2014 NCAA Tournament

I have doubts that all four white Wisconsin starters are jewish. Kaminsky went to a Catholic high school in Illinois, Sam Dekker went to a Lutheran high school in Sheboygan Wisconsin and his father was the high school team coach. From their bios that I saw on the Wisconsin team site, neither Brust nor Gasser showed any clues as to a Jewish background in terms of parents or siblings names that I could

Dekker is a dutch name, Brust & Gasser german. Kamin(sky/ski) is definitely a jewish name(either a polish or russian jew).
That's funny you say that, since I am pretty sure that all 4 of the starters on Wisconsin are of Jewish heritage.


1) Sam Dekker - If he is Jewish, I haven’t seen any evidence online. That last name is common amongst Dutch people, as well as Dutch-Afrikaners in South Africa. Also, he has dirty blonde hair and light eyes…



2) Frank Kaminsky - He certainly has the facial structure of a Jew, but has a very popular Polish surname and has greenish-hazel eyes. From my research, there is some online questioning of his ethnicity/religion, and the answer seems to be “not Jewish”…


CAPTION: Kaminsky

3) Ben Brust - I know that his surname literally translates to “chest” in German. He could very well be Ashkenazi, but I wasn’t able to find any evidence online. He has light brown/dirty blonde hair and brown eyes…



4) John Gasser - This name is likely taken from the German word “gasse” (street/alleyway/sidestreet). He has light brown hair and light eyes. Again, no stories about his religion online…



5) Bronson Koenig - Despite his German surname (which means “king”), I’ve read that he’s part featherhead, which I can believe, as he certainly looks a little off…



Are you able to find any sources to suggest that these players are “Jewish?” Nothing jumps out at me online. Do they have Jewish mothers, fathers, or both?

Anyway, it matters not. DWF’s see a bunch of white players (three of which have light hair and eyes) with German and Polish surnames. Similar to Julian Edelman in the NFL, they would never even consider the fact that they might be Jewish or partially Jewish. As Don implied…in the American Caste System, Jews aren’t treated any better than whites (or viewed as any more athletically gifted) and their ethnicity/religion is rarely, if ever, discussed publicly.
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If they were all Jews the media would be all over that. We would be constantly reminded of it. Just like every time Yuri Foreman boxed there was a big deal made about how he is Jewish.
That's funny you say that, since I am pretty sure that all 4 of the starters on Wisconsin are of Jewish heritage.

Don't get me wrong, I am rooting for Wisconsin to win. But it's absolutely hilarious that you blame "the Jews" as a group for destroying our racial awareness whilst unconsciously rooting for a team of Jews to win the national championship.

That being said, there are certainly nefarious leftist forces that are striving to emasculate white males. Cultural Marxism is real, but I don't know if blaming "the Jews," who are a group of millions of individuals, gives due credit to the legitimate argument about Cultural Marxism.

As you can see in the example of Wisconsin team, most (though not all) American Jews nowadays are mostly assimilated "white guys," and have are about as responsible for the machinations of our socialist overlords as the average white Christian is for the actions of folks like John McCain and Dick Cheney.

Go Wisconsin!

Thats funny you say that . I know that deception and dishonesty come natural to your people when dealing with us goy but I highly doubt that Wisconsin has 4 Jewish starters. And even if that were the case and all four of them were yamakule wearing talmudists I'd still be rooting for them to win. Like Don said when it comes to athletics, for all intents and purposes Jews are White. A team of goldsteins beating a team of Tyrones only helps advance our cause. Even your stereotypical hook nosed ashkanazim without any white admixture is considered White by the DWF

I apologize for saying Jews are responsible. That's very insensitive of me. All those newspaper editors and journalists, the Hollywood producers, the television writers, the advertisement agencies, the television network owners, the open border advocates , the leaders of the feminist movement , the members of the Frankfort school , the war lobby, the banks , etc they're all Swedes.

