2011 New York Jets

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
This article on Scotty McKnight is so full of stereotyping it almost reads like a spoof. The article, and many of the comments afterward, is actually illustrative of the typical DWF mindset -- even though McKnight runs a 4.4 40 he is repeatedly called slow. And ya gotta love the examples given in the article of "overachievers," clearly the author's favorite word.

Scotty McKnight onVideo

by John B.

I have a video of Scotty McKnight embedded below.

He is a guy who seems to play beyond his limited size, speed, and athletic ability. He seems to have very good vision as a route runner, very smart, a knack for finding openings in the defense. He also attacks the football and has good hands.

Can he make it in the pros? I have no idea. He seems to be a guy who overachieves, getting more from his body than his natural ability. The most important attribute in the NFL is talent, though. No matter how many intangibles somebody has, there needs to be a baseline of athletic ability. I am smart and tough. I could not play receiver in the NFL.

Some guys like Danny Woodhead and Jim Leonhard are good players because of intangibles, but they have enough talent that they can overachieve and get to the level they are at.

Let's say you have to be a 5 to be a good NFL player. Leonhard might be a 4 just in terms of athletic ability, but his intangibles are a 1. Combined, that gives you a 5. Most overachievers who go in the late rounds are a 2 athletically. Even overachieving, they become a 3 and cannot find stick in the league. Only time will tell if McKnight can be an exception.
http://www.ganggreennation.com/2011/5/4/2152315/scotty-mcknight-on-videoEdited by: Don Wassall


Jun 28, 2010
you can't overachieve past your physical ability. One game you might play inspired while the other team is half assing it and have the game of your life, but you can't do it on a consistent basis like Leonhard and Woodhead without physical ability. I hope the Jets get rid of him and he excels somewhere else. They STILL think Woodhead isn't an athletic freak? Reading those posts, there is something wrong with those people, worse than the average dwf.


Hall of Famer
Oct 23, 2005
well Woodhead is a 6, athletically (in the 5 point scale proposed in this pseudo article), plus he has all the intangibles in place. what does it make him then, i wonder?! Edited by: backrow


Nov 28, 2009
Of all of the DWFs of all of the teams out there, the NY Jets DWFs have got to be the worst, besting the Eagles, Steelers, and "da Bears" DWFs, providing the archetype for all of the other DWFs to follow.

Whether it is the annual charade known as the "NFL Draft" which always seems to find a roaming camera to film these specific drunken idiots in the audience, whether they are in their natural habitat attending a NY Jets home game, or whether they are pounding away at their keyboards trying to string two consecutive and semi-coherent sentences together, they certainly put the "D" in "DWF".

Funny, again, how players like Scotty McKnight, while breaking receiving records at a major D1 University, or others players like Toby Gerhart that dominate their peers in the college ranks, somehow aren't supposed to be able to do it against the same peers at the next level, as if the players in the NFL come from some other universe or something.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Highlander said:
Of all of the DWFs of all of the teams out there, the NY Jets DWFs have got to be the worst, besting the Eagles, Steelers, and "da Bears" DWFs, providing the archetype for all of the other DWFs to follow.

Whether it is the annual charade known as the "NFL Draft" which always seems to find a roaming camera to film these specific drunken idiots in the audience, whether they are in their natural habitat attending a NY Jets home game, or whether they are pounding away at their keyboards trying to string two consecutive and semi-coherent sentences together, they certainly put the "D" in "DWF".

Funny, again, how players like Scotty McKnight, while breaking receiving records at a major D1 University, or others players like Toby Gerhart that dominate their peers in the college ranks, somehow aren't supposed to be able to do it against the same peers at the next level, as if the players in the NFL come from some other universe or something.

Just take a look at the idiot they call "Fireman Ed". That is the ultimate DWF.


Oct 12, 2008
Of course this jerk off lists the only 3 small White players recently associated with the Jets. The correct assumption is that despite all stereotypes, these men possessed such extraordinay athleticism that they could not be denied. Woodhead, Leonhard and McKnight possess amazing measurable strength, speed, quickness and explosiveness. They are multi-sport talents at the highest level. It's a damn shame that so few dwf's can appreciate the reality of White athleticism.


Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
whiteathlete33 said:
Just take a look at the idiot they call "Fireman Ed".  That is the ultimate DWF.</div>

Yes, it certainly requires a particularly extortionate quantity of beer-slaughtered brain cells in order to transform one's self into an official corporate mascot. Last year, I read a news story in which Fireman Ed was arrested for fighting a rival team's fan during a PRE-SEASON game. Behold this loser, in all his jock-huffing, negro-adoring, culturally-apathetic grandeur"¦





Edited by: Thrashen


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
Thrashen said:
whiteathlete33 said:
Just take a look at the idiot they call "Fireman Ed". That is the ultimate DWF.

