a political cultural Marxist, (see his comments on “March to Brazil” on ESPN), and he transformed the USMNT into a black, Hispanic, mulatto, mystery meat, wigger-laden extravaganza...you know, even more so than they already were under previous regimes.

7) The German team clearly features far more whites than Team Multi-Culiti, both in the starting lineups and on the 23-man roster. Compare and contrast…



8) I abhor DWF's, and there is certainly no shortage of inebriated, face-painted, teary-eyed, manic, Negro-venerating Team Jew-S-A sycophants. I enjoy watching them suffer...







I’m no “German Supremacist,” as I feel that all whites are bretheren and I have love and respect for all white cultures. On an organic level, I simply relate to Germans more than other whites, which should be a common sentiment among all white nationalities. My own wife is of Lithuanian descent (a beautiful culture I've been researching over the years), so despite my affection for my own subspecies, I'm obviously not some irrational “German Xenophobe.”


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I don't understand this love affair with Algeria. Not one player on that team looks white to me. Also, did anyone see their fans? It seemed like they were headed to war. I hope Germany makes quick work of them.

I agree wholeheartedly. I saw 2-3 Algerian players that looked “kind of” white, that’s about it. Watching the Algerian fans celebrating was also highly disturbing, as each comically-ugly face was more monstrous than the former. Every single person appeared to have an been spawned from entirely different genetic amalgum. I noticed toothless Arabs with turbans/beards, some morbidly obese fans that were shirtless, some Semitic-looking faces with toucan-sized noses, an array of light-skinned, olive-skinned, and dark-skinned sand Negroes, and some that even looked Southern European. God, what a vile “race” of mystery meats…







The sad thing is...I'd root for this team over, say, France. Let's hope Germany annihilates Algeria in short order.

Russia, as always, was highly disappointing yesterday.


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yes , i kind of expected it, and said it, since they always choke at tournaments, but algeria.........:undecided:
To let people know my thoughts on things. I root against the USA in basketball because its dominated allegedly by blacks. I root for USA soccer because it is not! NOt all blacks are evil though I have a hatred toward a good percentage of them for obvious reasons. I root for the white sprinter, the white football athlete and so on. I would not be on this site if I did not support the white athlete but some of you on here need to let your hate go. Just let it go. You wont obviously but its just a suggestion to be introspective and as smart as one can claim to be on this site you won't do that. So I am fighting an uphill battle. IN soccer the caste system is not so prevalent so I am going to root for the USA despite the fact they may have some blacks on the team. Oh my lordy the worldz is gonna end. Wake up people. But you wont. God damn idiots.
To let people know my thoughts on things. I root against the USA in basketball because its dominated allegedly by blacks. I root for USA soccer because it is not! NOt all blacks are evil though I have a hatred toward a good percentage of them for obvious reasons. I root for the white sprinter, the white football athlete and so on. I would not be on this site if I did not support the white athlete but some of you on here need to let your hate go. Just let it go. You wont obviously but its just a suggestion to be introspective and as smart as one can claim to be on this site you won't do that. So I am fighting an uphill battle. IN soccer the caste system is not so prevalent so I am going to root for the USA despite the fact they may have some blacks on the team. Oh my lordy the worldz is gonna end. Wake up people. But you wont. God damn idiots.

soccer is a white sports in the US from what i read here, yet they have a lot of blacks and "blermans"
so the caste system might not be as bad as in the NBA but i still hope that belgium destroys the US
This thread is infested with Semites. Only people of full European ancestry can be classified as white. Anyone who thinks Algerians are white should be forced to live with these Africans in a Paris banlieue for a few months. I'll bet every poster here (other than the Islamic troll from Bosnia) who claims Arabs are white is an American without a passport and no real life experience with Middle Easterners and North Africans.
i can't wait until tomorrow for bazil - chile :icon_surprised:
i don't see how brazil can win that game, except from free kicks and corner kicks
I'm suffering from World Cup withdrawal symptoms on this off day.

