2008 Olympics 100 Meter Results.

This is for sunshine and any others that are depressed over the 100 meters. To say we will never return to a prominent level in athletics is wrong in my opinion. Look at boxing. Whites have went from almost extinct like dinosaurs to dominating almost every division. We went from them saying there would never be another white heavyweight champion to Wlad dominating everyone like they are little kids with countless other white boxers waiting in the wings.

In Basketball, I have seen more white kids winning dunk contests in the last 5 years than I had in my whole life. Go to youtube and you can see probably at least 20 or 30 guys doing Kobe,MJ, Carter type dunks. The college national basketball player of the year has been white for three years in a row now! How is that not progress?

As for track. It will come. America is depressing because most kids would rather compete in the X Games than the olympics but all hope is not lost. Wariner and others are slowly spurring more interest in track. In the world junior championships, we saw whites win medals in the 100 & 200 meters. We won the gold and bronze in the 200! Some of these kids will develop. The laws of averages will eventually see many more Pickering types. The world of white athletes will get better. If only white american athletes fell in love with track, we would have seen many sub 10's by now just because with have around 160 million white athletes to choose from. If guys like Pickering can come out of small country like England, imagine what will happen if huge white countries fall in love with the sport. Give it time my friend. As Mcarther said, we shall return!Edited by: white lightning
Great motivational speech(or post), White Lightning.
I needed that.
wow what dominance!

that race reminded me of the "worlds" in Helsinki 1983 when Carl Lewis
found another gear to demolish the field while the rest (Wells, Narracott,
Emmit King, Calvin Smith) were pretty much bunched together.

The big difference in that 25 year time-span was that everybody was
4/10ths slower then.
Just saw the race. He slowed down! 9.69 after slowing down!

When asked what he thought he could have gone if he had not slowed down:

"I don't care about that."
Observer said:
Driving further, the people get whiter and the homes get larger and more spacious, the lawns more manicured --- and there are almost no white children outside unless it is an organized (usually school-based) activity. I did see school-based soccer practices; but where were the kids outside playing catch in their yards or playing a pick-up game of basketball?

A lot of white parents, mothers especially, have been brainwashed by the media to fear that pedophiles and child kidnappers are lurking everywhere. Many are irrational about it and so many kids are overprotected to a shameful degree. They hear statistics like 100,000 children per year disappear in the U.S., but aren't told that 99,950 of them are runaways. When a child is actually kidnapped it's a huge story in the area and often nationally. It very rarely happens. But whites have been trained to fear everything. It's taken a lot of the joy and spontaneity out of life.
Observer said:
sunshine said:
...I can't take anymore of this black guys smashing records left and right--and this guy does it with ease--while white sprinters are locked in a reverse time capsule getting slower rather than faster.
I hate sports as it is today...
Yes, things have changed, but I think it is understandable, at least judging from the little part of the world with which I am familiar. Driving through North Minneapolis in the summer, there is a flurry of black folks outdoors, walking, playing, fighting, shopping. Driving further, the people get whiter and the homes get larger and more spacious, the lawns more manicured --- and there are almost no white children outside unless it is an organized (usually school-based) activity. I did see school-based soccer practices; but where were the kids outside playing catch in their yards or playing a pick-up game of basketball? I saw only a single example of this (looked like a brother, his sister, and another boy) pick-up activity in the much larger caucasian areas, while there were dozens of examples in the much smaller black neighborhood.
Also, it is not likely to find many sprinter candidates when so many kids these days are simply fat.
Things have changed. I remember when it was different.

I would have to say I have a totally different experience with this. At my college, which is a rather large institution, all the recreational activities are dominated by white students. At our gym and recreational facility, the club sports and intramurals are nearly all white, as well as the people constantly working out just to be in shape, doing weights, swimming, raquetball, basketball etc. There are black students who participate as well, but not nearly as much.

The tennis courts and grass fields provided are usually being used by white students. Black students are not nearly as involved in these activities, and the school goes out of their way to cater to them, but they just aren't as interested.

When I go out into the community, the jogging/biking trails, pools, etc. is mostly white people.

