2011 New England Patriots

Critical Mass.

However, a decade of white-heavy teams dominating college football would have the same effect as majority white dominance in Major League Baseball does. It would suppress the enthusiasm of the young black population for the sport. Fewer of them would try out and pursue football in the first place, thus creating a self-feeding cycle. And since the NFL is based on trickle-up employment, their "hiring pool" would get whiter and whiter as the years rolled on.

I can see no other possibilities for reversing the current trends.

Baseball is a lot different then football. a lot of baseball is played at the little league level and has high parental involvement thus parental cost, football is almost totally government supported (through the schools). Blacks will not participate in activities that they have to personally pay for. I would say that the best scenario for a change in the racial dynamics in football is for the schools systems to become so broke they can no longer afford to finance football. It's getting close to that in Michigan where all other sports are getting the axe with football just barely skating by. Further economic downturn may accelerate the tendency. Then football will become, like many other sports, a club sport which means it will be almost wholly financed by parents.
Belichick has at times fielded an almost all White offense, and one that is pretty much unstoppable in many games. The Patriots have Woodhead, Welker, Edelman and Gronkowski, a dominant all-White o-line, and Tom Brady. How many of us thought Woodhead would ever get a shot to play like he has? I know bigunreal and the incessant purveyors of doom never did.

Such thinking personifies the unrealistic school of thought that the Caste System can be brought down in one mighty blow if only Carson Palmer or Aaron Rodgers would throw away their career and "speak out" in a manner that pleases bigunreal, if it is indeed possible that anything pleases bigunreal.

The Caste System has to be defeated piecemeal at different levels. Some progress has been made, and the fact that blacks are their own worst enemies is also helping, and in the NFL the Patriots, Packers and Colts have shown that teams that are relatively White friendly are also usually successful. Belichick has open disdain for the corporate media, has enforced a team dynamic whereby the overly selfish players are not kept around, and has fielded a team with a White tailback and a superstar White WR. I like the man, and I regard the fact that he is hated so much by the DWFs as proof that I'm right in liking him.
Belichick has at times fielded an almost all White offense, and one that is pretty much unstoppable in many games. The Patriots have Woodhead, Welker, Edelman and Gronkowski, a dominant all-White o-line, and Tom Brady. How many of us thought Woodhead would ever get a shot to play like he has? I know bigunreal and the incessant purveyors of doom never did.

Such thinking personifies the unrealistic school of thought that the Caste System can be brought down in one mighty blow if only Carson Palmer or Aaron Rodgers would throw away their career and "speak out" in a manner that pleases bigunreal, if it is indeed possible that anything pleases bigunreal.

The Caste System has to be defeated piecemeal at different levels. Some progress has been made, and the fact that blacks are their own worst enemies is also helping, and in the NFL the Patriots, Packers and Colts have shown that teams that are relatively White friendly are also usually successful. Belichick has open disdain for the corporate media, has enforced a team dynamic whereby the overly selfish players are not kept around, and has fielded a team with a White tailback and a superstar White WR. I like the man, and I regard the fact that he is hated so much by the DWFs as proof that I'm right in liking him.

Prior to trading for Wes Welker in the 2007 offseason, Belichick had never fielded a white wide receiver aside from Tim Dwight, who was used sparingly in the slot during the 2005 season and was promptly released thereafter.

Prior to singing Danny Woodhead in early 2010, Belichick had never fielded a white running back aside from fullback Heath Evans (a 2-week “emergency situation” in 2006) and fullback Marc Edwards (who was used sparingly as a runner and backfield receiver during their 2001 Superbowl run).

Prior to drafting Julian Edelman in the 7[SUP]th[/SUP] round out of Kent State in 2009, Belichick had never drafted a single white wide receiver, fullback, running back, free safety, strong safety, or cornerback. In fact, aside from offensive line and several late-round TE’s, all of New England’s draft picks under Belichick have been as black as Casteon Hell. He did draft DT Dan Klecko out of Temple in 2003, however.

As is continuously bemoaned, Belichick’s defense (his alleged area of “expertise”) has featured an incredibly small number of white players during his tenure. The only white defensive starters ever drafted by Belichick were LB Ted Johnson and LB Tedy Bruschi. He didn’t draft OLB Mike Vrabel, a Patriots scout found him languishing in Pittsburg. Even their current trio of white defenders (Mike Wright, Dane Fletcher, and Rob Ninkovich) were not drafted by Belichick, but rather, discovered through the scouting process.