Tomorrow, in addition to cheering against Brazil I'll be cheering for Uruguay against the black Columbians.
all this about luis suarez shows what i said multiple times: uruguay are not cheaters
they are african-influenced in the way they play and can't cheat
they are impulsive and violent but don't really dive like the italians and other europeans
now uruguay will be without their best player for a bite :icon_lol:
cavani must step up but as i already said i don't really believe in him
I didn't see any French football this past year (thanks to the Arab Qataris who bought all the broadcasting rights). Did Cavani make much of a contribution to PSG's title win? He seemed to play well at Napoli.
I didn't see any French football this past year (thanks to the Arab Qataris who bought all the broadcasting rights). Did Cavani make much of a contribution to PSG's title win? He seemed to play well at Napoli.

not really
he played as a winger for the most part of the season because ibrahimowicz was the number 1 striker, and then when he was offered a chance to play as the main striker he was disappointing
he is not very clinical but is very powerfull and can make turns that beat most defenders

see here: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...vani-fails-to-step-up-in-ibrahimovics-absence
This thread is infested with Semites. Only people of full European ancestry can be classified as white. Anyone who thinks Algerians are white should be forced to live with these Africans in a Paris banlieue for a few months. I'll bet every poster here (other than the Islamic troll from Bosnia) who claims Arabs are white is an American without a passport and no real life experience with Middle Easterners and North Africans.

You nailed it.

Those WASP's are fortunate enough to not live in cities occupied by muslims.What also gets me worked up is whenever anyone says that 'Albanians are white' :frusty: .
not really
he played as a winger for the most part of the season because ibrahimowicz was the number 1 striker, and then when he was offered a chance to play as the main striker he was disappointing
he is not very clinical but is very powerfull and can make turns that beat most defenders

see here: http://bleacherreport.com/articles/...vani-fails-to-step-up-in-ibrahimovics-absence

Lol,look at this:


He must have some black blood...onnly the presence of African DNA can ensure such 'quality' .
Filthy degenerates. Anyone who considers this "white" behavior needs their head examined.
soccer is a white sports in the US from what i read here, yet they have a lot of blacks and "blermans"
so the caste system might not be as bad as in the NBA but i still hope that belgium destroys the US
The media are starting to promote the return Altidore for the Belgium game. Belgium - while not great - will be the whiter team.
i can't wait until tomorrow for bazil - chile :icon_surprised:
i don't see how brazil can win that game, except from free kicks and corner kicks
Or maybe they get some more help from the refs (like against Croatia). Nigeria would not be in the next round if not from help from the refs.
Alright, enough talk about Algerians, Muslims, who's white and who's not. I'm going to change the topic on this off-day and talk about the significant others of some of our favorite players.

Thomas Muller and his beautiful wife Lisa Muller:


Lionel Messi and girlfriend Antonella Roccuzzo:


No race mixing or African adoptions here. And these gentleman certainly have good taste in women. :icon_mrgreen:
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Alright, enough talk about Algerians, Muslims, who's white and who's not. I'm going to change the topic on this off-day and talk about the significant others of some of our favorite players.

Thomas Muller and his beautiful wife Lisa Muller:


Lionel Messi and girlfriend Antonella Roccuzzo:


Arjen Robben and his wonderful family:


No race mixing or African adoptions here.

Thanks foobar!! This post is definitely a lot better than talking about Algerians, etc. I'll add a couple pictures to yours:


Miroslav Klose and his lovely family.

Bastian Schweinsteiger and his girlfriend:


I sincerely hope that Loew has seen the fact that Schweinsteiger a class above Khedira and starts him against Algeria. Reading BigSoccer, the German fans there for the most part agree Khedira brings nothing to the team, and that Loew continues to force him and Ozil into the starting lineup, no matter what. Germany is light years better when they drop Khedira in favor of Schweinsteiger. The fact that his starting against Algeria is even a debate is ridiculous.
Alright, enough talk about Algerians, Muslims, who's white and who's not. I'm going to change the topic on this off-day and talk about the significant others of some of our favorite players.

Thank you!

I'm going to lock this thread because of how quickly it's grown to a huge size and start a second one, which should make it a little easier for posters and lurkers to pick and choose where they want to start reading. Let's try to stick to soccer as much as possible and remember that there's never going to be unanimous agreement on the racial background of everyone and that everyone here roots for whoever they want without needing anyone else's approval. But all in all a great thread.
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