2012 London Olympics

That’s very harsh and I feel sorry for the athlete in question…yes, this type of humour is not my cup of tea, but it’s obvious that she was just joking around and the Greek federation should have simply warned her or asked her to apologize.

There are a number of athletes who represent countries other than their own due to financial reasons (Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, etc.) and these states are rarely criticized for naturalizing/taking away the identity of sportsmen and sportswomen, so it’s sad that a Greek woman like her was prevented from competing for her country.

As for myself, I just came back from my summer holiday and will mostly be following the football (soccer), swimming, athletics, basketball, table tennis, and volleyball competitions.

USA and China are really racking up a fine medal haul so far!
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Remember all those great Soviet athletes? Or the East Germans? Where are all those athletes now? Can't those countries compete without communism?

I was wondering about that myself. Germany is strictly an also ran so far, in 8th place in the medal standings with 5 total medals compared to 19 for China and 18 for the U.S. For a long time it was the U.S., USSR and Germany competing to see who would win the most medals, with most of the German medals coming from East Germany. Now it's China and the U.S. fighting it out each Summer Games. It's hard to think of any sports that Germany excels in any more, at least any well known ones.
I was wondering about that myself. Germany is strictly an also ran so far, in 8th place in the medal standings with 5 total medals compared to 19 for China and 18 for the U.S. For a long time it was the U.S., USSR and Germany competing to see who would win the most medals, with most of the German medals coming from East Germany. Now it's China and the U.S. fighting it out each Summer Games. It's hard to think of any sports that Germany excels in any more, at least any well known ones.

If you add up the medals won by the former Soviet states, I think you get 18 at this point. As the field events get going, I would look for that to increase significantly. Meanwhile, the Germans have dropped in total medals every Games since 1992, from 82 in Barcelona, to 41 in Beijing. Maybe they shouldn't have stopped having babies. Those Turkish imports aren't getting it done in sports. :icon_sad:
I was wondering about that myself. Germany is strictly an also ran so far, in 8th place in the medal standings with 5 total medals compared to 19 for China and 18 for the U.S. For a long time it was the U.S., USSR and Germany competing to see who would win the most medals, with most of the German medals coming from East Germany. Now it's China and the U.S. fighting it out each Summer Games. It's hard to think of any sports that Germany excels in any more, at least any well known ones.
Back before the two Germany's merged the Federal Republic was a power in velodrome cycling. They also used to be a power in track and field in all of the events. Now it seems that the merged country is only good in the throwing events and maybe the pole vault.
Every single Olympics-related commercial I've seen usually follows this formula:

1 - large number of African-American males
2 - a few African-American females
3 - large number of White females
4 - token White male in acceptable White sport (swimming, in a pool hitting a ball, etc.)
5 - extremely rare instance of Latino/Asian/Middle Easterner participants

I couldn't care less about #5, but #1 and #3 are constantly rammed down our faces.

I don't like that Lochte tries too hard to be cool but whatever. I'd 100% rather have a White Gold medal winner, even if he was a total wigger, than a polite Uncle Tom. People wouldn't care about the Black guy being polite; they'd care about him being Black.

Next week we'll have blatant drug cheats in the sprints.

You know what I really hate? How America constantly attacks soccer, saying "Oh, we don't dominate because we aren't into soccer as much as Europe. Soccer sucks, blah blah..."

But then when America wins in basketball, ooh, it's because Blacks are superior. Seriously, STFU!

I remember 4 years ago, after Michael Phelps' awesome medal count, the media couldn't WAIT to focus on Bolt the next week. It was just impossible for a White person to be the fixation of the games, and Bolt allowed the script to be more acceptable.

I think one of the reasons that the Europeans aren't hitting back so hard against the USA anymore is because they've got this paranoid mea culpa thing now, where they're so afraid of being caught cheating, that all their athletes are clean.

Other nations, don't GAF.

Remember Dieter Bauman, German Gold medalist for the 5,000 meter race?

He was quoted afterward, trying to be inspirational. Something to the effect (you can look up the exact quote on Google) "We Europeans can be just as competitive as the Africans. Don't give up; we can do it!"

So OF COURSE the media tried to destroy him, and accuse him of taking supplements, etc. I don't think it's ever been proven. Rep = RUINED.

Meanwhile, no one even thinks of saying Gebrelaisse (I DGAF how to spell it) or Gerouj or any of the African runners might have drugged themselves.

The Olympics are a "success" for the media if their script is followed and Blacks and White females win the appropriate medals.

If White males win medals, they certainly aren't going to be focused on.