The majority black schools have trouble fielding all the usual sports. Believe it or not, at smaller black schools they have trouble getting more than 20 guys to play football. Some of this is do to academic ineligibility, but mostly because many of the kids are not interested.

White parents get their kids involved early on in many different physical activities, and put their heart and soul into making the kids better. They drive long distances, pay lots of money, and get up at extremely early hours, etc., for their kids to do training in swimming, rowing, gymnastics, cheerleading, ballet, dance, baseball, soccer, etc. And as someone mentioned before, there are plenty of whites kids surfing, snowboarding, riding skate boards and biking for x-games type stuff, not to mention auto related things, among many other activities.

The big problem is that they pretty much are NOT doing this for sprinting. Some do it for basketball, but not the way black parents are devoted to it (which, as they won't do it for other sports). To me this explains why there's a concentrated talent pool of black athletes in sprinting and basketball, and not enough whites.

The only thing I can't explain is football, since so many white kids participate at early ages. Then again, if all the kids that where doing other things were training to be defensive backs, running backs, receivers, etc. things would be a lot different.

Also remember, white people aren't the only ones who can be fat, lazy, and inactive. Despite what some might try to portray, studies have actually shown that minorities are more afflicted with being overweight and obesity.

The issue is very complex, but I don't see the physical stock of white athletes declining, it's just that there's been a shift in the available athletes doing other things. This combined with overly positive belief in the abilities of black athletes, and the fact that the sports in which white people were being diminished were still popular to watch, is what has lead to the current situation. It's all part of the caste system.

I do hope these things change, and as white lightning pointed out there are some positive signs to could lead to improvements.

It is hard though when you see who's being glorified. I was in the electronics section of a store today, and was looking at the covers of all the sports games. Nearly all of them have black athletes on them. The exceptions were Madden 09, NCAA Football 09 (only the PS3 version), and auto racing. The rest were pretty much all black.

There's some things pointing up, but also a lot to overcome. I try to stay optimistic. Sorry for the long post!
full legal wind, a great start and a run through the tape and this guy is running 9.5X. all I can say is something stinks in tuna town. but there is some good news! I heard the blood samples they are taking from the athlete now will also be saved to be tested years later. that's why they are pulling so many vials from these guys. they want to nail them later when the detection technologies is better. and I bet you Gay, Powell & Bolt never thought of that option when they agreed to give blood samples:) silly negros! so its only a matter of time when the PEDS will come back to bite them in the ass. mark my word, in time we will find out that at least half of the finale was on something. there is a light at the end of the tunnel.
I want to respond to so many posts, but I'll try to do it in one shot here.

Sunshine, your alarmist thoughts are completely unfounded. So, a black man from Jamaica wins the 100m, and that's the end of the world as we know it? Have you been watching the rest of theOlympics? There's complete domination by white athletes, followed by a respectable showing from the East Asians. Most of the East Asian medals are from China, and that's expected from host countries anyway, plus they put unlimited resources towards training their athletes for these Olympics. As for black athletes, this is it for them. Track and Field is pretty much the only place they'll win medals, but I bet in the end the white/black medal counteven here would be very close. White athletes should do fine in all the various throwing events, mid-distances, and also theheptathlon and decathlon. If your sports world is confined to NBA basketball and T & F, then you can hate sports, but clearly, that's not the case.

Let's see: hockey, baseball, tennis, swimming, soccer, rugby, rowing, gymnastics, volleyball, all forms of auto-racing, non-NBA basketball, weight-lifting, wrestling, a good chunk of T&F, triathlon, cycling, boxing, mma, handball, water polo, I mean whiteathletes prettymuch own every sport in theworld.You really need to chill out a little bit.

Those who think Bolt is a drug cheat, well, he very well may be. We might learn that 5 years from now. But then again, he may also be clean. I only say that because he's freak of nature in terms of his body. He's not a typical sprinter at 6'5", and he's also only 21 years old, so we've never really seen anything like this. I watched the race, and it was an amazing performance. And until he's proven to be dirty, I see no reason to suspect the guy. Now, if this was a typical sprinter in terms of his size(ie: 5'11", 190lbs, compact body) and he ran a 9.69, I'd be the first line to say he's dirty.

