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  1. C

    RB - Sam McGuffie

    I just saw him on the tv show hosted by Pat Summerall, Superstars of Tomorrow. McGuffie looked amazing. He has great agility and speed. I saw he is going to play at Michigan. Like everyone else here, I hope they let him play running back.
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    Jena 6 defendants present BET Awards

    Standing ovation?? For what?? This is so beyond dispicable I can't even say anything more.
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    vince young

    Here are the stats of the newest great black hype at QB, Vince Young. This is the guy who made the cover of Madden? Gimmie a break. Rank: 31 Att: 128 Comp: 79 %: 61.7 Yards: 745 TD: 3 INT: 6 QB rating: 66.0
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    NFL is London this weekend

    If the long term goal of the NFL is to expand and make it an international game, it's really ironic that they think it's going to happend while this send players like this overseas to represent this game and our country. What a f**king dumbass. I hope they lock him up in the hotel so he...
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    Sick of Paris/Mindless Fluff, etc.

    Tired Old White, Most celebs are rich because they're famous. But Paris Hilton is famous just for being rich. She didn't do anything but be the heir to her daddy's fortune and grouping at posh LA parties. I don't hate her for being rich. I hate her for being a self centered attention whore...
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    Sick of Paris/Mindless Fluff, etc.

    I've been thinking the same thing. I hate celebrity worship. It just sickens me to the core. I could not care less about paris hilton.
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    Toughest CF members

    KG, thats what I'm talking about. Good idea. We all need to meet up in sports bars during big games and start obnoxiously calling attention to every anti-white comment made by having us all loudly repeat it for the whole bar to hear and doing a shot. I'm sure we'll turn some heads. That might...
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    Toughest CF members

    Y'know, I've always talked a lot of sh*t in here about standing up and not taking any bullsh*t and I'll stand behind those words, and any of you in here. I live in the northern Virginia area.Most of us may be just cyber friends, butif anyone in here in this geographical area, need any "back up,"...
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    You don’t think blacks wanted Rampage..

    I agree with the premise behind this topic, but really, who is surprised blacks wanted rampage to win? I'm even less surprised how they acted after the fight. When have blacks, in general,ever handled winning with any class whatsoever?
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    The natural state of the world is Darfur

    I thought previously that Ann Coulter would be one of the last people in the country to realize that BOTH, not just one of, the political parties ruling this country are a complete joke. We have gotten to a point, as White Americans, where we are afraid to defend ourselves, as individuals...
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    the state of heavyweight boxing

    It doesn't matter to me what nationality they are. They're white men. And it disproves the myth we can't box. I put our race above nationality. Now, they need to make some kind of attempt to unify the belt for the heavyweight division to get any respect from the media.
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    True Story

    What ever happened with this situation?
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    Importing a Slave Class

    "Don't you mean there's nothing more we can do to them, short of flattening what remains of Iraqi society?" Um yeah, sure. They seem determined to flatten it themselves. Doesnt' really matter though. Israel got what they wanted. One less country capable of attacking them.
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    Importing a Slave Class

    Not that the democratic party isn't a joke.Case in point, people voted them in because they ran on a platform of pulling out of Iraq, for which I agree there is nothing more we can do for them, but they turn right around and rubber stamp a continuation of it. No surpise, they got what the...
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    Fox headline Liddel’s defaet

    I wonder when the movie is coming out about how Jackson overcame the odds and racial bigotry within the UFC to become the champ. Yeah, I can see it now...they'll portray Dana White as some closet Klansmen, trying to pull strings and set Jackson up for falls. Chuck Liddell will be portrayed as a...
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    Importing a Slave Class

    Yeah, but I don't know where she gets off just pointing the finger at Democrats. There are plenty of rich Republicans who love paying them dirt under the table too. This is all part of the globalist agenda, which both parties are pawns of. Voting for either one is merely an illusion of...
  17. C

    The Knoxville Murders

    I don't know if someone has already said this but...a few young, college student white men, accused of raping a black stripper, the media is all over it for months. 3 black thugs and a black chick kidnap, torture, rape, and kills 2 white college students, not a f**king peep out of the media...
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    Let me introduce myself

    Mike, I know there are a lot of good black athletes out there not getting into trouble, and aren't starting ina starting positionjust becausethey are believed to be superior athletes. I really like Warrick Dunn, for example. The kinds of things he does to help people gets 1 second of air time...
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    The Truth About Rape in the U.S

    i saw that too. beat me to it, shogun. but no, not surprised. the only thing i was even mildy surprised about was that there were no, none, zero white man rapes of black women.
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    What about Pat Buchanan? He should be president. I don't like everything about him, but I hear him. He's kind of like a "We all know what needs to be done" kind of guy.
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    Ohio State wide receivers

    It just makes me want to choke these people.
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    Where are the black golfers

    There's an easy answer to why there are no black golfers.You can't caste golf.There is no subjective way to judge the talent like there is in other sports. I don't care how you look at it, there is no way you claim a black golfers' 77 is somehow better than a white golfers' 67. Edited by: cutty
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    Africa, Slavery, and Colonization

    The biggest misconceptions about the history of slavery in regards to American history is that white Europeans arrived in a flourishing Africa, went far into the interior to find and chase down Africans, threw nets over them, and dragged them kicking and screaming back to the ship. That Africa...
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    white athletes-what annoys you?

    Jason Williams. Hands down most annoying white athlete. The only explanation I could have for a white man from West Virginia who acts like Williams is that he's insecure about where he came from.
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    Personally, I think the funniest thing Rocky ever said was in part I. It was after the fight was over and he was standing there screaming over and over "ADRIAAAAN, ADRIAAAAN." And when Adrian finally got to the ring, the first thing he says to her is "Adrian...where's your hat?" The timing...