2010-11 NFL Playoffs

Green bay did not look all that good yesterday, neither did Rodgers for that matter. But they haven't looked very good all year to be honest. I don't see them beating Atlanta anyway.
Deadlift said:
Brothers, in some ways we got "lucky," and it's not because "Vick is a Superman" or anything, but, let's face it, the Packers' have some noticeable flaws, also, and it's pretty bad that they only scored 21-points against a thoroughly wounded Eagles' defense. While watching the game, I was really hoping that The Pack would get 1 or 2 field goals, from comfortable range, to cushion their lead.

The Iggles were very lucky, with that afrolet drop just before HT they remained in the game. If not for that bad bad drop, the Packers would have had 21 points already at HT. That was a perfect throw by Rodgers, he placed the ball right in the afrolet's hands, somehow the afrolet still managed to drop it.
Honestly before the game I could see the Pack getting 28 in the first half, and they would have if the receivers had caught the passes they should have. Rodgers is streaky, hot when he's hot, but fairly ineffectual when he's not. I think both teams were tired. But hey, a win is a win.
Glad the Packers won. We have 2 teams starting 10 whites to cheer for at least.

On the flip side - lots of playoff teams are down to 3-4 white starters. This weekend the announced white starters were:

Jets 4 (including Sanchez)
Seahawks 4
Chiefs 4
Eagles 4
Saints 5
Ravens 6
Colts 9
Packers 10

Of course, two of the most racist teams - Pittsburgh and Chicago also only start 3 whites.

THe NFL is steadily getting more black supremacist.

Edited by: Liverlips
If Kolb had thrown that INT in that situation he would be skewered by fans, media and Andy Reid today. He'd be toast.

If I remember correctly, Vick has a first down, 45 seconds on the clock and excellent field position at the Packers 27 yard line.

He should have spiked the ball to stop the clock giving him plenty of time to regroup.

He then would have had 3 downs to make something happen.

lnstead he PANICKED and stupidly tossed a PICK ending the game.

Besides that, he had a couple easy check offs underneath.

How dumb is that?
Here is my ranking of the remaining teams (from least to most racist):

1. New England - 10 starters, numerous white subs including at RB and WR
2. Green Bay - 10 (same as the Pats)
3. Atlanta - 7 starters and at least one white receiver (backup)
4. Baltimore - 6 starters
5. Seahawks - 4 but more white subs than the other black supremacists
6. Jets - 4 but with a decent number of white subs on defense.
7. Steelers - 3 (including racist coach)
8. Bears - 3 (including racist coach)
Bart said:
If Kolb had thrown that INT in that situation he would be skewered by fans, media and Andy Reid today. He'd be toast.


Exactly. I was listening to 610AM WIP (Philly sports radio) over the 'net today and heard most of the phans complain about Akers, Fat Bastard, Marty Morhinweg, and a few affletes. Not one person ridiculed Vick until one commentator (Howard Eskin) I believe brought up his name. I would say the commentators were partial across the board for the most part but the DWF and DUBFs were obviously blaming the white guys. It is a sad state of affairs in this country when people can not objectively look at this in perspective. It is a football game for Pete's sake!!
Thrashen said:
I found some amusing quotes from the perpetually-inebriated Eagle fan-boys, bequeathing their muted souls to their Heroic African Dog-Vanquisher"¦

DWF Quote #1:
"Michael Vick brought this team from the ashes,"Â￾ said Bob Blaszczyk, 27, of Bensalem.

*Back from the "ashes,"Â￾ huh? In the past 5 years, the Eagles won a playoff berth in 2006, 2008, 2009, and in 2010. Thank you so very much, Michael "One-And-Done"Â￾ Vick, you truly "saved"Â￾ the Eagle franchise from playoff obscurity. MVP material.

