2012 London Olympics

Here is an update, the superior athletes of Isreal have 0 total medals and Azerbaijan which has about the same population has 9 so far.

Over at Commentary and a couple of other Jewish websites they are still wailing - two weeks later - about the fact that the opening ceremony made no mention of the Israeli athletes killed in Munich but that it did pay tribute to the victims of the 2005 7/7 bombings in London. Apparently the British cannot commemorate their own victims of terrorism who were killed within 24 hours of the IOC awarding the games to London without also mentioning Jewish victims of 40 years ago. :kev: It reminds me of the temper tantrums that get thrown in the US media every time the massacres of Armenians and Ukrainians are referred to as "holocausts" or genocides.
Excessive celebrations are one of many nonsensical behaviors that have become mainstream now. What about the man-hug? Where the f*** did that come from, and what happened to just a good 'ol, manly handshake?

Or the many ghetto phrases that continue to enter the English vocabulary on a daily basis, such as "hooking-up", "hating on", or "keeping it real"?

I can't wait to see what comes next in this Idiocracy.

I cannot stand that butchery of the King's English. Now, I'm well aware that I'm no Bill Shakespeare...however, I can speak and write it when the situation calls for such (at work, etc.). This urbanesque slang is beyond annoying and sounds childish as well.
It seems so.....scripted. One black girl amongst thousands of White girls across the world with the best trainers and long histories and yet the judges (judges) annoint the one black girl as the best.

The very concept of judges determining "winners" is farcical and obviously open to manipulation. It is a grotesque travesty that the nature of the sport of gymnastics, which involves harder training and more physical pain from an early age than virtually any other discipline, unfortunately dictates that subjective human "judging" is the only method of differentiating between and "ranking" competitors' performances.

It's no coincidence that an American Negro girl "won" the individual all-round gold medal. As Bigunreal said, what were the chances of a Negro beating out all of those White American girls in the qualifiers? But this is a "judged" sport, so there she was...

By the way, check out the lumpy acne beneath the makeup trowelled onto her bulging, high-hairline forehead:


Remember Marion Jones' face at the Sydney Olympics?


Or Serena Williams' brutish mug?


Hmmm, I wonder what the connection could be...

Speaking of events rigged by the decisions of judges, let's have a look at diving, which has been an endless source of "free" gold medals for the Chinese.

Six of the eight gold medals awarded for diving have gone to the Chinese. Overall, the Chinese have taken ten of the twenty four medals. In the two events which were won by someone else, Chinese divers still collected two silvers and one bronze. As this always seems to have been the case and since I'm such a curious fellow I decided to go back through the records to see just how many medals the Chinese have "harvested" from the diving events over the past few Olympic Games.

Prior to the current "competition", the Chinese had won a "remarkable" 46 of the 108 diving medals awarded from the 1988 Games onwards. Even more "remarkable" was their gold medal tally: 26 out of 36!

Yet the most "imposing" statistic is that the Chinese have won a medal in every diving event held since 1988, with the exception of one: the men's synchronised 3 metre springboard of 2004. As I recall, the two chinks were - "surprisingly" enough - in the gold medal position until they made such a comical hash of their final effort that even the most "partial" judge couldn't salvage anything from it so they received no points for the dive and consequently slipped to last place. The Greeks won the gold - and our erstwhile friend Zeus probably unloaded into his pants (that's if he was still wearing any by that point...). :icon_wink:
I don't know what sport I just watched, but it was dumb as sh!t.
Two guys on bikes slowly inched along a track, one in front, looking backward over his shoulder, trying to keep the other from moving to either side. Then, on the last lap, the lead cyclist looks backwards over his left shoulder and the trailing cyclist goes to the right and passes him, taking the lead in the last few meters to "win" this ridiculous show.
How is this a sport?

Last week I went upstairs to check out our amateurish, morning TV-style free-to-air coverage of the Olympics and what were they showing? Men's trampolining! That's right, geezers bouncing around on a trampoline. To what depths have the Olympics sunk? The whole thing resembled a seedy circus. I almost expected a few garishly-garbed clowns to pedal out on tricycles, leap off, squirt a bit of water from their fake lapel flowers, and then begin kicking each other in the arse.

The IOC might as well introduce the sport of Trebuchet, in which an athlete is flung into the cerulean void towards a distant array of sturdy, sawdust-filled mattresses via the eponymous medieval siege engine. Each plastic-helmed, safety-goggled and jock-strapped competitor who survives the landing is automatically deemed a finalist.

The winner of this single-shot format is not determined by venal judges but by an honest medical inspection of each human projectile based on a simple, portable-radiograph-assisted tally of internal organs which managed to avoid rupture or haven't been expelled from the thoracic and abdominal cavities upon impact. An undamaged spleen is worth two bonus points.

If competitors' organ counts are equal, the secondary scoring criterion consists of a comparison of their respective dental avulsions, with a point awarded for each tooth still ensconced in the alveolar bone.