In my opinion, quarterbacks coach / offensive coordinator, Bill O’ Brien (who, coincidentally, was hired by the Patriots in 2007), is solely responsible for the white offensive renaissance in New England over the past 3-4 seasons…not Belichick.

As I noted in a post above, he’s surely Jewed-over his fair share of white athletes in the past…but, as Don alluded to, his transgressions are relatively meager for such a long-tenured NFL head coach.
I don't know why it matters whether he got a player from free agency or the draft. Although he has made exceptions, he does not like to draft players to play positions they have never played before, since only a few colleges run a 3-4 it is really hard for him to project how they will fit. He usually likes to scout for players already in the NFL to run his defensive schemes. There are a good amount of players in the Pats front 7 that came through free agency over the years.

You can tell he likes White players. Did you see him congratulate Peyton Hillis after he just ran all over his team? The man rarely likes to shake hands with anybody. It seems his method is to get White players through free agency rather than draft them which works to his advantage since teams are willing to give up talented players just because they lack melanin.

There could have been other people responsible for the increase in Whites (McDaniels was the OC in 2007 and hasn't been White friendly) but I do think Bellicheck is partly responsible, because other staff members can bring in all the White players in the world, Bill doesn't have to play them. You see this scenario with the Bears every single year. The GM brings White receivers and dbs in and Lovie Smith doesn't play them. Bellicheck only recently got complete control over all personnel decisions. Before 2009 he had to split duties with Pioli, but he supposedly had the final say. Since joining the Cheifs Pioli hasn't been that White friendly. Bill along with Mangini have helped out White athletes quite a bit.

Heath Evans got a few more carries besides those games but it wasn't the right timing. I am partly glad it worked out the way it did. Heath could have been an slightly above average halfback but Peyton Hillis and Woodhead are elite, which is why I am glad they were the first to get significant playing time. Heath Evans starting wouldn't have helped our cause as much as those two.
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Heath Evans got a few more carries besides those games but it wasn't the right timing. I am partly glad it worked out the way it did. Heath could have been an slightly above average halfback but Peyton Hillis and Woodhead are elite, which is why I am glad they were the first to get significant playing time. Heath Evans starting wouldn't have helped our cause as much as those two.[/QUOTE]

dwid, you mentioned a very interesting point in that H. Evans wouldn't have helped our cause as much as PH or DW! this is kind of off point but,

Colonel Reb, asked earlier how white FB players can improve their situation in the future? To which I replied, what I've been saying the whloe time, white players will have to be elite. Elite in all facets as I said earlier in this post # 24.( Blacks don't have to be elite at this point in time). I've also said in previous posts, if they run a 4.5, we have to run a 4.4, if they jump 35, we have to jump 36, and on and on.

To me, this is how we will get the chances we deserve, until as Riddlewire said the blacks completely self-destruct.

Riddlewire mentioned academic fraud, we can only hope this trend continues with many blacks not qualified to enter D-1 colleges; getting in w/o being able to speak broken english!

The academic requirements for the HS class of 2014 have become more stringent, so I believe you'll see many more cases of academic fraud in the future.

UNC was a prime example. Once a top 5 academic public institution in the country, has lowered itself in what they thought, in the name of being competitive, has B. Davis recruiting thugs.

I know the odds are against it and life is not fair, but I believe we should keep doing the right thing, be better academically and athletically and maybe just maybe the tide will turn someday. Isn't that the purpose of this site?
How is all that going to happen if you don't also work now to change the minds of people (including a coach or two) about the White athlete? The way I see it, waiting for higher academic standards/rewards or for a large number of elite Whites to appear and suddenly burst out of the current caste malaise is a bit far-fetched. I'm not saying those scenarios couldn't ever happen, but if they did it would likely take at least several decades to happen. At the rate our society is rotting, the U.S., NFL and NCAA may not exist by that time and all of it could be a moot point. I'll keep working and hoping (to the chagrin of a couple of you) that such change happens sooner rather than later.
How is all that going to happen if you don't also work now to change the minds of people (including a coach or two) about the White athlete? The way I see it, waiting for higher academic standards/rewards or for a large number of elite Whites to appear and suddenly burst out of the current caste malaise is a bit far-fetched. I'm not saying those scenarios couldn't ever happen, but if they did it would likely take at least several decades to happen. At the rate our society is rotting, the U.S., NFL and NCAA may not exist by that time and all of it could be a moot point. I'll keep working and hoping (to the chagrin of a couple of you) that such change happens sooner rather than later.