F**k the Olympics.

I don't like the Chinese, but they've got the right idea. IF all these motherf**kers from all over the world are going to cheat, well hell yeah, they've going to cheat, too. And they're going to represent their own country and not try to Affirmative Action some dumbass other race just to seem like this is all an episode of Dora the Explorer where everyone is friends with everyone else, but the star has to be a Negro or Mex.

What. EVER.
"I will not root for the Americans in any event. Almost all the time, they'll be going up against white competitors. I will root very hard for them. The obsequious patriotism and arrogance brought out by the success of American athletes insults anyone's intelligence." Posted by Bigunreal.

Excuse Me! Hey Bigunreal, can we add you to the Culty Marxist, PTB and the chosen ones, who go to unreal lengths to degrade, putdown, screw over and make fun of White athletes??? You sound a step away from them.

So far, most American, not to mention White Athletes are in individual sports. I could see your logic if your vemon was aimed at American Basketball or Sprinters, but it was not.

You should be proud that White American Athletes excell and are winning in the Olympics and put their hands over their heart during the Anthem. WTF! I consider myself quite intelligent. I will root for Any White American Athlete against anyone else.

For the record I was proud of the swimming team and gymnastics team who earned the gold medal yesterday. Why in the hell would this insult me? No, I got a warm fuzzy for them and in part for our country.
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Back before the two Germany's merged the Federal Republic was a power in velodrome cycling. They also used to be a power in track and field in all of the events. Now it seems that the merged country is only good in the throwing events and maybe the pole vault.

I've always had a good deal of interest in the medal counts, and been big fan of the German sports powerhouse. But these days, they are merely a 2nd tier power, in the same mix with Australia, Italy, France, Japan, Great Britain and Korea. The top is left to the US and the Chinese, and Russia is all alone in 3rd.

I know the Asian countries have gotten off to good starts (China, Japan, Korea are 1, 3, and 5 in the counts so far), but I'm highly suspicious of some these Chinese swimmers and weightlifters. Especially with the swimmers, there's some clear history and precedence of cheating in years past, so you have to question that. The Germans and Russians often have had solid swimming squads, but thankfully France is making up for that void this year.

I know the sprinters will take center stage next week, so the media's negro worship will go into overdrive, but I'm optimistic that as many as half of all T & F medals will be won by Whites. But the sprints are build up as the glamour events, with loads of cheaters amongst them, and they'll get the bulk of the publicity.

I'm also curious how things will shape up in boxing, wrestling, judo, rowing, and more weightlifting.
Excuse Me! Hey Bigunreal, can we add you to the Culty Marxist, PTB and the chosen ones, who go to unreal lengths to degrade, putdown, screw over and make fun of White athletes??? You sound a step away from them.

I think it's time to update the dictionary definition of Bigunrealitis.

Big*un*re*al*it*is - [big-unre-uh-lite-us]

1. The belief that every sporting event is fixed, the outcomes pre-determined, and every one from the owners, to the coaches, and players are in on the conspiracy.

2. The act of bigunrealing, ie: degrading, mocking, insulting, putting down, ridiculing, criticizing, and tearing down White American athletes in every sport: Don't listen to him, he's just down with some bigunrealitis. Michael Phelps is indeed the greatest Olympian of all-time.

3. Living life in a constant state of pessimism, negativity, unhappiness, gloom, bitterness, hostility, and venom.
This was the first night I watched most of NBC's primetime coverage, and about 75% of it was focused on female athletes. Michael Phelps was given his due after becoming the most prolific medal winner ever, but the coverage given him still paled in comparison to the celebration of the U.S. women's gymnastic team's triumph. I don't know if NBC's coverage is that skewed toward females every day, but it certainly wouldn't be surprising if that's the case. I imagine by 2016 all the anachronistic White male anchors such as little Bob Costas and Dan Patrick will be replaced by White females and various approved minorities.

The girl gymnasts certainly were a Hollywood casting director's wet dream come true. The "Fab Five" consists of a black girl (with an ultra-room brightening smile according to NBC), a "mini-UN" girl (Kyla Ross's father is black and Japanese and her mother is Filipino and Puerto Rican), a Jew (Aly Raisman), a part-Arab (Jordyn Wieber), and a lone White girl.
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I think it's time to update the dictionary definition of Bigunrealitis.

Big*un*re*al*it*is - [big-unre-uh-lite-us]

1. The belief that every sporting event is fixed, the outcomes pre-determined, and every one from the owners, to the coaches, and players are in on the conspiracy.

