2008 Olympics 100 Meter Results.

foobar75, let me explain a few things. I'll make a few points for you. 1. the vials of blood they were given before the Olympics are part a new anti doping program that you have the choice to participate in. 2. Marion Jones went 6 years on steroids and was never caught with it in her urine or blood. 3. WR always drop in swimming almost ever meet, that's why I don't like swimming. its also possible that Phelps and every other WR setter in the pool this Olympics is on PEDs, but this isn't a swimming forum. lets just stick to track, OK. 4. what usain did was not as bad as the USA 4x1, but it was still pretty bad. instead of celebrating and showboating he should have ran his race through the line. so your telling me you don't think its funny that a small country like Jamaica all of a sudden has the both 100m stacked with runners? plus a sweep of the womens race with the gold medal winner with a .5 PR improvement?
devans said:
It could be that the USA have finally cleaned up their act, due to the recent drug scandals, and the Jamaicans are benefiting. Places like Ghana, Nigeria, Namibia used to produce world class sprinters, plus there used to be European blacks who made it to the final. I think all 8 finalists yesterday were from the American continent, mostly Caribbean islands. I just think we will find out eventually what is going on. Thing about Bolt is though, I think he is such an amazing talent, if he is juicing I think he probably didn't even need to. It might have taken him a bit longer but he could have made it clean. And if he is doing drugs he should stop now and see how he goes on because drugs or no drugs that was the most amazing 100M sprint I have ever seen.

Great post Devans. I pretty much agree with all your posts so far. Usain Bolt IMO is the most naturally talented sprinter of all time. He is a freak and as much as we like Pickering, a clean Pickering would not have a shot to beat a clean Usain unless Bolt had an awful race and Pickering ran his absolute personal best.

But for Usain to drop from 10.0x last year down to a 9.69, which was really more like a 9.55 if he runs through is ridiculously suspicious. The small island of Jamaica is absolutely dominating at 100 and 200 meters. I truly believe that most of the other nations have cleaned up their act, but the Carribean has not. I am actually pretty confident that Walter Dix as well as Gay is clean at this point. Dix's 9.91 is certainly possible even for a young black sprinter clean.

In Jamaica, the Bahamas etc. they are sprinting obsessed and juicing is part of the culture. The fame and fortune sprinting brings to the black youth on those islands, many who have grown up with next to nothing is very tempting to get involved with PEDs. There is much less shame in these nations of using them. Ben Johnson is still a huge hero in Jamaica.

If Bolt didn't use PEDs he probably still would have won gold, that is the sick part, he is that good. However, he is likely on something IMO to be able to do enough of a herculean workout regimen to improve that much that fast. He must have had some huge testosterone boosts. Bolt is the only man I honestly think ever who could possibly run a sub 9.8 clean. I have never seen a sprinter who strides as smoothly, long, fast and effortlessly as Bolt. And he's a fast starter to boot. He just flies down the track without even trying. I don't care if he is on PEDs. The likes of a man like this has never been seen before. But a 9.55-9.6 flat if he doesn't let up after a year of sprinting at 21 y.o. Get out of here. With the way Jamaica is dominating, I am pretty confident something is up.

I used to have the belief that it was humanly impossible to eclipse 9.85 without the juice. Now I am ready to say that a high 9.7x may be possible clean for one man and that would be Usain Bolt.

Maybe he will realize just how good he is and give up his PEDs. He hasn't been convicted yet, but in most peoples minds they know something is up. Here is to Usain Bolt winning Gold next Olympics the right way...And it just may be in a time of 9.79!
white4lyfe said:
you guys are unbelievable. white athletes are winning most of the gold medals in the olympics and suddenly a black guy wins one medal and its all doom and gloom. smh

True, but most place overinflated importance on "pure" speed. Even if the "purity" is steroid-laced "yams" in NW Jamaica.
albinosprint said:
the Jamaicans got their hands on some good sh*t, but those vials of blood they are given up are going to come back and haunt them :)

I hate to say it, but the dominance of the Jamaicans arouses my suspicions. They are just too dominant. Back in the 70s and 80s when the East Germans were so dominating i thought it was just because of their great system of athletic development, but we know that PEDs had a lot to do with it. Then, in 2000, there was Marion Jones. I look forward to learning what they did to get so fast.
When the Chinese sent swimmers to the Olympics with shoulders like NFL linebackers everybody was screaming they were juiced to the gills. But when a tiny nation nearly sweeps the sprints(and doesn't have this dominant a history)nothing smells rotten in the kingdom of Denmark?
Look at this stat. In the same amount of time Bolt covered 80 meters with 41
strides. the rest of the field covered 69 meters with 47 strides. bolt for a
rangy tall guy gets off the blocks quicker than expected--but still-- it isn't
exactly all quickness as the stride helped him most.
As for Peds--big ?. If as TJR suggests it helps blacks more than whites well
that would explain the decline of whites and surge of blacks--
Not proven yet but an interesting angle that needs to be addressed.
Interesting info sunshine. Most track coaches right now prefer stride rate over stride length for sprinting. Maybe they are wrong.

In swimming, distance per stroke is seen as more important, and the taller swimmers get, often the faster they can go.

Even by 1990, Tom Jager was measuring his 50 meter swims by strokes instead of seconds. His training involved reducing the number of strokes he took to cross the pool once. Not anything else. He said he could not get faster unless he decreased from 19 strokes to 18 strokes.
Whites won gold in Shot Put and Discus trow and tommorow Javelin.Whites have more powerfibers then blacks and blacks are maybe a little faster.Whites have won the most medals then mongoloids and last were the blacks
This is how I see it: the black race does have a slight advantage in straight line sprinting. They have thinner torsos and ankles. Would I give up strength for that 1/2 step advantage? Hell no! I'm glad my race is naturally stronger and, therefore, has historically never felt the evolutionaly need to run away from anyone. I'll take the weightlifting, wrestling, and boxing championships over a tuck-tale and run competition anyday.

With that being said, I still think that white sprinters could acheive more if their was more interest and confidence - but oh well. I just wish there was more exposure given to the strength events. Ancient Greece and Rome didn't ignore strength competitions- but now we here nary a word about it every 4 years. Edited by: Kaptain Poop
getting back to the subject of the Jamaicans being on roids? well last year in Osaka they ran the 4x1 in 37.89 and this year they set the WR of 37.10

now keep in mind the 37.89 is the fastest the Jamaicans ever ran in the 4x1 and it only ranked as 29th on the all time 4x1 list. this was almost the same team as last year except michael frater ran anderson marvin leg of the race. also, frater & carter have run PR this year. this is also the most medal winnings the Jamaicans have ever done in the olympics. smells to me like government sponsored doping. anyone who doesn't think they are doing something, I have a bridge for sale. and lets not talk about how bolt is 6'-5" because carl lewis was 6'-3" and even at his best (most likely on roids at time) ran 9.86

2" doesn't = 2 tenths
This might be the first time that all of the good Jamaican sprinters ran for Jamaica though. For 20 years, many have been running for other nations.
It`s just a matter of time before the Jamaicans get busted for PEDs. Why should we believe they are all clean when time and again we have seen the top people get nailed for drugs?

If Americans, Brits, Greeks and other countries` sprinters needed something extra to win more often than not, common sense dictates that the Jamaicans are no different.

And after watching a documentary the other day about how important running is in their country, the pressure to win in any way possible must be immmense. It may take some time, perhaps a long time, but the truth will finally come out.
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