CR, I never said this was going to be easy or that it would suddenly happen. In fact, I said the odds were not good, but that doesn't give us the right to give up. Call me naive, but when was the last time we had 3-4 NFL RB's see ample playing time and one over 1,000yds. 25 years right? So there is progress.

This isn't going to be popular, but white people(mostly parents of kids) are going to have to get off their a$$3s and stop letting blacks and white liberals have everything! Parents need to start leading their kids, by getting them involved in athletics at a young age, stop being absentee parents, while letting their children sit home playing X-Box.

Obviously their are parents who do care as evidenced by the amount of high school stars posted on this site.

What amazes me is when I attend camps and combines, the number of blacks attending vs. whites.
It only leaves me with one conclusion, whites aren't participating. Shouldn't their be 3 whites to every 1 black athlete, based on our population. At these camps & combines it's the other way around! This tells me they're either too lazy, don't care, or parents are just not that interested in their kids participation.

Where coaches are concerned; I can't answer why a coach would risk his reputation and livelihood on thugs who can't read or write and can't obey the law, but maybe some will start getting the picture someday. Does anyone here know the answer to that? But like so many of you have said, elite white players need to make better decisions on where they choose to play college football to ensure they get the best possible exposure and playing time.

Lastly, I don't know how many on CF are parents, but if you're not, why don't you volunteer to help in your local community with coaching youth athletics, such as football or track & field. It seems to me there's alot of intelligent posters here that could channel their gifts to this area and help develop athletes instead sitting idly by complaining.
Baseball is a lot different then football. a lot of baseball is played at the little league level and has high parental involvement thus parental cost, football is almost totally government supported (through the schools). Blacks will not participate in activities that they have to personally pay for. I would say that the best scenario for a change in the racial dynamics in football is for the schools systems to become so broke they can no longer afford to finance football. It's getting close to that in Michigan where all other sports are getting the axe with football just barely skating by. Further economic downturn may accelerate the tendency. Then football will become, like many other sports, a club sport which means it will be almost wholly financed by parents.

Baseball is also reliant on individual statistics that are not subjective and not reliant on coaching decisions or teammates - much like the position of kicker or punter in the NFL.
There actually are many things that please me, Don. It's just that there isn't much to like about our corrupt society at this point.

Carson Palmer is now threatening to retire from football, and has publicly bragged about having 40 million (I think that was the number, but it was a lot) in the bank. So... how financially set does a white sports figure have to be before he can summon up the courage to simply be honest?

He obviously is willing to throw his career away over money and/or what team he wants to play for. I suspect that Tom Brady and Peyton Manning, at the very least, have more than Palmer in the bank. They are not going to jeopardize their careers in the least by speaking the truth, at least not in financial terms.

The Founding Fathers pledged their fortunes and their sacred honor for a cause. Certainly, overturning the Caste System is on a different scale altogether, but these very, very wealthy white stars have no reason at this point to continue being so subservient and politically correct.
There actually are many things that please me, Don. It's just that there isn't much to like about our corrupt society at this point.

Carson Palmer is now threatening to retire from football, and has publicly bragged about having 40 million (I think that was the number, but it was a lot) in the bank. So... how financially set does a white sports figure have to be before he can summon up the courage to simply be honest?

He obviously is willing to throw his career away over money and/or what team he wants to play for. I suspect that Tom Brady and Peyton Manning, at the very least, have more than Palmer in the bank. They are not going to jeopardize their careers in the least by speaking the truth, at least not in financial terms.

The Founding Fathers pledged their fortunes and their sacred honor for a cause. Certainly, overturning the Caste System is on a different scale altogether, but these very, very wealthy white stars have no reason at this point to continue being so subservient and politically correct.

And just what would the MSM say if Tom Brady and Peyton Manning "spoke the truth?"

"Brady and Manning have several white pass receivers. Brady even has a white running back."

