06 world Championships

Jimmy Chitwood said:
Jorge Garbajosa and Juan-Carlos Navarro scored 20 points each, and Pau's little brother Marc and Felipe Reyes dominated "Baby Shaq", holding him to just 2 points.

Only two poiints?! That's hilarious! When I saw the highlights on ESPNews, they started off by showing a close up of his face as he walked to the court, and their first highlight of the game was those two measly stinkin' points! It just goes to show what ridiculous lengths the Caste Media will go to focus on the one black guy in the game. How bizarre and pathetic.
Concerning officiating of US games during the championships, I'm somewhat optimistic that in general, in the future officiating will not degenerate too badly, because I think it would be hard for an official who works on a color blind/ caste blind system in his normal job in a European league to shift over and think, "oh, now that I'm officiating against the US I have to give these rude, arrogant, spoiled NBA starts a break". Hopefully I'm not being optimistic, but I'm thinking unfair US officiating has a long, ingrained build-up that can't be created on demand on the international level.
Add in the factor that the U.S. is so unpopular around the world thanks to Bush and the neo-con madmen, and that includes resentment toward our arrogant, ultra-self-centered affletes as well.
Who is that "octopuss" (nickname) dude that plays for Greece and who was that he SCHOOLED from the US at the top of the circle?

I would like to see some highlight clips of him
So Spain wins in basketball!!Along with Sweden in hockey,Italy in soccer.By the way men did you notice Spain 9-0 and Greece 8-1 had a combined record of 17-1 while Senegal 0-5 and Nigeria 2-4 had a combined record of 2-9,so once again for all the world to see the Europeans proved far better in sports then the Africans.Where do the 4 Heavyweight champions come from?That's right Eastern Europe and the World's Strongest is from where? Poland!! Who won the most medals at the Winter Olympics-Germany!!So who won in soccer,hockey and basketball!!Now all you jock sniffers tell us who is better then who!!
michiganblkman said:
NBA should get off the world stage

http://www.kansascity.com/mld/kansascity/sports/columnists/j ason_whitlock/15428325.htm

Excellent find, mich. Thanks for posting it.

It's interesting that a black man is the author of this article. Have you come across anything similar written by a white journalist? I kinda think criticizing the play and the game of the Dream Team might be off the table for white journalists. What do you think?
I'm glad the US didn't win it all. I do wish Argentina had beaten them though.
great find michiganblkman! and an even better column.

I'll tell you what, that league better open its championship to global teams, or else quit blabbering about the NBA winner being ''WORLD CHAMP.''

i've been saying that for about 5 years now...
white is right said:
I actually thought the US might win or lose a squeeker because they were playing a "white" style of ball.

Yes, and this style of ball goes completely against "the world's greatest athletes" natural, me-first style. It is foreign to them, so why would anyone be surprised to see them lose to any cohesive team?
Jimmy Chitwood said:
great find michiganblkman! and an even better column.

I'll tell you what, that league better open its championship to global teams, or else quit blabbering about the NBA winner being ''WORLD CHAMP.''

i've been saying that for about 5 years now...
I recall NBA teams losing to Euro/Isreali teams in exhibition games recently. The gap has definately narrowed..........
Unlike the men nobody is a prima donna on the womens team. I don't mind team USA for the women. Also in womens ball if you go cold(shooting wise), you are all but done as there is no above the rim play.
white is right said:
Unlike the men nobody is a prima donna on the womens team. I don't mind team USA for the women. Also in womens ball if you go cold(shooting wise), you are all but done as there is no above the rim play.

Good points. But I'll take those tall blonde Russian women over what is past off as "our" women anyday. I'm sure you would too. This proves once again that the U.S. self-imposed caste system has ruined yet another sport. How much more evidence do we need?

Kaptain Poop said:
white is right said:
Unlike the men nobody is a prima donna on the womens team. I don't mind team USA for the women. Also in womens ball if you go cold(shooting wise), you are all but done as there is no above the rim play.

Good points. But I'll take those tall blonde Russian women over what is past off as "our" women anyday. I'm sure you would too. This proves once again that the U.S. self-imposed caste system has ruined yet another sport. How much more evidence do we need?


That is obviously a foul on the Russian!! Where's the whistle??!!

I don't follow women's basketball, but it's very cool that Russia beat the US and Australia beat Brazil. These two teams are as white as it gets!

Also, I like Autralia's uniforms.

Has anyone looked at this picture and wondered why this lady is trying to block the shot using only her index finger?
I like those pictures.Sometimes I forget to give thanks for our White ladies who give birth to our children.Well done ladies.
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