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  1. M

    ESPN & MMA

    Why did they change the rules of NHB (time limits, rounds, etc) from what they originally were back when Royce was tapping everyone out?
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    Black fighters booed

    Now that you mention it, that reminds me that Ed "Too Tall" Jones, of the Dallas Cowboys had a less than stellar performance when he tried boxing professionally.
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    Black fighters booed

    It will be interesting to see how the sport evolves in the next few years.
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    Black fighters booed

    I think that the fact should be brought up that this sport has only been active in the United States since circa 1993 (When Royce Gracie mowed everyone down), and mainstream popular over the last two years. In only 13 years exposure and 2 years mainstream time, its unlikely that we have seen...
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    Excuses for team USA failure

    When Dwyane Wade was asked during an impromtu interview during an NFL game what happened to the USA basketball team, he humbly answered "We lost". He didn't hide nor make any excuses. The guy that asked the question was that guy from ESPN's PTI.
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    More Wie, just the start...

    Wie can't fight the temptation of those sponsor paychecks. "Wie played at the urging of her sponsor, Swiss watchmaker Omega, which sponsors the tournament. She said attending high school in Hawaii for one week before arriving in Switzerland hampered her preparation. Wie plans to play in...
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    06 world Championships

    Root of U.S. team's problem may be NBA September 3, 2006 BY RICK TELANDER SUN-TIMES COLUMNIST
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    06 world Championships

    NBA should get off the world stage ason_whitlock/15428325.htm
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    06 world Championships

    Who is that "octopuss" (nickname) dude that plays for Greece and who was that he SCHOOLED from the US at the top of the circle? I would like to see some highlight clips of him
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    06 world Championships

    The U.S. can always play the "we didnt have Kobe or Shaq" card.
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    PGA Championship

    Can steroids aid a golfer like for example a baseball player? Wouldnt it be ironic if the worlds number 1 golfer was caught with performance enhancing drugs in his system? Are golfers even tested? He has put on A LOT of muscle over the past few years.
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    Vick v Urhlacher

    I apologize for not posting a source site.
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    Vick v Urhlacher

    I just found out that Urlacher has a mixed race child, a son. If this child grows up and becomes a world class athlete, will Urlacher get credit for passing on his competitive genetics?
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    Will the US teams preparation and familiarization to international rules make a difference this time around?
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    Michelle fails again: misses cut/withdraw

    How much is she paid in "appearance fees" to enter these tournaments?
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    U.S. Open

    I was rooting for Jim Furyk. IMHO, that is the guy thats on the cusp of greatness. His style of play to me is the epitome of concentration and technical execution. Give credit to Ogilvy. He grinded it out on a tough course and put himself in an excellent position to either win, go to playoff...
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    playoffs 2006

    FYI EVERY black person that I have discussed this series with (typical workplace watercooler discussion) has predicted the MAVS in six games. (some have even said 5 games) A common comment? "Dirk is going to score fifty (or is it fitty?) every game. There is NO ONE on the Heat that...
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    playoffs 2006

    LOL@White Shogun. This comment prompted me to lookup this definition online. I didn't find "professional troll" but I did find "internet troll" on wikipedia. "In Internet terminology, a troll is someone who comes into an established community...
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    playoffs 2006

    For the record My reasons for being here? I have joined other opinionated forums as well, such as; Pro Life forums Pro Choice forums Right wing forums Left wing forums Islamic forums Pro Black forums Pro...
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    playoffs 2006

    I watched the game at a country western bar in my area. Out of all the Big Screen TV's in this bar they had smallest TV in the joint tuned into the Mavs/Suns game. They had the volume muted at that so I had no idea that Dirk scored 50 until I saw it on sport center when I got home. But even...
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    playoffs 2006

    I certainly hope so. I found myself screaming at the TV last game, anticipating Dirk to take over. Go Mavs. Just think, the Suns/Nash are doing all of this WITHOUT Amare. Will Amare disrupt the Suns chemistry when he returns next season? Additionally, I really enjoyed the report on what Steve...
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    playoffs 2006

    Last night, because I was rooting for the Mavs, I wanted Dirk to take over the game (when it was still within reach) and lead the Mavs to victory.
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    Bill Laimbeer

    I didnt think Bill was clumsy at all. He had the best outside of range of any big man that played the game during that era. He also was an excellent passer and defender. Great foot speed. Lots of natural ability. All this went along with his reputation.Edited by: michiganblkman
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    Bill Laimbeer

    I remember Laimbeer and Mahorn being considered dirty. Not Rodman at that time however. Rodman didnt become dirty until after he left Detroit.
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    2006 Masters

    Why is Tiger even mentioned? Didn't Vijay also come in third as well? Where is the mentioning of him? Would Tiger even be an issue if Goosen or Els had won? I don' think it would be. There wasnt an issue when Beem and Furyk won. I think the golf/sports world needs a rivalry and Tiger...