My own opinion is that men like Tom Brady and Peyton Manning see things in the terms of their own good fortune. A successful pro athlete usually has tunnel vision. Anyone who has studied Peyton Manning's life (and I saw him play many times in Neyland Stadium) will note his single-mindedness in becoming a great QB.
parental support

CR, I never said this was going to be easy or that it would suddenly happen. In fact, I said the odds were not good, but that doesn't give us the right to give up. Call me naive, but when was the last time we had 3-4 NFL RB's see ample playing time and one over 1,000yds. 25 years right? So there is progress.

This isn't going to be popular, but white people(mostly parents of kids) are going to have to get off their a$$3s and stop letting blacks and white liberals have everything! Parents need to start leading their kids, by getting them involved in athletics at a young age, stop being absentee parents, while letting their children sit home playing X-Box.

Obviously their are parents who do care as evidenced by the amount of high school stars posted on this site.

What amazes me is when I attend camps and combines, the number of blacks attending vs. whites.
It only leaves me with one conclusion, whites aren't participating. Shouldn't their be 3 whites to every 1 black athlete, based on our population. At these camps & combines it's the other way around! This tells me they're either too lazy, don't care, or parents are just not that interested in their kids participation.

Where coaches are concerned; I can't answer why a coach would risk his reputation and livelihood on thugs who can't read or write and can't obey the law, but maybe some will start getting the picture someday. Does anyone here know the answer to that? But like so many of you have said, elite white players need to make better decisions on where they choose to play college football to ensure they get the best possible exposure and playing time.

Lastly, I don't know how many on CF are parents, but if you're not, why don't you volunteer to help in your local community with coaching youth athletics, such as football or track & field. It seems to me there's alot of intelligent posters here that could channel their gifts to this area and help develop athletes instead sitting idly by complaining.


This can be the result when White parents support their talented children. It seems that Black children have free track clubs to train them and take them to meets, whereas track clubs in White communities are comparatively rare.
There actually are many things that please me, Don. It's just that there isn't much to like about our corrupt society at this point.

Carson Palmer is now threatening to retire from football, and has publicly bragged about having 40 million (I think that was the number, but it was a lot) in the bank. So... how financially set does a white sports figure have to be before he can summon up the courage to simply be honest?

He obviously is willing to throw his career away over money and/or what team he wants to play for. I suspect that Tom Brady and Peyton Manning, at the very least, have more than Palmer in the bank. They are not going to jeopardize their careers in the least by speaking the truth, at least not in financial terms.

The Founding Fathers pledged their fortunes and their sacred honor for a cause. Certainly, overturning the Caste System is on a different scale altogether, but these very, very wealthy white stars have no reason at this point to continue being so subservient and politically correct.

This impassioned patriotic call to arms might have a slight bit of validity -- if Carson Palmer feels and thinks exactly as you do. Once again we have you, an anonymous poster who would never dream of giving your name out publicly, singling out and excoriating a public figure, expecting him to throw away the rest of his life, because he won't speak out as you wish he would. I continue to question your grasp on reality.
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In fairness to bigunreal I think the issue of someone unknown making some public comments about the racial caste system vs Carson Palmer making some comments is that Palmers comments would carry greater weight or at least attract more public attention.

Sure it's unrealistic to ever expect one famous white man out of the tens of thousands that are famous to ever just once experience a moment of irrational courage, after all white people are surely famous for cowardice in this regard, or we wouldn't be in the situation we are in.

But I don't think there is any reason not to hope for it, and even push for it. It's even more suspicious in that we know there is a widespread white awareness out there now, you can read it for yourself all over the internet--and everyone is on the internet, and I speak with white people across the country as I travel who are aware (but still speaking in whispers), so I know the knowledge is out there.

Thus the idea that Manning or Palmer are blissfully unaware of what is going on around them as they go about the business of being great football QB's, even though they experience TNB every playing day of their lives, AND that they have never stumbled across a politically incorrect thought while browsing the internet or in conversation back home in Dixie, is to me a ridiculous assertion.

Therefore their reluctance to speak out is basically a kind of moral cowardice. I understand WHY they don't do it, yes I understand cowardice, but that is still no reason to defend it.

Okay, maybe I'm a coward too, but at least I'm not a coward who is famous as a man of strength and acheivement with a gazillion dollars and not a worry about their future.

Furthermore they are more enablers then helpers in the whole thing. There are little things that they could do that would help. They don't even do that. So I think some criticizm of them is justified.

