white athletes-what annoys you?


Hall of Famer
Jan 7, 2006
Here is a list of the top five things that annoy me about white athletes.
1. white athletes who sacrifice their careers by allowing coaches to move them out of position instead of the one they starred at in high school and/or college.
2. white athletes who have Nelly Furtado, Ludacris, Snoop Dogg and others on their Ipod trying just a little too hard to fit in. I would be ok with this if the occasional black athlete had Sara Evans, Toby Keith, Trace Adkins, etc..on his Ipod. Black athletes are not pressured into being multicultural..white athletes are.
3. White athletes sporting brutha type hairdoes and spending to much time in the tanning salon. Grow your hair out and realize that white skin is beautiful

4. white athletes like former Lions qb Joey Harrington who lets a teammate call him out in the media (Dre Bly) and doesn't defend himself or man up in responce.
5. white athletes who let themselves be casted by the media and go out with nary a whimper. If someone calls you a blue-collar overachiever and you know for a fact that you are a exceptional athlete..say so...If you know you lost your starting postion not because of being out performed in practice but because the other guy suppossedly has more upside or potential..say something. any thoughts on this...anything to add to the list.Edited by: guest301
Jason Williams. Hands down most annoying white athlete. The only explanation I could have for a white man from West Virginia who acts like Williams is that he's insecure about where he came from.
The music thing I don't get. Why do I want Toby Keith on my iPod? What's wrong with Nelly Furtado? Anyway, where's your 60s and 70s rock, heretic?

I'm not big on the guys who buy into the "blacker is better" mentality. Hated it in high school, hate it today. I think The Office parodied it, with a bunch of white guys beating a bunch of affaletes who didn't play basketball, but were chosen because they were big and black.
This post annoys me. Does it realy matter what a white athlete has in therir ipod. This post is repetitive of coarse we don't like it when white athelets get pushed around thats why were on this site.

As long as the white athlete is an overblown Wigger I could care less about their personal lifes.Edited by: white tornado
white tornado said:
This post annoys me. Does it realy matter what a white athlete has in therir ipod. This post is repetitive of coarse we don't like it when white athelets get pushed around thats why were on this site.

As long as the white athlete is an overblown Wigger I could care less about their personal lifes.
Nobody said you had to care. The basic point was black people are not required to be multicultural..only white people are. They get to love everything that's black without anybody giving them trouble or making fun of them for it. Thats why Karl "the Mailman" Malone was such a exception to the rule. He was a black redneck from the bayous of Louisiana, love to hunt and fish and drive around in his 18 wheeler.
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
The music thing I don't get. Why do I want Toby Keith on my iPod? What's wrong with Nelly Furtado? Anyway, where's your 60s and 70s rock, heretic?

I'm not big on the guys who buy into the "blacker is better" mentality. Hated it in high school, hate it today. I think The Office parodied it, with a bunch of white guys beating a bunch of affaletes who didn't play basketball, but were chosen because they were big and black.
If you have to ask what's wrong with Nelly Furtado, something is wrong with you
. I do like some hip hop music occasionally, but it's rare. Trust me, I would have plenty of classic rock and some heavy metal on my ipod to go with my country music.
What do I dislike about white athletes? That there aren't more of them in the NFL.

I don't care if they're wigros and listen to Tupac Shakur; I want white men on the field.
White Shogun said:
What do I dislike about white athletes? That there aren't more of them in the NFL.

I don't care if they're wigros and listen to Tupac Shakur; I want white men on the field.

I hear you, Shogun. Your post was very succinct and to the point. However I would say that it bothers me that every black athlete is seen as representing his entire race and every white athlete is seen as representing nobody but himself. I was called a racist once in the army watching a playoff game between the Bucks and Larry Bird led Celtics. They said I was racist for rooting for the Celtics but when I pointed out all the love they had for the black dominated Bucks and Lakers, they didn't recognize the connection or feel it was relavant. Danny Ainge got hurt in that game and they cheered for it. I never root for anybody to get injured in a sporting event unless they are a dirty player who purposely injures others.Edited by: guest301
Nelly Furtado is pretty hot but I heard she was bi. I find bi chicks to be extremely slutty and that kind of thing turns me off
guest301 said:
Nobody said you had to care. The basic point was black people are not required to be multicultural..only white people are. They get to love everything that's black without anybody giving them trouble or making fun of them for it. Thats why Karl "the Mailman" Malone was such a exception to the rule. He was a black redneck from the bayous of Louisiana, love to hunt and fish and drive around in his 18 wheeler.

Didn't Malone get into some sort of trouble with Kobe's wife a few years back? She asked what he was hunting, and he told her, 'little spanish girls' or something.
"Wiggaz" in general are beyond annoying. They're sheeple with identity crisises to begin with. The problem is the "multiculturalism" crap is pushed by the Globalist Elite controlled "mainstream" media. Beyond that not much annoys me about white atheletes (in general). I pretty much pull for the white atheletes on all levels!