And lastly, so what if a guy from a tiny island in the Caribbean is now the fastest man in the world? At 21, he'll now own this distance (and the 200m most likely) for years to come. I'm just glad this race is no longer the birth-right of black American sprinters, whose arrogant and condescending attitudehas always beentoo much for me to stomach. By what I've seen so far, Bolt and his countryman Asafa Powell don't quite come across as the hip-hop, gang-banging thugs like most black American athletes, they seem like decent guys. Let Jamaica have this one little thing. White athletes dominate most everything else, and I'm totally content with that.Edited by: foobar75
I got suspicious yesterday when I saw bolt run a 9.69, and jog the last 20 meters, with two other Jamaicans making the final. Now I've just seen the Jamaican Women take 1, 2 and 3 in the womens 100 meters. Somethings doesn't quite add up. Ok they love their sprinting, and they have good warm weather all year round, but there must be something else about Jamaica that allows them to dominate the world of sprinting.
When it's a predominately black country then it's natural and pure. If this was East Germany redux. The whispers about drugs would be loud and moustache and penis jokes would be joked out loud on message boards.......
It could be that the USA have finally cleaned up their act, due to the recent drug scandals, and the Jamaicans are benefiting. Places like Ghana, Nigeria, Namibia used to produce world class sprinters, plus there used to be European blacks who made it to the final. I think all 8 finalists yesterday were from the American continent, mostly Caribbean islands. I just think we will find out eventually what is going on. Thing about Bolt is though, I think he is such an amazing talent, if he is juicing I think he probably didn't even need to. It might have taken him a bit longer but he could have made it clean. And if he is doing drugs he should stop now and see how he goes on because drugs or no drugs that was the most amazing 100M sprint I have ever seen.
Bolt ran a 19.96 as a 16 year old(about to turn 17). That shows his talent. His wiry frame and height made coaches project him as a 200/400 guy. I think he juiced because all of sudden he had upper thighs of a bicycle rider and he has loped to times that drugged out of their mind guys can't do. 9.6X and you are cruising from 75 meters on is a joke, I don't care how naturally talented you are.....
devans said:
I got suspicious yesterday when I saw bolt run a 9.69, and jog the last 20 meters, with two other Jamaicans making the final. Now I've just seen the Jamaican Women take 1, 2 and 3 in the womens 100 meters. Somethings doesn't quite add up. Ok they love their sprinting, and they have good warm weather all year round, but there must be something else about Jamaica that allows them to dominate the world of sprinting.

My track club coach is Jamaican. He says anyone running under 10 is juicing, and that it's very easy to obtain PED's in his country. Almost all the sprinters there take something; in fact, he himself has admitted that he used to juice when he was in his mid twenties.
What's sad about the womens 100 meters is that the fastest time from the Jamaican Gold medal winner was 10.78; that is .01 second slower than what Bulgarian Ivet Lalova did in 2004 when she tied Irina Piralova as the fastest White women at 10.77 second.

Unforutnately for Lalova she never recovered from her 2005 injury and was running this year at like 11.40. Same goes for Yulia Nesterenka whose injuries also screwed up her time.

The womens 100 meters could have belonged to Whites had it not been for those two HUGE injuries
That is a very good point and Nesterenko was also the defending olympic 100 meter champion for the women. At least the women had around 6 white sprinters who made the semi finals. I was most dissapointed with K. Gavert. She ran a 11.10 early on but seemed to tire out. She has had a great career however despite never winning an olympic gold.
I'm going to show you guys something about the worlds new fastest woman from Jamaica. In one year she has went from a 11.31 down to a 10.78! Just imagine if Craig Pickering went from 10.20 down to 9.70 in one stinking year. This girl is only 21 and they are doing something crazy down there. It's impossible to improve that much that quickly. That kind of progression usually is impossible outside of one way. She is still innocent until proven guilty but come one now! Open your eyes people. No one is questioning Jamaica and their sprinters that much. If any white sprinter like Craig improved that much, they would be highly scrutinized and assumed guilty period. Evidence or not. They need to have better drug testing. Here is her progressions. Simply unheard of and unbelivable.
<DIV ="postcolor">Here is the improvement progression of Shelly Ann Fraser in the 100 and 200 meters. From 11.31 down to 10.78 in a single year over 100 meters. Let's see. That is a five meter improvement in a year.Not to mention a 200 meters improvement from 23.70 down to 22.15 in one year!

