2011 NFL Week 10


That's an interesting post, coming from someone that accused me of having the "outbursts"...
Just wanted to say something about Aaron Hernandez. I've certainly trashed him on this forum, and claimed he was favored over Gronkowski because of his hispanic name. However, after watching him appear on ESPN today, I'd like to admit that I was wrong to misjudge him.

Hernandez is a well spoken, overtly humble guy who sang Gronkowski's praises to Greenie and Golic. He said "we're all in awe of him," and agreed with Greenie's surprisingly laudatory observation that Gronk seems to be from another planet in terms of skill level. He also strongly defended his old college teammate Tim Tebow on both their show and "First Take." At one point, he even credited Tebow with putting him in a position to play in the NFL.

He has too many tatoos for my taste, and the msm no doubt will always fawn over his last name, but he seems to truly be a decent young man. This is a great lesson for me (and everyone else) about not prejudging people.

I agree. I have a new found respect for him.
Thrashen,That's an interesting post, coming from someone that accused me of having the "outbursts"...
Deadlift, you continue to dodge the simple question that has been asked by at least half a dozen posters. Why are you making anti-White, pro-black posts on this forum? If that is what I wanted to read, then why bother coming here when I can get such garbage at ESPN, Yahoo, or Fox Sports?
I think part of Gerhart's problem is that when he was at Norco High School in California, his teammates were mostly White guys (Norco was and continues to be a California high school football powerhouse with mostly White players), and when he was at Stanford, he was surrounded by White teammates, too.

Although he might have faced opponents whose rosters were heavily Black, his comrades were mostly like himself.

His race probably didn't become too much of an issue when coaches were delegating who would run the ball, nor would his teammates be racist to him.

Now his race IS an issue on his own team and he's not getting the ball anymore.

This isn't because he's been "protected" or "sheltered" his whole life, it was that when he was younger his race wasn't as much of an issue, and he would be given the ball. Now, he ISN'T given the ball NOT because he couldn't succeed if it were given to him, but because his trash teammates do not WANT him to succeed because he is most certainly the equal or superior to them all.

He fails not because of his own shortcomings, but because of the racist nature of football, indeed America as a whole, today.

Tebow, on the other hand, at least has experience in being surrounded by a bunch of Black SEC garbage, and probably takes it with a grain of salt much better than Gerhart.

Interesting comment GiovaniMarcon on Gerhart. Something I've wanted to comment on before.

Some on CF question where some white RB's sign when they come out of High School, Hunter Furr, Brandon Bourbon, etc., but then the question comes concerning Gerhart, unable to handle being out of his element, so to speak by now being surronded by black players instead of white players doesn't make complete sense.

On one hand we want white RB's to sign where they may have a chance to actually play RB, but then question what may be a problem, because he did what some have thought to be the best choice,(being around a white friendly environment.)

If he's got a problem being surrounded by mostly black players in the NFL, then he needs to grow up, become a man, grow a pair, or whatever! (I'm not sure that's Gerharts' problem)

Maybe some of our white RB's should think about signing with a more racially diverse team or better yet, just look for a team that's the right fit for that individual, no matter the racial make up.

Let's not use excuses as to why he may or not be getting to play. Go out and prove yourself wherever you decide to sign and or get drafted!
That's rather difficult when you can't "go out" in the first place.
That's rather difficult when you can't "go out" in the first place.

That's true for the most part in the NFL, but there are some getting their chance in college, McGuffie, Line, Burkhead, etc. There's a 20 year old Freshman at Notre Dame(McDaniel), who shouldn't be intimidated by anyone!

My point is, the RB's that are getting their opportunity will have to perform.

True, Gerhart isn't getting his opportunity yet, but hopefully Hillis, Woodhead, and with some of the guys coming out of college, we'll get to see them get their chance. It sounded like their was an intimidation factor concerning Gerhart and I don't want that used as an excuse!

That's an interesting post, coming from someone that accused me of having the "outbursts"...

Yes, that’s right, “outbursts.” What else would you label arbitrary torrents of pro-black, anti-white commentary on a sports forum dedicated to the inverse of those philosophies?

Again, I certainly don’t relish in lecturing someone who’s provided me with so much research, knowledge, commentary, data, observations, and other information over the years. I don’t want to offend you, either, but I’m just a little perplexed. It’s hard for me to believe that you aren’t fully aware of what you’re doing. I hope you return to your former self and we can forget about all this.
Deadlift posts every week about our stud Linebackers and Defensive Linemen in the college football sections.. He like all the members here, would love to see an increase in white players in the NFL at these positions. Like Thrashen said it's probably best to move on from confrontation with long standing members. We need to be unified in our efforts against our PC and DWF enemies.
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