Yes, it certainly requires a particularly extortionate quantity of beer-slaughtered brain cells in order to transform one's self into an official corporate mascot. Last year, I read a news story in which Fireman Ed was arrested for fighting a rival team's fan during a PRE-SEASON game. Behold this loser, in all his jock-huffing, negro-adoring, culturally-apathetic grandeur"¦






Thrashen, I live in New Jersey so I have the pleasure of seeing this idiot on the evening news every Sunday. Seems "Fireman Ed" is sort of a "hero" in the NY area. I haven't been to an NFL games in almost 13 years. I saw this idiot in person back in 1997 at Jets game. I didn't pay him much attention then but he's clearly the ultimate DWF.

I posted a story about this buffoon a while back. It seems if you "diss" his negro team the Jets, Fireman Ed will try and fight you. LOL!

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Good news:

Coach Rex Ryan has anointed Eric Smith the Jets' new starting strong safety, replacing Brodney Pool. Pool is a free agent and has drawn no known interest on the open market. Smith isn't a playmaker, but picked up Ryan's system quickly last season and plays with smarts and aggression. This still isn't a great situation for IDP value.


Hall of Famer
Feb 17, 2008
Good news that two Whites will be starting at S but this might be bad for his finances. He gets fines for hits that guys like Polamalu put on receivers all the time. The Boldin incident wasn't even his fault, 50k. Ryan Clark lights up Welker, NFL says its a clean shot, Smith lights up Welker 7.5k fine. Then a 10k fine for a hit in the afc championship that I don't remember that being illegal. He appealed it and they reduced it to 5k. He makes close to league minimum so those fines hurt. Edit: I guess its not as bad, he signed a contract a few days ago for 7.5 m over 3 years. I hope he keeps hitting people hard.

"isn't a play maker". I couldve sworn I saw him making plays on the field.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada

It looks like the team with "Fireman Ed" as it's poster boy for fandom has agreed to a one year deal with Plaxico Burress...This guy can accidentally set off a semi-automatic gun without a lock he's carrying in his pants in a crowded club endangering the lives of many. Also, him and his entourage can BADLY beat up a couple people who they had words with- and he gets a second chance after 20 months in prison?

Meanwhile a player with a similar style/ skill set, but who is faster and younger (Matt Jones) and played just last preseason for the Bengals sits home. His offense was being caught with cocaine (compared to Plaxico this mostly hurts himself) once and then drinking a beer at a golf outing when he was on probation. Such is the way in the "Loony Rooney" league.

The Jets have fast become one of my least favourite teams with windbag Rex as the coach (who admits he now can't stand Woodhead) and their castean ways.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
I just noticed that the Jets signed Derrick Mason. Yes, 37 year-old over-the-hill Derrick Mason. The opportunities for washed-up blacks never ends.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
FootballDad, all that's left for the Jets now is to cut Dan DePalma and keep Mason on the roster come regular season time. Hmm a 37 year old washed up bum or a rookie with 4.3 speed? Who do you keep?

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
Mason's a lot better than some of the other black receivers who get endless chances. He's had over 1,000 receiving yards in eight of the last ten seasons, and had 61 catches for over 800 yards last year. He may well prove to be washed up this season due to age kicking in, but he's had an excellent career and may help the Jets as a possession receiver.


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
At this point the Jets have three white receivers on the roster, Dan DePalma, Scotty McKnight and Logan Payne. Santonio Holmes,Mason and Burress are locks to make the roster. So the three white receivers are in competition with rookie Jeremy Kerley, third year player Patrick Turner, and rookie Michael Campbell. I suspect McKnight makes the roster and DePalma and Payne get cut. Of course we'll have our usual Great White Purge thread detailing the cuts.

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The blacks after Holmes, Burress and Mason are nobodies. Turner was a huge bust in Miami. McKnight probably has the best chance to stick since he's friends with Sanchez (he'll be a WSTD and regarded by the DWFs as the team mascot), but Payne has the most potential. He's really been kicked around the league though -- 26 years old with all of 3 career catches.