This can be the result when White parents support their talented children. It seems that Black children have free track clubs to train them and take them to meets, whereas track clubs in White communities
are comparatively rare.

highschoolcoach, I PM'd you. I hope you got it? It must be different down here. I know track teams down here charge everyone a fee, whether they are black or white, however there are hardship cases. With that being said, 85% of the kids that run are black, 15% white. Most white kids here, are playing baseball, where 95% of the kids are white and 5% are black. I posted about this before, there are fast white kids, but they spend all their time on the diamond, this a fact I can prove it, because I know personally of many of these circumstances. I can and will elaborate at another time.
highschoolcoach, this is a conversation for a different thread or you can send me a PM. Would love to discuss?
In fairness to bigunreal I think the issue of someone unknown making some public comments about the racial caste system vs Carson Palmer making some comments is that Palmers comments would carry greater weight or at least attract more public attention.

Sure it's unrealistic to ever expect one famous white man out of the tens of thousands that are famous to ever just once experience a moment of irrational courage, after all white people are surely famous for cowardice in this regard, or we wouldn't be in the situation we are in.

But I don't think there is any reason not to hope for it, and even push for it. It's even more suspicious in that we know there is a widespread white awareness out there now, you can read it for yourself all over the internet--and everyone is on the internet, and I speak with white people across the country as I travel who are aware (but still speaking in whispers), so I know the knowledge is out there.

Thus the idea that Manning or Palmer are blissfully unaware of what is going on around them as they go about the business of being great football QB's, even though they experience TNB every playing day of their lives, AND that they have never stumbled across a politically incorrect thought while browsing the internet or in conversation back home in Dixie, is to me a ridiculous assertion.

Therefore their reluctance to speak out is basically a kind of moral cowardice. I understand WHY they don't do it, yes I understand cowardice, but that is still no reason to defend it.

Okay, maybe I'm a coward too, but at least I'm not a coward who is famous as a man of strength and acheivement with a gazillion dollars and not a worry about their future.

Furthermore they are more enablers then helpers in the whole thing. There are little things that they could do that would help. They don't even do that. So I think some criticizm of them is justified.

If Palmer spoke out to bigunreal's satisfaction, the media would either ignore it, or engage in a combination of ridicule and demonization, lumping him in with John Rocker, Al Campanis and the rest any time his name came up. Nothing would change as far as the institutionalization of the Caste System, nor would the corporate media change its agenda. This is wishful thinking at best, equivalent to the millions of brain-dead "conservatives" still waiting for "the man on the white horse" to appear as a presidential candidate and save America.

Throwing "blissfully unaware" out there is a straw man argument. There's a huge difference between being "blissfully unaware" and seeing eye to eye with bigunreal or other CF posters. The truth is that none of us know Carson Palmer's or Peyton Manning's personal beliefs. I can't emphasize that enough. My guess would be that they probably are country club Republican types, who watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh when they have time. But first and foremost they are well-paid jocks, not philosopher-kings for the White race. Calling them cowards without knowing them personally is a low blow that I doubt they would appreciate if you were to tell it to them face to face.

They are not "enablers" for the Caste System. By being excellent quarterbacks and also comporting themselves well off the field, they are great role models as well as keeping White superiority at the QB position very much alive. Asking anything more of them, that they basically publicly tow the line espoused by a few hundred anonymous posters on an internet site, is highly unrealistic to say the least.

And who's to say bigunreal isn't in fact a public figure himself? We don't know who he is, do we? And maybe he's wealthy. I would like to know more about who he is and what he does to help the cause he expects jocks to sacrifice their present and future careers for before I give any credibility to his rants against Carson Palmer and other White QBs.

I wish I could agree that there is "widespread White awareness" in the U.S. That's not my experience at all. I think our numbers are still miniscule, one or two percent at best. Most White internet users are interested in porn, sports and entertainment fluff, different forms of the same escapist crap beamed into tens of millions of homes daily by the dinosaur media.
If Palmer spoke out to bigunreal's satisfaction, the media would either ignore it, or engage in a combination of ridicule and demonization, lumping him in with John Rocker, Al Campanis and the rest any time his name came up. Nothing would change as far as the institutionalization of the Caste System, nor would the corporate media change its agenda. This is wishful thinking at best, equivalent to the millions of brain-dead "conservatives" still waiting for "the man on the white horse" to appear as a presidential candidate and save America.