DWF Quote #2:
"Eighty percent of Michael Vick is better than Kevin Kolb at 110 percent,"Â￾ added Bob Jordan, 26, of Bensalem, who wore a shirt Sunday to the Hulmeville Inn in Hulmeville that read, "If you ain't an Eagles fan, you ain't (expletive.)"Â￾

*Yeah, that outrageously-incompetent fool, Kevin Kolb, and his 6 career starts is obviously a "bust."Â￾ Venerating a black reprobate, dog-fighting / torturing extraordinaire, whilst belittling a white family man (father of two with his new wife) who didn't even play a single down during the game in question is quite logical. And such a classy, mature t-shirt to be worn by an adult male.

DWF Quote #3:
"The Eagles were the underdog. I thought the Birds were going to run the ball more because the Packers are weak against the runs. They pretty much played into their game plan. They didn't run the ball. They should have run the ball. They could have run the ball. When they did run the ball they picked up yardage. The Eagles could not stop their runs,"Â￾ Blaszczyk said. "David Akers missed a 34-yarder and a 41-yarder if we would have made both of them we would have by a point. I love the Eagles, but the special teams (didn't perform well). They couldn't stop a rookie running back."Â￾

*Actually, according to the official Las Vegas gambling "spread,"Â￾ the Packers were a 2.5-3 point "underdog."Â￾ But yeah, whatever helps to eliminate the "hurt"Â￾ of watching a black-dominated football team lose to a relatively white football team.

DWF Quote #4:
"I can't be upset,"Â￾ Jordan said. "I bleed green. The Eagles went beyond my expectations (this season.) I had faith in the Eagles the whole game. Green Bay's defense was unbelievable. Vick wasn't 100 percent."Â￾

*Oh, right, the "injury"Â￾ that occurred on the second 2-point conversion try and required absolutely no medical attention whatsoever. Wait, they were supposedly trying to "take Vick's helmet away"Â￾ so he couldn't get back into the game (an act of martyrdom). As Bart mentioned, the dramatic act of "faking"Â￾ an injury during challenging situations (and then "triumphantly"Â￾ returning the next series) has been perfected by black QBs such as Vince Young.

DWF Quote #5:
"I'm tired of losing,"Â￾ said Bensalem's Shane Obert-Thorn, 26. "I want winners."Â￾

*You, the drone-like, dim-witted, uncreative, blind, beer-guzzling, self-abhorring, treacherous, Negro-loving white hordes, have already "won."Â￾ In fact, thanks to your jock-sniffing endeavors, Team Evil is "undefeated."Â￾ You've been granted the special privilege of paying substantial amounts of money for the opportunity to observe unathletic, slow, short, small, uncoordinated, morbidly obese Negroes artificially dominate NFL rosters. Thus, black men are perceived (in the eyes of the automaton-masses) as superior athletes to white "boys."Â￾

Eagles Fans

Thanks for this. being I am from that area I will have to monitor this blog and set these a-holes straight...DWFs or DUBFs. And for Kolb's sake I would try to get out of dodge and go elsewhere!!
Quick poll:

Drunk Black Unemployeed Fans (DBUFs)or

Drunk Unemployeed Black Fans (DUBFs)?LOL]
Cassiodorus said:
Dissension: Ron Mexico's teammates take issue with His Magic Highness' clock management:


Yes, Cooper, Jackson and Vick relate what happened. It was Vick's decision.

Now watch Caste Clowns Mora and Billick spin the situation, absolving Vick of any culpability whatsoever and actually CLAIM it was a good move on his part.


They don't have the guts to openly criticise black QBs. If it had been a White QB instead of Vick there is no way they would have been so kind, so soft.No, they would have ripped him up one street and down the other.

