Michelle fails again: misses cut/withdraw

Solomon Kane

Jul 3, 2006
Yes, I know that "she's only 16" (an excuse which she and her defenders will always cite) but I can't resistpostingthis, especially as all the bozos on ESPN's "Around the Horn" predicted that she would make the cut.

After shooting a pooropening round of 77 (+6), and after 9 very mediocre holestoday (on one of the easier courses on the tour), Michelle "The Iron Asian Princess" Wie withdrew, apparently because of an impending sickness. Here's aclip from one of the reporters

"The 16-year-old phenom was taken to a hospital after withdrawing from the John Deere Classic with nine holes left Friday. She had struggled to keep herself from getting sick on a hot, steamy afternoon, and left the course in an ambulance, getting IV fluids.

"She's fine. She's getting better," Wie's father, B.J., said while his daughter was being treated at the course medical trailer.

Wie walked off the ninth hole on her own, but after talking with her parents said she couldn't play anymore. She then was taken to the course medical trailer, where she spent about 30 minutes before she was taken to the hospital.

This was Wie's fifth attempt at becoming the first woman since Babe Zaharias in 1945 to make a PGA Tour cut. But her chances at history were all but over after she opened with a 6-over 77 Thursday, leaving her 13 strokes behind the leaders and eight strokes over the projected cut line. She was at 2-over 37 when she withdrew Friday. "

By getting sick, Wie, of course,could avoid the embarrassing 5th media conference covering her failure to makeyet another cut. This girl has a singularlyunpleasant amount of egotism.

Hey Michelle, how about actually winningone women's event before you even compete on the men's tour? Hell, how aboutcoming in second?How about beating a youngtournament-winning white girllike Paula Creamer (who isonly 3 years older than you), before you presume to take on the guys? Also, Annika wonabout60LPGA tour events before she even considered playing in a men's event.Why can't you do the same? What's the matter? LPGA not good enough for you? And what's the deal with your lack of sportsmanship? Evey time you fall short, you never just frankly say that you played inadequately, that you just didn't get the job done, or even that your opponents played well.No.........It's always "bad breaks", "bees", and now, apparently,"the sun."

Get over yourself, Michelle,----and the media should get over you, too (but I doubt they will).
SK, good stuff as usual, exactly as I feel. I was thinking that Wie was a decent sort that was being pushed by the multi-cult media but I think she is beginning to show that she is a bit of an A-hole.

An ambulance and IV fluids, how lame. If she is too delicate to golf in the sun then she should go back home. This trying to make a men's tourniment is just getting so tiresome. But I don't think it will end.
It's kind of funny, since she lives in hawaii, where it's hot all the time.
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