2012 NFL Divisional Playoffs



I think you guys are both way wrong. Kapernick seems like a typical afflete with plenty of TNB. Kapernick constantly does the negro victory celebration after his good plays, has a series of mocking TD celebrations (I think he Tebowed once yesterday) and he is the only QB in the history of the NFL that has tats up and down his arms.
I agree. He did display plenty of TNB yesterday. One in particular was after running for a big gain and going out of bounds at the packer's sideline he started shaking his head and directing his speech at the packers coaches and players. He was probably saying something ******ish. He celebrates like a black after every touchdown too.

On a side note I have to say I kind of like Ray Lewis. Deeply religious/black supremacist types are alright with me. They're the kind who would probably be receptive to the idea of segregation.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Kaepernick was given a 15 yard penalty for taunting after a play last night, can't remember which one, might have been after he scored.

white lightning

Hall of Famer
Oct 16, 2004
Matty "Ice" is looking great. The Falcons will roll today. They should be able to do a better job of beating the niners next week after watching alot of game tape of him. Once defenses see a qb trying to win the game all by himself, the adjustments will come. Collin Kaerpernick had a fantastic game. No one can argue that but he acts like a teenage kid jumping up and down, talking trash like a linebacker, and kissing his biceps. Way too much showing off and very little class. He is talented and probably better than RG3 but the showing off and trying too hard to be a star will catch up with him. NFL Defenses don't take kindly to a qb talking so much trash!

On to the Pats Game today. I see it being a little closer than the last time they played but the Pats will win. I feel pretty confident about
that. I hope they finally give Woodhead closer to a 50/50 split in touching the ball. They probably won't but I can hope right? Haha. I see Welker going off today. I predict he gets at least 120 yards receiving and two touchdowns. Also watch out for Gronkowski and maybe even Edelman if he's healthy. I like the Texans but I'm sticking with my Patriots today as are most of us here. If only JJ Watt and a few more of the defensive studs were on New England it wouldn't even be close.


I'm probably much more of a casual fan than most of the posters here. Can someone please explain exactly what the spread option,zone read, pistol formation, etc offenses are to me and how it makes it easier for the quarterback ? I have a general idea already but I just want to be sure


Jul 14, 2012
Matty "Ice" is looking great. The Falcons will roll today. They should be able to do a better job of beating the niners next week after watching alot of game tape of him. Once defenses see a qb trying to win the game all by himself, the adjustments will come. Collin Kaerpernick had a fantastic game. No one can argue that but he acts like a teenage kid jumping up and down, talking trash like a linebacker, and kissing his biceps. Way too much showing off and very little class. He is talented and probably better than RG3 but the showing off and trying too hard to be a star will catch up with him. NFL Defenses don't take kindly to a qb talking so much trash!

On to the Pats Game today. I see it being a little closer than the last time they played but the Pats will win. I feel pretty confident about
that. I hope they finally give Woodhead closer to a 50/50 split in touching the ball. They probably won't but I can hope right? Haha. I see Welker going off today. I predict he gets at least 120 yards receiving and two touchdowns. Also watch out for Gronkowski and maybe even Edelman if he's healthy. I like the Texans but I'm sticking with my Patriots today as are most of us here. If only JJ Watt and a few more of the defensive studs were on New England it wouldn't even be close.

I asked this question a few weeks ago, isn't Edelman ineligible to play? and if that's the case how long does his ineligibility last?


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Hopefully Russell Wilson loses today so we don't have to hear about him. Zach Miller is having a big game. I'll be rooting for the Pats today even though the Texans are white friendly as well.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Yeah, I'm rooting for the Patriots big time. Can't beat the 9 and 10 Whites they sometimes have on the field on offense including mega-stars in Welker and Gronkowski, plus I'd love to see Brady get that elusive fourth Super Bowl ring and for Belichick to triumph again.