Throwing "blissfully unaware" out there is a straw man argument. There's a huge difference between being "blissfully unaware" and seeing eye to eye with bigunreal or other CF posters. The truth is that none of us know Carson Palmer's or Peyton Manning's personal beliefs. I can't emphasize that enough. My guess would be that they probably are country club Republican types, who watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh when they have time. But first and foremost they are well-paid jocks, not philosopher-kings for the White race. Calling them cowards without knowing them personally is a low blow that I doubt they would appreciate if you were to tell it to them face to face.

They are not "enablers" for the Caste System. By being excellent quarterbacks and also comporting themselves well off the field, they are great role models as well as keeping White superiority at the QB position very much alive. Asking anything more of them, that they basically publicly tow the line espoused by a few hundred anonymous posters on an internet site, is highly unrealistic to say the least.

And who's to say bigunreal isn't in fact a public figure himself? We don't know who he is, do we? And maybe he's wealthy. I would like to know more about who he is and what he does to help the cause he expects jocks to sacrifice their present and future careers for before I give any credibility to his rants against Carson Palmer and other White QBs.

I wish I could agree that there is "widespread White awareness" in the U.S. That's not my experience at all. I think our numbers are still miniscule, one or two percent at best. Most White internet users are interested in porn, sports and entertainment fluff, different forms of the same escapist crap beamed into tens of millions of homes daily by the dinosaur media.

As someone who first started following sports over 50 years ago, I endorse Don's analysis. If Peyton Manning publicly attacked the NFL for keeping out white players, he would get the John Rocker treatment to the nth degree. As we have noted, the DWFs don't like Manning, Brady, and most white star QBs all that much anyway.

If Peyton Hillis can gain around 1300-1400 yards this year and the Browns have a good season, it would do far more good than a act of career suicide by a big-name white QB.

A decade ago, there were confident predictions that NFL QB would soon be a "black position." Not only has this not happened but today's white QBs keep raising the standards for the position.
The truth is that none of us know Carson Palmer's or Peyton Manning's personal beliefs. I can't emphasize that enough. My guess would be that they probably are country club Republican types, who watch Fox News or listen to Rush Limbaugh when they have time. But first and foremost they are well-paid jocks, not philosopher-kings for the White race. Calling them cowards without knowing them personally is a low blow that I doubt they would appreciate if you were to tell it to them face to face.

They are not "enablers" for the Caste System.

I know we've had this discussion before but here goes... you ask that none of us know Palmer's or Mannings personal beliefs, I agree, I don't know if you can ever know ANYONE's real personal beliefs, but I know this, if someone fails to measure up to MY standards of behavior in this regard then they are a coward, either willfully or ignorantly, it makes no difference to ME.

How else can I judge them? Am I to put myself in every other persons shoes and judge their behavior by how they would feel or should I take my beliefs and morality and judge others by it. That is how I prefer to do it. They clearly fail.

Now if you want to rationalize it by saying that by their own standards they are doing what is perfectly reasonable, I will agree, I do agree. But not by mine. And not by bigunreals too I guess. I guess by your standards they are okay, and that is fine, I understand how you feel and it makes perfect sense.

I also understand that this is merely a fantasy discussion. Virtually no rich or famous white person has ever stood up for white people in any way shape or manner that I know of for at least a generation. So, no I don't expect a guy that throws a football to black people for a living to do it.
I also understand that this is merely a fantasy discussion. Virtually no rich or famous white person has ever stood up for white people in any way shape or manner that I know of for at least a generation. So, no I don't expect a guy that throws a football to black people for a living to do it.

Bingo! That's right, that's one of the reasons why it's a silly discussion, which is why I don't let bigunreal's penchant for buffoonery go unchallenged.

When we rant against the Caste System, we are doing about all we can as anonymous internet posters. You cannot equate my situation, or yours, with Carson Palmer's or any other extremely wealthy white QB. We would risk everything and be financially devastated, probably fired by our employers, if we took some kind of public stance on this issue. And no, I am not a public figure and far from wealthy.

Palmer, however, has publicly boasted of having some $40 million in the bank. And he has declared he will retire rather than play again for the Bengals. So he is capable of standing up for himself, and he has nothing to risk financially, as he is set for life, even if no one else in America were to ever hire him again. Obviously, neither I nor any other average American has those kinds of financial resources. The risk any of us face is of an entirely different nature.

