She's a gorgeous blond, he's a mixed negro. Frankly I find the whole thing disgusting. Which is exactly why it's such big news and covered ad naseum on Yahoo and across the internet and TV. Just a few years ago this type of thing would be outrageous and now it's cheered and applauded. I really don't know what the hell happened? How do you go from something that was frowned upon for thousands of years to something that is supposed to be the natural order of things? All in just a couple of generations?And I think the idea that it is wrong or abnormal has been bred out of the white man. I was talking to some younger guys and they didn't think anything of it. In fact they thought it was great!!! So I guess racial survival is just some silly idea in our heads and we should get rid of it like so many others. I used to think it was innate to humans but I guess it's not.