2014 World Cup Finals - Part Two

Greece did have a lot of chances, especially playing the last 25 minutes of the game and all of extra time with a man up. They couldn't finish the job.
Greece did have a lot of chances, especially playing the last 25 minutes of the game and all of extra time with a man up. They couldn't finish the job.

Gekas was very poor for me.
Lazaros was on the other hand,the best player on the pitch....its sad he ended up on the losing side.
Greece should've won but at least Holland should advance to the semi-finals...
Mitroglou obviously isn't White...

No,non-whites rarely come with those names.

Here's a family photo:


He's just a little exotic looking,that's it.
I blame the Greek goal keeper more than anything, he turned into a statue on what was possibly the slowest goal I've ever seen.
greece, so close to the quarter finals, incredible
and yet next time they will play the world cup people will say that they can only defend with 11 players, that they are anti-football etc
bryan ruiz, costa rica's best player, has been counted as white in rebajlo's posts about the premier league
so was james rodriguez in my posts about the french league, so i'm not only saying he's white because he's the best player of the tournament so far
greece's second late equaliser in a row:



they were so close to winning in the penalties
they did their best performance at a world cup ever
maybe next time they will do even better
you know, somebody has to replace the european teams who play with african players
greece might be one of them
And for the second day in a row the team I wanted to win loses on penalties.

watch this to make yourself feel better:


losing in penalties is really harsh
and as i have already said, i think that blacks have an advantage in penalties because they don't feel the pressure
a penalty is so easy to score that you don't need skill
messi wouldn't do better than jozy altidore in penalty kicks
it's all about being relaxed, about not feeling the pressure
and blacks are the most laid-back race on earth
they don't feel the pressure

ofcourse luck plays a part too
I missed the penalties between the first one and the winning one because a sudden rain storm temporarily knocked out my satellite.:icon_sad: (Same thing happened two years ago when England and Italy went to penalties).

All that can be said is that neither team is comparable to the Dutch. The Costa Rican victory over Italy now says more about how bad Italy have become than how good the Costa Ricans are. They are mediocre and got lucky. The Mexicans were better than either of these teams.

Tomorrow we have Germany playing Algeria - a clear caste match between whites and non-whites. We also have "France" versus Nigeria - may an asteroid destroy them both.:heh:
I missed the penalties between the first one and the winning one because a sudden rain storm temporarily knocked out my satellite.:icon_sad: (Same thing happened two years ago when England and Italy went to penalties).

All that can be said is that neither team is comparable to the Dutch. The Costa Rican victory over Italy now says more about how bad Italy have become than how good the Costa Ricans are. They are mediocre and got lucky. The Mexicans were better than either of these teams.

Tomorrow we have Germany playing Algeria - a clear caste match between whites and non-whites. We also have "France" versus Nigeria - may an asteroid destroy them both.:heh:

yes we can consider holland to be already in the semi finals, i don't know how italy and uruguay could lose to that team
Luck plays a greater role in penalties than skill. It's a guessing game for the goal keeper, the penalty taker is so close to the net that accuracy matters little.
I missed the penalties between the first one and the winning one because a sudden rain storm temporarily knocked out my satellite.:icon_sad: (Same thing happened two years ago when England and Italy went to penalties).

All that can be said is that neither team is comparable to the Dutch. The Costa Rican victory over Italy now says more about how bad Italy have become than how good the Costa Ricans are. They are mediocre and got lucky. The Mexicans were better than either of these teams.

Tomorrow we have Germany playing Algeria - a clear caste match between whites and non-whites.

We also have "France" versus Nigeria - may an asteroid destroy them both.:heh:

Yes, Mexico was noticibly better than either of those teams. Since the Netherlands was able to beat Mexico I don't think they should have TOO much trouble with Costa Rica.

Germany vs. Algeria is a huge caste matchup. I will be rooting hard for Die Mennsheft (or however you spell it)

I agree completely about "France" and Algeria both being struck by asteriods. Let's not lose sight of the fact that no matter how revolting we all find the "French" national team, what is far more significant is that France is home to the strongest European Nationalist party, La Front National.
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