2011 Kansas Jayhawks

Don't forget about Brandon Bourbon, who could've been a Jake Sharpe type, according to many CF posters. I don't follow the draft or college football much, so I had never even heard of Tharp until today. Going to the school's website, two things struck me about him: One, he was a Freshman All-American in '09, before an injury, and had incredible credentials coming out of high school. Two, his size. Why is a kid that small ("listed" at about 6' , 215) and fast "stacked" at LB and not a DB or a tailback? Well, we know the answer here at CF.

Also, going to the school's website /*stats page, I'm amazed how black they were this season, compared to Mangino's teams that won big and I actually watched/followed a bit. All of their top 13 tacklers (on a horrible defense) were black as were all but one (Tharp) of their top 21 tacklers. Any surprise that they got worse and worse and could not compete in the Big 12 with Gill not wanting to play whites and being unable to attrack the top brothers? Did the supposedly "white-friendly" Uncle Gill suddenly come up with a whites need NOT apply philosophy on defense?

* http://www.kuathletics.com/sports/m-footbl/stats/2011-2012/teamcume.html

I've noted this a thousand times on this site: While the TV marxists want us to believe black coaches/Uncle Toms with white wives are going to be more "fair and open minded" when it comes to recruiting and playing whites, it seems like it is never, ever the case in football or basketball. Matter of fact, it's always the opposite, as these "Toms" have probably gotten to the point in their lives where they are genuinely ashamed of their race-mixing and will do everything they can to either "apolagize to their fellow blacks" for being a "sellout" or will try extra hard to prove that they are "not total Uncle Toms" to their black families and homies.


BTY, below's a photo of Gill's wife, notice how depressed she looked when he was hired and got a huge raise (should've been a very happy day)? There are more photos of her looking the same (or sadder), while Turner and her two mulatto daughters are smiling from ear to ear. Honestly, I'd look that sullen and emotionally wrecked too if I was her age and realized I had 2 mullatto sons that I absolutely could not to relate to...Also, if he treats white male athletes like dirt, how do think he treats his rapidly aging white wife? I'd almost want to jump off the nearest bridge if I was her.

While I thought he did an excellent job with the dormant UB program. I did notice a disturbing trend of if Gill could get an out of state Black player he leapt for the change to get him. So it was logical that he would go hog wild in Kansas avoiding all White talent except for the O-line and qb(I'm assuming). Well it's back to a mid major program for Gill or maybe it's off to a beach somewhere as he has 6 million over 3 years coming to him....
Why did Brandon Bourbon change his committment to Kansas anyway. I wonder what in the hell Gill said to him that made him switch his committ from Harbaugh and Shaw. Shaw would've played Bourbon, as he's played Gaffney a fair amount this year, in addition to Griff Whalen at WR.
My guess is Gill will wind up taking a job in the NFL as a position coach, if offered, because I doubt he wants to step back to the mid-majors right away and no BCS school will ever give him a sniff again as a head coach. It's amazing that Kansas' butt-ugly AD (Perkins) hasn't been put in jail for wasting so much tax-payers money on such a useless hire. Everyone knew from the start he was going to fail, as we all knew Colorado's Uncle Tom will fail miserably.

As far as Shaw, I just did a quick check and he's married to a woman that was featured on CNN in 2000*. The story was about blacks in science, and she claimed she's a model, TV host and MIT grad, so I assume she (Kori Bevans) is black, fairly attractive and intelligent. I'd say Shaw did himself and his family proud, unlike Turner Gill.

If this is true (that Shaw isn't a Uncle Tom who will take his anger out on white players) then I can see Stanford being a school that will continue to let whites play at RB, DB and WR. Thing is, considering Stanford's academic standards, they pretty much have no choice but to recruit a lot of athletes anyway. Also, I'd suspect the program is going to "regress big time" once Andrew Luck leaves. I think it would've happened regardless of who was named coach -- normal black man (Shaw), Prideless Tom (Gill, Tiki Barber or Dennis Green) or just about any white guy.

* http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0002/11/nr.00.html
Kansas hires Charlie Weis

Might be good. Might not. No real clue.

Although I didn't read the article, I couldn't help but notice this little nugget of editorializing on the part of ESPN:
It was little secret that Weis wasn't fond of Kansas City during his time with the Chiefs, and he moved on to the Gators in part so that he could be near his son, who is also on the football staff. He bought a horse farm in nearby Ocala, and has several health issues that include possibly needing hip surgery after the season that could make it difficult to jump right into recruiting.

Trying to poison the well before Weis even begins? Yep. Sounds like ESPN. They just can't help but to insert themselves into the process, like all good liberal media outlets.
American Freedom News