I cant take it anymore. Rex Ryan is a negro thug luver to the end. I just read an article in the NY Post today where Ryan hopes 37 year old possesion reciever, Derek Mason get over 90 receptions this year. This coming from a team that is run orientated and Mason is their 3rd best receiver in a caste friendly world. Logan Payne, and Deplama and McNIght have no future on this sack of crap , self loathing loser coach. If Ryan were to die of a heart attack tonight I would greatly rejoice this. I dont demand every white person out there to be racially conscience but this is just ridiculous. Mason and Burress over talents like Payne its just disgusting. The Jets are just a thug wanna be team with Holmes, Braylon Edwards, Burress, and Cromartie. What a friggin joke.

Jack Lambert

Hall of Famer
Jan 3, 2009
They'll have a fairly white (by today's standards) defense this year. Smith and Leonard will probably be the leauge's only white safety tandem, and Mike Devito still starts at DE. Also, I think Nick Bellore is the 2nd string ILB.

But other than that, NYJ is a solid caste team.

Edit: I agree, guys like Holmes, Burress, and Cromartie are pretty much thugs, but not Derrick Mason.
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Your point is well taken Jack Lambert but there was a tine like maybe 3 or 4 years ago the Saints final cuts were wide recievers, Horn, The Belitnikoff winner, and Chase somebody from California who was injured. I worte to the Saints organization asking if they had a problem with race and they apparently wrote back and said maybe you are the one with the problem with race. True story. Watch Depalma, Payne and McNight get cut by this team. Its going to happen.


Hall of Famer
Nov 19, 2006
Ontario Canada
DePalma really impressed me last night. He looked like a threat to take it the distance every time the ball was kicked to him. He is super slippery. Looking at the guy's measurebles and cutting ability on film, I think he could be another Marc Mariani.

I know Payne may have a better statistical resume since he played FBS ball at Minnesota. He had an ACL tear playing for the Vikings, if I'm not mistaken, a couple years back. Payne reminds me more of a Kevin Walter than a Jordy Nelson or Riley Cooper. He definitely has a nice skill set to see the field and make plays for the Jets as more of a possession larger framed #2, but his upside is limited.

From watching DePalma (although it was limited action), I get the sense that he would be far more of a caste system debunker than either Payne or McKnight. To Rex Ryan this probably means he will be cut. Maybe a coach like Bill Belicheck will notice DePalma's talent like he did with Woodhead and give him a shot?

As Thrashen has said: "The spawn of Buddy Ryan has black supremacist DNA". What a self loathing company prostitute, coward and loser.
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Hall of Famer
Jun 4, 2007
I cant take it anymore. Rex Ryan is a negro thug luver to the end. I just read an article in the NY Post today where Ryan hopes 37 year old possesion reciever, Derek Mason get over 90 receptions this year. This coming from a team that is run orientated and Mason is their 3rd best receiver in a caste friendly world. Logan Payne, and Deplama and McNIght have no future on this sack of crap , self loathing loser coach. If Ryan were to die of a heart attack tonight I would greatly rejoice this. I dont demand every white person out there to be racially conscience but this is just ridiculous. Mason and Burress over talents like Payne its just disgusting. The Jets are just a thug wanna be team with Holmes, Braylon Edwards, Burress, and Cromartie. What a friggin joke.

Derrick Mason is the polar opposite of a “thug.â€￾ He may be 37, but he’s still a quality receiver when compared to the obsolete trash currently littering most NFL rosters.


Hall of Famer
Aug 2, 2007
North Carolina
This preseason, the Jets' have an army of Whites and less Polys - than usual - it seems (Josh Mauga, Ropati Pitoitua, Brashton Satele and maybe a few others). Maybe a bit of a positive sign?

The Whites' I saw on MNF.. Brian Toal, Nick Bellore, Garrett McIntyre, Joey LaRoque, Matt Berning, Dan DePalma, and Mike DeVito looked good. And, Whites' were putting on a special team's clinic!! :wink:


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO
Apparently, the Jets missed their own mega-bust underachieving first-rounder, so, after realizing the mistake of releasing Vernon Gholston, they signed the Bills' colossal bust Aaron Maybin. Maybin has only been in the league since 2009, so he has at least another 2-3 years of "upside eligibility" that only affletes garner.


Hall of Famer
Oct 19, 2009
Somewhere near Kansas City, MO

Don Wassall

Staff member
Sep 30, 2004
The media "bubbles with excitement" over Rex Ryan. He's a Caste-loving slob just like his father, and I have a feeling the Jets peaked the past two seasons. The players got fired up like they often do initially when a black coach (or black QB) takes over, but eventually familiarity turns into contempt. I don't see the Jets having enough talent to win the Super Bowl and was suprised they made it to the conference championship two years in a row.