2. The act of bigunrealing, ie: degrading, mocking, insulting, putting down, ridiculing, criticizing, and tearing down White American athletes in every sport: Don't listen to him, he's just down with some bigunrealitis. Michael Phelps is indeed the greatest Olympian of all-time.

3. Living life in a constant state of pessimism, negativity, unhappiness, gloom, bitterness, hostility, and venom.

Excellent points foobar75. I will be the first admit that I have trashed White Athletes in the past. Carson Palmer for one. But it was due to him providing aid and comfort to criminal affelets.

What, am I supposed not to give a f**K that great American White girls and a black girl with tremendous pressure on them, rose to the occasion and captured Team Gold yesterday. Wieber, Raisman, Maroney, Ross and Douglas(black girl, but speaks proper English) performed when it mattered most.

Bigunreal, if I believed your past logic in every major sport is a conspiracy, especially were White Athletes conspire to degrade themselves, I would be dummer than most DWFs would follow wrasseling and WWF or whatever, by viewing today'sboxing, Olympics and NFL.

Bigunreal, if the NFL is all scripted, why in the hell do you waste your time viewing it??? I believe Whites are hosed, but not for a minute do I believe players such as Gerhart, Hillis or Manning will conspire with the PTB.

I admired all the American Olympic Athletes last night. Phelps, American swimming team and womens gymnastic team. Last night was also the 1st time I have watch the entire NBC broadcast.

It will not affect my pride on the womens gymnastic team, but where did you find out that Weiber was part Arab and Raisman is Jewish? Just curious. I usally ascertain someones ethnic makeup by looks. Both Weiber and Raisman have classic Italian looks or dark anglo saxon looks. I could be wrong. But if they are what you state, oh well, they look good, are winners and I have nothing against them.
I think a lot of the time, the media (as well as a lot of the general public) are more racist than they like to believe, in that someone who isn't obviously lily-white is therefore not White.

Such as, a Jason Kidd or Mike Bibby sort, who is obviously largely White but clearly something else, too.

He's Black, therefore.

Self-aware and not-so self-aware Whites tend to hold themselves to a standard of "purity" that is not imposed on others.

Hence, Obama is Black even though he's half White. He's not known as a half-Black, half-White president.

One drop makes you Black.

If Michael Phelps were African American he'd be hailed as God by Jessie Jackson and it would be racist not to put him on the dollar bill.

That's why it's good to have an obviously Wonderbread athlete like Christophe LeMaitre.

Jacka$$es always try to say Pietro Mennea is part Black. Like, OMG. STFU lol.

I admired all the American Olympic Athletes last night. Phelps, American swimming team and womens gymnastic team. Last night was also the 1st time I have watch the entire NBC broadcast.

It will not affect my pride on the womens gymnastic team, but where did you find out that Weiber was part Arab and Raisman is Jewish? Just curious. I usally ascertain someones ethnic makeup by looks. Both Weiber and Raisman have classic Italian looks or dark anglo saxon looks. I could be wrong. But if they are what you state, oh well, they look good, are winners and I have nothing against them.

Raisman's parents looked Jewish when they showed them in the stands (at least her father did to me), so I did a quick search on her background. I thought Wieber might be also but according to Wikipedia she has a Lebanese grandparent. I figured Ross to have a White father and Asian mother, but a search showed her quite mixed background.

I admire what they accomplished, it takes great dedication and talent, just pointing out that they happen to look like the cast of your average TV commercial.
Raisman's parents looked Jewish when they showed them in the stands (at least her father did to me), so I did a quick search on her background. I thought Wieber might be also but according to Wikipedia she has a Lebanese grandparent. I figured Ross to have a White father and Asian mother, but a search showed her quite mixed background.

I admire what they accomplished, it takes great dedication and talent, just pointing out that they happen to look like the cast of your average TV commercial.

I saw the father of Raisman, and suspected, but then I saw how the last name was spelled. I will consider her White American as well as Wieber and Maroney, here from Longbeach Ca. She flew off the balance beam, as if astonding and should have recieved a perfect score with sprained ankle and all. But the cuntty marixts at work. LOL
Congrats to Michael Phelps the Greatest Olympaid ever! Hopefully more medals to follow!!! He has 19 right now. Love it, next week will be all affelete all the time, except if some White Athlete will crash the show.
Thanks for putting me in the dictionary. Hopefully I'll fare better there than Joe McCarthy did.

Pessimism is a condition forced upon the observant individual. I certainly have criticized many, many black athletes over the years. However, the blacks are simply the beneficiaries of a corrupt system. I can't really blame them for accepting favoritism. Whites (well, at least some of them are- I'm sure you know the identity of the rest) run it.