Ok I'm kidding they are individuals who just happen to be Jewish. Their Jewishness is purely incidental right ? I don't think it influences their behavior in any way. I must agree with Alan Dershowitz there .

Ever notice how the arguments made by attempted Jewish hijackers are strikingly similar to the criticisms we often hear from liberals ? Stop generalizing people ! Just cause some blacks are criminals doesn't mean all of them are. IQ scores don't mean anything the smartest guy in my high school was black. My neighbor is black and he's super nice and friendly . You haters are so irrational

What the liberals don't understand is that there is no such thing as the individual. We all exist as members of our groups and we are judged by the actions of our fellow members whether we like it or not. That's the way it's always been. I don't care if there are some so called " good jews", as a group they're rotten, just like blacks as a group .

Less than 1000 years from now there probably won't be any Whites left in existence, and that's because of Jews and no one else. That's a fact that can't go ignored. And no comparison can be made between the Jewish elite and the gentile "elite". The Gentiles are motivated by money, power, and fame and a lot of times they're just as brainwashed as everyone else. They believe the garbage they spew. I bet you many of those gentiles quietly disapprove of Israel's policy and treatment of African immigrants. They believe the whole world should be open borders.

The Jewish elite on the other hand don't believe any of that non sense. They fully support Israel as a racist state while at the same time demanding open borders and multiculturalism for all white countries. They're not motivated by money or fame, many times they even sacrifice those things, they're motivated by deep feelings of racial hatred. They want to destroy Whites at all costs .
That's funny you say that, since I am pretty sure that all 4 of the starters on Wisconsin are of Jewish heritage.

Don't get me wrong, I am rooting for Wisconsin to win. But it's absolutely hilarious that you blame "the Jews" as a group for destroying our racial awareness whilst unconsciously rooting for a team of Jews to win the national championship.

That being said, there are certainly nefarious leftist forces that are striving to emasculate white males. Cultural Marxism is real, but I don't know if blaming "the Jews," who are a group of millions of individuals, gives due credit to the legitimate argument about Cultural Marxism.

As you can see in the example of Wisconsin team, most (though not all) American Jews nowadays are mostly assimilated "white guys," and have are about as responsible for the machinations of our socialist overlords as the average white Christian is for the actions of folks like John McCain and Dick Cheney.

Go Wisconsin!

Way to derail the thread with this asinine post. Educate yourself.
I don't know where TorontoArgos got his information that Wisconsin's White starters are all Jews, but otherwise he made some legitimate points. Yet he gets castigated, called a Jew even though he never said if he is or isn't, etc.

This is a sports site with no political litmus test for posting. If you want to disagree with someone, do it civilly without making it personal. TorontoArgos was a good poster here for several years and I'm glad to see him back, but I guess others want to run him off because he isn't hard-core anti-Jewish enough for their tastes. As I remember he's young, a demographic we should welcome and nurture. The idea is to be a friendly, supportive community that cheers for White athletes, an island of sanity and common sense in a sea of politically correct lies. There is too much hostility directed at posters, especially new ones.
It's the elites who are responsible for the agenda and problems of today, the 1%, which is why I don't endorse or engage in mindless bashing of Jews, blacks, or anyone else. Jews are highly disproportionately represented among the elite, but there is no shortage of non-Jewish Whites, blacks, hispanics, Asians and plenty of others who will gladly sell out for prestige and $. It's become the American Way (and the Canadian Way, and the Western Way).

Then why is almost all the American media owned or controlled by Jews, and the rest of Western media besides? Why are all the toxic ideologies and movements in academia started/appropriated and dominated by Jews?

It is the Jews, it's their Talmudist culture.
Then why is almost all the American media owned or controlled by Jews, and the rest of Western media besides? Why are all the toxic ideologies and movements in academia started/appropriated and dominated by Jews?

It is the Jews, it's their Talmudist culture.

What did I write: "Jews are highly disproportionately represented among the elites."

