2007 Raiders

latest report i read stated that he is in shape, or as much so as he can be.
The Raiders have cut safety Stuart Schweigert.
Apparently they say he wasn't making enough tackles. He averaged 6.3 tackles/start. The other (strong) safety, Michael Huff, averaged 5.3. Stuart had way more tackles than Huff last year as well. I can't say I'm familiar with the Raiders' specific scheme but usually one expects the strong safety to get more tackles.
This is what one site wrote about it:"[Schweigert] had 69 tackles and two interceptions last season but was often criticized by fans for missed tackles against the run."

Typical drunk white fan behavior. If the NFL is marked by anything, it's terrible tackling by defensive backs, yet players like Schweigert and Archuleta are crucified for it while the legions of blacks who make only rudimentary attempts to tackle always get a pass.

Looks like Al Davis is intent on challenging Jacksonville's crown for the blackest team this season.
Here's a very good, straightforward, common sense-filled article defending Stuart Schweigert. Notice all the lousy black safeties the writer mentions who have played for the Raiders in the past 16 years, and not one of them has had nearly the amount of invective and hate directed at him as has Schweigert. The drunk white fans take out their frustrations and racial self-loathing on their own kindand aren't even aware of it though it's so painfully blatant and unfair.
<H1 id=article-title>Oakland Raiders Fans Should Stop Hating on Stuart Schweigert</H1>
<DIV id=article- ="clearfix">

It's just too dang easy! It really is. Instead of watching the game, or in some cases re-watching the game, you can easily rely on a SportsCenter highlight to determine your viewpoint about a team, game, play, or player.

In some cases, such as former Raider Tyler Brayton getting caught kneeing punk Jeremy Stevens in the family jewels on prime time, these mini-clips can make a player look completely different than what they truly are. In Brayton's case, the mild mannered, hard-working defensive end that rarely made highlight-reel plays was determined to be the prototypical Raider hoodlum, which couldn't be further from the truth.

In the case of Stuart Schweigert, these mini-clips can make you look like an awfully bad football player. Whether it was a Ladanian Tomlinson touchdown run, a Tony Gonzalez touchdown catch, or any of Denver's running backs dragging him for ten more yards, Raider Nation and the haters both looked at him as the culprit for the big momentum shift.

I'm not blind. If you are looking for a hard hitting, snot jarring, play-making safety, Schweigert is not going to be your first choice. While I think he could be a playmaker in the right defense, thanks to his speed and soft hands, he was never to be confused with George Atkinson or Jack Tatum. He just never has had the killer instinct to be that enforcer in the secondary, which the Raiders have so desperately needed over the past few years...Ok, the past decade...alright, since Ronnie Lott donned the Silver and Black.

So, with Raider Nation expecting a Lott, Schweigert was doomed to disappoint. But think of all the safeties before him? Besides Rod Woodson and Eric Turner, name a safety over the past 15 years to wear the patched-eyed bandit on his helmet that didn't disappoint.

Can anyone say that Schweigert was worse than Anthony Dorsett? How about Derrick Gibson? Sure, he was no Vann McElroy, but he wasn't one of those first guys either. Does anyone reading this think Calvin Branch was better? Ok, I'll give you Eddie Anderson, but that's a close call.

Would you like to see the rest of the list? Patrick Bates, Chris Carr, Perry Carter, Rickie Dixon, Torin Dorn, Hiram Eugene, Johnie Harris, James Hasty, Derrick Hoskins, Carl Kidd, Dan Land, Albert Lewis, Lorenzo Lynch, Keyon Nash, Elvis Patterson, Reggie Tongue, James Trapp, Denard Walker, Lionel Washington, and Brock Williams, are the players listed as DB's who were notable or played for more than one season in the Raiders' secondary since Lott moved on to the Jets.

Out of that bunch, I'd be willing to give you Dan Land and Albert Lewis as guys who were as good or better than Schweigert as a Raider. So, in 16 years, the Raiders have had four or five guys who were as good or better than Schweigert play safety. Better yet, none of those guys were even in the league over the past five years.

The biggest complaint that I read and hear is that Schweigart couldn't tackle, yet in the only year that he's started all 16 games, he had 107 tackles. That's a linebacker number! I also hear that he didn't take good angles to the tackle. Hmm, normally when you saw Schweigert looking out of position, it's because he was out of position for a strong safety or linebacker.

People forget, or don't know, that with his speed, Schweigert covered a lot of ground, and that was his downfall with the Raiders. Many of the out of position tackles he was making were cover-ups for strong safeties like Derrick Gibson or linebackers like Sam Williams.

The fact that his number was called so often should've been a sign to Raider Nation that this guy wasn't the problem. Instead, he's been booed and vilified on message boards as 'terrible.' If you must blame anyone for the lack of an enforcer in the secondary, blame the person who picked Michael Huff to be a strong safety.

Yeah, I'm a Raiders fan that thinks highly of Stuart Schweigert, so? I'm not even going to remind everyone that he was the type of professional athlete that a fan could be proud of, with his community service, team first attitude, and willingness to meet with fans. So yeah, I'm a fan of his too.