Sooner or later, some white figures are going to have to speak out, if the Caste System is ever going to be overturned. They don't even have to be racial about it. Just stop being p.c. for no reason, and stop the voluntary propping up of blacks who don't deserve it. The Caste System is run by whites, and can only be destroyed by whites. Do you expect blacks to suddenly step out of the way, and demand fairness for white players?

I think we would all be amazed at what would happen if a Brady, Manning or any other white sports figure simply told the truth and then didn't utter the inevitable series of apologies. It's like standing up to a bully- that's the only way to stop him. Maybe, just maybe, standing up for yourself and refusing to apologize would have the same effect on the bullies who stifle our liberties. Who knows? It's certainly never been tried before.

I never even demanded that Palmer or Rodgers, or any other white QB, come out against the Caste System. I simply ranted against them voluntarily lobbying for black players that aren't even any good, and who were competing with white skill position players. It's one thing if a reporter asked Rodgers, "Hey, Aaron, would you like to have James Jones back?" Of course, the proper thing to say would be, "Sure, he's a great teammate, blah, blah, blah." However, in this case, I think Rodgers brought the subject up. Perhaps I'm wrong about that, and if so, I apologize. I do know that Palmer brought up Scott himself, and that really incensed me, probably because of Scott's odious history of "character" concerns, and how that should have turned Palmer completely off, instead of turning him on.

I'm sorry I keep pushing your buttons. I don't intend to, and don't understand the tone you now adopt when responding to my posts. We seem to agree politically on most all issues, and I certainly never react negatively to your posts. I'm offering my honest take on these issues, and I think others seem to appreciate my perspective.
I can't believe they signed that overrated, lazy slug Haynesworthless. :dodgy: He hasn't thrived in a 3-4, and only did well in a 4-3. He obviously doesn't like having to deal w/ more blockers/OLs in a 3-4...as he has to work harder.

As for buffoon OchoYOstinko, his best days are behind him. He still has a little left, but isn't any better than Moss.

When we rant against the Caste System, we are doing about all we can as anonymous internet posters. You cannot equate my situation, or yours, with Carson Palmer's or any other extremely wealthy white QB. We would risk everything and be financially devastated, probably fired by our employers, if we took some kind of public stance on this issue. And no, I am not a public figure and far from wealthy.

Palmer, however, has publicly boasted of having some $40 million in the bank. And he has declared he will retire rather than play again for the Bengals. So he is capable of standing up for himself, and he has nothing to risk financially, as he is set for life, even if no one else in America were to ever hire him again. Obviously, neither I nor any other average American has those kinds of financial resources. The risk any of us face is of an entirely different nature.

Actually, Palmer has far more to lose than any of us, because he is a public figure. It doesn't matter how much he has in the bank; why should he be a pariah for the rest of his life when such an act of self-destruction will accomplish nothing at this time? The real difference is that you and I are politically and racially aware of what's going on; this site is a reflection of that. Carson Palmer is a jock; no more, no less. What you want him to do is nonsensical.

There was a White man recently in New Hampshire who set himself on fire outside the courthouse where his life had been destroyed because of this gynocracy's brutally anti-men laws when it comes to marriage and divorce. He left a long parting diatribe describing how his life had been ruined by having his children taken away from him and subsequently his home, assets, and everything else he had worked for in life, all because he slapped his daughter, and how unfair said laws are for American men wherever they live. His death by immolation was completely ignored by the corporate media -- the same corporate media which still likes to show that famous photo of the monk self-immolating from 45 years ago. His suicide changed nothing.

You are basically expecting Carson Palmer -- a jock whose personal views on life, race and politics you know nothing about -- to figuratively likewise commit career suicide.

Maybe I'm a little hard on you because of your constant repetition of the same few themes over and over again, but looking at it objectively, your lengthy ongoing beef with Carson Palmer is plain silly, as is its extension to Peyton Manning and Aaron Rodgers. If you're going to single them out, be consistent and denounce every other White star in football and all other sports.

When our idea is ripe, it will become far more widely and intuitively understood than it is now. We, us, are the ones doing the legwork, the gruntwork, to propagate the idea and to destroy the Big Lie when it comes to sports and physical ability. I certainly don't expect Palmer or Manning to be part of the coming changes; in fact I hold them in very high esteem, especially Manning, for being high quality individuals in addition to excelling in a league that would like nothing more than to have blacks dominate at their position. I don't see how we could possibly have a better role model for White athletes, White kids, and Whites in general than Peyton Manning.

