2010 week 1

Hunter Hillenmeyer and Max Unger are both out for the season
The writing was on the wall with the 4th round drafting of Joe McKnight. Even though McKnight is less agile, with less burst and doesn't break tackles as good as small "team manager" Danny Woodhead- and even though McKnight fumbled 4? times this pre-season and didn't look ready to be trusted- of course the afrolete gets the spot. Got to replace the elusive former all time NCAA career leading rusher.
Joe McKnight, Jon Conner, Tony Richardson are three guys that should of been cut before him. I really hope Danny is able to catch on somewhere else this season.
When they met with Danny to tell him he was cut, I hope Danny told them that the continued racism against whites and him specifically will one day end and their acts are criminal, at least immoral, then told the staff F you ask he walked out.
Woodhead was cut? LOL!
I wonder why the reaction. So many negro stiff mistakes...let's cut the white boy! Sounds about right. Kick the down syndrome. Negro worshipers do this.

I wonder who will sign him now (?)

Then again, Matt Jones is unemployed.
So many great negro affletes out there though, Some real winners.
Hey guys, the UFL starts on the 18th!!! This league has signed Hass, Standeford, Kircus, Gessner, Toal, Schweigert and Archuleta to its rosters.
I want the Jets to loose every game. And that mexican quarterback sucks.
In this rather ugly day with the Jets cutting Woodhead and several white players reported being lost to injuries, finally some good news:

Sharpe takes leave from CBS

This worthless affirmative action negro and those unintelligible words coming out of his mouth have never belonged on television. I surely hope this will be a permanent leave. Edited by: foobar75
Borussia said:
Woodhead was cut? LOL!
I wonder why the reaction. So many negro stiff mistakes...let's cut the white boy! Sounds about right. Kick the down syndrome. Negro worshipers do this.

I wonder who will sign him now (?)

Then again, Matt Jones is unemployed.
So many great negro affletes out there though, Some real winners.
This is why the Jets reacted this way. No they couldn't cut the entitled 38 year old declining (soon to be 2nd team) FB- b/c it caused an outrage before with his Jets' "colour blind" teammates. We knew this was coming. Heck, my cousin said he read a writeup on the Jets a few days back in the NJ Star Ledger by a Hispanic female "sports reporter"- that skipped over mentioning Woodhead (who made the roster) to mention practice squad player Chauncy Washington as a possible role player (if the Jets can't learn to trust McKnight this season).

No matter, as a Christian I know fake Christians like Pete Caroll etc. WILL not be rich men in heaven. In fact they've got serious work cut out to even get there. God will not be mocked by hypocrites and liars who pretend to be warm to him- and put their jobs and getting FILTHY RICH before doing anything close to right. Maybe it's not my job to judge, as we all have to look at ourselves first, but I am outraged by these cowards.

Here's my previous post:

ToughJ.Riggins said:
Just a quick look at how "cliquish" the NFL is- and how much black players love their bruthas- whom they consider the "heart and soul" of their teams:

My cousin informed me of a NJ Star Ledger report on the cutting of 38 year old FB Tony Richardson: The paper reads:

"The release of the popular Richardson hit his teammates hard initially."

"It was jaw-dropping." tight end Dustin Keller said. "I couldn't believe it. He's our top veteran on offense."

So a 38 year old FB getting cut (when some teams don't even carry a single FB in their prime age years) sent shock waves and frustrations amongst some of the Jets as a ridiculous cut. Would anyone have said the same for Woodhead, who is young, explosive and could soon prove to be a GREAT scatback compliment to powerback Shonn Greene? After all Dustin Keller is a young player who came into the NFL the EXACT same year as Woodhead- which could have allowed the two to have a rookie bonding, but who is Keller's "heart and soul" with? Yeah, the 38 year old, battering ram whose skills are declining.

Well, low and behold- Richardson is back on the team again, now that Darrell Revis is back, which allowed them to cut a rookie CB they kept. It's no surprise, that in a millennium of appeasement, cowardliness and lack of pride- that few- if any- organizations have the courage to actually keep the best players over popular players- with how racially cliquish the NFL is. I'm not saying my report here is full proof that EVERY black player would have preferred Woodhead cut over Richardson, but it just seems to remind me of how scrub Adrian Peterson- who an announcer reported was the Bears most popular player- was kept over FBS record setter and "team manager" Brock Forsey. Richardson isn't a complete scrub, but as a 38 year old FB, his value is clearly MUCH less to the Jets than Woodhead.
When I read that Woodhead was cut, my take on the Jets' reasoning was a little different. Shonn Greene is clearly struggling big time in the role given to him. Tomlinson, though looking pretty decent in the pre-season, is clearly near the end and could run out of gas completely as the season wears on. McKnight has been a big-time bust, though he will be given at least three more years to "get it." The Jets were looking at a potential situation where Woodhead would be the obvious choice to be given a much expanded role out of necessity, thus he was cut before that embarrassing situation had a chance to manifest itself. The NFL hasn't had a White scatback getting significant carries since. . . when, the 1960s or '70s?