Wes Woodhead

Oct 23, 2011
Crapernicks "great" game you all are raving about pretty much seals the fate of Alex Smith. What a raw deal that young man got. Anything Crapernick can do Smith can do better. The 49ers HAD to win with Crapernick to silence the few critics that thought maybe Harbaugh should have stuck with the proven winner Smith. Well, the critics are silenced. That defense the Packers were running was VERY suspicious to say the least. THe satan worshiping puppet masters want desperately for a negro to win the super bowl. They NEED that to happen! Now Im rooting for my Pats with everything I got left to root with, but I aint got my hopes up too high based on the corruption Ive witnessed thus far. In fact nothing would be surprising to me at this point.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Matt Ryan has been pinpoint accurate today, as he has been all season. He's moved up to the elite category this year after always being a very good QB. Looks like Atlanta's going to roll and will get to face the 49ers at home next week.


Sep 2, 2012
New England
Matt Ryan has been pinpoint accurate today, as he has been all season. He's moved up to the elite category this year after always being a very good QB. Looks like Atlanta's going to roll and will get to face the 49ers at home next week.

He was great when he played at BC too. It was stunning, if perhaps slightly dubious, to have BC briefly ranked the number 1 team in the nation while he played.

It'd be very good if Atlanta could expel both Seattle and San Fransico.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
I'm probably much more of a casual fan than most of the posters here. Can someone please explain exactly what the spread option,zone read, pistol formation, etc offenses are to me and how it makes it easier for the quarterback ? I have a general idea already but I just want to be sure

spread option is a generic term for the new brand of option football, back in the day option football was like Nebraska with Eric Crouch, its what Navy and Air Force runs. The spread part is because most teams use 3 to 4 receiver sets. You could say the Patriots use a spread offense Although spread also kind of meant to literally spread the field with linemen lining up further apart, the idea being that the defensive ends are further away from the qb but teams vary on how wide the linemen line up.

Basic zone read is leaving a defender unblocked usually the de, allowing the offensive line to get good double teams, if the unblocked defender comes after the qb, he hands off, if he comes after the rb he runs. It has evolved and there are many wrinkles since there is a way to stop the basic zone read.

pistol formation combines the benefits of lining up in shotgun with the benefits of having a downhill running game like the i formation or single back sets. The spread option has had problems with power running out of shotgun, Florida combated the problem with having Tebow run up the middle. Nevada came up with the pistol formation, so your rb is going downhill when taking the handoff. The qb lines up 4 yards behind the center and the rb 3 yards behind the qb, in shotgun the qb is 5 to 7 yards with the rb more to the side. I've never understood why more teams don't adopt the formation, its not that big of an adjustment, usually in the NFL the qb is only 5 yards back in shotgun.

It makes things easier on the qb because they crowd the box for the run, they have to worry about the qb or rb running and the qb passing, it usually gives the qb single coverage when passing. A good deal of college defenses have gotten used to it and have found ways to slow it down. Although every couple of years they add some new wrinkles in that makes it harder to defend with guys like Chip Kelly usually staying ahead of the game. This is the first year the NFL has had to prepare for a full spread option attack, with Washington's being the most complicated, Shanahan mixing in his potent zone blocking scheme in with the spread option.
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Jul 29, 2008
Falcons playing not to lose, similar to DEN yesterday. The midget is now in position to be the hero.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Atlanta's yet another team with a terrible secondary. Seahawks receivers are getting wide open again and again.


Jul 29, 2008
What a truly awful weekend this has been!
Jan 6, 2013
These games have been too sketchy to watch. The defense refuses to tackle and prevent passes in clutch situations and all of the receivers hands turn to stone. I feel like i'm watching a computerized simulation of a little kid play his dad in Madden or something. It looks ridiculously scripted and I thought I'd never be saying that. If the Patriots can't pull it off, I'm completely done with football and watching hockey for the first time in my life. That is until hockey starts pushing some sick twisted race mixing agenda garbage.


Jul 29, 2008
Oh yes, there is a God!


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
These games have been too sketchy to watch. The defense refuses to tackle and prevent passes in clutch situations and all of the receivers hands turn to stone. I feel like i'm watching a computerized simulation of a little kid play his dad in Madden or something. It looks ridiculously scripted and I thought I'd never be saying that. If the Patriots can't pull it off, I'm completely done with football and watching hockey for the first time in my life. That is until hockey starts pushing some sick twisted race mixing agenda garbage.

betcha didn't see that coming


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
What a clutch comeback from Matt Ryan. The grimace on Black Russell Terrior and Plantation Pete's faces were classic!