Some liberals argue that "White privilege" still exists because most of the Fortune 500 CEOs are still White men. Of course, that's irrelevant to the plight of the average White man in this country. The Jewish influence in promoting toxic ideologies is undeniable, but does that make Joe Sixpackstein just as guilty? Is he responsible for what the elites of his racial-religion do? There are White men (gentiles) among the elites as well; does that make you and me guilty of their evil also?

1) Sam Dekker - If he is Jewish, I haven’t seen any evidence online. That last name is common amongst Dutch people, as well as Dutch-Afrikaners in South Africa. Also, he has dirty blonde hair and light eyes…



2) Frank Kaminsky - He certainly has the facial structure of a Jew, but has a very popular Polish surname and has greenish-hazel eyes. From my research, there is some online questioning of his ethnicity/religion, and the answer seems to be “not Jewish”…


CAPTION: Kaminsky

3) Ben Brust - I know that his surname literally translates to “chest” in German. He could very well be Ashkenazi, but I wasn’t able to find any evidence online. He has light brown/dirty blonde hair and brown eyes…



4) John Gasser - This name is likely taken from the German word “gasse” (street/alleyway/sidestreet). He has light brown hair and light eyes. Again, no stories about his religion online…



5) Bronson Koenig - Despite his German surname (which means “king”), I’ve read that he’s part featherhead, which I can believe, as he certainly looks a little off…



Are you able to find any sources to suggest that these players are “Jewish?” Nothing jumps out at me online. Do they have Jewish mothers, fathers, or both?

Anyway, it matters not. DWF’s see a bunch of white players (three of which have light hair and eyes) with German and Polish surnames. Similar to Julian Edelman in the NFL, they would never even consider the fact that they might be Jewish or partially Jewish. As Don implied…in the American Caste System, Jews aren’t treated any better than whites (or viewed as any more athletically gifted) and their ethnicity/religion is rarely, if ever, discussed publicly.
His skin hue and feature look Native American but unless a guy states he is guys with this look are generally accepted as White. The two sisters have have a Germanic name and have a White or Metis father(their mother looks full blooded Native American). As for Kaminsky he looks similar to veteran character actor Fred Gwynne from the Munsters and the judge in My Cousin Vinnie...http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eNZ1O2KTOOg
When you write "you," who is that referring to? All other posters here except yourself? I happen to agree with the points you've made. I've encountered lots of Jews in everyday life who weren't trying to "conquer the world," some with blue-collar jobs, some I didn't even know were Jews for quite a while.

When it comes to sports, Jewish athletes are treated as White only, which has often been noted by posters. Julian Edelman, Ryan Braun, Jeremy Bloom and others are rooted for by just about everyone here the same as any other "overachievers." Bloom was screwed by the NCAA and NFL like few others.

It's the elites who are responsible for the agenda and problems of today, the 1%, which is why I don't endorse or engage in mindless bashing of Jews, blacks, or anyone else. Jews are highly disproportionately represented among the elite, but there is no shortage of non-Jewish Whites, blacks, hispanics, Asians and plenty of others who will gladly sell out for prestige and $. It's become the American Way (and the Canadian Way, and the Western Way).

I have to agree with Don here. I also think it is just the 1% that is responsible for what is happening. I highly doubt guys like Edelman, Ike Davis, Braun, Nate Lubick (Georgetown), Jake Cohen (Davidson), and other Jewish athletes (and your "average citizens,") are involved in a plot trying to destroy Western Civilization. Like Don said, all of these guys are considered white by everybody who watches sports, and are abused by the DWFs accordingly. I've heard Edelman and Braun and all these guys being absolutely berated by DWFs time and time again. Clearly, their religion isn't helping them out at all. I've always cheered for these guys and always will.

But anyways, could we get back to discussing basketball in the 2014 NCAA Tournament? Like has been said, a lot of people have woken up to how whites are discriminated against, and are even resenting it, but this conversation of who's Jewish and who's not would turn a good chunk of them off pretty fast.
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Modern liberalism characterized by White "progressives" is a symptom of affluence (of the nation), whereas Jews deliberately distort their host culture because they are cultural aliens and parasites.

