True Story


Hall of Famer
Mar 18, 2007
New Jersey
I dont know how many of you guys are familiar with New Jersey. Anyways I live right next door to Garfield. Last month a black guy and spanish guy went to a polish bar over here. They started trouble with the Polish guys and got their asses kicked. The spanish kid had a broken nose and the black guy got kicked and cracked his head on the concrete. I heard it was a 2 on 2. Anyways the black guy went to the hospital and was in a coma. He died a few weeks ago. I have seen multiple articles about this in the paper. His wife stated she is going to call Al Sharpton because noone has been arrested and this was a racial situation. From what I hear blacks are coming over to Garfield now in groups of 10 and attacking people at polish bars. This was never covered by the news once. This is America.
Don't worry, it will make the news when the Poles kill a couple of black guys who were just 'visiting' the neighborhood.
You are about right, Shogun. By the way, I like your quote, it is head on.
whiteathlete33 said:
I dont know how many of you guys are familiar with New Jersey.  Anyways I live right next door to Garfield.  Last month a black guy and spanish guy went to a polish bar over here.  They started trouble with the Polish guys and got their asses kicked.  The spanish kid had a broken nose and the black guy got kicked and cracked his head on the concrete. I heard it was a 2 on 2. Anyways the black guy went to the hospital and was in a coma.  He died a few weeks ago.  I have seen multiple articles about this in the paper.  His wife stated she is going to call Al Sharpton because noone has been arrested and this was a racial situation.  From what I hear blacks are coming over to Garfield now in groups of 10 and attacking people at polish bars.  This was never covered by the news once.  This is America.

Bro, I live very close to that area and I play roller hockey in Wallington (the I.S.C.A. rink) and I know quite a few Polish and Eastern European guys from that area. As a culture, they don't think very highly of blacks at all. Also, there are a good number of Polish skinheads in that area (Lodi, Garfield, Wallington, Passaic, Clifton, etc.). There was this bar that they all used to hang out at in Clifton called "Dingos Den". I'm pretty sure they all still do.

However, if what you said is true about the blacks coming in and jumping people outside Polish bars, it won't last long. The Polish population in that area sticks together very closely and will put an end to it. Unlike most Americans, they DON'T tolerate thuggery and bad behavior from minorites.
Ground fighter, we also have lots of polish people over here in the UK. I worked with some Polish people (nice people when you get to know them) at my old job and I can definatly tell you that they do not like people of different colour and will certainly not take sh!t from them. They are generally big muscley people and certainly keep their community tight especially when living in other countries in areas (lower income) which have other minorities that they arn't used to. As for the American media coverage, it's just disgraceful to say the least.
A black guy and a Spanish guy go into a Polish bar ...

Furnish your own "punch" line.

Ha! Get it? PUNCH line! Ha!
Lance Alworth said:
We Eastern Euros dont back down from anything. Especially the hooting and hollering of black thugs

You got that right, Lance.

Ukranians = killing machines.
guys here is the update. Another article in the paaper today. They are making a huge race issue out of it. Turns out the polish guys that attacked him are already in Poland. blacks claiming racism. what about when we get attacked. you dont hear about it.
Does the paper where the article was published have a website? Please post the link.
No one has ever dared to comment on the plight of the Polish people. Many ethnic Poles were put into virtual slavery by the Nazis and throughout history have been oppressed by so many people. Everyone considers them stupid and inferior, and in 1900, the general, publicly held consensus in America was that Alpines(Poles and Slavs) were inferior to Nordics.
How many lightbulb jokes has Al Sharpton made you think? Probably a lot. Colbert ran a good Imus-spoof segment a while ago where he made fun of Hungarians and made it look like Sharpton was angry over his Hungarian jokes. It made a good point.
Sharpton has not only made countless insensitive comments to people, but has made more than a living making them. I have large amounts of ethnic Polish ancestry so hate this son of a bitch.
Freedom said:
No one has ever dared to comment on the plight of the Polish people. Many ethnic Poles were put into virtual slavery by the Nazis and throughout history have been oppressed by so many people. Everyone considers them stupid and inferior, and in 1900, the general, publicly held consensus in America was that Alpines(Poles and Slavs) were inferior to Nordics.
How many lightbulb jokes has Al Sharpton made you think? Probably a lot. Colbert ran a good Imus-spoof segment a while ago where he made fun of Hungarians and made it look like Sharpton was angry over his Hungarian jokes. It made a good point.
Sharpton has not only made countless insensitive comments to people, but has made more than a living making them. I have large amounts of ethnic Polish ancestry so hate this son of a bitch.
Having some relatives from Silesia I can tell you that Poland paid a heavy price when it was annexed by Germany and the Soviets in 39'. Also for about 60 years Polish people were either the citizens of the German empire or the Russian Empire. That's why people like Dirk Nowitzki have Polish surnames.
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