Fox headline Liddel’s defaet

May 1, 2006
Fox news which pretty much ignores MMA has as it head Line feature on the web site Chuck Liddel being defeated. Guess MMA was not legitamate unless there is a black Champion.
And then the deluge...
UFC was on the cover of Sports Illustrated this week. I believe that's the first time that's happened. It was labeled "America's Fastest Growing and Most Controversial Sport." After last night's racially "PC" results it's likely the hype will continue.

Oh, and the actual SI article on UFC is found right after the obligatory oneon black goalie Ray Emery, wherein we find he's far and away "the NHL's coolest player." And also a "deep sleeper."
Sportscenter also gave Rampage's win much more attention than any other UFC fight ever. They replayed the knock-out at least five-times in one show. The attention may back-fire as Rampage's reign is sure to not last long. I'll be interested in seeing how often they replay it on sportscenter when Rampage gets KOed.

Overall though, the more attention to this sport the better. A couple of years ago some people were afraid that blacks were taking over NCAA wrestling as they had a handful of non-white champions one year. Last year I believe all the champions were white and order was restored to the sport. The same will happen with the UFC. It's just a matter of how much attention will it recieve when all of the champions are white. Will they begin to ignore it like they do HW boxing?
Kaptain Poop said:
Sportscenter also gave Rampage's win much more attention than any other UFC fight ever.

Probably just a coincidence. The is no agenda against whites. Only those of us at Castefootball are foolish enough to believe otherwise.
Bart said:
Kaptain Poop said:
Sportscenter also gave Rampage's win much more attention than any other UFC fight ever.

Probably just a coincidence. The is no agenda against whites. Only those of us at Castefootball are foolish enough to believe otherwise.

You're right, Bart. Just ask "Joe SixPack."
smiley5.gif also had a nice big shot of Rampage standing over Chuck cocking to punch him in their rolling pics on the home page. I've never seen MMA covered by the site in the past.

But, am I surprised? Not at all.
Just for the record, it's monday and sportscenter replayed the clips from the fight at least three times this morning. Any bets on how long it will take them to stop replaying clips of the knockout?
Kaptain Poop said:
Just for the record, it's monday and sportscenter replayed the clips from the fight at least three times this morning. Any bets on how long it will take them to stop replaying clips of the knockout?

What no vid of Jeremy Wariner kicking by some guy from the Congo to win his last race? Why is that? I wonder.....?
I don't watch ESPN at all anymore, so I'll have to take your word for it. I thought I read or heard somewhere though that they showed some clips of Serra's KO of St. Pierre. Anyone know if this is true?

The UFC is picking up major steam and has been for a while, but I'm sure that having a black fighter KO someone like Chuck Liddell is a story ripe for the picking by the MSM. I wonder if they will show the clips so frequently, or at all, when Anderson Silva or Rampage loses?
White Shogun said:
The UFC is picking up major steam and has been for a while, but I'm sure that having a black fighter KO someone like Chuck Liddell is a story ripe for the picking by the MSM. I wonder if they will show the clips so frequently, or at all, when Anderson Silva or Rampage loses?

Rampage may have beaten Liddell, but despite all the b.s., I'm still not convinced that he's the best their is right now. Liddell is known mainly as a striker, not a submission man. He should have known going into this fight that he probably wasn't going to outpunch Jackson (which he obviously didn't). So, I think that it was more a matter of parallel styles than anything else.

When Rampage goes toe to toe with someone who is known for their submissions, then we'll see how good he really is. I know of a handful of Russians and Eastern Euros that I'm sure will punish him violently and painfully. Any Russian/Eastern Euro will take a fight with Jackson far more personally than Liddell did, as we generally don't like blacks altogether, and would be disgraced upon losing to one. He may be champion right now, but he won't be for long.
I wonder when the movie is coming out about how Jackson overcame the odds and racial bigotry within the UFC to become the champ. Yeah, I can see it now...they'll portray Dana White as some closet Klansmen, trying to pull strings and set Jackson up for falls. Chuck Liddell will be portrayed as a Nazi skinhead who vandalized Jackson's locker before the fight with swastikas. Not like this movie would be original, but since when does Hollywood care about originality, or accurate history? Edited by: cutty
cutty said:
I wonder when the movie is coming out about how Jackson overcame the odds and racial bigotry within the UFC to become the champ.

Rumor has it that Dan Wetzel, Spike Lee, Futuregohan, and Menelik are collaborating on a script as we speak.
Bart said:
cutty said:
I wonder when the movie is coming out about how Jackson overcame the odds and racial bigotry within the UFC to become the champ.  

Rumor has it that Dan Wetzel, Spike Lee, Futuregohan, and Menelik are collaborating on a script as we speak. 


But not Futuregohan, out of that list he's probably the only one with a sense of decency.
jaxvid said:
Bart said:
cutty said:
I wonder when the movie is coming out about how Jackson overcame the odds and racial bigotry within the UFC to become the champ.

Rumor has it that Dan Wetzel, Spike Lee, Futuregohan, and Menelik are collaborating on a script as we speak.

But not Futuregohan, out of that list he's probably the only one with a sense of decency.

Hate to burst your bubble my friend. After hearig a loud crash, I scampered away from my computer to discover my living room window had been shattered. I was stunned and startled, but the sound of loud Reggae caused me to come to my senses. I bolted through my front door just in time to catch a glimpse of a rusty white vanpeeling rubber and speeding away. It was getting dark, but I'm positive the driver had dreadlocks and was wearing a Bob Marley tee shirt.

Returning to my home,Ifound an empty bottle of Jamaican rum on the floor, which had been hurled through the window. I examined it closely and much to my surprise noticed within it a rolled sheet of paper.What do you know? It was the first page of a script our boys had been working on.Just then, my next door neighbor, who is a cop,burst in and told me he heard thecommotion and was able to snagthe van'splate number. Seemsitwasregistered to a Richard Lapchick, who had bought it from some Israeli art students. But that's another story.

Haven't finished reading all of it yet,butthe premise is about a black, calypso singer who tries his hand at MMA fightingand iselevated to stardom after beatingacolorful white champion named Buck. After going back to Africa in search of his roots,Scampageis amazed to learn his great, great, great, great, great grandpappywas Shaka Zulu, the famous military genius, who invented the short spear. Well Jaxvid, can you put two and two together, or do I have to spell it out for you?
Wow, Bart, that is some tale! Great post!
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