Jews all across the spectrum from the humble blue-collar worker to the filthy rich media mogul secular or religious all feel an allegiance to other Jews above any other connection besides (sometimes) family. They might not all be technically complicit with the evil being spread by Jews as a whole but it's the rare exception that don't approve of it because they all put Jewish interests first unless for whatever reason they were not at all subjected to Talmudist culture and teachings.

A telling example is Ayn Rand. Preaches a toxic ideology that atomizes White men by teaching that all "collectivism" is evil but doesn't want this practiced by Israel.

I have to agree with Don here. I also think it is just the 1% that is responsible for what is happening. I highly doubt guys like Edelman, Ike Davis, Braun, Nate Lubick (Georgetown), Jake Cohen (Davidson), and other Jewish athletes (and your "average citizens,") are involved in a plot trying to destroy Western Civilization. Like Don said, all of these guys are considered white by everybody who watches sports, and are abused by the DWFs accordingly. I've heard Edelman and Braun and all these guys being absolutely berated by DWFs time and time again. Clearly, their religion isn't helping them out at all. I've always cheered for these guys and always will.

But anyways, could we get back to discussing basketball in the 2014 NCAA Tournament? Like has been said, a lot of people have woken up to how whites are discriminated against, and are even resenting it, but this conversation of who's Jewish and who's not would turn a good chunk of them off pretty fast.

Edelman isn't even Jewish, his dad is putatively a Jew but Jews trace Jewness maternally. Yes, they typically don't benefit in their sports career by virtue of being Jewish but in other fields it definitely helps.
I am pulling for WIS, so what if those players are part or all jews? I am sure while playing, they are thinking we want to beat the affelets. Not that "we are playing for the star of david and Israel, Zionist glory". The media in Amerika even tho jew controlled will look at them as White men, not a bunch of jewish boys 4 or 5 yrs removed from their barmitsva(spelling who cares), beating down the newest affeletic dominated team from a White college. Really, to go on and dissect these college elite players of their jewness is pointless. Media, rest assured will feature them as a White team and what the hell are they doing in the final 4.

When Yuri Foreman was constantly featured as a jewish fighter, was because him and his stupid team decided to promote that aspect about him. Then Miguel Cotto had to lay a beatdown on him, and he was never heard from again.
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Thats funny you say that . I know that deception and dishonesty come natural to your people when dealing with us goy but I highly doubt that Wisconsin has 4 Jewish starters. And even if that were the case and all four of them were yamakule wearing talmudists I'd still be rooting for them to win. Like Don said when it comes to athletics, for all intents and purposes Jews are White. A team of goldsteins beating a team of Tyrones only helps advance our cause. Even your stereotypical hook nosed ashkanazim without any white admixture is considered White by the DWF

I apologize for saying Jews are responsible. That's very insensitive of me. All those newspaper editors and journalists, the Hollywood producers, the television writers, the advertisement agencies, the television network owners, the open border advocates , the leaders of the feminist movement , the members of the Frankfort school , the war lobby, the banks , etc they're all Swedes.

Ok I'm kidding they are individuals who just happen to be Jewish. Their Jewishness is purely incidental right ? I don't think it influences their behavior in any way. I must agree with Alan Dershowitz there .

Ever notice how the arguments made by attempted Jewish hijackers are strikingly similar to the criticisms we often hear from liberals ? Stop generalizing people ! Just cause some blacks are criminals doesn't mean all of them are. IQ scores don't mean anything the smartest guy in my high school was black. My neighbor is black and he's super nice and friendly . You haters are so irrational

What the liberals don't understand is that there is no such thing as the individual. We all exist as members of our groups and we are judged by the actions of our fellow members whether we like it or not. That's the way it's always been. I don't care if there are some so called " good jews", as a group they're rotten, just like blacks as a group .