Many DWFs will read my analysis and think it's absurd, but it only shows how utterly blind they are to the locker room racial dynamics the league hasinculcated and rewardedover an extended period of time. When not a single White man is allowed to be a featured runner for decades on end, how much more obvious can the institutionalized discrimination be? Especially when players like Justin Fargas, Robert Smith, and Nick Goings -- who are overwhelmingly White but considered "black" in the U.S. -- are used as starting tailbacks? How do they explain that the NFL had White stars at every position for 30 years after it initially integrated but for 25 years and counting Whites have been shut out at certain positions? They can't, because they don't know how to think for themselves and have nothing but contempt for those that challenge the reigning orthodoxy.But alas, this has always been human nature and it applies to everything, not just sports. Edited by: Don Wassall
I definitely see your point Don. I think it comes down to Rex Ryan and the GM being ultra cowards. Ryan- despite his cursing and "tough guy" image is just another coward- and company prostitute. Having a white scatback dominate- would cause a backlash counter attack from the anti-white media, and any of the truly racist black players in the NFL. The NFL lie has already started to be exposed a bit in the last few years, but they are trying to hold on to it as much as they can to protect their "product" $$$. Ultra athletic players like Danny Woodhead or Jake Sharp are a big threat to expose the lie. You can add Sam McGuffie or Nile Knapp to this list. If they ever truly start to dominate in college, which they are capable of- the NFL will find a way to screw them. Nile Knapp they will just bury b/c he plays for Lindenwood- even though black tailback- Dee Dee Dorsey- made the NFL from that exact NAIA college.Edited by: ToughJ.Riggins
Woodhead could have the perfect opportunity to speak up about things though- if he isn't even looked at by another team. If his career is over- which I am actually expecting- he has nothing to lose. State the facts- how he was the all time NCAA career rushing leader and there are MANY players in the NFL from lower levels like Pierre Garcon, Bernard Scott, Chad Simpson etc. He could say he was overlooked by the FBS- like Wes Welker ALMOST WAS by the FBS and also by the NFL (being cut from his first team) before going on to star. He should state he has better measurables overall- than the large majority of RBs in the entire NFL. And when he actually DID get a chance last pre-season- he broke the record for most rushing yards in one game since Mike Anderson in (1994?) using his dazzling agility.

The guy has nothing to lose- he should get a lawyer or publicist and contact someone in the media willing to hear his story- and if not- we have to help him. If we are going to change things- we need people like me to write articles for fan sites- and talk with "mildly" friendly sites- there are a few of them that exist. We need to post as many comments as we can on articles about white players simply stating the facts. Let's use our anger for motivation!
This is a perfect opportunity for us to flood the NY Jets organization with a targeted dissatisfaction campaign. I will be sending emails to the Executive Staff and ownership.I recommend thatthe membership do the same. It is very interesting if youtake a look attheir Fan Forum and postson the release.This hit a raw nerve with their fanbase. They should use this opportunity to exert some influence. Joe McKnight instead of Woodhead,you have to be kidding me.
Do you have an e-mail address you could give us? That's a good idea. I think writing articles for fan sites is also a good idea. If I were to write for a fan site- I'd do articles on position battles and black players that deserve credit- as well as white athletes and the CS. I wouldn't want to look like a one trick pony and make fans wrongfully think I was favouring white athletes.

I think more moderates and mainstream fans are starting to wake up- and that is the difference in the last few years. No fair minded person wants to see a 100% white NFL, but in our 75% white country a 25% or 30% white league with whites virtually banned at two positions is ludicrous.
Here it is ToughJ. I directed it to the Coaching staff. I am looking for some type of contact info for Woody Johnson, CEO and GM, Mike Tannenbaum and RunningBacksCoach, AnthonyLynn. Perhaps if the individuals and the organization have a Facebook page, which I imagine they do, that would be a good place to post as well.

NCromwell said:
Here it is ToughJ. I directed it to the Coaching staff. I am looking for some type of contact info for Woody Johnson, CEO and GM, Mike Tannenbaum and RunningBacksCoach, AnthonyLynn. Perhaps if the individuals and the organization have a Facebook page, which I imagine they do, that would be a good place to post as well.
Thank you. Here is a copy of the email I sent them:

"I am very disappointed to hear that someone as talented, productive (when he actually got an opportunity to play), classy and hard-working as Danny Woodhead was released. He was a great role model on and off the field...a rarity today. McKnight is an overrated loafer who simply feels entitled to playing without doing anything to earn it...and you have now validated his, and that, mindset throughout the team. Tomlinson is past his prime and will be running on fumes halfway through the season. Just pathetic. On second thought, the Jets don't deserve someone with the talent and character that Danny possesses, and, in that same line of thought, you don't deserve me as a fan anymore, either. From now on, consider me someone that can no longer support the Jets in any way...and you've earned that indifference."
Can you guys send some e-mails to the Green Bay Packer brass encouraging them to pick up Danny? They are looking for a back and the media wants them to sign any black retread to fill the spot. It would be great to see Danny and Kuhn in the backfield, wouldn't it?
Perfect, Highlander.Very well crafted response. If the Jets could only get more of these where they start to feel and/ or understand that they couldlose both fan support &amp; income (seasonal revenue)we could start to see some serious change. Otherwise it's business as usual....
Actually, my cousin and a few of his friends from Jersey as well- who follow the Jets- are pissed about Woodhead being cut and they aren't even Caste Football guys. My cousin says that he's noticed that more of his friends are starting to more fairly evaluate white player's performances.
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