The American government (and media) are totally corrupt and there is nothing laudatory about them. I simply cannot bear the obnoxious patriotism of these occupying forces, usually served up Don King style. Sure it's nice to see white athletes win anything, but keep in mind most of the athletes white Americans beat are also white. I prefer to see those countries win.

Don makes a keen observation about the women's gymnastics team. I didn't watch, so had no idea they had only one white girl. If so, that is more than a Hollywood casting agent's dream. It's totally impossible. Thousands of immensely talented white girls train for years to make that team. How many mixed race kids, black kids and Arabic kids do?

I again ask- what happened to all the great white athletes in Russia and Germany? Is it possible that countries with such a rich athletic tradition have simply lost all their young people? It makes no sense, and no one questions it. Imagine if all the runners from Kenya suddenly disappeared. There would be investigative reports all over the mainstream media, demanding to know what happened to them.

The only way this Olympics will serve any positive purpose is if the extremely implausible happens, and the "Dream Team" fails to win the Gold medal in basketball.
Raisman's parents looked Jewish when they showed them in the stands (at least her father did to me), so I did a quick search on her background. I thought Wieber might be also but according to Wikipedia she has a Lebanese grandparent. I figured Ross to have a White father and Asian mother, but a search showed her quite mixed background.

I admire what they accomplished, it takes great dedication and talent, just pointing out that they happen to look like the cast of your average TV commercial.

I don't know about Wieber's family background, but a lot (dwindling) of Lebanese are not ethnically Arab. If the grandma came from Muslim stock, probably so; if from Maronite or Greek Orthodox, probably not. Like Wieber, I have a Lebanese grandmother; like Doug Flutie, John Elway, and Mitch Daniels do.
I again ask- what happened to all the great white athletes in Russia and Germany? Is it possible that countries with such a rich athletic tradition have simply lost all their young people? It makes no sense, and no one questions it. Imagine if all the runners from Kenya suddenly disappeared. There would be investigative reports all over the mainstream media, demanding to know what happened to them.

The Russians are winning about the number of medals one would expect. They aren't the Soviet Union anymore, so medals won by Lithuanians, Georgians, Ukrainians, various stans etc... don't count for them. I would expect the Russian total to expand as we get into the field events.

The Germans have decreased in every Olympics since 1992. Their medal total was cut in half from 1992 to 2008. That's what happens when you stop having babies, and outsource your population. Those Turks and other imports aren't getting it done for them in sports.
The Russians are winning about the number of medals one would expect. They aren't the Soviet Union anymore, so medals won by Lithuanians, Georgians, Ukrainians, various stans etc... don't count for them. I would expect the Russian total to expand as we get into the field events.

The Germans have decreased in every Olympics since 1992. Their medal total was cut in half from 1992 to 2008. That's what happens when you stop having babies, and outsource your population. Those Turks and other imports aren't getting it done for them in sports.

I also think the Russians and Germans got the memo that the Cold War ended about twenty years ago so it's no longer necessary to convince your home population that you can field an army of super athletic soldiers.

Also bread and circuses are what Empires do to amuse the masses and try and fool them into empty patriotic enthusiasm while they go into debt to train, house, feed, clothe, and drug, these faux warriors in what is basically a non-shooting war of ego's.

C'mon China? If it wasn't for the fact that they are rising up economically to challenge the US then they would have no incentive to create this roided up platoon of propaganda soldiers they send to these 4-year gladiator contests.

The US govt needs these phoney baloney athletic spectacles to brainwash the fat asses sitting on their couches that the crooks and perverts in Washington can still do SOMETHING right.

How much does all this cost? I would end the whole thing right now and pay down some of that debt, or better yet send me a tax refund. I like those!
Conspiracies and scripted realilty aside, I always value Bigunreal's posts. He's one of the heavyweights on the board, and we need those (I consider myself a middleweight on a good day).

That little black gymnast gal is a bouncy little bundle, and she's very talented. Good for her. She's not the type that ends up on the crime thread.

I think white American's and German's low birthrate is manifesting itself now in just about all areas of life, athletics included. How many champions and contenders and winners have been lost because so many white couples have stopped at 1.7 or whatever children.

It's hard to root for Lochte, or be bummed when he loses, a guy who lives in a mansion and owns hundreds of pairs of shoes. He seemed stunned after his fourth in the 200 free. Maybe it was finally dawning on him that he is no Phelps. When this is all over maybe Lochte can team up with fellow shoe fanatic Adrien Peterson and open a shoe and grill museum somewhere.