In the occasional ("cough") instance of no surviving competitors - known in Trebuchet parlance as an "Arrichion" or, more colloquially, the "mangled Phigalian" - every corpse is awarded a bronze medal (second class), which acts as a potential medal table tie-breaker and doubles as a convenient, conversation-generating drink coaster in the homes of the deceased Trebuchet jockeys' proud next of kin.

The clearly considerable intellectual powers required to become an elite Trebuchet jockey - coupled with the Negroes' "natch'rall afflet'sizm" and legendary "hang time" - would inevitably result in a media-friendly black domination of the sport (the less glamorous, "technical" trebuchet crews perforce consisting of all-White carpenters, engineers, physics specialists and ex-artillery officers).

In fact, Negroes would actively be encouraged to participate, complete with government-funded fast-track programs targeted at removing "inna citee youff" from "da streetz" or even - in a radically pioneering sporting paradigm - from penitentiary institutions.

Citius, Altius, Fortius...
All these classless American Olympians merely reflect the conditioning of the past fifty years. Their parents and grandparents were inundated with the antics of Cassius Clay/Muhammed Ali. Ali, of course, has become an inexplicably revered figure by older white Americans who no longer have the intellectual capacity to comprehend what a disastrous influence he was.

When you see whites dancing, boasting, showing up their opponents, etc., they are mimicking the behavior of the odious clown who started the ball rolling with his theatrics and clearly fixed fights. He also was responsible for the birth of the most odious "journalist" of his day, Howard Cosell.

I don't know if many here consider it a viable "sport," but I did enjoy the synchronized swimming performance by gold medal winning Russia. However you look at it, they displayed some marvelous levels of skill.
American Jake Varner just won an olympic gold in the 96kg of the freestyle wrestling. this is something that Daniel Cormier failed to do in the same weight class. I'd love to see Varner make the transition to MMA.
Just watched the Russia-Brazil men's volleyball gold medal match. It was truly epic, and what a comeback by all-White Russia to win, defeating mostly White Brazil after saving 2 gold medal match points earlier. Russia had this 7-footer who was pretty much unstoppable, and administiring kills at will against Brazil's blockers.

This was a good way to wrap-up coverage of these fem-centric Olympics.
Hooray! America Has the World's Most Dominant Lesbians


Followed by some good comments, as always, particularly this one by "Native Swede":

Yeah, it’s really, really hard not to feel contempt for US men when you read about the state of affairs in your country. Yes, Sweden and the rest of the Nordic countries are utterly dominated by political feminism. But that’s state policy. The sort of super permeated feminism and misandry that runs like a central theme through all levels of American life are unthinkable here. To some extent, I’m sure that’s cultural – y’all were pretty far gone on in the pedestaling department even before feminism came along. But the combination of Anglo-Saxon delusions about the nature of women and feminism is proving to be so utterly toxic that it has, really, turned America from a great net good for the world into… well… evil.

It is America that is now spreading this sick, dysfunctional, sterile creed all over the planet. It is mediated American culture that sells feminism, divorce, gender black quarterbacks, affirmative action, ridiculous sex harassment laws, non-existent judicial standards in sex cases, glorification of homosexuality and the rest of the ills that beset US society globally. Some days I can’t help but to think that the world would be best served if America pulled an Atlantis.

How did you allow what was once, undoubtedly, the greatest nation on Earth to come to this? Europe is a basket case and even so, not a day passes when I don’t thank Darwin that I’m not in America. The fall from grace into utter humiliation is simply unprecedented, considering the extent and speed, in all of history for a nation that hasn’t been militarily conquered by someone else. Just incomprehensible, really.
The very day after the Olympics are over, a propagandist over at CNN-SI, S. L. Price, is already stirring up anti-Russian hatred over the 2014 Winter Games, which will take place in Sochi.

Writes Price: "Both London and Vancouver, in 2010, served as a respite for the IOC after China flouted its pledge to improve human rights by the 2008 Games in Beijing, but President Vladimir Putin's hardline rule -- not to mention his bare-chested support of the Sochi Games -- is sure to have Olympic critics back on high alert."

Because everyone knows the West is as pure as the driven snow when it comes to freedom and human rights. Sure, Washington and its allies routinely bomb defenseless Third World countries around the world, killing unknown numbers of civilians, while Russia doesn't. Sure, the West has politically correct police states, as was amply on display in London, the most surveilled city in the world where a military presence sufficient to repel an invasion was felt to be necessary to provide security. Sure, the Games in Vancouver and London were used to stage multi-racial, multi-cultural propaganda at every turn. But those Russians, why they're just awful! And Putin, my God, the man is tough and masculine and often refuses to do what the pure as driven snow Western governments want him to do.

Don't be surprised if there are boycotts and threats of boycotts of the '14 Games, as took place with the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow. Remember that one -- that was in protest over the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, because we just knew the U.S. would never invade Afghanistan or any other country. Oops!