P.S. - Former UNC Tarheel & Cleveland Cav center Brad Daugthery has a little "black redneck" in him...

Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
What's wrong with Nelly Furtado?

What's wrong with Nelly Furtado? For one thing, she's a sp*c whore who dances in a very slutty manner with a black rapper named Timbaland in her video "Promiscuous Girl". Is that enough of a reason or do you need more?Edited by: Ground Fighter
Ground Fighter said:
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
What's wrong with Nelly Furtado?

What's wrong with Nelly Furtado? For one thing, she's a sp*c whore who dances in a very slutty manner with a black rapper named Timbaland in her video "Promiscuous Girl". Is that enough of a reason or do you need more?

I don't think she's hispanic, but rather of Portuguese descent, but I do agree that she has turned into somewhat of a whore. I liked her when she did her first album but now since she's hooked up with (c)rappers on her latest album, she has gone the Britney and Christina route
DixieDestroyer said:
FYI, all this "mainstreaming" and lionizing of rap-is-crap & pushing female "stars" to come off like little whores is totally intentional/by-design gentlemen....

Of course it is. Thats how the "powers that be" mind-f*ck the American public, especially young females.
Lance Alworth said:
Ground Fighter said:
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
What's wrong with Nelly Furtado?

What's wrong with Nelly Furtado? For one thing, she's a sp*c whore who dances in a very slutty manner with a black rapper named Timbaland in her video "Promiscuous Girl". Is that enough of a reason or do you need more?

I don't think she's hispanic, but rather of Portuguese descent, but I do agree that she has turned into somewhat of a whore. I liked her when she did her first album but now since she's hooked up with (c)rappers on her latest album, she has gone the Britney and Christina route

I know her type. She's just hispanic enough to run around screaming about much of a "latina" she is, and how proud she is of her heritage. As far as I'm concerned, she's nothing more than a "n*gger-mattress" (i.e.- a female who sleeps with blacks).Edited by: Ground Fighter
Ground Fighter said:
Lance Alworth said:
Ground Fighter said:
Matt_Bowen_Fan said:
What's wrong with Nelly Furtado?

What's wrong with Nelly Furtado? For one thing, she's a sp*c whore who dances in a very slutty manner with a black rapper named Timbaland in her video "Promiscuous Girl". Is that enough of a reason or do you need more?

I don't think she's hispanic, but rather of Portuguese descent, but I do agree that she has turned into somewhat of a whore. I liked her when she did her first album but now since she's hooked up with (c)rappers on her latest album, she has gone the Britney and Christina route

I know her type. She's just hispanic enough to run around screaming about much of a "latina" she is, and how proud she is of her heritage. As far as I'm concerned, she's nothing more than a "n*gger-mattress" (i.e.- a female who sleeps with blacks).

Are people from Portugal even considered to be Latino(a)? They speak a different language (Portuguese rather than Spanish) and have their own history as well separate from Spain. I always saw Nelly Furtado as a dark-skinned mediteranian white woman of southern european stock, but I do agree she has turned into a major mud shark since hooking up with Timbaland on her latest album. Remember the saying, once you go black, we don't want you back!
That dumb skank is of European heritage. Come to find out, she's
also a Canadian. I think it's funny how some people of direct
European decent qualify as a minority, and some do not.
Lance Alworth said:
Nelly Furtado is pretty hot but I heard she was bi. I find bi chicks to be extremely slutty and that kind of thing turns me off

Good for you! I'm glad I'm not the only one. As a young man, we're pretty much expected to be into "girl on girl action." It's all the rage these days, but I'm not into it at all.
JD074 said:
Lance Alworth said:
Nelly Furtado is pretty hot but I heard she was bi. I find bi chicks to be extremely slutty and that kind of thing turns me off

Good for you! I'm glad I'm not the only one. As a young man, we're pretty much expected to be into "girl on girl action." It's all the rage these days, but I'm not into it at all.

I find it to be incredibly stupid and retarded. Take a look on myspace and you will see tons of trendy (most of them alternative or goth) bi chicks on there. You know the types.... the ones that hate the Gap but think they're so different and unique because they shop at Hot Topic (which ironically is owned by Gap) I love to ridicule these idiots
Howard Stern pretty much started this lesbian craze. It's completely irrational for heterosexual males to be obsessed over women having sex with other women. Uh... fellas, where does that leave you? It's also almost exclusively a white phenomenon; you don't see black girls all over each other on t.v. and radio shows, and you certainly don't see black men obsessing over lesbianism. The ones who are buying into this inexplicable fad are the same white male yahooies in the stands at pro sporting events; hoisting their beers, ready to defend the honor of "their" majority black team by fighting other drunk white males. They also have been known to come to football games in sub-freezing weather without shirts, painting their bodies with slogans designed to inspire "their" black majority teams. Stern (and many of his copycat D.J.s) also has developed a habit of asking his female guests if they've slept with any black guys. If this becomes a real obsession with him (like lesbianism), you can bet that these same white male yahooies will be "into it" as well, perhaps fighting each other over who can get which black guy to sleep with their white girlfriend. Edited by: bigunreal
bigunreal said:
The ones who are buying into this inexplicable fad are the same white male yahooies in the stands at pro sporting events; hoisting their beers, ready to defend the honor of "their" majority black team by fighting other drunk white males. They also have been known to come to football games in sub-freezing weather without shirts, painting their bodies with slogans designed to inspire "their" black majority teams. Stern (and many of his copycat D.J.s) also has developed a habit of asking his female guests if they've slept with any black guys. If this becomes a real obsession with him (like lesbianism), you can bet that these same white male yahooies will be "into it" as well, perhaps fighting each other over who can get which black guy to sleep with their white girlfriend.