100 meters:

2004- 11.72
2005- 11.72
2006- 11.74
2007- 11.31
2008- 10.78

200 meters:

2004- 24.08
2006- 24.8
2007- 23.70
2008- 22.15
<DIV ="postcolor">
<DIV ="postcolor">
As for superman Usain Bolt:

Noway a man can coast 30 meters and still run a 9.69! What a joke!Edited by: white lightning

People don't question black athletic achievements because of black people's racist notion that they are superhumans, and white people's acquiescence with the idea (motivated either by guilt or stupidity). What's more, certain insecure white people in America tend to do everything in their power to undermine other whites and promote minorities. What they fail to realize when they do this is that they are being condescending, as if blacks are children and won't see right through their patronizing racism. It's like an uppity pat on the head of a dog for a racist white person (who thinks he isn't racist) to acknowledge rather questionable black athletic achievements (overly rapid performance progression, etc.) as legitimate, while insulting and implying dishonor among whites who do the same.

Which is exactly why nothing will ever change until those who accuse the racially aware of "racism" will finally get off their high and mighty horse and stop it with the bone throwing already.

BTW - sucks about Liu Xiang. Maybe a white guy can win the 110h though. Crossing my fingers! Edited by: GiovaniMarcon
the Jamaicans got their hands on some good sh*t, but those vials of blood they are given up are going to come back and haunt them :)
pretty much. i think every single black athlete out there is roided. i say we give the gold medal to craig pickering. the noble white man.
white4lyfe said:
pretty much. i think every single black athlete out there is roided. i say we give the  gold medal to craig pickering. the noble white man.

No one said all black athletes are roided. We were talking about the Jamaicans. Not all Africans have HIV either.... I guess not all multiculturalist trolls are stupid but far too many are, and they shouldn't pollute the world with their seed.
Some Jamaican who I'd never heard of before, who was given British citizenship in 2006, has come from nowhere to take the high jump Silver. I don't know if he has been "training" in the Caribbean or not.
albinosprint said:
the Jamaicans got their hands on some good sh*t, but those vials of blood they are given up are going to come back and haunt them :)

So, Usain Bolt and the rest of the Jamaicans can't win. If they're clean now, they'll surely be proven dirty later. And they're dumb for giving all these vials of blood for future testing (as if they have a say in the matter). What if they come back clean 4 years from now? Another 4 years? What happened to the presumption of innocence? No one is questioning our man Michael Phelps for destroying the competition at the pool. (or all the other swimmers, I mean, WR records were dropping like flies at the pool this year)

I'm just having a really hard time disliking Usain Bolt, honestly. I took one look at all the US 100/200 meter guys, and there's not one guy I'm rooting for.But Bolt, in addition to his superhuman 100 run, just seems like a typical 21 year old kid joking around and enjoying himself at the biggest stage, and there's nothing wrong with that.
I don't dislike Usain Bolt. I think there are two explanations for him to be able to jog away from the other fastest sprinters in the world and leave then a couple of meters behind him while running sideways with his arms open and then punding his chest at age 21.

1. He is a remarkable, unique, totally unrepresenatative member of the human race whose body is unlike the body of anyone else who has ever taken up sprinting by a long way.

2. He is a remarkably talented sprinter - possibly the best ever, plus he is on performance enhancing drugs.

You may choose to believe 1. I am leaning towards explanation number 2. If he were simpley the best ever sprinter the world had ever seen and was clean, I believe to win by 1 - 1.5 meters from the rest of the world you would have to run flat out. Or you could jog the last 20 meters and win by inches. Not both.
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