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    Black on white attack on Halloween

    I blame the hate-filled, racist, white-skin privileged white girls. They were obviously out to cause hate crimes against these handsome, amiable, athletic young lads. They tried to hurt the fists, elbows and knees of the oppressed blacks with their evil white faces.
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    Michigan coaches for affirmative action

    If an NBA coach today started 5 whites he would be out of a job in a few hours. What progress we have made as a nation!
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    Michigan coaches for affirmative action

    Affirmative Action (racism) ban - YES Country Club Republicans like De Vos and George Allen - NO Yesteray was a great day!!!
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    Whites acting black

    Jason Williams ("White Chocolate") and Paul Spadafora (former lightweight boxing champ) are wiggers. I cheer for them against black opponents (Spaddy) or when Wiliams is the only white on the floor. Blacks still hate them even (perhaps especially) if they are wiggers. But I prefer white athletes...
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    Elections-more of the same, or worse?

    I live in Va. and voted for a conservative libertarian. Funny thing is, both Allen and Webb at one time were against affirmative action. Now they are fighting over who supports it more.
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    Least Racist Teams

    Last night the Raiders started 6 and the Seahawks 4 (will be 5 when Hasselbeck returns). Pathetic.
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    Lyakhovich round by round thread

    This is on Hopefully we will get a rematch: Former WBO Heavyweight Champion Sergei "The White Wolf" Liakhovich and his manager Ivaylo Gotzev are preparing an interesting case for review, in hopes of being granted an immediate rematch against Shannon Briggs. Liakhovich lost...
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    Least Racist Teams

    Too bad about the Titans. If they had a white QB they would be the best team to cheer for. At the rate Vince Young is going, they may have one soon.
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    Least Racist Teams

    Thanks Don. Your pre-season NFL reports are invaluable for following the season.
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    Least Racist Teams

    Can anyone tell me what team starts the most whites? The CF ratings had New England and Carolina starting 9 whites each. But last time I saw the Panthers (against Dallas) they only started 6 (all on offense). From what I can tell, here are the least racist teams in terms of starters: New...
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    Lyakhovich round by round thread

    Don't read too much into the Briggs win. Liakhovich fought a dumb fight but was a few seconds away from winning a unanimous decision. Briggs could not compete with Wlad or Valuev. Maskaev-Briggs would be a toss-up. In any event, Briggs first defense should be against Sultan Ibragimov who hits...
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    A new golden age of white boxing?

    15 of the 20 belts from heavyweight to middleweight are owned by whites. Boxing is better today than ever, as in the old days they didn't have to compete against Eastern Euros (because of communism). Maybe an asterisk needs to go by the names of Ali, Ray Leonard and Joe Louis?
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    No Freedom To Criticize T.J.

    Think Shannon Briggs will get fired for this remark? Or is this a little "different"? "Briggs claims that his fire has been fueled by a supposed racial remark directed toward him from Liakhovich. He angrily remarked, "I heard he called my a ****** through somebody else. That's a touchy...
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    Lyakhovich vs Briggs

    Briggs plays the race card. It'll be good to see him get his racist a** knocked out by the White Wolf. THis is from "Briggs claims that his fire has been fueled by a supposed racial remark directed toward him from Liakhovich. He angrily remarked, "I heard he called my a ******...
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    No Freedom To Criticize T.J.

    There is no clearer indication of the REAL racism in America than this incident.
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    Kelly Pavlik

    Fights tonight (Thursday)at 7:00 p.m. on the Versus network (formerly OLN) against Haitian Lenord Pierre (18-2). Pavlik, as Joe Kowalski notes, might be the best white American fighter. I think he'll be a champ in 2007.
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    Another one bites the dust.

    So a white man accuses a black man of making racist comments and whitey gets fired? What a double standard! This is why I no longer feel any loyalty to the racist U.S. My loyalty is to my race - just like every other race puts their own first.
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    Lyakhovich vs Briggs

    Notice Briggs is calling himself "The Great Black Hope?" At least ol' pineapple head is honest.
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    unstoppable affirmative action

    What do they mean by "underserved communities?" Why don't they just come out and say non-whites will get free money and special preferences. This is the day-to-day institutionalized racism in America that all whites face.
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    To be fair, Klitschko has (recently) been given a decent amount of exposure.
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    No American TV again for this heavyweight championship fight. Valuev will most likely KO the hapless Jamaican (Owen Beck). But nobody (save boxing fans) will know about it and Joe Sixpack will continue thinking Mike Tyson is still heavyweight champ. As Joe Kowalski notes in his columns...
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    Micheal Moore being sued

    The guy wrote a book called "Stupid White Men." He is a self-hating white and a hate criminal. No other race produces such a specimen.
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    Let's start over.....

    Didn't a white man hold the record in the 200 until very recently? I think it was an Italian or a Frenchman.
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    To the Members of Castefootball:

    I hate it when people say "people of color" instead of black. It makes it seem like the divide is between whites and everyone else. On most issues, the divide is between blacks and non-blacks.
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    All White Vs All Black

    The U.S. will never win a gold in basketball until it ends the anti-white racism so apparent in putting together the national team. Notice our "guest" doesn't even try to talk nonsense about boxing or any physical combat sport anymore. Remember guest, who owns who in fighting sports?