I couldn't agree with you more. Stern is finally getting what he deserves now that he is on XM Radio, and not regualr mainstream stations. He has almost no listeners anymore, because a lot of his fans ditched him for another radio program called "The Opie and Anthony Show".

As for the White idiots who clobber the crap out of one another over their respective predominantly-black sports teams...these people should be taken out back and shot. I almost got into a bit of a scrum with one of these idiots at a Jets game last year. You see, when I go out someplace, I tend to dress nicely. Well, apparently, this particular moron (in the row behind me at Giants stadium) had a problem with the business-style leather jacket that I had on, to which he then (in his drunken stupor) started loudly calling me "preppie". I felt so sorry for him, that I just let it go. In the long run, its not worth getting arrested over, and having my career ruined with a criminal record, because of some sub-human's idiotic behavior at a football game. Its also reasons like this, that I'm glad my parents got me into hockey at a young age, instead of football or basketball. Hockey tends to attract far less people like this (White idiots who are black nut-huggers), in both the game and in the stands.

The only time that I will ever throw down with someone is if I'm physically attacked or if one of the bruthas gets "too close" to my lovely other-half. Other than that, I maintain a very calm persona.
Ground Fighter said:
bigunreal said:
The ones who are buying into this inexplicable fad are the same white male yahooies in the stands at pro sporting events; hoisting their beers, ready to defend the honor of "their" majority black team by fighting other drunk white males. They also have been known to come to football games in sub-freezing weather without shirts, painting their bodies with slogans designed to inspire "their" black majority teams. Stern (and many of his copycat D.J.s) also has developed a habit of asking his female guests if they've slept with any black guys. If this becomes a real obsession with him (like lesbianism), you can bet that these same white male yahooies will be "into it" as well, perhaps fighting each other over who can get which black guy to sleep with their white girlfriend.

I couldn't agree with you more. Stern is finally getting what he deserves now that he is on XM Radio, and not regualr mainstream stations. He has almost no listeners anymore, because a lot of his fans ditched him for another radio program called "The Opie and Anthony Show".

As for the White idiots who clobber the crap out of one another over their respective predominantly-black sports teams...these people should be taken out back and shot. I almost got into a bit of a scrum with one of these idiots at a Jets game last year. You see, when I go out someplace, I tend to dress nicely. Well, apparently, this particular moron (in the row behind me at Giants stadium) had a problem with the business-style leather jacket that I had on, to which he then (in his drunken stupor) started loudly calling me "preppie". I felt so sorry for him, that I just let it go. In the long run, its not worth getting arrested over, and having my career ruined with a criminal record, because of some sub-human's idiotic behavior at a football game. Its also reasons like this, that I'm glad my parents got me into hockey at a young age, instead of football or basketball. Hockey tends to attract far less people like this (White idiots who are black nut-huggers), in both the game and in the stands.

The only time that I will ever throw down with someone is if I'm physically attacked or if one of the bruthas gets "too close" to my lovely other-half. Other than that, I maintain a very calm persona.

I got into it with some drunken idiot at a Dolphins game because I was wearing my Howie Long jersey when they were playing the Raiders. This idiot poured his beer on me. I really don't go to that many games anymore because I just can't bring myself to support a caste system that favors less talented blacks over more talented whites (affirmative action) but the stupid idiot white fans are the ones I've really come to despise, especially the ones who are apologetic to black criminal behavior. They would sell their own wives and daughters to one of these beasts as long as they gave their city a super bowl title
Bigunreal, outstanding commentary. You're a very wise fella!

GF, Howard Stern is a sewer rat and his "fans" are sheeple meets vermin. He's part of the mass-marketing and "mainstreaming" of immorality in our once great Republic!

Lance, I agree with you totally on the NFL. I've long stopped going to games or buying NFL gear. I'll catch some games on basic cable, but I'm avoiding directly subsidizing the bloated salaries of these overpaid, over-rated, overexposed, primadonnas (who're largely enabled by the socialist Caste System)!
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