i never thought i'd say that, but i agree with Vick, 4 downs are better than 3... however it takes a real QB to make the throw and since he isn't one, he ended up getting intercepted. shame about Cooper not getting a TD but i wouldn't have it any other way!
One of the negroes on NFL network, I believe it was Warren Sapp, was blaming Riley Cooper for Vick's game-clinching interception. He said you can't throw to Cooper with the game on the line, and that Cooper should have broken up the play.
Not to step on anyone's toes, but I've long thought that Philly fans were among the worst when it comes to turning on players quickly and (sometimes) undeservedly; will Iggles fans themselves start to turn on Ron M., I wonder, or will that ol' black magic carry him through another season or two? McNabb seems finally to have worn out his welcome before his trade.
Philly fans are also saying that they should trade the "worthless" Kolb while he still has some value. "They" speculate that he is worth maybe a 3rd round pick, at best, and "if some team gives up a 1st or a 2nd, we will laugh ourselves silly at them". These folks are seriously deluded if they doubt Kolb's ability. He will be a quality starter somewhere, and outperform Ron Mexico and his "crew".
FootballDad said:
Philly fans are also saying that they should trade the "worthless" Kolb while he still has some value.  "They" speculate that he is worth maybe a 3rd round pick, at best, and "if some team gives up a 1st or a 2nd, we will laugh ourselves silly at them".  These folks are seriously deluded if they doubt Kolb's ability.  He will be a quality starter somewhere, and outperform Ron Mexico and his "crew".

That's exactly what happened with Matt Ryan, of course, although for some inexplicable reason the commentariat suddenly decided that Roddy White, who was supposed to be a liability under Ron Mexico, was a superstar receiver.
Hey Cassiodorus, since Matty Ice was drafted after QB Dog Killer was already imprisoned, I think that the QB that you mean is Matt Schaub, who was run out of town by Atlanta DWF's who thought/still think that he sucks.
FootballDad said:
Hey Cassiodorus, since Matty Ice was drafted after QB Dog Killer was already imprisoned, I think that the QB that you mean is Matt Schaub, who was run out of town by Atlanta DWF's who thought/still think that he sucks.

You're right, I meant Schaub, who's proven himself as far as I'm concerned.
Has Will Herring been starting for the Seahawks? It seems that he is on the field for most plays. Craig Terrill is also on the field alot,as is Stokely. I'd almost be ready to declare the Seahawks a de facto 5 white starter team, when factoring all this in, still not much better than the odious Bears.Edited by: referendum
icsept said:
One of the negroes on NFL network, I believe it was Warren Sapp, was blaming Riley Cooper for Vick's game-clinching interception. He said you can't throw to Cooper with the game on the line, and that Cooper should have broken up the play.

Ofcourse the negroes support each other no matter what.

Where does an MVP QB throw the ball when he sees the following situation ?


Well, an MVP QB instantly recognizes that the receiver's inside path is blocked, so he throws the ball to the outside, where his receiver can make a play on it.

The pick was all on Convick. He threw it too short, and inside, instead of throwing it higher, and to the outside.
good post, alln2.

anyone who is being honest (and knows anything at all about football) should admit that the ball should've been thrown high and to the outside to let the taller, better-leaping wide receiver make a play on the ball ... as the play is designed to do, no less. however, conVick threw the ball short, low, and to the inside. so, please, tell me again how exactly it was Riley Cooper's fault that he didn't make the play. pfft.
Jimmy Chitwood said:
good post, alln2.
<div> </div>
<div>anyone who is being honest (and knows anything at all about football) should admit that the ball should've been thrown high and to the outside to let the taller, better-leaping wide receiver make a play on the ball ... as the play is designed to do, no less. however, conVick threw the ball short, low, and to the inside. so, please, tell me again how exactly it was Riley Cooper's fault that he didn't make the play. pfft.</div>

Was Vick's throw what would be called a "flick-of-the-wrist" throw?

I know one thing.. it was ugly and had no touch!
Edited by: Deadlift
Playoff notes:

No black QBs are left.. and several black coaches have already gotten eliminated (Fat Andy Reid, Clueless Caldwell, Slippery Sean Payton)...

Who's next? Well, in one game, it will either be Pete "Paint me Black" Carroll or Hatie "Good Times" Smiff.
I flipped my coin, it would be more fun to see Hatie Smiff lose a home game to a 8-9 team. After all, Pete "Blackface" Carroll has yet to ruin a significant amount of white careers during his tenure with the Seachickens compared to the legacy of Hatie, with his destruction of countless white careers.
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