I see you as little more than someone who occasionally chimes in with either your conspiracy theory that every single sporting event is scripted and fixed; and/or that White quarterbacks are to blame for not "speaking out" on the NFL's racial policies. You're more of a hindrance than a help; you were a lot more effective when you wrote about "Don King's America" than anything you've written the past two years; that's my opinion and you've yet to post anything to make me see it differently.
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When we rant against the Caste System, we are doing about all we can as anonymous internet posters. You cannot equate my situation, or yours, with Carson Palmer's or any other extremely wealthy white QB. We would risk everything and be financially devastated, probably fired by our employers, if we took some kind of public stance on this issue. And no, I am not a public figure and far from wealthy.

Palmer, however, has publicly boasted of having some $40 million in the bank. And he has declared he will retire rather than play again for the Bengals. So he is capable of standing up for himself, and he has nothing to risk financially, as he is set for life, even if no one else in America were to ever hire him again. Obviously, neither I nor any other average American has those kinds of financial resources. The risk any of us face is of an entirely different nature.

Sooner or later, some white figures are going to have to speak out, if the Caste System is ever going to be overturned. They don't even have to be racial about it. Just stop being p.c. for no reason, and stop the voluntary propping up of blacks who don't deserve it. The Caste System is run by whites, and can only be destroyed by whites. Do you expect blacks to suddenly step out of the way, and demand fairness for white players?

I think we would all be amazed at what would happen if a Brady, Manning or any other white sports figure simply told the truth and then didn't utter the inevitable series of apologies. It's like standing up to a bully- that's the only way to stop him. Maybe, just maybe, standing up for yourself and refusing to apologize would have the same effect on the bullies who stifle our liberties. Who knows? It's certainly never been tried before.

I never even demanded that Palmer or Rodgers, or any other white QB, come out against the Caste System. I simply ranted against them voluntarily lobbying for black players that aren't even any good, and who were competing with white skill position players. It's one thing if a reporter asked Rodgers, "Hey, Aaron, would you like to have James Jones back?" Of course, the proper thing to say would be, "Sure, he's a great teammate, blah, blah, blah." However, in this case, I think Rodgers brought the subject up. Perhaps I'm wrong about that, and if so, I apologize. I do know that Palmer brought up Scott himself, and that really incensed me, probably because of Scott's odious history of "character" concerns, and how that should have turned Palmer completely off, instead of turning him on.

I'm sorry I keep pushing your buttons. I don't intend to, and don't understand the tone you now adopt when responding to my posts. We seem to agree politically on most all issues, and I certainly never react negatively to your posts. I'm offering my honest take on these issues, and I think others seem to appreciate my perspective.

You were still pushing the "everything is fixed" idea after the Jets beat the Patriots in last year's playoffs. This time you said Belicheck was dumping the game with poor strategy.

Well, why weren't the Packers told to give away the Eagle game? The corporate media indeed would have loved Michael Vick in the Super Bowl, a much desired result that has never happened.

Furthermore, how did the whitest team in the league beat the Eagles, Bears, and Steelers in succession?

Since you were (as usual) wrong, why would you be right in predicting a big change if Carson Palmer (whom you seem to have a fixation with) "spoke against the Caste System?"

If Palmer did as you want, he would be a bigger pariah in American life than Casey Anthony. I don't think that is an exaggeration. Casey is regularly supported by TV talking head attorneys on the basis of her acquittal. Palmer or any white star athlete who criticized the system on racial grounds wouldn't get ANY consideration.

There is no reason for a serious person to appreciate your perspective.
Too bad he didn't get Kelly Gregg instead, his former assistant Pioli got him in Kansas, Gregg puts Wilfork and Haynesworth to shame. In order for the 3-4 to work you need a big defensive tackle. There just aren't many White guys to choose from the lower levels. There are plenty of White kids with the size and ability to play dt but just aren't given the shot. This is still a low risk move for the Pats, they didn't give up much. They might move him to DE for some plays, so I hope it doesn't affect Mike Wright. A good lineup for the dline on 3rd and long would be Mike Wright Vince Wilfork and Haynesworth (if motivated).
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