So long Stu, I hope that your career winds up being long, and that you don't come back to haunt the Raiders when it counts. I'll still root for you, other than games that the Raiders face you. Whatever you do, don't even think about running your mouth like Chris Carr or Jerry Porter, because then it won't matter what I think of you now. If that happens, then I'll know that all of my good feelings about you will have been for nothing.

Rob Calonge writes for Thoughts from the Darkside on MVN.com. More Raiders stories and articles by Rob can be found at http://mvn.com/nfl-raiders

http://www.bleacherreport.com/articles/24797-Oakland-Raiders -Fans-Should-Stop-Hating-on-Stuart-Schweigert-220508 Edited by: Don Wassall
I did not know Raiders fans did not like him.

White defenders in football probably have the same problem as white centers in basketball. Anytime they play help defense, because their black teammate let somebody get past, they risk the crowd seeing them fail.

If I was a white center in basketball, I would never try to make help blocks. This is the number 1 way to have a black player dunk on you, which might be the only thing the crowd notices about your play.

People see white, they see you fail, they don't realize you are doing help defense, they think the white guy is the problem and want to get rid of him.
That's a great article Don. I'm glad you posted it. I will probably add that to my saved collection of articles about bias against white players. I need a few more drunken white fan articles to prove a point!
Had just cut that column out and was about to paste it ... and here it was.

I followed Schweigert since high school. Had never heard of him until the state track finals his junior year, where he beat crosstown (Saginaw) rival Charles Rogers to win the 100 meters. At the time, Rogers had been touted by the Detroit Free Press as a future Olympian.

Stu was a stud quarterback in h.s.
The Raiders have to be up there with the anti-white treatment they give players. I hope Schweigert is able to catch on with another team and is used correctly as a ballhawking FS rather than the caste position of SS.
Notes from Raiders camp: JaMarcus is fat and has no clue what he's doing; WR Javon Walker, who signed a $55 million contract in the offseason, is slow and can't separate from defenders. Just another day in the life of the NFLwith its grotesque affirmative action and set-aside policies. I hope the Raiders lose all 16 of their games this year.

[url]http://myespn.go.com/blogs/hashmarks/0-7-424/Raiders--camp-n otes.html[/url]
I'll hop on that band wagon with you Don! 0-16 would be nice to me
I was wondering how old cantaloupe shoulders was doing.

I'll bet he's close to three bills.
The story about Javon Walker is pretty funny, however, it's a shame it happened to an "afflete" who is actually not that bad of a guy (compared to a typical thug).

Nevertheless, I like seeing overpaid prima-donnas getting robbed and beaten. Makes you wonder where all that "brotherly" love has gone? I'm sure his many diamond-incrusted chains, earings, braclets, and his fat wallet were taken. If this had happened to say, Leonard Little, Ray Lewis, Chad Johnson, TO, Chris Henry, Mike Vick...it would have been alot funnier and more deserved. Either way, still pretty funny...almost like when Shawn Merriman's super-expensive car was stolen and torched, haha.
I'm reading more on the saga of Javon Walker. One article says he wanted out of Denver and a fresh start after Bronco teammate Darrent Williams "died in his arms" (sounds like the Brokeback Mountain version of "Love Story") after being shot in the limousine being shared by Walker, Williams, Brandon Marshall and others. Williams was supposedly shot after some gang members objected to having champagne sprayed on them in a Denver club.

So what wasthis geniusdoing with his "fresh start" as a Raider, but spending two straight nights spraying30 bottles of Dom Perignon Rose champagne on people in Vegas clubs? These are upscale clubs, probably everyone there has on clothes they've spent a good deal of money to buy, who the hell wants to be sprayed with a sticky liquid like champagne? Is this the latest national trend to emanate from the ghetto?

Will be interesting to find out what really brought about Walker's beating, given that Vegas was saturated with surveillance cameras long before it became the craze all throughout the "Land of the Free." This iswhat Walker told a website called TheDirty.com:

"I was just back at my room, and at about 5:30 in the morning, I got a knock at the door. I opened it, and three guys with guns were there. They cracked me in the head a few times, knocking me unconscious. They then robbed me of everything I had: my watch, money, everything. Somehow they got me to a car and dropped me off in the street. That's what happened." Walker lost $3,000 in cash and $100,000 in jewelry.

That story soundsmost unlikely to me. With all the cameras and security in Vegas hotels and casinosit's unimaginable that a group of thugs would be able to carry an unconscious person from his hotel room outside into a car. And didn't the genius look through his peephole to see who might be banging on his door at 6 in the morning?

Given blacks' well-known trait of freely resorting to fiction when questioned, it'll probably be up to the footage from surveillance cameras to sort out what happened.Edited by: Don Wassall
Ricky Brown is a starting SLB for Raiders as of now. we'll see if this lasts for this BC grad.
and now theyv waived another corner, giving Sanchez more of a shot at making roster plus they claimed Luke Lawton!
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