I miss the old Capitalists/Communist rivalry that used to give a really sharp edge to the competition.

Only officially corporate and IOC approved fun and individuality are allowed at the Olympics. After all, we wouldn't want something unplanned to happen.

I'd love to see Phelps look into the camera and say "Screw Disneyland! When all this is over, I'm gonna be first in line at the kegger and then I'm gonna take a world record bong hit!"*

*in no way does that sentence indicate the The Hock or any of his affiliates advocates the abuse of alchohol or marijuana. Please use responsibly.
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The U.S. athletes have the same incentive of those who try to make it as pros in football, baseball, basketball and hockey -- money, and lots of it. Hitting it big in the Olympics in the glamour sports equates to instant fame and wealth. The "Fab Five" should be set for life financially unless they screw up. It's those in the obscure sports -- kayaking, shooting, water polo, etc. -- who maintain a sense of the Olympic ideal of amateurs competing for love of country and love of their chosen sport.

Like with everything else, the U.S. with its power structure driven by global corporate consumerism and fanatical racial one-worldism, taints and corrupts whatever it deems to influence. The U.S. still churns out lots of good athletes, but many are corporate and state sponsored millionaires, more so than the Soviet and East German athletes of yesterday who were pilloried by the U.S. media as professionals, but of course insightful criticism of anything the U.S. government does is verboten.
Every single Olympics-related commercial I've seen usually follows this formula:

1 - large number of African-American males
2 - a few African-American females
3 - large number of White females
4 - token White male in acceptable White sport (swimming, in a pool hitting a ball, etc.)
5 - extremely rare instance of Latino/Asian/Middle Easterner participants

I couldn't care less about #5, but #1 and #3 are constantly rammed down our faces.

This has been par for the course for at least 15 years. The Kosher media loves to juxtapose black male athletes with images of pretty, white females. Look at almost all the NFL and NBA promos and commercials which are rife with black athletes scoring touchdowns or flying through the lane for a slamdunk. The inevitable next shot after the touchdown or dunk is that of a buxom blonde cheerleader going crazy over the lowed IQ "super hero" scoring, followed by a shot of a bunch of retarded DWF's (usually wearing face paint) going crazy in the crowd.

Here's another variation: There's a frequently run energy drink commercial that features Hope Solo and Cam Newton. They will likely never be an "item", because Solo is probably a lesbian. But with images of Newton and Solo constantly being flashed at the dumbed down American Sheeple, my guess is quite a few Marxist brainwashed DWF's would believe Scam and Lezzy Hope make the "ideal" All-American couple

I can't find a video of the Solo/Newton Gatorade ad, but here's a newer one with Newton and some other black male mixed in with blonde Maria Sharapova, who is actually engaged to an ex-NBA player (Sasha Vujacic)


My guess is the next white, blonde female star in the world of athletics will be featured in G-ads with the amazingly handsome Uncle Tom, we know as Robert Griffin III......

A little off topic, but the photo of RG III makes him look like a black version of those Avatar people.
Good points about the low German birth rate and the fact the Soviets are broken up now. Still, it seems like the powerful basketball teams, gymnasts, etc. from there in the past were pretty much exclusively Russian. Also, talk about a low birth rate- how then do we explain China's Olympic success?

I tend to agree overall with Jaxvid, in that this is a pretty useless spectacle. It serves only to bring out that nauseating patriotism in the DWF-types, which is a good reason for everyone to root against the USA.

As for the handsome RGIII, recently I was treated to an old high school classmate changing her profile on Facebook to a pic of this marvelous creature. Her caption- "don't you guys all wish you were this sexy?" And that's a middle-aged white woman talking. Sexy.
As for the handsome RGIII, recently I was treated to an old high school classmate changing her profile on Facebook to a pic of this marvelous creature. Her caption- "don't you guys all wish you were this sexy?" And that's a middle-aged white woman talking. Sexy.

Even further off topic....I guess it's the emperor has no clothes syndrome. If you force enough people to lie about something then everyone who wants to be accepted has to follow along. I cannot understand for the life of me how dog-ugly, nasty, disgusting, troll faced, animal looking, beasts, like RG III, can be considered anything but a gross disfigured extremely unattractive human male. But never does anyone ever say it. In Detroit we have a guy Prince Fielder, he is an overweight, tatted, dread locked, unbelievably ugly, thing, but every time his face is flashed on the screen whoever is talking remarks how "cute" he is??!!??

Will reality ever return to the world or will the madness continue on forever?