Here's the link to Price's hate piece: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/20...hi-olympics/index.html?sct=hp_wr_a5&eref=sihp

On the subject of the pure as driven snow West, my sports section today has four pictures on its two-page wrap-up of the Games, all of black males, two American, two non-American. On the front page there's a picture of the "Dream Team" spread across the entire top of the page from left to right, and below that a large picture of Lebron James driving to the basket as two Spaniards look on helplessly. And there's two articles on the "Dream Team."

There's an article about Rory McIlory's win at the PGA at the bottom of the page. The article also has a lot of content about Eldrick Woods. There's also an additional article about Woods not winning a major again, accompanied by a large picture of Woods. So about three-fourths of the coverage of McIlroy's historic win is about Tiger Woods.

Nope, there's no agenda. It's those evil Russians and Chinese that deviate from truth and justice, never the Western powers and their corporate media propaganda arm.
Leo Manzana = USA! USA! USA! + Mexico! Mexico! Mexico!


came here illegally when he was five, shouldn't even be a us citizen, and when his adopted (commandeered) country finances and supports his athletic ambitions, how does he show his loyalty????
Don't be surprised if there are boycotts and threats of boycotts of the '14 Games, as took place with the U.S. boycott of the 1980 Summer Games in Moscow. Remember that one -- that was in protest over the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, because we just knew the U.S. would never invade Afghanistan or any other country. Oops!

Also, the last two Western countries to host Olympics - Britain and Canada - are also occupying Afghanistan. The NGOs mentioned in that risible article at SI.com are not really Non-Governmental Organisations, as they are basically agents of the US government often directly funded by it.

Sochi 2014 needs NHL players to participate. Bettman and company aren't keen on it.
Leo Manzana = USA! USA! USA! + Mexico! Mexico! Mexico!


came here illegally when he was five, shouldn't even be a us citizen, and when his adopted (commandeered) country finances and supports his athletic ambitions, how does he show his loyalty????
Aside from boxing I have never seen any White ethnic athletes pander to an ancestral homeland like Mexican athletes do. It's not like he will earn any shoe company contracts from anybody but Nike, Adidas or Puma so why do this for the Univision crowd? He would better off waving a Taco Bell flag....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8sZ1DWsAHE
france got 0 medals in fencing at these olympics
it's really a shocker, since we are the best country in fencing, it's our sport
but at every olympics, our fencers were heavily black
it was the same at these olympics
and finally we got what we deserved for having so many black fencers
0 medals in fencing! it's unthinkable for france

the last time it happened was in 1960 in italy (another country where fencing is popular, but less than in france)
Propelled by her Olympic success, Aly Raisman was just inducted into the JEWISH sports hall of fame! Really. Here is the story.
Aside from boxing I have never seen any White ethnic athletes pander to an ancestral homeland like Mexican athletes do. It's not like he will earn any shoe company contracts from anybody but Nike, Adidas or Puma so why do this for the Univision crowd? He would better off waving a Taco Bell flag....http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8sZ1DWsAHE

Yes, I wish he would "make a run for the border"!

Actually that would be a good sponsorship tie-in for Speedy Monzanas. Someone should contact his agent.
I saw some good moments in these Olympics. Whites winning the high jump and long jump. Phelps breaking the record for medals. The white British kid winning gold in boxing.

But overall I think there are too many sports and psuedo-sports in the Olympics nowadays. So to ease the crowding, in addition to the Winter Olympics and Summer Olympics, I propose a third Olympics games:The Recreational Olympics. The Recreational Olympics could held two years off from the real Olympics, and could feature such psuedo-sports and competitions as beach volleyball, croquet, mumblypeg, team hide-and-seek, synchronized cooking, whatever.

I think a Recreational Olympics would be fun, something he whole family could enjoy, and would enable the Olympics to get back to its roots, such as running and jumping and throwing things.
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Gabby Douglas, fresh off being showered with media acclaim and $100 million in corporate endorsements, is now playing the role of black "victim." It apparently only took an appearance with Oprah, one of the grand kleagles of anti-White and anti-men propaganda, for young Gabby to learn to cry raysism.

Tiger Woods, after having tens of millions of bucks thrown at him by Nike, narrated a Nike commercial in which he claimed to having "overcome" golf courses that wouldn't let him play because of his race. He and Nike were forced to retract it as a fairy tale. I totally believe the gym and what Douglas's coaches and teammates are saying. I would bet anything they went out of their way at all times to be especially nice and "sensitive" to her.

Gabby Douglas' remarks on racism and bullying prompt backlash from former gymnastics teammates and training gym

Gabrielle Douglas’s former colleagues and coaches from Excalibur Gymnastics in Virginia Beach, Va. profess to be hurt and confused that the two-time Olympic gold medalist told Oprah Winfrey that she suffered from racism and bullying during her formative years of training.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/entertai...-training-gym-article-1.1146321#ixzz24xzGXnYC