Less than 1000 years from now there probably won't be any Whites left in existence, and that's because of Jews and no one else. That's a fact that can't go ignored. And no comparison can be made between the Jewish elite and the gentile "elite". The Gentiles are motivated by money, power, and fame and a lot of times they're just as brainwashed as everyone else. They believe the garbage they spew. I bet you many of those gentiles quietly disapprove of Israel's policy and treatment of African immigrants. They believe the whole world should be open borders.

The Jewish elite on the other hand don't believe any of that non sense. They fully support Israel as a racist state while at the same time demanding open borders and multiculturalism for all white countries. They're not motivated by money or fame, many times they even sacrifice those things, they're motivated by deep feelings of racial hatred. They want to destroy Whites at all costs .
If we Whites as a "group" can't see the future or danger in it, then, we will cease being a pure "group" of people. I, and I am sure you as will sound the alarm, but Whites will have to listen and do rudimentary research. If not, we are toast. And I can accept that, in that I will be removed from this planet, 970 years from now.
Don Wassall said:
I don't know where TorontoArgos got his information that Wisconsin's White starters are all Jews, but otherwise he made some legitimate points. Yet he gets castigated, called a Jew even though he never said if he is or isn't, etc.

I agree that he’s been a good poster, which is why I didn’t demean TorontoArgos in any way. I was very curious as to how these players are Jewish or even partially Jewish. Perhaps he read an article concerning the subject, but I can’t seem to find anything online.

I also agree with Old Scratch’s posts concerning the poisonous influence of the “average Jew.” W.L. Pierce explained this issue many times in his writings. Of course, there are always exceptions.

Despite if these Wisconsin players have full or partial Jewish ancestry (which doesn’t seem to be the case, but I could be wrong), I’m sure none of us here would care.
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Ever notice how the arguments made by attempted Jewish hijackers are strikingly similar to the criticisms we often hear from liberals ? Stop generalizing people ! Just cause some blacks are criminals doesn't mean all of them are. IQ scores don't mean anything the smartest guy in my high school was black. My neighbor is black and he's super nice and friendly . You haters are so irrational

What the liberals don't understand is that there is no such thing as the individual. We all exist as members of our groups and we are judged by the actions of our fellow members whether we like it or not. That's the way it's always been. I don't care if there are some so called " good jews", as a group they're rotten, just like blacks as a group .

We will be waiting long and hard for those "good average Jews" and "good average blacks" to help stop what their people are doing to our people. Average hard-working nice blue collar Jews, blacks, and other minorities almost 100% support their race - even when their race is in the wrong. The "good Jew" I'm sure supports Israel, harbors hatred towards Germans, and secretly or not so secretly is proud of how they control everything. The "good black" almost always supports the black agenda, affirmative action, reparations, and likely voted for Obama (96%) just because he is black. I haven't met a Latino against massive immigration yet and if they were they certainly wouldn't be active in doing anything about it.

If the hope is to convert these "good Jews" and "good blacks" and average whatever to our cause, then we are wasting out time. Even if they are not against us, they will never help us.

Next time you meet a good whatever ask them what they are doing about what their people are doing to our people. You'll hear crickets.
We will be waiting long and hard for those "good average Jews" and "good average blacks" to help stop what their people are doing to our people. Average hard-working nice blue collar Jews, blacks, and other minorities almost 100% support their race - even when their race is in the wrong. The "good Jew" I'm sure supports Israel, harbors hatred towards Germans, and secretly or not so secretly is proud of how they control everything. The "good black" almost always supports the black agenda, affirmative action, reparations, and likely voted for Obama (96%) just because he is black. I haven't met a Latino against massive immigration yet and if they were they certainly wouldn't be active in doing anything about it.

If the hope is to convert these "good Jews" and "good blacks" and average whatever to our cause, then we are wasting out time. Even if they are not against us, they will never help us.

Next time you meet a good whatever ask them what they are doing about what their people are doing to our people. You'll hear crickets.

Excellent post Kap. This is an extremely important point. If a Jew or any non White really is for freedom, or fairness they must disown their own people, or be considered guilty by association.
TorontoArgos isn't a troll, but his post, backed by no evidence mind you, certainly did nothing to advance this excellent thread. If anything, it will only create infighting (though I have enjoyed the many wonderful posts exposing the toxic Jewish culture).

Unless evidence is presented, I will not consider any of Wisconsin's players to be Jewish!
TorontoArgos isn't a troll, but his post, backed by no evidence mind you, certainly did nothing to advance this excellent thread. If anything, it will only create infighting (though I have enjoyed the many wonderful posts exposing the toxic Jewish culture).

Unless evidence is presented, I will not consider any of Wisconsin's players to be Jewish!

I agree with Freethinker here. Although there have been some nice posts on the subject here, I feel that the subject of Jewish culture should be in Happy Hour and not in a thread about the 2014 NCAA Tournament.
Great points old scratch, Wes , and Kaptain. I know of some conservative 2nd amendment loving blacks, want to guess what side they supported during the Zimmerman trial ? The reason I put good Jews in quotation marks is because they don't exist except for maybe some very rare examples. Just like you guys said to be a good ______ you have to disown your people. A good Jew needs to be honest about the holocaust as well as the leading role of their people in the destruction of the west. These so called good Jews don't do any of that. They even take great offense whenever Jews are brought up. These race realist Jews get upset if we say that Israel controls US foreign policy in the Middle East

i was looking at his posting history and I came across a thread where he was upset about seeing White women with blacks at all the night clubs. Who exactly does he think is responsible for that ? The dumb brainwashed women or the people who brainwashed them ? 50 years ago the thought of mixing with a black made nearly all white women want to vomit. But now thanks to the constant glamorization of blacks in the media from athletics, music, movies , etc blacks are now considered sexually attractive in all of the western world thanks to the powerful reach of hollywood and the US entertainment industry . 50 years ago they were considered intermediaries between us and the animals , now growing numbers of our women are choosing them as sexual partners. Tell me there isn't something seriously wrong with the world .
Looking forward to seeing that stout Badger defense. They're plenty physical hailing from the big ten. Should be a hell of a game and im predicting a Badger win. I don't think this year freshman 5 will be that clutch against a veteran team in Wisconsin! Kaminski and Hayes down low should dominate boards. Gasser and Brust are underrated defenders it will be fun to see them guard the twins. Dekker will probably be matched up against this years "freshman phenom" Randle.
Let's stay on topic after the lengthy diversion as it's great to see Wisconsin in the final four. Anyone who wants to keep the other discussion going can start a new thread in Happy Hour or post on an existing thread in that forum.
Let's stay on topic after the lengthy diversion as it's great to see Wisconsin in the final four. Anyone who wants to keep the other discussion going can start a new thread in Happy Hour or post on an existing thread in that forum.

OK, I'll stay on topic. Will Wisconsin and the fact that they start 4 of 5 white players which is unheard of in this day and age, get a movie made about them,(Texas Western/Kentucky, 1966) when they defeat Kentucky and go on to win the National Championship with 4 white starters?

Will America start glamorizing the white athlete as the superior man, both physically and mentally?

I pray that Wisconsin wins the National Championship, not for vengeance, but to right the wrong!
It aint gonna be easy for our guys. Kentucky is long and athletic, but then again so was Baylor. Even if they dont win (God forbid) this is still huge for an eye opener. I mean four starting non blacks are NEVER suppose to win anything. White men cant jump after all.

My biggest concern is the refs. I got a sinking feeling that its gonna be officiated very one sided in favor of Kentucky.
Refs don't control whether the shots fall in or not. Wisconsin just has to play their style of play againstUK. Can't worry about the refs just your opponent! They have proved they have the best defense left in the tourney and their offense is the best its ever been in the Bo Ryan era. But i guess we'll see what goes down Saturday. Im hoping the refs call a fair game.
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